-- MySQL dump 10.13 Distrib 5.1.44, for Win64 (unknown) -- -- Host: securities2.stanford.edu Database: robotlaw -- ------------------------------------------------------ -- Server version 5.0.51b-community-nt-log /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */; /*!40103 SET @OLD_TIME_ZONE=@@TIME_ZONE */; /*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */; /*!40014 SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0 */; /*!40014 SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' */; /*!40111 SET @OLD_SQL_NOTES=@@SQL_NOTES, SQL_NOTES=0 */; -- -- Not dumping tablespaces as no INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES table on this server -- -- -- Current Database: `robotlaw` -- CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/ `robotlaw` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */; USE `robotlaw`; -- -- Table structure for table `robotic_articles` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `robotic_articles`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `robotic_articles` ( `robotic_article_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `robotic_article_tstp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `creation_dt` date default NULL, `creation_time` time default NULL, `creation_tstp` datetime default NULL, `creation_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `modification_dt` date default NULL, `modification_time` time default NULL, `modification_tstp` datetime default NULL, `modification_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `article_category` varchar(255) default NULL, `article_title` varchar(255) default NULL, `article_date` date default NULL, `article_abstract` text, `article_author` varchar(255) default NULL, `article_source` varchar(255) default NULL, `article_url` varchar(255) default NULL, `tmp_pertaining_to_robot` varchar(255) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`robotic_article_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=67 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `robotic_articles` -- LOCK TABLES `robotic_articles` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_articles` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `robotic_articles` VALUES (1,'2010-10-23 18:05:39','2010-10-01','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-10-23','11:05:38','2010-10-23 11:05:38','jeremy','Bionics','A Bionic Future Within Its Grasp','2009-10-28','Touch Bionics, a small and ascending bionic company, can change the lives of their customers by allowing for effective bionic limbs. Touch Bionics combines robotics with the needs of people who have lost limbs. The company is right now on track to \"eventually end up as the company that makes possible the concept of a \'bionic person\'\".','Peter Marsh','Financial Times (Entrepreneurship)','http://www.ft.com/cms/s/bf9712c2-c326-11de-8eca-00144feab49a,Authorised=false.html?_i_location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ft.com%2Fcms%2Fs%2F0%2Fbf9712c2-c326-11de-8eca-00144feab49a.html%3Fnclick_check%3D1&_i_referer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.touchbionics.com%2Fpress%2Ftouc',NULL),(2,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Brain and Sex Functions (like a human)','Artificial Brain \'10 Years Away\'','2009-07-22','As there is more insight to the brain, it allows for discovery on how to emulate it, using neuroscience to see how \"a brain perceives the world\". Once this is discovered, there are thoughts that the human brain can be created, and then used as if it really was a human brain. The Blue Brain project is working on this, starting with animal brains but eventually wanting to create an artificial human brain.','Jonathan Fildes','BBC News','http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8164060.stm',NULL),(3,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Brain and Sex Functions (like a human)','What Is I.B.M.\'s Watson?','2010-06-14','IBM is coming back with a new machine to one-up its chess mastermind, Deep Blue. Watson is a super-machine that can decipher human language and correctly answer \"Jeopardy!\" questions that have complex jargon and wordplay with apparent ease. The complexity of \"Jeopardy!\" is that it cannot be reduced to simple math like chess. The computer must deal with \"intended meaning\". While it cannot replicate human wisdom, Watson is continuing to improve and is now a possibility in the medical world. Watson\'s ability to sift through massive data and come up with specific answers has hospitals wanting to use a machine like this to aid in research and quick service.','Clive Thompson','The New York Times','http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/20/magazine/20Computer-t.html','Watson (by IBM)'),(4,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Brain and Sex Functions (like a human)','I, Sexbot',NULL,'\"Robot sex\" is now a new gadget from \"yourtruecompanion.com\". The sex-doll can be a companion or a sex partner, complete with sexual relations and conversation. The idea spun from someone who wanted to create \"a robot with artificial intelligence and have it hold someone\'s personality and preferences\". The idea is that soon a robot can be a companion to a human.','No Author','Truecompanion.com','N/A',NULL),(5,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Cars','Autonomous Cars Will Make Us Safer','2009-11-16','Covering continued advancement of the automobile, Bartz believes that after the car prevents the driver from committing errors (\"auto-breaking, lane departure warning and adaptive cruise control\"), it will be \"programmed to drive like we do, letting us sit back, enjoy the ride\". With crash avoidance the most crucial aspect, Bartz believes that autonomous cars will create more safety, instead of less. While he does not address the legal implications of advancing autonomous vehicles, he does see a simple type of driving in the future, with little to no worry.','Daniel Bartz','wired.com','http://www.wired.com/autopia/2009/11/autonomous-cars/',NULL),(6,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Cars','How to Apply Traffic Rules and Tort Law to Autonomous Cars?','2010-05-15','A social discussion session on the future of the automobile. Cars are such a central part of society but what happens when cars can become independent letting its driver do what they please. Also included are the implications of traffic law. (Just a discussion section not article).','Sven Beiker','Stanford, Campus Advertisement','N/A',NULL),(7,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Computer liability','Impose Market Order, and Avoid an Encore of the May 6 Follies','2010-05-14','The strange stock market movement on May 6 indicated a problem. Companies\' shares dropped tremendously before immediately resurfacing back to the approximate area where they had been. This caused serious problems for people with stop-loss orders and many retail investors. This article indicates how regulations haven\'t been able to keep up with increasingly computerized systems. Brokerage firms have a responsibility to know the algorithms they are using and be able to protect their customers from ridiculous sell-orders that are only put into actions through computerized mistakes. Brokers must meet their \"best execution\" responsibilities. Programs kept investors away from stocks and those programs promoted the downfall of every stock that fell.','Floyd Norris','The New York Times','N/A',NULL),(8,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Computer liability','The Tremors from a Coding Error','2010-06-20','Quant funds create an interesting scenario: investing trusting large amounts of money in computer programs and algorithms they don\'t understand. A raising issue is when the quant companies divulge a report of an error. AXA Rosenberg appears to have both waited to correct the error, and waited even longer to notify clients. Not only that, a quantitative research firm believes that AXA Rosenberg should have been aware of the abberation six months before they even found out about it. This issue brings up the problems of how companies relate to their clients around technological issues that their clients do not understand. While AXA Rosenberg waited to divulge, some companies don\'t divulge errors at all.','Jeff Sommer','The New York Times','http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/20/business/20stra.html',NULL),(9,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Copyright','Caulfield Meets Quixote','2010-06-20','Copyright laws allow for the creator of a character to prevent its use in other writings. However, copyright law creates, in the long run, a lot of opportunity costs.A book that would have come out (about J.D. Salinger\'s Holden Caulfield) must now be held back, because Salinger deserves exclusive rights to his characters. Issues arise when an author\'s creation (meant for the world) becomes their \"sale\" to the world. And copyright law, maneuvering from this viewpoint, \"allows one artist to deny each and every one of us the possibility of other worthy works of art\".','Edward A. Fallone','Marquette Lawyer','N/A',NULL),(10,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Copyright','The Windmill\'s Reply','2010-06-20','As copyright law remains a major issue, there becomes problems with exactly what is being protected. Authors create universes, and this is why their copyright laws are more comprehensive that patents. In Boyden\'s opinion, the rule should be kept simple, that authors have exclusive rights to their derivative works, because an author has a right to continue their universe.','Bruce E. Boyden','Marquette Lawyer','N/A',NULL),(11,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Copyright','Looking Backward and the Fallone-Boyden Debate','2010-06-20','Edward Bellamy\'s famous book, Looking Backward, has about 62 novels of which it inspired, which used his same world and characters. Bellamy did not protest because it was better for the world around him. This is why copyright law should not be a stringent as Boyden suggests.','J. Gordon Hylton','Marquette Lawyer','N/A',NULL),(12,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Copyright','Harry Potter and the Unauthorized Sequel','2010-06-20','Using a hypothetical example that J.K. Rowling sent her series outline to Bloomsbury Publishing, and they reshape it with a different author (Rowling in turn gets nothing), Boyden points out that without stringent copyright laws, the fine line can be the difference between the Rowling who gets nothing and the Rowling who earns all she deserves from her mega-hit books.','Bruce E. Boyden','Marquette Lawyer','N/A',NULL),(13,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Copyright','What Is an Author?','2010-06-20','One can think of an author as socially constituted. With all the commodification of novels, authors can become alienated from their creative works. By recognizing the social aspect of authorship, the beauty can remain and authors can become less alienated from their works.','David R. Papke','Marquette Lawyer','N/A',NULL),(14,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Copyright','I Am the Author','2010-06-20','A \"work of art (is) not limited to an artist\'s intent or interpretation\". People should be allowed to interpret and use art in how it relates to them, not how it was originally intended to relate to them. This is due to the social collective that art can become.','Richard M. Esenberg','Marquette Lawyer','N/A',NULL),(15,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Copyright','More on Literary Characters and Copyright Law','2010-06-20','Jim Fallone, Ed\'s brother and lifelong member of the publishing industry: J.D. Salinger is able to keep his reputation through his lack of exploration of sequels. He should have the right to keep that reputation. It would be unfair for someone to devalue the carefully created world that Salinger made. Looking Forward is different because it is a commentary on the socialist model. When that book was written, it was meant to spur debate and promote recreation.','Edward A. Fallone','Marquette Lawyer','N/A',NULL),(16,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Fear and Liability as a Result of Innovation','Scientists Worry Machines May Outsmart Man','2009-07-26','A group of computer scientists are now debating whether there should be limits on the research and development of artificial intelligence. There are worries that humans may give robots too much of a hold in society (with both labor and intelligence). Scientists fear that the \"intelligence explosion\" will create disruptions and have \"dangerous consequences\".','John Markoff','New York Times','http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/26/science/26robot.html',NULL),(17,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Fear and Liability as a Result of Innovation','Stanford studies Ethical Issues Posed by Robots','2009-12-07','As we share more space with robots, issues will arise on liability, regulations, and human reaction. Programming adds another element because there are issues of where the liability lies. There are issues of robots not \"obeying\" their master. The results of this and liabilities can be extremely complicated.','No Author','Stanford News','N/A',''),(18,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Fear and Liability as a Result of Innovation','Can Robots Be Trusted?','2010-02-01','Different types of robots like \"nexi,\" \"zeno,\" and \"kobian,\" are new inventions that effectively relate to humans. The worries of robots threat to humans power has been consistent for almost 100 years. Now, the worry might be that these new \"social robots\" will create a human dependency and enjoyment that makes society socially reliant on robots. The \"uncanny valley,\" a humans\' natural repulse to robots, is broken easily with these social robots because they are created in order to do that. A growing fear is that human interaction will be outsourced to robots. And as these social robots move forward, the law remains behind. Fear will increase if there is legal uncertainty regarding these burgeoning robots. And while fear increases, these robots appear to be able to easily secure a place in humans\' hearts. This contradiction will be an issue as laws and progress occurs with social robots.','Erik Sofge','Popular Mechanics, February 2010 Edition','http://www.popularmechanics.co.za/content/general/singlepage.asp?fid=1887&pno=1','Zeno (Hanson robotics), Kobian (Tmusk/Waseda University), Nexi (MIT)'),(19,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','New Robots','The Loneliest Humanoid in America','2009-07-12','Japan and South Korea right now dominate robot innovation. However, in only six months, Virginia tech students and a professor created CHARLI, the autonomous humanoid robot that they expect to play in the 2010 RoboCup. Japan uses their robots as a open-ended vision. America falls behind Japan and South Korea because their unwillingness to fund projects that don\'t provide instant gratification. Short-term oriented funding and less overall funding is becoming a problem for America. Due to the lack of cohesion, American companies are creating products that could be synthesized together but do not have access to. In Korea and Japan, the connection between industry and research facilities is also stronger. This allows for more open source development and progress. While America doesn\'t provide much in terms of autonomous robots, CHARLI is the first (tiny) step in eventually having a robot caretaker and helper.','Jacob Ward','Popular Science','http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2010-07/loneliest-humanoid-america','CHARLI'),(20,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots Ability to Harm','Robot-Inflicted Injuries Studied','2010-05-07','Robots helping around the home sounds nice, but in reality, robots can be very dangerous. German researchers looked into whether robot arms could be lethal. As they gave the robot a variety of tools to strike into soft tissue, they did prove that robots can be lethal. Later, they will look into affects of robots bumping into people, but for now it appears that the slashing injuries can be lethal.','No Author','BBC News','http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10102398',''),(21,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots Ability to Harm','Knife-wielding Robots Could Invade the Kitchen','2010-05-18','The Roomba implies future innovation, but when robots start to engage in edgier tasks--such as cutting vegetables, humans will need to trust them. Robots can inflict lethal wounds, but the system needs to be \"smart\". And the lead researcher was willing to put his arm out to test the robot with a knife. He barely got a scratch, because the robot was able to understand that it was a human it was cutting into. If robots can eventually securely attain this control, then having robots working in the house will not be as frightening as has been predicted.','Adam Hadhazy','msnbc.com','http://www.livescience.com/technology/Knife-Wielding-Robots-Kitchen-100518.html','Roomba'),(22,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots and Injury','Swedish Factory Fined $3,000 for Robot Attack','2009-04-29','The factory was recently fined for a 2007 incident when a man attempted to repair a machine without properly checking the power supply. The machine used to lift rocks started lifting the man\'s head, breaking four of his ribs.  