


Defect #99

URL Length limit with charts

Added by Patrick Talbot almost 14 years ago. Updated almost 14 years ago.

Target version:
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Browser (if web client):


If you are using Google charts, the maximum URL limit of the whole charts URL will be around 2000 characters (more or less)

With Eastwood, the maximum limit on the server side will be the one of the Tomcat server that Servoy is using, which by default is 8k = 8192 characters.
However, this limit can be increased in the /application_server/server/conf/server.xml file.

But this limit is only significant on the Smart client.

On the Web client however, another limit might break things before that: the one set by the browser itself.
@see for some info about that.

I have seen IE 7 breaking with a chart URL of 2138 characters. The chart didn't display because IE was not even trying to call the server.
The same URL used in Firefox worked without problems with Eastwood.

There is a "Simple" encoding that can be used, instead of the default "Extended" encoding.
One advantage is that it will shorten the URL produced, but the main drawback is that it will reduce the accuracy of the data, because instead of using floating point precision, all data will be rounded to integers.

I will probably add in a next release a way to switch automatically from 'extended' (the default) to 'simple' encoding, using an extra urlLimit parameter in the chart definition object. With this parameter set, the plugin will verify that the URL is under the given number of character, otherwise it will return a 'simple' encoding.

If you have comments about this feature, or think of a better way to handle this, please feel free to comment here or on the forum.



Updated by Patrick Talbot almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

urlLimit parameter added - see Revision r357
Will be released with v1.2.4+

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