The company was required to pay a fine due to \"inadequate safety procedures\".','Austin Modine','The Register','http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/04/29/swedish_factory_robot_attack/',NULL),(23,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots and Injury','Florida Man Killed by Computerized Vehicle While Inspecting Tracks','2009-06-20','A computerized vehicle in Miami had stopped while a station worker was inspecting the tracks. The vehicle, not driven by a conductor, started to move forward for an unknown reason. The result was the death of the worker inspecting the tracks.','No Author','Associated Press/Fox News','http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,527943,00.html',NULL),(24,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots and Injury','Woman Found Dead at McDonald\'s Processing Plant','2009-07-21','A woman was killed by a \"malfunctioning robot\". After attempting to remove a box from the machine, the worker was grabbed by the machine (after entering the \"red zone,\" apparently), and jerked around eventually causing death.','No Author','The Inquisitr/Fox News','http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,534316,00.html',NULL),(25,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots and Labor/Jobs','Robots Set to Overhaul Service Industry, Jobs','2008-02-25','Robots are starting to replace humans in jobs. However, at this point it will take robots time to comprehend the complexity of human interaction. Robots are there in order to allow for the trained professionals to do what they are trained to. Eventually, those in the service industry will lose their jobs but there will be a natural shift. Robots will also open up new jobs--similar to the jobs opened up by the introduction of personal computers into the workplace.','Tom A. Peter','The Christian Science Monitor','http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2008/0225/p01s01-usgn.html',NULL),(26,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots and Labor/Jobs','Will Robots Be Taking Your Job?','2008-10-28','Marshall Brain sees \"devastating effects\" on all of us in 20-30 years with \"an increasingly automated economy,\" as presented at the Singularity Summit. Issues have arisen on whether the introduction of robots for labor will increase or decrease total human employment. While we don\'t have the answers, the questions are becoming more and more relevant to our times.','Rich Pell','EE Times','http://www.eetimes.com/electronics-blogs/industrial-control-designline-blog/4030462/Will-robots-be-taking-your-job-',NULL),(27,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots and Labor/Jobs','Is It Brad or Is It Fake?','2009-04-20','Benjamin Button, played by Brad Pitt, is breaking the \"uncanny valley\" between real and fake. The partially computer-generated character has raised the question of whether or not an actor can be entirely computer-generated. First and foremost, it must appear to be human in every way.','Sarah McBride','The Wall Street Journal','http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123980973974821393.html',NULL),(28,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots and Labor/Jobs','Look Out! The Robots Are Coming to Take Your Job Away','2009-11-26','In Tokyo, robots are beginning to take over human jobs that they can perform \"quicker and better\". Companies and universities researching robots are now expected to deliver the goods.','Leo Lewis and Joseph Hood','The Sunday Times','http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article6931585.ece',NULL),(29,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots and Labor/Jobs','Just Like Mombot Used to Make','2010-02-24','Here\'s a robot that can make meals and snacks and interact with the people it serves. The \"Snackbot\" is about approachability and ability to make good food. 2 robots represent the main chef and the sous-chef (manager and deputy manager) for which the humans work for. One can teach the robot how to make food,a dn the robot will oblige. The Snackbot is about showing that robots can successfully engage in \"homo-robo relations\".','Ian Daky','The New York Times','http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/24/dining/24robots.html','SnackBot'),(30,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots and Labor/Jobs','Soon \'The New Guy\' at Work May Be a Robot','2010-06-08','Robots are now being used more and more in everyday society (like the hospital robot, \"tuggette\"). Robots are becoming more safe for humans to interact with on a day-to-day basis. Many companies are now moving forward, placing \"robots in unconventional settings\". Robots are starting to fulfill tasks in warehouses, hospitals, and hazardous jobs. Companies are leasing robots more and more, as they become the new and growing workforce. While industrial workplaces have used robots for a while, their expansion seems to be coming. Certain jobs are much more suited for robots, either due to cost, human error, or hazardous areas.','Rachael King','msnbc.com','http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37542194/ns/business-bloomberg_businessweek/',NULL),(31,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots and Labor/Jobs','Computers Learn to Listen, and Some Talk Back','2010-06-25','We are now moving into an age where robots can communicate more and more like humans. Starting with avatars that can communicate on a basic level, robots are also now able to take a place as an assistant, or communicate and dissect telephone customer service conversations. At Panasonic, automated systems handle half their calls--more effectively and more cost-efficient than before. These new robots will eliminate many jobs and create some; an unfortunate side effect may be an increased barrier between the lower class and the upper-middle and upper class. While robots have certain problems regarding natural human communication, they are getting better. And while they continue to have errors and problems (for which humans must carefully account for), the intelligence is only getting better.','Steve Lohr and John Markoff','The New York Times','http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/25/science/25voice.html',NULL),(32,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots and Labor/Jobs','Time Machine: Emma\'s Legal Education, 2025','2010-02-01','In 2025, Emma experiences a different type of law education, taught and graded by robots. The only human involved in her education is the \"coordinator,\" who was a lawyer working part-time.','Paul Boudreaux','Journal of Legal Education, Volume 59, Number 3','N/A',NULL),(33,'2010-09-05 07:27:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots Entering People','Ubiquitous Human Computing','2008-07-31','Soon in the future, and even now, mental contracting will become more and more prominent. Examples are found in the company LiveOps. Soon, peoples\' work will become disconnected from the company they serve. However, it doesn\'t stop there. Human sensors will soon be crucial to keeping track of a company\'s assets. Beyond this, sensors allow for workers\' apparent independence while being monitored. Sensors will allow for a better look into fighting diseases and solving problems. Their use will depend mostly on who controls it. As human computing advances, the biggest question mark and most notable effect will be how it intertwines with people and their reactions. In order to be successful with human computing, humans must first realize their baseline values with which they want to build on and never put into the background.','Jonathan Zittrain','Harvard Law School','N/A',NULL),(34,'2010-09-05 07:27:42','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots Entering People','Humanity 2.0: Downsides of the Upgrade','2009-02-10','Singulairty University is about a time where progress is so rapid that humans will be able to \"transcend our biological limitations\". Brains must have computers incorporated into them in order to increase capability, Ray Kurzweil says. He conveys his belief that eventually we will all be reprogrammed, and those who aren\'t will fall behind. Kurzweil believes that the risk can be controlled, and eventually humans will have a decision, a very chilling decision: stay with their brain, or reprogram and move onto a combined computer-human brain that is more powerful.','Michael Shapinker','Financial Times','N/A',NULL),(35,'2010-09-05 07:27:42','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots Entering People','NASA Ames Helps Singularity University Get Off the Ground','2009-06-19','The new university, Singularity University, is about using new technologies to creatively solve global problems. The university will use nanotechnology to try to change the world (\"positively impact 1 billion people worldwide in 10 years by leveraging accelerating technologies\"). Singularity may be the ray of light that works against this \"potential climate catastrophe,\" a \"game changer\" to the idea that \"we\'re pushing systems beyond their ability to rebound\". Singularity University also wants to proceed cautiously. It is not simply about creating machines and computers with power, but using the in the right way, harnessing them to have a positive impact in society.','Mary Duan','The San Jose Business Journal','http://sanjose.bizjournals.com/sanjose/stories/2009/06/22/story9.html',NULL),(36,'2010-09-05 07:27:42','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots Entering People','Merely Human? That\'s So Yesterday','2010-06-11','As it examines the future of humanity, this article looks at how machines and humans will live side by side. Eventually, \"human beings and machines will so effortlessly merge that poor health, the ravages of old age and even death itself will all be things of the past\". Life will take on a different form as a result of singularity. The goal of Singularity University, \"to prepare people to advance,\" is expressed in internal reprogramming as well as external robots. Ray Kurzweil expresses his thoughts of exponential growth. He believes that technology will grow so quickly that he could become immortal. While seeing a future where one can back up their own brain, others see Kurzweil as crazy.','Ashlee Vance','The New York Times','http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/13/business/13sing.html',NULL),(37,'2010-09-05 07:27:42','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots Entering People','Letters: Sizing Up the Singularity (A response to \"Merely Human? That\'s So Yesterday\")','2010-06-20','Andrews: Let us not forget who we are. Our joy comes from our suffering. Being human is about mortality and pain. Quoting Troy: \"The gods envy us because we\'re mortal\". Comer: If we can transcend the mind, we should use this to cure the current state of the Gulf of Mexico (post BP oil spill). Braaten: Great technology is only as good as the brains behind it. Has world poverty yet been ended?','Ryan Andrews, Milton Comer, Jane Braaten','The New York Times','http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/20/business/20backpage.html',NULL),(38,'2010-10-23 17:42:14','2010-10-23','09:37:37','2010-10-23 09:37:37','jeremy','2010-10-23','10:42:14','2010-10-23 10:42:14','jeremy','Robots Entering People','Google and Nasa Back Visions of Computers Smarter than Humans',NULL,'This article introduces the new school that Google and Nasa each are behind: Singularity University. This school is about preparing \"scientists for an era when machines become cleverer than people\". Many technologies are advancing quickly now and he university is looking into electronics, computers, robotics, and genetics.','David Gelles','Financial Times','N/A',''),(39,'2010-09-05 07:27:42','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots in Healthcare/ Surgery','Rise of the Helpful Machines','2010-07-01','This article lists 10 helpful machines that will be coming out soon to help the elderly, disabled, and those at hospitals. Each has a different personality and function. Most are not autonomous, but some (like Kompai, and in the future HERB) act autonomously to a certain extent. This depicts a changing in caretaking from more humans to a growth of robots. Autonomous robots (and other relevant/found) are listed in \"robotic products and offerings\".','Corey Binns','Popular Science','http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2010-07/rise-helpful-machines','Kompai, HERB, CardioARM'),(40,'2010-09-05 07:27:42','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots in Healthcare/ Surgery','Robot Boosts Hip Surgery Success','2008-02-10','Researchers say that a surgical robot makes hip operations simple. This allows for students even to be able to do hip surgeries with good results. The surgeons can practice the operation \"virtually\" before an actual surgery, allowing for less experienced surgeons and even students to experience the presise process of being the main surgeon.','No Author','BBC News Health Report','http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7234794.stm',''),(41,'2010-09-05 07:27:42','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots in Healthcare/ Surgery','Robot Reinvents Bypass Surgery','2008-04-30','There are \"pioneers reinventing the bypass operation\". Mortality rates have dropped, recoveries are easy, and Sudhir Srivastava has become a master at robot bypass surgery. With the steep learning curve, it will be hard for others to quickly jump in, but as Dr. Srivastava has shown, once a doctor can utilize the robot correctly, it can be a great help for the doctor and the patients.','Steve Sternburg','USA Today','http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2008-04-29-robot-surgery_N.htm','da Vinci (Intuitive Surgical)'),(42,'2010-09-05 07:27:42','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots in Healthcare/ Surgery','Robot Changing the Way Doctors Operate','2008-07-28','The da Vinci is a very attractive machine. It allows for \"less blood loss, smaller incisions, shorter hospital stays and faster recoveries\". Doctors prefer not needing to rely on an assitant, and performing faster surgeries. Robotics may be the \"future of surgery\". The one downside is that it takes time to learn on the da Vinci (about \"100 real surgeries to be proficient\"), and this steep learning curve will make it hard for da Vinci to penetrate into the mainstream.','Patty Pensa','Chicago Tribune','http://www.chicagotribune.com/topic/sfl-flprobot0728sbjul28,0,6236258.story','da Vinci (Intuitive Surgical)'),(43,'2010-09-05 07:27:42','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots in Healthcare/ Surgery','Robots Back Up Doctors at O.C. Hospitals','2009-03-10','Robots are allowing for doctor-patient communcation (not \"impersonal at all\"), remote exams, assisting surgeries, and preparing pharmaceuticals. These robots have been a major help and for lease at $6,500 a month. The robots benefits clearly outweigh the costs.','Courtney Perkes','The Orange County Register','http://www.ocregister.com/articles/robot-39459-hospital-moullet.html',NULL),(44,'2010-09-05 07:27:42','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots in Healthcare/ Surgery','Results Unproven, Robotic Surgery Wins Converts','2010-02-14','Some leaders see new robot advances as outpacing what humans should actually use. \"Often, technology spreads long before investigators know whether it is worthwhile\". In the end, there are people on both sides of the fence as to whether these advances in robotics are worthwhile, now. Dr. Herbert Lepor of NYU states that \"robotic surgery has to be better to justify its (long) learning curve\".','Gina Kolata','The New York Times','http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/14/health/14robot.html',''),(45,'2010-09-05 07:27:42','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots in Healthcare/ Surgery','Surgical Robot Examined in Injuries','2010-05-04','The new \"da Vinci\" robot (worth $1.4 million) is about making surgery less invasive. However, the robot has been causing harm to patients in several surgeries. Some hospitals use the da Vinci more commonly, and now there is a \"medical arms race…based on the marketing prowess of suppliers, not necessarily on the public good\". The robots are causing injuries in routine surgeries and bringing into question whether it is ok to use these robots instead of just using a trained surgeon.','John Carreyrou','The Wall Street Journal','http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304703104575173952145907526.html','da Vinci (Intuitive Surgical)'),(46,'2010-09-05 07:27:42','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots in Healthcare/ Surgery','Letters to the Editor: Robots Have a Place When Used by Trained Surgeons','2010-05-10','While Robot surgeries aren\'t bad, it takes \"time and effort\". Surgeons have to be involved also, and ensure there are no hasty approaches (Cheng). With good doctors, the da Vinci works, and works well (Voorhis). \"Due diligence\" is crucial prior to surgeries (Gromala).','No Author. Commentors: Andrew T. Cheng, Joseph Van Voorhis, Joseph Gromala, ','The Wall Street Journal','http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704370704575228341767195372.html','da Vinci (Intuitive Surgical)'),(47,'2010-09-05 07:27:42','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots in Healthcare/ Surgery','Botched Operation Using da Vinci Robot Spurs Lawsuit','2010-05-25','A woman whose ureters were cut in da Vinci surgery (hysterectomy) filed a lawsuit against the hospital and the two surgeons. This injury was cited in the article \"Surgical Robot Examined in Injuries\". Issues arise on whether there was enough training prior to surgery, even though the doctors that performed the surgery had a high success rate.','John Carreyrou','The Wall Street Journal','http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703341904575266952674277806.html','da Vinci (Intuitive Surgical)'),(48,'2010-09-05 07:27:42','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots in Healthcare/ Surgery','The New Face of Therapy','2010-06-01','Robots in therapy can bring helpful aid and joy to children with autism because of predictability. These robots not only are \"smart\" enough, they also show predictable emotion to children trying to break out of their shell. Robots aren\'t necessarily a \"substitute for other people\" in therapy. They\'re \"a catalyst\".','Gregory Mone','Popular Science, pg 68-73, June 2010 edition','http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2010-05/humanoid-robots-are-new-therapists',NULL),(49,'2010-09-05 07:27:42','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots in Healthcare/ Surgery','Endometriosis? Robot Surgery May Not Be the Answer','2010-06-15','According to a new study, robots are not helping doctors with surgeries but take longer. Using a sample of 39 surgeries on women with endometrosis--with and without a robot--researchers found that while recovery and blood loss were the same, robot surgeries took longer. Longer surgeries mean more tired sergeons. However, if the surgeries were more complex, the robot may help.','Genevra Pittman','reuters.com','http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE65E5PQ20100615',''),(50,'2010-09-05 07:27:42','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots in Healthcare/ Surgery','A Soft Spot for Circuitry','2010-07-05','Paro is a robot \"baby harp seal\" that helps elders with dementia. It acts with sensors, \"perks up at the sounds of its name, [and] praise\". It reacts to light, temperature, and sound. Paro can take the place of people and help the elderly. Some see the use of robots to imply low status to the elderly, however. Paro will eventually be substituted in many cases for family and friends. When around many people, the robot can also facilitate human interaction. Because humans are naturally built with easily triggered emotions, Paro is able to affect emotional involvement even though humans know it\'s not real.','Amy Harmon','The New York Times','http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/05/science/05robot.html','Paro'),(51,'2010-09-05 20:08:01','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-05','13:08:01','2010-09-05 13:08:01','jeremy','Robots in the Military','Robots Go Under the Seas','2007-07-16','The REMUS (Remote Environmental Measuring UnitS) is an AUV (autonomous underwater vehicle) that patrols for mines so that humans don\'t need to participate in the dangerous underwater jobs. REMUS has to be smart because it cannot be human-controlled due to the fact that radio waves do not penetrate well through water. Wow','Hiawatha Bray','Boston Globe','http://www.boston.com/business/technology/articles/2007/07/16/robots_go_under_the_seas/','REMUS'),(52,'2010-09-05 07:27:42','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots in the Military','Military Use of Robots Increases','2008-08-05','The military has a goal of having 30% of the Army comprised of robots by 2020 (also known as autonomous systems). Right now, the Packbot, from iRobot, is making waves as a strong military robot. There are many PackBots stationed out in Iraw and Afghanistan, working for the U.S. military. The introduction of robots continue as technology continues to grow. While humans want robots to be a good asset, it is still important to understand that humans should be making all of the important decisions in wartime. Robots cannot be assigned too much responsibility.','ScienceDaily Staff','Science Daily News, sciencedaily.com','http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/08/080804190711.htm','PackBot (iRobot)'),(53,'2010-09-05 07:27:42','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots in the Military','A Soldier, Taking Orders From Its Ethical Judgment Center','2008-11-25','Robots can do things in the military in a way humans can\'t: they can act without anger, fear, or recklessness. But, they also don\'t have the decision-making ability of humans: ability to distinguish between two different lethal actions. Robots need to find a space in the military where they can kill when needed but also be careful to only positively impact the side they are working for.','Cornelia Dean','The New York Times','http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/25/health/25iht-25robots.18126102.html',NULL),(54,'2010-09-05 07:27:42','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots in the Military','Military\'s Killer Robots Must Learn from Warriors\' Code','2009-02-16','The world risks serious atrocities if future robots are not programmed to live by the \"warrior code\". The report is funded by the US Navy\'s Office of Naval Research. It shows that if autonomous robots are not carefully programmed, there could be serious problems in their relationship with the soldiers they are fighting for. It\'s hard to predict while programming the robot its actual outcomes, which makes liability issues so key. There must be a code to keep autonomous robots working within certain bounds.','Leo Lewis','The Sunday Times','http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article5741334.ece',NULL),(55,'2010-09-05 07:27:42','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots in the Military','Robots that Kill for America','2009-05-14','Robots in war are now the most prominent automous robots in known in the world. In the early stages, robots have been a great addition. Simple tasks are the main focus, but with more complexity comes more issues around how war is carried out and the legal implications of complex robots being a centerpiece of an army in the war.','Quentin Hardy','Forbes.com','http://www.forbes.com/2009/05/14/robots-war-military-technology-personal-tech-robots.html',NULL),(56,'2010-09-05 07:29:39','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','Robots in the Military','South Korea Deploys Robot Capable of Killing Intruders along Border with North','2010-07-13','Two robots with surveillance and tracking and equipped guns are now bordering South Korea, capable of killing intruders. The robot uses heat and motion sensors to detect possible threats and alerts command centers. If the command center can\'t identify the intruders, then the commander can order the robot to fire its gun or fire a grenade. This concept brings up issues of something such as a spring gun which fires automatically without knowledge of what\'s on the other end.','No Author','UK Telegraph','http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/southkorea/7887217/South-Korea-deploys-robot-capable-of-killing-intruders-along-border-with-North.html',''),(57,'2010-09-14 23:14:24','2010-09-13','11:16:35','2010-09-13 11:16:35','jeremy','2010-09-14','16:14:24','2010-09-14 16:14:24','jeremy','Robots and Labor/Jobs','The Boss Is Robotic, and Rolling Up Behind You','2010-09-04','This article outlines the ability of robots to allow for widespread contact. For instance, robotics has allowed for a doctor to be in direct communication with his patient. Robots that allow for communication are more effective than teleconferencing because of the contact and ability to “roll” the robot. Issues are beginning to arise as to whether these robots will start to turn into a means of oppression; for example, a boss may use the robot to look after employees when they would otherwise not be. Overall, the good looks to outweigh the bad at the moment. These robots have the capabilities to help the elderly and disabled with a much higher volume as doctors can report from any location. However, long term implications will be more interesting to dissect and understand.','John Markoff','New York Times','http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/05/science/05robots.html?_r=1',NULL),(58,'2010-09-14 23:14:24','2010-09-14','16:13:48','2010-09-14 16:13:48','jeremy','2010-09-14','16:13:48','2010-09-14 16:13:48','jeremy','Robots and Labor/Jobs','Students, Meet Your New Teacher, Mr. Robot','2010-07-10','These \"social\" robots can interact well with children and can teach somewhat effectively. Social robots have now allowed a space for educational exploration. These robots can help in both educational aspects of growth and social aspects. They also have the ability to autonomously learn as they teach. RUBI is a robot that can teach and interact with children. RUBI is an autonomous robot and it has ability to communicate effectively with children. When RUBI cries, children attempt to comfort RUBI. The robots have an important rhythm, not to respond to quickly or too slowly. The researchers at all the different institutions (Georgia Tech, University of Southern California, University of Connecticut, UC San Diego) are interested in getting at the foundation of human learning and how that can be transposed into machine learning. ','Benedict Carey and John Markoff','New York Times','http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/11/science/11robots.html?_r=1',NULL),(59,'2010-09-24 21:15:09','2010-09-24','14:10:48','2010-09-24 14:10:48','jeremy','2010-09-24','14:15:08','2010-09-24 14:15:08','jeremy','Robots and Labor/Jobs','Robot footballers \'will beat Human Race first eleven by 2050\'','2010-09-14','A top Australian computing expert, Calude Sammut, after analyzing the play in the \"RoboCup\" of now, believes that the best eleven players of soccer in the human race will lose to eleven robots in 2050. RoboCup now aims to have autonomous robots that, like the machines that can beat grandmasters in chess, can beat the best humans without any help from other humans.','Lewis Page','The Register','http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/09/14/robot_football_dominance/',NULL),(60,'2010-09-24 21:26:15','2010-09-24','14:15:13','2010-09-24 14:15:13','jeremy','2010-09-24','14:15:13','2010-09-24 14:15:13','jeremy','Robots in the Military','When Machines Kill','2010-09-22','The expansion of unmanned weapons in international warfare has increased steadily over the past ten years. There are new ethical and legal concerns brought up by the new surge of robotics weapons, one big one being robots ability to decide whether or not to kill. At this point, robots are not making discretionary decisions, and, if they are, they are preprogrammed to make those decisions by a human. Mariner indicates how interesting it will be as we step into the future of whether or not robots will comply or go against the laws of war.','Joanne Mariner','CounterPunch','http://www.counterpunch.org/mariner09222010.html',NULL),(62,'2010-10-01 22:26:15','2010-09-24','15:48:00','2010-09-24 15:48:00','jeremy','2010-09-24','15:48:20','2010-09-24 15:48:20','jeremy','Robots in the Military','Battlefield Robotics: A New “Leash” on Unmanned Life','2010-09-13','Soldiers and robots will soon be collaborating as partners on the battlefield. While it is hard to allow for machines to experience what humans can, some companies have already started. Boston Dynamics\' BigDog is one that is working with DARPA to eventually work alongside humans on the battlefield. Soldiers are already comfortable with robots now on the battlefield and working with them in all areas of the military.','Beverly T. Schaeffer','SIGNAL Magazine','http://www.afcea.org/signal/signalscape/index.php/2010/09/battlefield-robotics-a-new-leash-on-unmanned-life/',NULL),(63,'2010-10-04 17:32:58','2010-10-04','10:15:28','2010-10-04 10:15:28','jeremy','2010-10-04','10:32:57','2010-10-04 10:32:57','jeremy','Computer liability','I, Bank (or When Computers Take Over Wall Street)','2010-09-23','The publication \"Advanced Trading\" estimates that now 73% of equity trading is now executed by automated programs. This article discusses \"Rosie\" the robot, who performs high-frequency trading, trading based on computers and algorithms. \"Rosie\" has the ability to perform extremely fast technical analysis and beat out humans with the speed of gathering information. The May 6th flash crash was an example of how robots have become more prevelant in the stock market. Eventually it was decided that human errors could not have been the cause of this huge crash and people have begun to question if robotic trading will go too far.','Adam Braus','Singularity Hub','http://singularityhub.com/2010/09/23/i-bank-or-when-computers-take-over-wall-street/',NULL),(64,'2010-10-08 03:44:23','2010-10-07','20:33:45','2010-10-07 20:33:45','jeremy','2010-10-07','20:33:45','2010-10-07 20:33:45','jeremy','Robots and Labor/Jobs','Tough-job Robots to Be Success Stories','2010-10-08','Robots are expected to make a big difference first and foremost in the job sectors that are \"dull, dirty or dangerous\". The article features a quote from the president of iRobot, Colin Angle, whose goal is for robots \"to change the world we live in, to solve very important and challenging problems that need to be solved\". Right now, there is high demand for robotics in Japan and demand for robots to take care of the elderly is growing quickly.','Mizuho Aoki','Japan Times','http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nb20101008a8.html',NULL),(65,'2010-10-23 17:51:27',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'2010-10-23','10:51:27','2010-10-23 10:51:27','jeremy','Cars','Google Cars Drive Themselves, in Traffic','2010-10-09','Google is now testing out its autonomous cars (using a Toyota Prius\', and an Audi), driving on real roads and freeways to see how effective it can be. Humans can intervene if necessary but the cars have been able to go 1,000 miles without any human intervention. The advantages with robotic cars are that they don\'t get tired, distracted, bored, or intoxicated, plus they have 360-degree view. They also have capability to react faster than humans can. The google cars have artificial intelligence to sense their surroundings and also imitate human driving. Sebastian Thrun (Stanford computer science professor) is the one of the frontrunners of developing the driverless car. The car is considered somewhat of a long-term project, with projections of it being deployed in eight years or more. When these cars come to fruition, it can lead to lighter and smoother car, maximizing fuel efficiency. With these new emerging autonomous cars, legal issues become more important; however, at this point the law is behind the technology. Laws surrounding automobiles right now pertain exclusively to human drivers, and eventually must adapt to when there is no driver.','John Markoff','New York Times','http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/10/science/10google.html',NULL),(66,'2010-10-23 18:10:27','2010-10-23','11:00:43','2010-10-23 11:00:43','jeremy','2010-10-23','11:10:26','2010-10-23 11:10:26','jeremy','Cars','When Google Cars Kill, Who is to Blame?','2010-10-13','This article discusses the legal implications of automobile accidents with autonomous cars. The fact is that the legal issues regarding autonomous cars is fairly absent. If a autonomous google car crashes into someone and injures them, the question becomes \"who was the driver?\" The issue, at this point, would be how liable is the human that had the ability to intervene, and if they elected not to intervene is an accident their fault? The current laws discuss how every car has some sort of \"person\" behind the wheel. When autonomous cars become more mainstream, the laws will have to be adjusted. Manufacturers will be exposed to certain liability in dealing with accidents if it is their autonomous car. The road provides such an unpredictable and complicated field compared to the podcar systems already in place in certain cities.','Chikodi Chima','Alt Transport','http://alttransport.com/2010/10/google-cars-kill-who-to-blame-accident-insurance-collision-liabilit/',NULL); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_articles` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `robotic_articles_and_products` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `robotic_articles_and_products`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `robotic_articles_and_products` ( `robotic_article_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `robotic_product_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `robotic_article_and_prod_tstp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `creation_dt` date default NULL, `creation_time` time default NULL, `creation_tstp` datetime default NULL, `creation_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `modification_dt` 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21:10:59','2010-09-24','14:10:58','2010-09-24 14:10:58','jeremy','2010-09-24','14:10:58','2010-09-24 14:10:58','jeremy'),(62,8,'2010-09-24 22:49:12','2010-09-24','15:48:20','2010-09-24 15:48:20','jeremy','2010-09-24','15:48:20','2010-09-24 15:48:20','jeremy'),(29,14,'2010-09-05 20:03:49','2010-08-24','13:26:58','2010-08-24 13:26:58','jeremy','2010-08-24','13:26:58','2010-08-24 13:26:58','jeremy'),(39,16,'2010-09-05 20:03:49','2010-08-24','13:26:59','2010-08-24 13:26:59','jeremy','2010-08-24','13:26:59','2010-08-24 13:26:59','jeremy'),(31,22,'2010-09-05 20:03:49','2010-08-24','13:26:58','2010-08-24 13:26:58','jeremy','2010-08-24','13:26:58','2010-08-24 13:26:58','jeremy'),(18,29,'2010-09-05 20:04:58','2010-08-24','13:26:58','2010-08-24 13:26:58','jeremy','2010-08-24','13:26:58','2010-08-24 13:26:58','jeremy'),(51,31,'2010-09-05 20:09:12','2010-09-03','09:52:21','2010-09-03 09:52:21','jeremy','2010-09-03','09:52:21','2010-09-03 09:52:21','jeremy'),(3,33,'2010-08-24 20:32:12','2010-08-24','13:32:12','2010-08-24 13:32:12','jeremy','2010-08-24','13:32:12','2010-08-24 13:32:12','jeremy'),(40,35,'2010-09-05 20:03:49','2010-08-24','13:26:59','2010-08-24 13:26:59','jeremy','2010-08-24','13:26:59','2010-08-24 13:26:59','jeremy'),(41,35,'2010-09-05 20:03:49','2010-08-24','13:26:59','2010-08-24 13:26:59','jeremy','2010-08-24','13:26:59','2010-08-24 13:26:59','jeremy'),(42,35,'2010-09-05 20:03:49','2010-08-24','13:26:59','2010-08-24 13:26:59','jeremy','2010-08-24','13:26:59','2010-08-24 13:26:59','jeremy'),(45,35,'2010-09-05 20:03:49','2010-08-24','13:26:59','2010-08-24 13:26:59','jeremy','2010-08-24','13:26:59','2010-08-24 13:26:59','jeremy'),(46,35,'2010-09-05 20:03:49','2010-08-24','13:26:59','2010-08-24 13:26:59','jeremy','2010-08-24','13:26:59','2010-08-24 13:26:59','jeremy'),(47,35,'2010-09-05 20:03:49','2010-08-24','13:26:59','2010-08-24 13:26:59','jeremy','2010-08-24','13:26:59','2010-08-24 13:26:59','jeremy'),(50,59,'2010-09-05 20:04:10','2010-08-24','13:32:12','2010-08-24 13:32:12','jeremy','2010-08-24','13:32:12','2010-08-24 13:32:12','jeremy'),(27,65,'2010-09-05 20:04:21','2010-08-24','13:26:58','2010-08-24 13:26:58','jeremy','2010-08-24','13:26:58','2010-08-24 13:26:58','jeremy'),(34,65,'2010-09-05 20:03:49','2010-08-24','13:26:58','2010-08-24 13:26:58','jeremy','2010-08-24','13:26:58','2010-08-24 13:26:58','jeremy'),(31,68,'2010-09-05 20:03:49','2010-08-24','13:26:58','2010-08-24 13:26:58','jeremy','2010-08-24','13:26:58','2010-08-24 13:26:58','jeremy'),(39,68,'2010-09-05 20:03:49','2010-08-24','13:26:58','2010-08-24 13:26:58','jeremy','2010-08-24','13:26:58','2010-08-24 13:26:58','jeremy'),(19,75,'2010-09-05 20:05:15','2010-08-24','13:26:58','2010-08-24 13:26:58','jeremy','2010-08-24','13:26:58','2010-08-24 13:26:58','jeremy'),(28,77,'2010-09-05 20:03:49','2010-08-24','13:26:58','2010-08-24 13:26:58','jeremy','2010-08-24','13:26:58','2010-08-24 13:26:58','jeremy'),(31,77,'2010-09-05 20:03:49','2010-08-24','13:26:58','2010-08-24 13:26:58','jeremy','2010-08-24','13:26:58','2010-08-24 13:26:58','jeremy'),(1,78,'2010-09-05 20:05:24','2010-08-24','15:08:11','2010-08-24 15:08:11','jeremy','2010-08-24','15:08:11','2010-08-24 15:08:11','jeremy'),(57,96,'2010-09-15 04:04:17','2010-09-14','21:04:15','2010-09-14 21:04:15','jeremy','2010-09-14','21:04:15','2010-09-14 21:04:15','jeremy'),(57,97,'2010-09-15 04:04:58','2010-09-14','21:04:56','2010-09-14 21:04:56','jeremy','2010-09-14','21:04:56','2010-09-14 21:04:56','jeremy'),(57,98,'2010-09-15 04:05:40','2010-09-14','21:05:39','2010-09-14 21:05:39','jeremy','2010-09-14','21:05:39','2010-09-14 21:05:39','jeremy'),(57,99,'2010-09-15 04:05:20','2010-09-14','21:05:17','2010-09-14 21:05:17','jeremy','2010-09-14','21:05:17','2010-09-14 21:05:17','jeremy'),(57,100,'2010-09-15 04:04:34','2010-09-14','21:04:32','2010-09-14 21:04:32','jeremy','2010-09-14','21:04:32','2010-09-14 21:04:32','jeremy'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_articles_and_products` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `robotic_companies` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `robotic_companies`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `robotic_companies` ( `robotic_company_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `robotic_organization_id` int(11) unsigned default NULL, `robotic_company_tstp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `creation_dt` date default NULL, `creation_time` time default NULL, `creation_tstp` datetime default NULL, `creation_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `modification_dt` date default NULL, `modification_time` time default NULL, `modification_tstp` datetime default NULL, `modification_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `company_name` varchar(255) default NULL, `company_url` varchar(255) default NULL, `company_description` text character set latin1, `company_independent_desc` text character set latin1, `company_headquarter_country` varchar(125) default NULL, `company_headquarter_city` varchar(255) default NULL, `company_incorporated_year` int(4) unsigned default NULL, `company_ipo_year` int(4) unsigned default NULL, `company_ticker` char(10) character set ascii default NULL, `company_securities_market` char(25) character set latin1 default NULL, `company_cusip` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `company_public_bln` tinyint(1) default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`robotic_company_id`), KEY `robotic_companies_ref1` (`robotic_organization_id`), CONSTRAINT `robotic_companies_ref1` FOREIGN KEY (`robotic_organization_id`) REFERENCES `robotic_organizations` (`robotic_organization_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=63 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `robotic_companies` -- LOCK TABLES `robotic_companies` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_companies` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `robotic_companies` VALUES (1,2,'2010-10-05 22:52:29','2010-09-13','15:27:36','2010-09-13 15:27:36','jeremy','2010-09-13','15:27:36','2010-09-13 15:27:36','jeremy','AeroVironment, Inc','http://avinc.com/',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,2007,'AVAV','NAS','008073108',0),(2,40,'2010-11-09 22:49:29','2010-09-17','11:19:11','2010-09-17 11:19:11','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:49:31','2010-11-09 14:49:31','jcarlos','NEC Corporation','http://www.nec.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'6701','Tockyo Stock Exchange','004938106',0),(3,1,'2010-11-09 22:23:31','2010-09-20','07:29:52','2010-09-20 07:29:52','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:23:32','2010-11-09 14:23:32','jcarlos','Textron Systems Inc.','http://www.textron.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,1947,1947,'TXT','NYSE','883203200',0),(4,3,'2010-10-05 22:52:30','2010-09-13','15:02:56','2010-09-13 15:02:56','jeremy','2010-09-13','15:02:56','2010-09-13 15:02:56','jeremy','Aldebaran Robotics','http://www.aldebaran-robotics.com/en/node/1172',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(5,4,'2010-11-09 22:24:55','2010-09-13','15:40:08','2010-09-13 15:40:08','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:24:57','2010-11-09 14:24:57','jcarlos','Allen-Vanguard','http://www.allenvanguard.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'ALNVF','OTC','018142109',0),(6,6,'2010-11-09 22:24:38','2010-09-13','15:41:47','2010-09-13 15:41:47','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:24:40','2010-11-09 14:24:40','jcarlos','Barrett Technology','http://www.barrett.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,1990,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(7,7,'2010-11-09 22:25:30','2010-09-13','15:45:52','2010-09-13 15:45:52','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:25:32','2010-11-09 14:25:32','jcarlos','Boston Dynamics','http://www.bostondynamics.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(8,10,'2010-11-09 22:27:38','2010-09-20','10:06:47','2010-09-20 10:06:47','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:27:39','2010-11-09 14:27:39','jcarlos','Intel Corporation','http://www.intel.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,1968,1971,'INTC','NASDAQ','458140100',0),(9,11,'2010-11-09 22:27:46','2010-09-13','17:01:39','2010-09-13 17:01:39','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:27:48','2010-11-09 14:27:48','jcarlos','Cyberdyne Inc.','http://www.cyberdyne.jp/english/index.html',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(10,12,'2010-11-09 22:28:02','2010-09-13','17:10:48','2010-09-13 17:10:48','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:28:04','2010-11-09 14:28:04','jcarlos','Electrolux','http://www.electroluxappliances.com/',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,1918,1928,'ELUXF','NASDAQ','010198208',0),(11,13,'2010-11-09 22:28:39','2010-09-14','10:40:32','2010-09-14 10:40:32','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:28:41','2010-11-09 14:28:41','jcarlos','Qinetiq - Foster-Miller','http://foster-miller.qinetiq-na.com/',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(12,14,'2010-11-09 22:29:12','2010-09-13','17:37:19','2010-09-13 17:37:19','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:29:14','2010-11-09 14:29:14','jcarlos','FUJISOFT, Inc.','http://www.fsi.co.jp/e/',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(13,16,'2010-11-09 22:29:44','2010-09-13','17:46:05','2010-09-13 17:46:05','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:29:46','2010-11-09 14:29:46','jcarlos','General Atomics','http://www.ga.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,1955,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(14,17,'2010-10-05 22:52:32','2010-09-17','00:29:40','2010-09-17 12:29:40','jeremy','2010-09-17','00:29:40','2010-09-17 00:29:40','jeremy','General Dynamics','http://www.gdrs.com/',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'GD','NYSE','369550108',0),(15,18,'2010-11-09 22:30:10','2010-09-13','17:50:55','2010-09-13 17:50:55','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:30:11','2010-11-09 14:30:11','jcarlos','Hanson Robotics','http://hansonrobotics.wordpress.com/',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(16,19,'2010-11-09 22:31:53','2010-09-13','17:55:22','2010-09-13 17:55:22','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:31:55','2010-11-09 14:31:55','jcarlos','Honda Motor Company, Ltd.','http://www.honda.com/',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'HMC','NYSE','983759101',0),(17,20,'2010-11-09 22:32:25','2010-09-14','11:02:48','2010-09-14 11:02:48','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:32:27','2010-11-09 14:32:27','jcarlos','Hydroid, LLC.','http://www.hydroidinc.com/',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(18,21,'2010-11-09 22:32:58','2010-09-14','11:08:24','2010-09-14 11:08:24','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:33:00','2010-11-09 14:33:00','jcarlos','Hydronalix','http://hydronalix.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(19,22,'2010-11-09 22:33:46','2010-09-14','11:24:47','2010-09-14 11:24:47','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:33:48','2010-11-09 14:33:48','jcarlos','International Business Machines Corp.','http://www.ibm.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'IBM','NYSE','459200101',0),(20,23,'2010-11-09 22:34:34','2010-09-14','11:26:09','2010-09-14 11:26:09','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:34:36','2010-11-09 14:34:36','jcarlos','IED Robot','http://www.iedrobot.com/',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(21,24,'2010-11-09 22:35:02','2010-09-14','11:40:49','2010-09-14 11:40:49','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:35:02','2010-11-09 14:35:02','jcarlos','Intuitive Surgical, Inc. ','http://www.intuitivesurgical.com/index.aspx',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,2000,'ISRG','NASDAQ','46120E602',0),(22,25,'2010-11-09 22:35:45','2010-09-20','11:00:26','2010-09-20 11:00:26','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:35:47','2010-11-09 14:35:47','jcarlos','iRobot, Inc.','http://www.irobot.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,2000,2005,'IRBT','NASDAQ','462726100',0),(23,61,'2010-11-09 23:05:53','2010-09-14','16:21:45','2010-09-14 16:21:45','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:05:55','2010-11-09 15:05:55','jcarlos','RoboDynamics','http://www.robodynamics.com/',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,2004,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(24,62,'2010-11-09 23:12:02','2010-09-17','11:20:52','2010-09-17 11:20:52','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:12:03','2010-11-09 15:12:03','jcarlos','VGo Communications','http://www.vgocom.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(25,63,'2010-11-09 23:12:17','2010-09-14','21:13:22','2010-09-14 21:13:22','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:12:19','2010-11-09 15:12:19','jcarlos','InTouch Health','http://www.intouchhealth.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(26,56,'2010-10-05 22:52:35','2010-09-14','21:27:22','2010-09-14 21:27:22','jeremy','2010-09-14','21:27:22','2010-09-14 21:27:22','jeremy',NULL,'www.willowgarage.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(27,58,'2010-11-09 23:03:41','2010-09-14','22:19:27','2010-09-14 22:19:27','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:03:43','2010-11-09 15:03:43','jcarlos','Anybots, Inc.','http://www.anybot.com/',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(28,8,'2010-10-05 22:52:35','2010-09-15','08:08:01','2010-09-15 08:08:01','jeremy','2010-09-15','08:08:01','2010-09-15 08:08:01','jeremy',NULL,'www.cmu.edu/index.shtml',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(29,57,'2010-11-09 23:03:12','2010-09-15','15:11:41','2010-09-15 15:11:41','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:03:13','2010-11-09 15:03:13','jcarlos','Yujin Robot','http://yujinrobot.com/english/',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(30,66,'2010-11-09 23:13:53','2010-09-16','18:52:23','2010-09-16 18:52:23','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:13:55','2010-11-09 15:13:55','jcarlos','Optimal Group Company','http://www.optimalgrp.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,2008,'OPMR','NASDAQ','68388R208',0),(31,64,'2010-11-09 23:12:29','2010-09-17','08:47:25','2010-09-17 08:47:25','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:12:30','2010-11-09 15:12:30','jcarlos','Evolution Robotics','http://www.evolution.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(32,5,'2010-11-09 22:24:55','2010-09-17','11:27:46','2010-09-17 11:27:46','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:24:57','2010-11-09 14:24:57','jcarlos','BAE Systems','http://www.baesystems.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,1999,NULL,'BA.','LSE','110466992',0),(33,52,'2010-11-09 22:59:22','2010-09-17','09:16:24','2010-09-17 09:16:24','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:59:24','2010-11-09 14:59:24','jcarlos','Touch Bionics','http://www.touchbionics.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(34,51,'2010-11-09 22:59:08','2010-09-17','09:54:29','2010-09-17 09:54:29','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:59:09','2010-11-09 14:59:09','jcarlos','TOSY Robotics JSC','http://www.tosy.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(35,53,'2010-11-09 23:00:06','2010-09-17','09:55:27','2010-09-17 09:55:27','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:00:08','2010-11-09 15:00:08','jcarlos',NULL,'http://www.trekaero.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(36,50,'2010-11-09 22:57:52','2010-09-17','10:15:54','2010-09-17 10:15:54','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:57:53','2010-11-09 14:57:53','jcarlos','ALSOK','http://www.alsok.co.jp/en',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(37,49,'2010-11-09 22:56:59','2010-09-17','10:18:31','2010-09-17 10:18:31','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:57:01','2010-11-09 14:57:01','jcarlos','Robotic Technology Inc.','http://www.robotictechnologyinc.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(38,48,'2010-10-05 22:52:37','2010-09-17','10:21:10','2010-09-17 10:21:10','jeremy','2010-09-17','10:21:10','2010-09-17 10:21:10','jeremy',NULL,'www.robotcub.org',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(39,47,'2010-11-09 22:56:39','2010-09-17','10:29:52','2010-09-17 10:29:52','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:56:41','2010-11-09 14:56:41','jcarlos','Robosoft','http://www.robosoft.com/eng',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(40,46,'2010-11-09 22:56:04','2010-09-17','10:41:16','2010-09-17 10:41:16','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:56:06','2010-11-09 14:56:06','jcarlos','RoboMop International AS','http://www.robomop.net',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(41,45,'2010-11-09 22:51:52','2010-09-17','10:49:17','2010-09-17 10:49:17','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:51:53','2010-11-09 14:51:53','jcarlos','Rex Bionics','http://www.rexbionics.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(42,43,'2010-11-09 22:50:48','2010-09-17','11:00:54','2010-09-17 11:00:54','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:50:49','2010-11-09 14:50:49','jcarlos','ProGolf International Inc. (PGI)','http://www.icady4u.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(43,42,'2010-11-09 22:50:33','2010-09-17','11:03:16','2010-09-17 11:03:16','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:50:35','2010-11-09 14:50:35','jcarlos','Pal Robotics','http://www.pal-robotics.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(44,29,'2010-11-09 22:41:44','2010-09-17','11:16:18','2010-09-17 11:16:18','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:41:45','2010-11-09 14:41:45','jcarlos','Sanrio Company, Ltd','http://www.sanrio.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(45,41,'2010-10-05 22:52:39','2010-09-17','11:17:22','2010-09-17 11:17:22','jeremy','2010-09-17','11:17:22','2010-09-17 11:17:22','jeremy',NULL,'www.osaka-u.ac.jp/en',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(46,37,'2010-11-09 22:48:27','2010-09-17','11:22:35','2010-09-17 11:22:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:48:29','2010-11-09 14:48:29','jcarlos','MobileRobots, Inc.','http://www.mobilerobots.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(47,59,'2010-11-09 23:05:10','2010-09-20','11:11:52','2010-09-20 11:11:52','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:05:11','2010-11-09 15:05:11','jcarlos','Adept Technology, Inc.','http://www.adept.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'ADEP','NASDAQ','006854103',0),(48,36,'2010-11-09 22:48:05','2010-09-17','11:47:04','2010-09-17 11:47:04','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:48:07','2010-11-09 14:48:07','jcarlos','Mitsubishi','http://www.mitsubishi.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'7011','TYO','606769305',0),(49,35,'2010-11-09 22:46:55','2010-09-17','00:06:41','2010-09-17 12:06:41','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:46:57','2010-11-09 14:46:57','jcarlos','Microsoft Corp.','http://www.microsoft.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,551366377,1986,'MSFT','NASDAQ','594918104',0),(50,33,'2010-11-09 22:44:33','2010-09-17','00:07:25','2010-09-17 12:07:25','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:44:35','2010-11-09 14:44:35','jcarlos','Lockheed Martin','http://www.lockheedmartin.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'LMT','NYSE','539830109',0),(51,32,'2010-11-09 22:44:15','2010-09-17','00:09:47','2010-09-17 12:09:47','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:44:17','2010-11-09 14:44:17','jcarlos','Robo-Garage, Ltd.','http://www.robo-garage.com/en',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(52,31,'2010-11-09 22:43:16','2010-09-17','00:11:56','2010-09-17 12:11:56','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:43:18','2010-11-09 14:43:18','jcarlos','Kyodo America Industries','http://www.kyodoamerica.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(53,28,'2010-10-05 22:52:40','2010-09-17','00:23:06','2010-09-17 12:23:06','jeremy','2010-09-17','00:23:06','2010-09-17 00:23:06','jeremy',NULL,'www.kist.re.kr/index.html',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(54,9,'2010-11-09 22:26:35','2010-09-17','00:30:21','2010-09-17 12:30:21','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:26:37','2010-11-09 14:26:37','jcarlos','Cardiorobotics','http://www.cardiorobotics.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(55,68,'2010-11-09 23:16:01','2010-09-22','09:02:37','2010-09-22 09:02:37','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:16:03','2010-11-09 15:16:03','jcarlos','TrueCompanion','http://www.truecompanion.com/home',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(56,69,'2010-10-05 22:52:41','2010-09-24','09:13:43','2010-09-24 09:13:43','jeremy','2010-09-24','09:13:43','2010-09-24 09:13:43','jeremy',NULL,'eng.piro.re.kr',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(57,71,'2010-11-09 23:16:54','2010-09-24','16:23:09','2010-09-24 16:23:09','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:16:56','2010-11-09 15:16:56','jcarlos','Murata Machinery (founded 1935)','http://www.muratec.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(58,72,'2010-11-09 23:17:03','2010-10-04','11:07:09','2010-10-04 11:07:09','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:17:05','2010-11-09 15:17:05','jcarlos','Shadow Robot Company','http://www.shadowrobot.com/',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(59,76,'2010-11-09 23:20:11','2010-10-28','22:21:05','2010-10-28 22:21:05','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:20:13','2010-11-09 15:20:13','jcarlos','Motoman Robotics','http://www.motoman.com/',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Tokyo Stock Exchange',NULL,0),(60,73,'2010-11-09 23:18:46','2010-11-09','15:17:33','2010-11-09 15:17:33','jcarlos','2010-11-09','15:18:48','2010-11-09 15:18:48','jcarlos','Hitachi, Ltd.','http://www.hitachi.com/',NULL,NULL,'Japan','Tokyo',1910,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,1),(61,78,'2010-11-14 05:57:14','2010-11-13','21:48:52','2010-11-13 21:48:52','jeremy','2010-11-13','21:57:14','2010-11-13 21:57:14','jeremy',NULL,'',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),(62,79,'2010-11-19 22:36:11','2010-11-19','14:36:11','2010-11-19 14:36:11','jeremy',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_companies` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `robotic_consortiums` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `robotic_consortiums`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `robotic_consortiums` ( `robotic_organization_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `robotic_consortium_org_ref` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `robotic_consortium_tstp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `creation_dt` date default NULL, `creation_time` time default NULL, `creation_tstp` datetime default NULL, `creation_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `modification_dt` date default NULL, `modification_time` time default NULL, `modification_tstp` datetime default NULL, `modification_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `consortium_type_vls` char(25) character set ascii default NULL, `robotic_consortium_name` varchar(250) default NULL, `consortium_url` varchar(250) default NULL, `consortium_description` text, `consortium_independent_desc` text, `consortium_headquarter_country` varchar(125) default NULL, `consortium_headquarter_city` varchar(250) default NULL, `consortium_established_year` int(4) unsigned default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`robotic_organization_id`,`robotic_consortium_org_ref`), KEY `robotic_consortiums_ref01` (`robotic_organization_id`), CONSTRAINT `robotic_consortiums_ref01` FOREIGN KEY (`robotic_organization_id`) REFERENCES `robotic_organizations` (`robotic_organization_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `robotic_consortiums` -- LOCK TABLES `robotic_consortiums` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_consortiums` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_consortiums` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `robotic_edu_institution` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `robotic_edu_institution`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `robotic_edu_institution` ( `robotic_edu_institution_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `robotic_organization_id` int(11) unsigned default NULL, `robotic_edu_institution_tstp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `creation_dt` date default NULL, `creation_time` time default NULL, `creation_tstp` datetime default NULL, `creation_user` char(20) character set latin1 default NULL, `modification_dt` date default NULL, `modification_time` time default NULL, `modification_tstp` datetime default NULL, `modification_user` char(20) character set latin1 default NULL, `edu_inst_name` varchar(255) default NULL, `edu_inst_url` varchar(255) default NULL, `edu_inst_description` text character set latin1, `edu_inst_independent_desc` text character set latin1, `edu_inst_headquarter_country` varchar(20) default NULL, `edu_inst_headquarter_city` varchar(255) default NULL, `edu_inst_established_year` int(4) unsigned default NULL, `edu_inst_department_nm` varchar(255) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`robotic_edu_institution_id`), KEY `robotic_edu_institution_ref1` (`robotic_organization_id`), CONSTRAINT `robotic_edu_institution_ref1` FOREIGN KEY (`robotic_organization_id`) REFERENCES `robotic_organizations` (`robotic_organization_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=19 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `robotic_edu_institution` -- LOCK TABLES `robotic_edu_institution` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_edu_institution` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `robotic_edu_institution` VALUES (1,8,'2010-10-05 22:53:21','2010-09-20','10:02:17','2010-09-20 10:02:17','jeremy','2010-09-20','10:02:17','2010-09-20 10:02:17','jeremy','Carnegie Mellon','http://www.cmu.edu/index.shtml',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Multiple departments'),(2,47,'2010-10-05 22:53:21','2010-09-13','11:13:40','2010-09-13 11:13:40','jeremy','2010-09-13','11:13:40','2010-09-13 11:13:40','jeremy',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3,60,'2010-11-09 23:05:31','2010-09-17','00:08:52','2010-09-17 12:08:52','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:05:33','2010-11-09 15:05:33','jcarlos','Kyoto University','http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(4,26,'2010-11-09 22:38:49','2010-09-14','11:50:55','2010-09-14 11:50:55','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:38:51','2010-11-09 14:38:51','jcarlos','RIKEN','http://www.riken.go.jp/engn/r-world/link/images/title.gif',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Institute of Physical and Chemical Research'),(5,27,'2010-10-05 22:53:21','2010-09-14','11:57:50','2010-09-14 11:57:50','jeremy','2010-09-14','11:57:50','2010-09-14 11:57:50','jeremy','KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)','http://www.kaist.edu/edu.html',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Research institutes'),(6,9,'2010-10-05 22:53:22','2010-09-15','08:22:16','2010-09-15 08:22:16','jeremy','2010-09-15','08:22:16','2010-09-15 08:22:16','jeremy',NULL,'www.cardiorobotics.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(7,65,'2010-11-09 23:12:50','2010-09-16','11:32:20','2010-09-16 11:32:20','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:12:52','2010-11-09 15:12:52','jcarlos','Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)','http://robotics.gatech.edu',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Robotics and Intelligent Machines Center (est. 2006)'),(8,67,'2010-11-09 23:14:14','2010-09-16','15:54:20','2010-09-16 15:54:20','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:14:16','2010-11-09 15:14:16','jcarlos','University of California, San Diego','http://tdlc.ucsd.edu/',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center'),(9,34,'2010-10-05 22:53:22','2010-09-17','09:07:57','2010-09-17 09:07:57','jeremy','2010-09-17','09:07:57','2010-09-17 09:07:57','jeremy','Massachusetts Institute of Technology','http://senseable.mit.edu/',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Senseable City Lab'),(10,55,'2010-11-09 23:02:49','2010-09-17','09:34:03','2010-09-17 09:34:03','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:02:51','2010-11-09 15:02:51','jcarlos',NULL,'http://www.eng.vt.edu',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'College of Engineering'),(11,54,'2010-11-09 23:00:39','2010-09-17','09:44:28','2010-09-17 09:44:28','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:00:41','2010-11-09 15:00:41','jcarlos','University of South Florida Institute','http://eng.usf.edu',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'College of Engineering'),(12,41,'2010-11-09 22:49:43','2010-09-17','11:07:57','2010-09-17 11:07:57','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:49:45','2010-11-09 14:49:45','jcarlos','Osaka University','http://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/en',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(13,28,'2010-11-09 22:40:20','2010-09-17','00:27:53','2010-09-17 12:27:53','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:40:22','2010-11-09 14:40:22','jcarlos','KIST (Korea Institute of Science and Technology)','http://www.kist.re.kr/en/index.jsp',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(14,32,'2010-10-05 22:53:23','2010-09-20','11:09:59','2010-09-20 11:09:59','jeremy','2010-09-20','11:09:59','2010-09-20 11:09:59','jeremy',NULL,'www.robo-garage.com/en/',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(15,69,'2010-10-05 22:53:24','2010-09-24','09:15:41','2010-09-24 09:15:41','jeremy','2010-09-24','09:15:41','2010-09-24 09:15:41','jeremy',NULL,'eng.piro.re.kr',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(16,70,'2010-11-09 23:16:42','2010-09-24','16:31:32','2010-09-24 16:31:32','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:16:44','2010-11-09 15:16:44','jcarlos','Keio University','http://www.keio.ac.jp/index-en.html',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(17,75,'2010-10-24 22:20:54','2010-10-24','15:20:44','2010-10-24 15:20:44','jeremy','2010-10-24','15:20:49','2010-10-24 15:20:49','jeremy','U.S. Army',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(18,74,'2010-11-09 23:19:16','2010-11-09','15:18:56','2010-11-09 15:18:56','jcarlos','2010-11-09','15:19:18','2010-11-09 15:19:18','jcarlos','Delft University','http://www.tudelft.nl/',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Delft University'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_edu_institution` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `robotic_gov_institution` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `robotic_gov_institution`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `robotic_gov_institution` ( `robotic_gov_institution_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `robotic_organization_id` int(11) unsigned default NULL, `robotic_gov_institution_tstp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `creation_dt` date default NULL, `creation_time` time default NULL, `creation_tstp` datetime default NULL, `creation_user` char(20) character set latin1 default NULL, `modification_dt` date default NULL, `modification_time` time default NULL, `modification_tstp` datetime default NULL, `modification_user` char(20) character set latin1 default NULL, `gov_inst_name` varchar(255) default NULL, `gov_inst_url` varchar(255) default NULL, `gov_inst_description` text character set latin1, `gov_inst_independent_desc` text character set latin1, `gov_inst_country` varchar(125) default NULL, `gov_inst_city` varchar(255) default NULL, `gov_inst_established_year` int(4) unsigned default NULL, `gov_inst_department_nm` varchar(255) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`robotic_gov_institution_id`), KEY `robotic_gov_institution_ref1` (`robotic_organization_id`), CONSTRAINT `robotic_gov_institution_ref1` FOREIGN KEY (`robotic_organization_id`) REFERENCES `robotic_organizations` (`robotic_organization_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=10 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `robotic_gov_institution` -- LOCK TABLES `robotic_gov_institution` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_gov_institution` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `robotic_gov_institution` VALUES (1,39,'2010-11-09 22:49:13','2010-09-22','09:19:05','2010-09-22 09:19:05','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:49:15','2010-11-09 14:49:15','jcarlos','National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) (Japan)','http://www.aist.go.jp/index_en.html',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2,38,'2010-11-09 22:48:47','2010-09-22','09:23:10','2010-09-22 09:23:10','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:48:48','2010-11-09 14:48:48','jcarlos','NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)','http://www.nasa.gov',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3,37,'2010-10-05 22:54:11','2010-09-17','11:20:25','2010-09-17 11:20:25','jeremy','2010-09-17','11:20:25','2010-09-17 11:20:25','jeremy',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(4,30,'2010-11-09 22:42:06','2010-09-22','09:28:29','2010-09-22 09:28:29','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:42:08','2010-11-09 14:42:08','jcarlos','Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH)','http://eng.kitech.re.kr/',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(5,34,'2010-10-05 22:54:12','2010-09-22','22:38:53','2010-09-22 22:38:53','jeremy','2010-09-22','22:38:53','2010-09-22 22:38:53','jeremy',NULL,'web.mit.edu',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,''),(6,69,'2010-11-09 23:16:25','2010-09-24','09:18:19','2010-09-24 09:18:19','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:16:27','2010-11-09 15:16:27','jcarlos','Pohang Institute of Intelligent Robotics (PIRO)','http://eng.piro.re.kr',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(7,70,'2010-10-05 22:54:12','2010-10-05','14:58:44','2010-10-05 14:58:44','jeremy','2010-10-05','14:58:44','2010-10-05 14:58:44','jeremy',NULL,'http://www.keio.ac.jp/',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(8,71,'2010-10-05 22:54:14','2010-10-05','14:58:44','2010-10-05 14:58:44','jeremy','2010-10-05','14:58:44','2010-10-05 14:58:44','jeremy',NULL,'http://www.muratec.com/',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(9,75,'2010-10-24 22:21:37','2010-10-24','15:20:53','2010-10-24 15:20:53','jeremy','2010-10-24','15:21:05','2010-10-24 15:21:05','jeremy',NULL,'http://www.army.mil/',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'U.S. Army'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_gov_institution` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `robotic_litigation_defendants` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `robotic_litigation_defendants`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `robotic_litigation_defendants` ( `robotic_litigation_defend_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `robotic_litigation_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `robotic_litigation_defend_tstp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `creation_dt` date default NULL, `creation_time` time default NULL, `creation_tstp` datetime default NULL, `creation_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `modification_dt` date default NULL, `modification_time` time default NULL, `modification_tstp` datetime default NULL, `modification_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `litigation_defendant_name` varchar(255) default NULL, `litigation_defendant_type_vls` char(25) character set ascii default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`robotic_litigation_defend_id`), KEY `robotic_litigation_defendants_ref01` (`robotic_litigation_id`), CONSTRAINT `robotic_litigation_defendants_ref01` FOREIGN KEY (`robotic_litigation_id`) REFERENCES `robotic_litigations` (`robotic_litigation_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `robotic_litigation_defendants` -- LOCK TABLES `robotic_litigation_defendants` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_litigation_defendants` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_litigation_defendants` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `robotic_litigation_judges` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `robotic_litigation_judges`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `robotic_litigation_judges` ( `robotic_litigation_judge_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `robotic_litigation_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `robotic_litigation_judge_tstp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `creation_dt` date default NULL, `creation_time` time default NULL, `creation_tstp` datetime default NULL, `creation_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `modification_dt` date default NULL, `modification_time` time default NULL, `modification_tstp` datetime default NULL, `modification_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `litigation_judge_name` varchar(255) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`robotic_litigation_judge_id`), KEY `robotic_litigation_judges_ref01` (`robotic_litigation_id`), CONSTRAINT `robotic_litigation_judges_ref01` FOREIGN KEY (`robotic_litigation_id`) REFERENCES `robotic_litigations` (`robotic_litigation_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `robotic_litigation_judges` -- LOCK TABLES `robotic_litigation_judges` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_litigation_judges` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_litigation_judges` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `robotic_litigation_law_firms` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `robotic_litigation_law_firms`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `robotic_litigation_law_firms` ( `robotic_litigation_firm_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `robotic_litigation_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `robotic_litigation_firm_tstp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `creation_dt` date default NULL, `creation_time` time default NULL, `creation_tstp` datetime default NULL, `creation_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `modification_dt` date default NULL, `modification_time` time default NULL, `modification_tstp` datetime default NULL, `modification_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `litigation_law_firm_name` varchar(255) default NULL, `litigation_law_firm_url` varchar(255) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`robotic_litigation_firm_id`), KEY `robotic_litigation_law_firms_ref01` (`robotic_litigation_id`), CONSTRAINT `robotic_litigation_law_firms_ref01` FOREIGN KEY (`robotic_litigation_id`) REFERENCES `robotic_litigations` (`robotic_litigation_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `robotic_litigation_law_firms` -- LOCK TABLES `robotic_litigation_law_firms` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_litigation_law_firms` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_litigation_law_firms` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `robotic_litigation_orgs` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `robotic_litigation_orgs`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `robotic_litigation_orgs` ( `robotic_litigation_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `robotic_organization_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `litigation_organization_tstp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `creation_dt` date default NULL, `creation_time` time default NULL, `creation_tstp` datetime default NULL, `creation_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `modification_dt` date default NULL, `modification_time` time default NULL, `modification_tstp` datetime default NULL, `modification_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `organization_is_plaintiff_bln` tinyint(1) unsigned default '0', `organization_is_defendant_bln` tinyint(1) unsigned default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`robotic_litigation_id`,`robotic_organization_id`), KEY `robot_litigation_organizations_ref02` (`robotic_organization_id`), CONSTRAINT `robot_litigation_organizations_ref01` FOREIGN KEY (`robotic_litigation_id`) REFERENCES `robotic_litigations` (`robotic_litigation_id`), CONSTRAINT `robot_litigation_organizations_ref02` FOREIGN KEY (`robotic_organization_id`) REFERENCES `robotic_organizations` (`robotic_organization_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `robotic_litigation_orgs` -- LOCK TABLES `robotic_litigation_orgs` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_litigation_orgs` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_litigation_orgs` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `robotic_litigation_products` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `robotic_litigation_products`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `robotic_litigation_products` ( `robotic_litigation_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `robotic_product_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `litigation_products_tstp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `creation_dt` date default NULL, `creation_time` time default NULL, `creation_tstp` datetime default NULL, `creation_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `modification_dt` date default NULL, `modification_time` time default NULL, `modification_tstp` datetime default NULL, `modification_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`robotic_litigation_id`,`robotic_product_id`), KEY `robotic_litigation_products_ref02` (`robotic_product_id`), CONSTRAINT `robotic_litigation_products_ref01` FOREIGN KEY (`robotic_litigation_id`) REFERENCES `robotic_litigations` (`robotic_litigation_id`), CONSTRAINT `robotic_litigation_products_ref02` FOREIGN KEY (`robotic_product_id`) REFERENCES `robotic_products_and_offerings` (`robotic_product_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 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/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `robotic_litigations` -- LOCK TABLES `robotic_litigations` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_litigations` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_litigations` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `robotic_litigations_docs` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `robotic_litigations_docs`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `robotic_litigations_docs` ( `litigation_doc_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `robotic_litigation_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `litigation_doc_tstp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `creation_dt` date default NULL, `creation_time` time default NULL, `creation_tstp` datetime default NULL, `creation_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `modification_dt` date default NULL, `modification_time` time default NULL, `modification_tstp` datetime default NULL, `modification_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `document_title` varchar(255) default NULL, `document_grounds` text, `document_dt` date default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`litigation_doc_id`), KEY `robotic_litigations_docs_ref01` (`robotic_litigation_id`), CONSTRAINT `robotic_litigations_docs_ref01` FOREIGN KEY (`robotic_litigation_id`) REFERENCES `robotic_litigations` (`robotic_litigation_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `robotic_litigations_docs` -- LOCK TABLES `robotic_litigations_docs` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_litigations_docs` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_litigations_docs` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `robotic_litigations_docs_text` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `robotic_litigations_docs_text`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `robotic_litigations_docs_text` ( `litigation_doc_text_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `litigation_doc_id` int(11) unsigned default NULL, `litigation_doc_text_tstp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `creation_dt` date default NULL, `creation_time` time default NULL, `creation_tstp` datetime default NULL, `creation_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `modification_dt` date default NULL, `modification_time` time default NULL, `modification_tstp` datetime default NULL, `modification_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `document_text_content` longtext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`litigation_doc_text_id`), KEY `robotic_litigations_docs_text_ref01` (`litigation_doc_id`), CONSTRAINT `robotic_litigations_docs_text_ref01` FOREIGN KEY (`litigation_doc_id`) REFERENCES `robotic_litigations_docs` (`litigation_doc_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `robotic_litigations_docs_text` -- LOCK TABLES `robotic_litigations_docs_text` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_litigations_docs_text` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_litigations_docs_text` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `robotic_organizations` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `robotic_organizations`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `robotic_organizations` ( `robotic_organization_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `robotic_organization_tstp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `creation_dt` date default NULL, `creation_time` time default NULL, `creation_tstp` datetime default NULL, `creation_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `modification_dt` date default NULL, `modification_time` time default NULL, `modification_tstp` datetime default NULL, `modification_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `organization_type_vls` char(25) character set latin1 default NULL, `organization_name` varchar(255) default NULL, `organization_url` varchar(255) default NULL, `organization_description` text, `org_independent_description` text, `org_headquarter_country` varchar(125) default NULL, `org_headquarter_city` varchar(255) default NULL, `org_established_year` int(4) unsigned default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`robotic_organization_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=81 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `robotic_organizations` -- LOCK TABLES `robotic_organizations` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_organizations` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `robotic_organizations` VALUES (1,'2010-11-19 19:41:08','2010-09-06','00:50:34','2010-09-06 00:50:34','jeremy','2010-11-19','11:41:07','2010-11-19 11:41:07','jeremy','Public Company','AAI Corporation','http://www.aaicorp.com','AAI Corporation was founded in 1950. Today, we are a global corporation providing a vast array of innovative aerospace and defense technologies. Our products and services include unmanned aircraft and ground control technologies; high-fidelity training and simulation systems; automated aerospace test and maintenance equipment; armament systems; and logistical, engineering, supply chain and operational support services.\n\nAAI became an operating unit of Textron Systems, a Textron Inc. company, in late 2007. United Industrial Corporation, AAI’s parent company, was publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange until its acquisition by Textron.\n\nHeadquartered in Hunt Valley, Md., AAI has more than 2,500 employees and 621,000 square feet of facilities and manufacturing space. We also have key facilities in Charleston, S.C., Huntsville, Ala., Austin, Texas and Dugway Proving Ground in Utah. These and our field offices around the country support various defense industry customer bases and requirements.\n\nOur strategic acquisitions in recent years include electronic warfare systems company ESL Defence Limited of the United Kingdom and Australian unmanned aircraft systems developer Aerosonde Pty Ltd. In 2006, AAI acquired Symtx Inc., an Austin, Texas-based automated test equipment provider. In December 2009, Symtx became part of AAI Corporation, and now operates as AAI’s Automated Test Equipment center under the company’s Test & Training Systems organization.','AAI Corporation is a unit of Textron Systems (an aerospace and defense manufacturing firm). AAI Corporation mainly focuses on unmanned aircrafts and ground control technologies. Mainly serving the U.S. military, allied governments forces, and other U.S. federal agencies. AAI Corporation is part of public corporation Textron Inc since 2007.','United States','Hunt Valley, Maryland',1950),(2,'2010-11-09 22:23:38','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:23:33','2010-11-09 14:23:33','jcarlos','Public Company','AeroVironment','http://avinc.com/','At AeroVironment, we have spent the past few decades envisioning new solutions, telling our story through the results we create for and with our customers. Founded in 1971 by noted physicist and engineer Dr. Paul MacCready—whom Time magazine called one of the \"greatest minds of the 20th century”—AV specializes in practical innovation. We create solutions that rewrite customers’ possibilities. \n\nOur efficient energy systems (EES) help companies operate more efficiently and reduce their impact on the environment; and our unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) give our military customers practical tools to establish situational awareness, enhancing national security.','AeroVironment is a tech company primarily involved in energy systems, electric vehicle systems, and unmanned aerial vehicles. The company is best known for making a series of lightweight human and solar-powered vehicles.','United States','Greater Los Angeles Area',1971),(3,'2010-11-09 22:23:47','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:23:40','2010-11-09 14:23:40','jcarlos','Private Company','Aldebaran Robotics','http://www.aldebaran-robotics.com/en/node/1172','Bruno Maisonnier, founder of Aldebaran Robotics, has been convinced for 25 years that the era of personal robotics is coming. During these years, he has developed prototypes, evaluated technologies, met with research teams and analyzed the markets, in addition to serving as the CEO of several companies in multicultural contexts.\nWith the rise of mobile technologies and the coming together of key collaborators, the potentials have now become the possibilities: In 2005 he launched Aldebaran Robotics, the first French company dealing with humanoid robotics.\n\nThe Aldebaran Robotics\' team, which currently consists of 80 members, is entirely dedicated to the development and sales of its first products.','Aldebaran Robotics is a start-up company in Paris. Launched in 2005, Aldebaran is the first French company to deal with humanoid products. At the moment, Aldebaran\'s main focus and promotion is on Nao.','France','Paris',2005),(4,'2010-11-09 22:24:04','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:23:49','2010-11-09 14:23:49','jcarlos','Public Company','Allen-Vanguard','http://www.allenvanguard.com','Trusted leader in protection and countermeasures against hazardous threats, including Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), Radio Controlled IEDs, CBRN agents and heat. Deep front-line experience, battle-proven technologies and expert training to provide comprehensive and sustainable capability. At Allen Vanguard it is our policy to continually grow the business by adopting the principles of Quality Management and develop a culture of continuous improvement. As proof of our commitment to product and service quality, continuous improvement and customer satisfaction, Allen Vanguard has maintained an ISO 9001 registered Quality Management System since May 1997.','Allen-Vanguard is about using \"protective measures against hazardous threats\". They come out with products that aim to be effective in bomb disposal and in helping resist and take out possible military threats.','Canada','Ottawa',1956),(5,'2010-11-09 22:24:15','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:24:06','2010-11-09 14:24:06','jcarlos','Public Company','BAE Systems','http://www.baesystems.com','Our organisation is designed to enable us to deliver the cost, capability and overall financial performance to meet customers\' needs.\n\nBAE Systems is active in each of our seven home markets - Australia, India, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Sweden, UK and the US. We are divided into the following four operating groups:\n\nElectronics, Intelligence and Support\nThe Electronics, Intelligence and Support operating group designs, develops, produces and services systems and subsystems for a wide range of military and commercial applications.\n\nLand and Armaments\nLand and Armaments provides design, development, production, through-life support and upgrade of armored combat vehicles, tactical wheeled vehicles, naval guns, missile launchers, artillery systems and munitions.\n\nProgrammes and Support\nProgrammes and support comprises the group’s UK-based air and naval activities, the activities of the Detica security business and the Integrated System Technologies business.\n\nInternational\nThe International operating group comprises the group’s businesses in Saudi Arabia and Australia together with 37.5% interest in the pan-European MBDA joint venture, a 10.2% shareholding of Saab in Sweden and a 49% shareholding in Air Astana.\n\nBAE Systems, Inc. is headquartered in Rockville, Maryland, and is responsible for developing BAE Systems\' trans-Atlantic business, relationships with the U.S. Government, administration of BAE Systems\' Special Security Agreement with the US Department of Defense, and managing BAE Systems\' U.S. based operating groups, namely the Electronics, Intelligence and Support, and Land and Armaments operating groups.','BAE Systems is a British company, the world\'s largest defense contractor. Its focus is mostly on military equipment and unmanned vehicles falls under that umbrella. BAE Systems is now very focused on its work in North America as military spending is much higher there than in Europe. However, their most important projects are about helping the UK Armed Forces become stronger.','England','Farnborough, Hampshire',1999),(6,'2010-11-09 22:24:38','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:24:17','2010-11-09 14:24:17','jcarlos','Private Company','Barrett Technology','http://www.barrett.com','History\nAs a fresh spin-off from the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1990, Barrett tasked itself with the stewardship of the first haptic robot arm, named the WAM™ arm.\nThis manipulator embodies Transparent Dynamics™ drives that fundamentally break from the conventional design of robotic manipulators. With a market yet to exist for haptic devices, Barrett diligently honed the technology during the 1990s with grants from DoE, NASA, and NSF, as well as sales to key advanced-robotics laboratories all over the world.\nLeading the Industry\nSince 1990, Barrett Technology has pioneered core technology underlying new levels of flexibility in articulated arms and hands. Today, Barrett is the leader in advanced robotic manipulators, \nearning a place in the Guinness Book of World Records for its advanced manipulator technology. Barrett provides an unmatched degree of versatility to support the broadest array of applications.\nFocusing on our Strengths\nIn early 2001, Barrett realigned its mission and corporate structure to improve its direct responsiveness to industrial and commercial applications that can benefit from versatile and people-compatible robotic manipulators. While loyal to its roots as a technology pioneer, Barrett is on an exciting trajectory to leverage its strong technology foundation by growing and enabling the broader adoption of robots in industry and commerce.','Barrett Technology is a spin-off from the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Calling themselves a \"technological pioneer,\" their goal is to provide versatile solutions for \"people-compatible robotic manipulators\" ','United States','Cambridge, Massachusetts',1990),(7,'2010-11-09 22:25:30','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:25:32','2010-11-09 14:25:32','jcarlos','Private Company','Boston Dynamics','http://www.bostondynamics.com','Boston Dynamics is an engineering company that specializes in building dynamic robots and software for human simulation. The company began as a spin-off from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where National Academy of Engineering member Marc Raibert and his colleagues first developed robots that ran and maneuvered like animals. They founded the company in 1992, and their ground-breaking work continues to inspire several of the company\'s activities. \n\nToday the company creates a variety of innovative robots, including BigDog, a quadruped robot for travel on rough-terrain, PETMAN, an anthropomorphic robot for testing equipment, RISE, a robot that climbs vertical surfaces, SquishBot, a shape-changing chemical robot that moves through tight space, and many others. \n\nThe company also develops tools for human simulation. DI-Guy is a human simulation product used for simulation-based training, UAV training, law-enforcement training, mission-planning and many other applications. DI-Guy has become the defacto standard for human simulation as used in military applications; it is used by leading organizations world-wide, including the all branches of the US Armed Forces. Digital Biomechanics is a physics-based human simulation product used to design and evaluate equipment used on the human body, such as backpacks, helmets, body armor and the like. \n\nBoston Dynamics has an extraordinary technical team of engineers and scientists. The team seamlessly combines advanced analytical thinking with boots-in-the-mud practicality. We pride ourselves in building machines that are both innovative and actually work. ','Boston Dynamics is about building robots with advanced abilities and behavior: balance, speed, mobility. They sell to military companies as well as DARPA, and companies like Sony. The company helps people in the armed forces plan and simulate battle scenarios. The company also has made great progressions with their robots for military use in a few years.','United States','Boston, Massachusetts',1992),(8,'2010-11-09 22:26:13','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','Educational Institution','Carnegie Mellon University','http://www.cmu.edu/index.shtml','Carnegie Mellon University is a global research university with more than 11,000 students, 84,000 alumni, and 4,000 faculty and staff. Recognized for its world-class arts and technology programs, collaboration across disciplines and innovative leadership in education, Carnegie Mellon is consistently a top-ranked university.\nThe university began as a small technical school and evolved into what it is today under the guidance of exceptional leadership teams.\nOur world-renowned faculty members are practicing professionals who bring extensive knowledge and experience into the classroom. With a student-faculty ratio of 10:1, faculty members are extremely accessible and take a genuine interest in their students\' work.\nWe don\'t operate like other universities. From the beginning, innovation has been a part of our DNA and we continue to push the envelope. The university just launched \"Inspire Innovation,\" a $1 billion comprehensive campaign to build on our unparalleled success.\nCarnegie Mellon consists of seven schools and colleges: Carnegie Institute of Technology, College of Fine Arts, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Heinz College, Mellon College of Science, School of Computer Science and the Tepper School of Business.\nFind out more about Carnegie Mellon in just 60 seconds or through our other videos.\nFor general inquiries, contact the university operator at 412-268-2000. To find a specific person\'s contact information, please search our online directory.','Carnegie Mellon is one of the biggest science and engineering schools in America, interested in engineering innovation. SnackBot was created by a combination of professors, undergraduates, and graduate students.','United States','Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania',1900),(9,'2010-11-09 22:26:35','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:26:15','2010-11-09 14:26:15','jcarlos','Private Company','Cardiorobotics','http://www.cardiorobotics.com','Cardiorobotics is a Delaware \"C\" Corporation, originally formed in 2005 (as Innovention Technologies, LLC) by the inventors of our technology. They are Howie Choset, PhD, a tenured Associate Professor of Robotics at Carnegie Mellon University, Dr. Marco Zenati, a cardiothoracic surgeon and Visiting Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School, and Dr. Alon Wolf, Associate Professor at Technion University in Israel. Dr. Zenati was on the medical faculty of the University of Pittsburgh at the time he and Drs. Choset and Wolf developed the first generation medical \"snake robotics\" platform in-licensed by the Company. Dr. Choset and Dr. Zenati continue to remain involved in technology development at the Company.\n\nCardiorobotics has exclusive worldwide licenses for its technologies from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh as well as additional robust development of its own intellectual property portfolio. The Company has operational facilities in Pennsylvania and New England, with partners located throughout the United States.','Cardiorobotics is a private company that uses technologies through Carnegie Mellon to make technological advancement, mostly focusing on issues in healthcare.','United States','Middletown, Rhode Island',2005),(10,'2010-11-09 22:27:38','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:26:37','2010-11-09 14:26:37','jcarlos','Public Company','Intel Labs','http://www.intel.com','Our Never-Ending Goal\nWe are Intel Sponsors of Tomorrow™, not only through our technical innovation, but through our endless efforts in education, environmental sustainability, healthcare, and much, much more. We believe that technology makes life more exciting and can help improve the lives of people around the world. Therein lies the endless opportunity.\n','Intel is a technology company usually working on computers extending out to robots. Intel Labs works within Intel on research and development of new products that innovate in different fields. Intel Labs researchers work in different environments: companies and universities, to discover.','United States','Santa Clara, California',1968),(11,'2010-11-09 22:27:46','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:27:40','2010-11-09 14:27:40','jcarlos','Private Company','Cyberdyne Inc.','http://www.cyberdyne.jp/english/index.html','CYBERDYNE Inc. is a venture firm aiming to utilize accomplishments by Prof. Sankai and his laboratory at University of Tsukuba.\nWe strongly believe that technologies should be designed for the benefits of humankind. We will be focusing on strong R&D and will introduce very new products and services to the society.','Cyberdyne is looking to commercially sell HAL 5 and wants to rent out units early to test how good of a product this is. Cyberdyne works with the Professor Sankai, a scientist who has a keen interest in robotics and is inspired by Isaac Asimov\'s \"iRobot\".','Japan','Ibaraki, Osaka',2004),(12,'2010-11-09 22:28:02','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:27:48','2010-11-09 14:27:48','jcarlos','Public Company','Electrolux','http://www.electroluxappliances.com/','Electrolux is committed to developing products that are highly innovative, yet thoughtful and intuitive. In order to design appliances thoughtfully, they must be imagined by people who are in tune with our life. This is how we make products that make you say, “They were thinking of me.”','Electrolux is a multinational corporation that works in appliances (2nd largest appliance manufacturer in the world). From this, Electrolux entered the robotics appliance market.','Sweden','Stockholm',1919),(13,'2010-11-09 22:28:39','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:28:04','2010-11-09 14:28:04','jcarlos','Private Company','Foster-Miller','http://foster-miller.qinetiq-na.com/','Foster-Miller, Inc., is a technology and product development company with an international reputation for delivering and supporting innovative products and systems that perform under the most demanding conditions. Our TALON robots and LAST Armor are both used worldwide to better protect our armed forces. Principally located in suburban Boston, MA, on Rte. 95, \"America\'s Technology Highway\" we also have offices in Washington, DC. Our firm was founded in 1956 by three graduates of MIT who believed there was a need for a company that could solve clients\' difficult technical problems through first-class analysis and design.We are certified to Aerospace Quality Management Standard AS9100 and have SW-CMM Level 3 software certification from the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.\n\nOur staff includes more than 300 engineers, scientists and support personnel with backgrounds in a cross section of technical disciplines and professional services. We structure our projects using multi-disciplinary teams of the in-house experts best able to solve the problem at hand. Our staff produces creative and practical solutions to real-world problems, always working in concert with the client. We are best known for taking our innovations from concept through production and field support.\n\nFoster-Miller constantly reinvents itself by updating and/or adopting new technical and business capabilities. Our current capabilities include:\n\nCustom Equipment, Product and Process Design\nRobotic Systems and Engineering Design\nAdvanced Materials Technology Development\nBiomedical Technology\nSmart Sensor and Electronics Design\nThermal Systems Development\nTransportation Systems and Structural Modeling\nFoster-Miller became an independent, wholly owned subsidiary of QinetiQ North America (QNA) in November, 2004. QNA is part of QinetiQ Group plc (LON: QQ), one of the world’s leading defense and security technology companies.\n\nFoster-Miller is part of QNA’s Technology Solutions Group. In addition to Foster-Miller, this group includes: Planning Systems, Inc., Automatika, Applied Perception, Spectro, Inc., and the Apogen Technologies R&D Division.','A product development company, with goals of better protecting the armed forces. Located on the East Coast and founded by three MIT grads in 1956, Foster-Miller is one of the leading military robotics aid companies. Foster-Miller focus in more on armed forces than on robotics, unlike iRobot, which puts robotics first always. (New update: Upon contacting Foster-Miller, they responded with the fact that NONE of their robots are, in fact, autonomous). Foster-Miller\'s parent company is now Qinetiq.','United States','Waltham, Massachusetts',1956),(14,'2010-11-09 22:29:12','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:28:41','2010-11-09 14:28:41','jcarlos','Private Company','FUJISOFT Incorporated','http://www.fsi.co.jp/e/','FUJISOFT has always been trying to create unique new “answers” \nfrom the perspectives of its customers. \nBy blending technologies in which the group is particularly strong such as system development, \ntelecommunications, video processing, digital delivery and robotics, \nFUJISOFT Group continues to provide unique new answers to both customers and society at large.\nAs business globalization accelerates, FUJISOFT Group, \nwhich leads the age of ubiquitous and cloud computing, \nis expanding its operations worldwide, \ndelivering unique technologies from each base.\nRather than simply offering IT solutions, \nFUJISOFT hopes to fulfill customer desires while being a unique \ncorporate group that truly makes a difference in our future.\nThe place for new IT answers.','FUJISOFT is a technology company whose motive is to \"bring unique IT answers and creating new markets in the age of ubiquitous and cloud computing\". FUJISOFT is selling Palros to different research institutions and research facilities in order to see how to program it. The company has been looking into robot intelligence and robot technology preparing for the future for a long time, and sees widespread input as a key to progress.','Japan','Yokohama',1970),(15,'2010-11-09 22:29:12','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:29:14','2010-11-09 14:29:14','jcarlos',NULL,'Future Robot of Korea',NULL,'No information found',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(16,'2010-11-09 22:29:44','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','Private Company','General Atomics','http://www.ga.com','Founded originally in 1955 as a division of General Dynamics, General Atomics (“GA”) and its affiliated companies now constitute one of the world\'s leading resources for high-technology systems ranging from the nuclear fuel cycle to electromagnetic systems, remotely operated surveillance aircraft, airborne sensors, and advanced electronic, wireless and laser technologies.\n\nGA had an initial charter to explore peaceful uses of atomic energy. Leading scientists came to GA, forming the nucleus of a staff which, including affiliated companies, currently numbers about 5,000. GA carries out the largest and most successful nuclear fusion program in private industry. The company has been the primary developer of modular helium-cooled nuclear power reactor systems, and its TRIGA® research reactors have operated around the world for over 45 years. GA and its affiliated entities also manufacture, operate, and service state-of-the-art unmanned aerial vehicles, are engaged in uranium mining and processing, and provide nuclear instrumentation, aircraft launch and recovery systems, superconducting magnets, systems for hazardous material destruction, magnetic levitation systems, medical diagnostic products, information technology and many other products and services for government and industry.\n\nFor over 50 years, GA and its affiliates have been qualified by U.S. Government organizations, including the Department of Energy, Department of Defense and the National Science Foundation, as a government contractor and facilities operator. GA and affiliates\' facilities contain over three million square feet of engineering, laboratory and manufacturing installations in the San Diego area. GA and its affiliates also have operations in Berlin, Dresden, Moscow, Tokyo, Adelaide, Washington, D.C., Denver, Los Alamos, Oklahoma City, Tupelo and Ogden.','General Atomics is involved in a wide range of products for both government and industry. Serves medical products, nuclear products, information technology, and magnetic products. Their unmanned air vehicles are state-of-the-art.','United States','San Diego, California',1955),(17,'2010-11-09 22:29:54','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:29:46','2010-11-09 14:29:46','jcarlos','Public Company','General Dynamics Robotic Systems','http://www.gdrs.com/','General Dynamics Robotic Systems (GDRS), the world leader in tactical autonomous robotics and the command and control technology for battle management of unmanned systems, designs and manufactures complex electro-mechanical and advanced automated systems for military, government, and commercial clients. With decades of expertise in developing unmanned systems for the military, manufacturing automated systems for the US Postal Service, and building obscurant systems for the Army, GDRS provides cutting-edge solutions to challenging engineering questions.\n\nGDRS Vision\n\nWe see a not-so-distant future when mission-competent robots will be teamed with Soldiers as co-combatants on the battlefield. All of our work in robotics is framed by this vision. We are already developing multi-asset control and collaboration systems that will allow a single Soldier to manage multiple unmanned air and ground vehicles. Our strategy for the development of robotic systems stresses high-speed mobility, maneuverability, reliability, and mission relevance for unmanned vehicles operating on any terrain, in any conflict. \n\nGDRS Manufacturing\n\nGDRS’ vertically integrated manufacturing capabilities are based on precise attention to detail, value-added and concurrent engineering services, an emphasis on quality control from the very beginning of a project to delivery, and rapid prototyping and testing. From the smallest precision machining project to the largest manufacturing job, GDRS uses the considerable talent of its engineers and technicians to achieve outstanding results. ','Aerospace designs, Combat systems, Marine systems, and Information systems are the four main business segments. The company combines revolutionary technology with standard combat vehicles and systems. ','United States','Westminster, Maryland',1985),(18,'2010-11-09 22:30:10','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:29:56','2010-11-09 14:29:56','jcarlos','Private Company','Hanson Robotics','http://hansonrobotics.wordpress.com/','About Hanson Robotics\nHanson Robotics develops and manufactures humanlike robots and smart\nsoftware that bring our robots to life. Hanson robots include the world’s\nfirst expressive biped robot, Albert-Hubo, heralded by WIRED as “genius”,\nand the small Zeno robot, a low-cost child robot who is evolving into a\nfamily member. Hanson delivers robots to prestigious laboratories around the\nworld, which include the University of Cambridge, the University of Geneva,\nUCSD, JPL/Caltech, United Arab Emirates University, the University of\nBristol, the University of Pisa, National Taiwan University, and the Korean\nAdvanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), where the robots serve\na wide range of science and engineering research, including autism therapy,\nartificial intelligence and machine perception, neuroscience and cognitive\nscience, mechanical engineering, and artificial muscle actuator research.\nThis research has resulted in hundreds of peer review publications, and\nnaturally captures abundant press and publicity. The bold appearance of\nlife in Hanson robots springs from the synthesis of biology,\nneurally-derived cognitive systems, machine perception, artistry of\ninteractive character design, animation, and sculpture, and the expressive\nquality of Hanson’s patented Frubber(tm), or “flesh rubber”, which is a\nspongy, structured elastic polymer that expertly mimics the movement of real\nhuman musculature and skin using 1/20th the power of other \nmaterials. In this activity, Hanson Robotics seeks to understand and model\nthe human being, deliver living robotic characters to the consumer, and\naccelerate progress towards greater-than-human intelligence in machines. We\nhope you will join us in this quest to build a better, smarter future.','Hanson Robotics is a company that focuses on robots: sparking in them creativity and consciousness. They want to \"distribute these beings and their constituent technologies into the world\".','United States','Richardson, Texas',2003),(19,'2010-11-09 22:31:53','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:31:55','2010-11-09 14:31:55','jcarlos','Public Company','Honda','http://www.honda.com/','We see the world not as it is, but as it could be.\n \nWe see the world through the eyes of dreamers. Because we are a company founded by a dreamer. And we are a company built on dreams.\n \nWe see the pursuit of impossible dreams as an empowering force, capable of producing revolutionary ideas. Dreams inspire us to create innovative products that enhance human mobility and benefit society. Honda encourages all of its associates to pursue their dreams. And it\'s our mission to share these dreams with others and to make them a reality.\n \nWe see \"The Power of Dreams\" as a way of thinking that guides us and pushes us forward. The strength of our company comes from this philosophy — which is based on the visionary principles of our founder, Soichiro Honda.\n \nWe see things from a global perspective, always striving to create and produce products of the highest quality at a reasonable price for worldwide customer satisfaction. The power of Honda\'s dreams will continue to lead to new insights and technologies in automobiles, motorcycles, power products, parts and other fields of mobility.\n \nWe see it as our responsibility to serve humanity through our global commitments to helping protect the environment and enhancing safety in a mobile society. In every endeavor we pursue, we strive to be a company that people all over the world want to exist.\n \n We see a bright future fueled by the Power of Dreams. Can you see it, too?','Honda, while mainly an automotive company, has entered in robotics with ASIMO. Honda has an interest in aero engines as well. Spending about 5% of their revenues on R&D, Honda is looking to the future.','Japan','Tokyo',1948),(20,'2010-11-09 22:32:25','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','Private Company','Hydroid, LLC.','http://www.hydroidinc.com/','Hydroid, Inc was founded in 2001 by the inventors of REMUS to allow this remarkable technology to reach a wider market and to provide for continuous product development. REMUS is the product of over 15 years of leading edge research and development, which has culminated in the world\'s most capable and reliable compact AUV. Hydroid has grown at an amazing rate, and now boasts over 150 AUV system sales to a variety of domestic and international customers. To support this growth, Hydroid now has a staff of over forty full and part-time employees that continuously strive for the highest level of product quality and support. This team is enhanced by the organization\'s growing representative network, which provides local sales and support in nearly 30 nations around the globe. Hydroid is located in a state-of-the-art facility in Pocasset, Massachusetts. This facility has been uniquely designed to support Hydroid\'s growing product offerings.','Hydroid LLC is a company borne from the creators of the REMUS banding together in 2001.','United States','Pocasset, Massachusetts',2001),(21,'2010-11-09 22:32:58','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:32:27','2010-11-09 14:32:27','jcarlos','Private Company','Hydronalix','http://hydronalix.com','What We Do \n\n-Engineering and Design of high speed unattended devices for littoral and brown water operations. \n\n-Engineering and Design of lightweight high speed portable personal watercraft. \n\n-Deployed from RHIB, RPB, CRC, Ship, Aircraft, or by swimmer. \n\n-Applications for DOD, DHS, NASA, NSF, DOE, NOAA, and Recreational Sports. \n','Creating \"high speed unattended devices\" for water operation. Hydronalix products can be used for safety and recreational use. Hydronalix focuses on autonomous and non-autonomous devices.','United States','Sahuarita, Arizona',2009),(22,'2010-11-09 22:34:13','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:33:13','2010-11-09 14:33:13','jcarlos','Public Company','IBM (International Business Machines Corp.)','http://www.ibm.com','No matter where discovery takes place, IBM Researchers push the boundaries of science, technology and business to make the world work better. Our global network of scientists work on a range of applied and exploratory research projects to help clients, governments and universities apply scientific breakthroughs to solve real-world business and societal challenges. ','IBM is always a company to look into the future. After producing Deep Blue in 1997, they have gone on to produce a more complex robot in terms of logical ability and variance.','United States','Harmonk, New York',1911),(23,'2010-11-09 22:34:34','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:34:15','2010-11-09 14:34:15','jcarlos','Private Company','IED Robot','http://www.iedrobot.com/','This site is provided as a service and information site for soldiers serving in OIF and OEF. The current focus is on providing support for the MARCbot and LVUSS, remote observation platforms which provide safe standoff when inspecting suspicious IEDs. For other tools found useful for the warfighter on IED sweeps please refer to the links page.','IED Robot is a fairly small company that goes by the principles that 1) a robot can only be really good at one thing 2) the military owns what the military funds and 3) capabilities and requirements are dictated by soldiers with direct involvement in the mission.','United States','No Information given',NULL),(24,'2010-11-09 22:35:02','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:34:36','2010-11-09 14:34:36','jcarlos','Public Company','Intuitive Surgical','http://www.intuitivesurgical.com/index.aspx','Surgical robotics was little more than a medical curiosity until 1999, the year Intuitive Surgical introduced the da Vinci® Surgical System. Today, Intuitive Surgical is the global leader in the rapidly emerging field of robotic-assisted minimally invasive surgery. Since its inception, the company has consistently provided surgeons and hospitals with the tools needed to improve clinical outcomes and to help patients return to active and productive lives.\n\nWith its corporate headquarters located in Sunnyvale, California, Intuitive Surgical serves customers throughout the United States and internationally, providing technology and procedural innovation across cardiac, urology, gynecologic, pediatric and general surgical disciplines.\n\nSince its first da Vinci System shipment, Intuitive Surgical has expanded its installed base to more than 900 academic and community hospital sites, while sustaining growth in excess of 25% annually. \n\nIntuitive Surgical is proud to be fulfilling its mission to extend the benefits of minimally invasive surgery to the broadest possible range of patients, while providing extraordinary value for its customers, investors and employees. ','Intuitive Surgical is about designing robots to aid in \"minimally invasive\" surgeries. Intuitive Surgical, while located in California serves customers throughout the United States and internationally. The \"da Vinci\" has become a','United States','Sunnyvale, California',1995),(25,'2010-11-09 22:35:22','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:35:24','2010-11-09 14:35:24','jcarlos','Public Company','iRobot','http://www.irobot.com','iRobot designs and builds robots that make a difference. \n\niRobot was founded in 1990 when Massachusetts Institute of Technology roboticists Colin Angle and Helen Greiner teamed up with their professor Dr. Rodney Brooks with the vision of making practical robots a reality.\n\nIn 2009, iRobot generated more than $298 million in revenue and employed more than 500 of the robot industry’s top professionals, including mechanical, electrical and software engineers and related support staff. iRobot stock trades on the NASDAQ stock market under the ticker symbol IRBT.\n\niRobot’s corporate headquarters are located in Bedford, Mass. The company also has offices in Virginia, North Carolina, Michigan, California, the United Kingdom, France, India, China and Hong Kong.','iRobot is about delivering convenient and compact robots to help with household tasks. Their commercial robots are about making home life easier. Their military robots are cutting-edge and can perform tasks that either used to be too dangerous to perform or impossible to perform. iRobot is one of the frontrunners in the robotics industry. cit anecdote','United States','Bedford, Massachusetts',1990),(26,'2010-11-09 22:38:49','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:38:51','2010-11-09 14:38:51','jcarlos','Educational Institution','Japan’s Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)','http://www.riken.go.jp/engn/','The mission of RIKEN is to conduct comprehensive research in science and technology (excluding only the humanities and social sciences) as provided for under the \"RIKEN Law,\" and to publicly disseminate the results of its scientific research and technological developments. RIKEN carries out high level experimental and research work in a wide range of fields, including physics, chemistry, medical science, biology, and engineering, covering the entire range from basic research to practical application.\nRIKEN was first organized in 1917 as a private research foundation, and reorganized in 2003 as an independent administrative institution under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. ','RIKEN looks into regular scientific study: physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, computer science. RIBA is RIKEN\'s big new project in robots is enabled due to an expansion of the institute.','Japan','Wako',1917),(27,'2010-11-09 22:40:04','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','Educational Institution','KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)','http://www.kaist.edu/edu.html','Research at KAIST focuses on basic science and technological innovation that will have the greatest impact on industrial society. Eight KAIST Institutes (KIs) have been set up to concentrate the University’s research capabilities in advanced fields. Each KI is operated as an independent research center at the level of a college, receiving financial and facility support. The eight research institutes are KI for BioCentury, KI for Information Technology Convergence, KI for Design of Complex Systems, KI for Entertainment Engineering, KI for the NanoCentury, KI for Eco-Energy, KI for Urban Space and Systems, and KI for Optical Science and Technology. \n\n \n\nKAIST is currently conducting research projects commissioned by the government and private businesses with research grants totaling 463 billion won (US$320 million). In terms of ownership of intellectual property rights, KAIST holds 2,694 domestic patents and 723 international patents.\n','KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) is a top scientific institute in South Korea. Originated with government funding in 1971, KAIST has become one of the top technology university in the world.','South Korea','Daejeon',1971),(28,'2010-11-09 22:40:15','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:40:17','2010-11-09 14:40:17','jcarlos','Educational Institution','KIST (Korea Institute of Science and Technology)','http://www.kist.re.kr/en/index.jsp','\n\nKIST is the premier multi-disciplinary research institute in Korea. Our goal is to research, develop, and transition creative, original technologies that are necessary to advance our nation’s science and technology base. Specifically, we are focused on fusion technologies that will power Korea’s economic growth, especially in the areas of energy, environment, health, security, and materials.\n\nKIST will continue to proactively foster partnerships among industries, universities, and research institutes. It is only through such cooperation that we can improve the well-being of our citizens.\n\nTo enhance the level of excellence in our research, we will expand our global cooperative network with world-renowned scientists and institutions. In addition, KIST will promote an open environment of creativity where our researchers can realize their fullest potential.\n\nWe are hard at work to make KIST a world eminent research institute Korea can be proud of. KIST will be known as a place where our dreams are made and realized.','KIST has opened many facilities and continues to be a source of growth for the country. They are also on the cutting edge in technology. South Korea continues to be on the cutting edge in robotics.','South Korea','Seoul',1966),(29,'2010-11-09 22:41:44','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-09-15','09:11:00','2010-09-15 09:11:00','jeremy','Private Company','Kokoro Company','http://www.kokoro-dreams.co.jp/english','Since it was established in 1984, Kokoro has developed a wide variety of robots including dinosaurs, animals and humanoids based on the main theme “touch the hearts of the people”.\n\nKokoro’s “Mechatro-Art” techniques are created by our delicate blend of sophisticated art techniques and life-like movements. This unique perspective has made the name of Kokoro and our trademark “Doukoku - moving sculpture” known in the entertainment industries around the world.\n\nNot only in the animatronics field but also in vending machine businesses in Japan, Kokoro has provided greater enjoyment of food for children through Hello Kitty’s popcorn vending machines.\n\nIn a few years time, it will be a quarter of a century since Kokoro was established.There have been remarkable changes and developments made all over the world in this period.This continuous innovation will accelerate in the future.\n\nWith our accumulated technologies and expertise, Kokoro will proactively develop our innovative technologies and continue to grow in order to develop new entertainment and service robots for the future.','Kokoro has made different types of robots since it was established. They focus on animal robots and humanoid robots that \"touch the hearts of the people\". Using their inspiration to create positive input returned from the community, Kokoro aims to be a top robotics company in Japan.\n','Japan','Tokyo',1984),(30,'2010-11-09 22:41:44','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:41:46','2010-11-09 14:41:46','jcarlos','Governmental Institution','Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH)','http://eng.kitech.re.kr/','Marking the 20th anniversary of its foundation, KITECH is poised to become one of the best research institutes in the world equipping SMEs with advanced technologies through our advanced research and small and medium enterprise support. By leading production technology innovation for small and medium enterprises, we will develop into a world class research institute comparable to the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology of Japan or the Fraunhofer Society of Germany.','Korea Institute of Industrial Technology is a part of the Korea University of Science and Technology. They are universities in South Korea that do research, development, and education on a wide variety of subjects in science and technology','South Korea','Cheonan',1989),(31,'2010-11-09 22:43:16','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','Private Company','Kyodo America Industries','http://www.kyodoamerica.com','Kyodo America Industries Co., Ltd. was established in 1996 in Atlanta, Ga., as Kyodo Co., Ltd., Japan\'s first factory in the US. Kyodo America conducts businesses that include manufacturer and assembly of garden equipment, plastic molding, and trading. \nWith our new line of robotic home products, KA is realizing its dream of bringing the highest level of products to consumers. \nIn 2005, KA entered into an alliance with Zucchetti Centro Sistemi, of Italy, to bring robotic mowers and other goods to the US market. Zucchetti Centro Sistemi is one of the leading software companies in Europe and there line of robotic mowers is the market leader in this growing market segment KA is proud to be allied with such a leading edge company.','Kyodo America originated as a rubber and plastic molding company. Moving out of molding, Kyodo America\'s biggest product now is the Lawnbott, as it has become a provider of garden equipment.','Japan','Tokyo',1939),(32,'2010-11-09 22:44:15','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:43:18','2010-11-09 14:43:18','jcarlos','Private Company','Robo-Garage, Ltd.','http://www.robo-garage.com/en','N/A','Robo-Garage is a company within Kyoto University, one of the top universities in the world. Robo-Garage used the University to get out different types of robots and help with research.','Japan','Kyoto',2003),(33,'2010-11-09 22:44:33','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:44:35','2010-11-09 14:44:35','jcarlos','Public Company','Lockheed Martin','http://www.lockheedmartin.com','Lockheed Martin\'s operating units are organized into broad business areas.\n\nAeronautics, with approximately $12.2 billion in 2009 sales, includes tactical aircraft, airlift, and aeronautical research and development lines of business.\nElectronic Systems, with approximately $12.2 billion in 2009 sales, includes missiles and fire control, naval systems, platform integration, simulation and training and energy programs lines of business.\nInformation Systems & Global Solutions (IS&GS), with approximately $12.1 billion in 2009 sales, includes C4I, federal services, government and commercial IT solutions.\nSpace Systems, with approximately $8.6 billion in 2009 sales, includes space launch, commercial satellites, government satellites, and strategic missiles lines of business. ','Lockheed Martin Aeronautics (with support from Boeing), is a company that makes military aircrafts. For Lockheed Martin, unmanned vehicles are not their main focus but the F-22 is a key part of Lockheed Martin\'s product mix. The HULC is a newer venture that is not involved in the aeronautic element of Lockheed Martin.','United States','Bethesda, Maryland',1995),(34,'2010-11-09 22:46:22','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:45:48','2010-11-09 14:45:48','jcarlos','Educational Institution','Massachusetts Institute of Technology\'s Senseable City Lab','http://senseable.mit.edu/','The mission of MIT is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century — whether the focus is cancer, energy, economics or literature','MIT is known as one the most-cutting edge technology-oriented institutions or universities in the world. Seaswarm was created at MIT\'s \"Senseable City Lab\". The Senseable City Lab is intended to investigate how new technologies will affect the urban landscape. Now Senseable City Lab has delved into not just urban landscape, but also how new technologies can help with problems like oil spills.','United States','Cambridge, Massachusetts',1861),(35,'2010-11-09 22:47:00','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:46:57','2010-11-09 14:46:57','jcarlos','Public Company','Microsoft Corporation','http://www.microsoft.com','Accessibility makes it easier for anyone to see, hear, and use a computer, and to personalize their computer to meet their own needs and preferences. For many people with impairments, accessibility is what makes computer use possible.\n\nAt Microsoft, our mission is to enable people and businesses throughout the world to realize their full potential. We consider our mission statement a promise to our customers. We deliver on that promise by striving to create technology that is accessible to everyone—regardless of age or ability. Microsoft leads the industry in accessibility innovation and in building products that are safer and easier to use.\n\n','Microsoft is a technology company that aims to create innovating in computer engineering, video games, and any other technological advancement. Milo combines different aspects of Microsoft\'s overall business mix (video games, computers, artificial intelligence, etc...)','United States','Redmond, Washington',1975),(36,'2010-11-09 22:48:05','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:47:02','2010-11-09 14:47:02','jcarlos','Public Company','Mitsubishi Heavy Industries','http://www.mhi.co.jp/en','We at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries aim to provide the next generation with an assured future of comfortable lives and happiness through technologies that excite people and our passion for manufacturing.\n\nTo achieve this aim, we seek to provide further value by improving the technologies we have fostered and using new ideas and concepts to integrate our diverse technologies.\n\nFrom a global perspective, we work to solve the problems facing humankind and to realize everyone\'s dreams.','One of the core companies within Mitsubishi, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries works on electronics, machinery, aerospace and much more. They created Wakamaru to fulfill a need for the elderly and disabled.\n','Japan','Tokyo',1950),(37,'2010-11-09 22:48:27','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:48:07','2010-11-09 14:48:07','jcarlos','Private Company','MobileRobots, Inc.','http://www.mobilerobots.com','MobileRobots Inc is a premier robot technology company dedicated to the design and manufacture of autonomous mobile robotic systems. Since 1995 when the Company launched its first Pioneer robot, MobileRobots (formerly ActivMedia Robotics) has grown to be a global leader in the design and manufacture of intelligent mobile bases. MobileRobots now provides robot platforms, autonomous navigation systems and software for robot researchers and commercial application developers.\nMobileRobots’ flexible Motivity guidance and control technologies are revolutionizing the way materials and processes are handled in hospitals, labs, offices and factories. Robots using Motivity have logged millions of miles per year at installations ranging from a single robot up to 38-robot self-optimizing fleets. Following its technology roadmap, Motivity continues to evolve with the addition of outdoor autonomy, 3D-class sensors and other maturing technologies. MobileRobots has delivered thousands of robots around the globe that are used by leading organizations including Amgen, BAE, Carnegie Mellon, H-P, Hitachi, Intel, John Deere, Microsoft, MIT, SAIC, Siemens, US Army & US Navy.','MobileRobots Inc. is a robotics company that works on providing base technologies for robot research and application. MobileRobots Inc. has been working to develop many different types of robots and is a forerunner in production of new robotic technologies, producing prolifically in the last fifteen years. ','United States','Amherst, New Hampshire',1995),(38,'2010-11-09 22:48:47','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:48:29','2010-11-09 14:48:29','jcarlos','Governmental Institution','NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)','http://www.nasa.gov','NASA\'s mission is to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research.\n\nTo do that, thousands of people have been working around the world -- and off of it -- for 50 years, trying to answer some basic questions. What\'s out there in space? How do we get there? What will we find? What can we learn there, or learn just by trying to get there, that will make life better here on Earth?','NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is part of the U.S. Government that\'s in charge of space exploration and aeronautics. NASA is developing a robot in order to further grow their useful help in space. NASA has always tried to be able to explain what is going on within earth\'s parameters by looking outside of it.','United States','Washington D.C.',1958),(39,'2010-11-09 22:49:13','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:48:49','2010-11-09 14:48:49','jcarlos','Governmental Institution','National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) (Japan)','http://www.aist.go.jp/index_en.html','Contribution to a sustainable society:\nAIST strategically engages in research and development to provide a high-quality, safe, and sound life where people can coexist with nature.\nContribution to industrial competitiveness:\nAIST transforms the structure of Japanese industries and strengthens the industrial competitiveness through innovations in industrial technology by enhancement of its function as the innovation hub.\nContribution to local industrial development:\nAIST engages in world level research and development using local technological resources. It also helps the local industrial technology by strengthening the cooperation among local industries, academia, and governments.\nContribution to industrial technology policies:\nAIST identifies research and development issues to be undertaken by the Japanese government, by understanding and analyzing the environment of the industrial technology, and then proposes policies about mid- and long-term industrial technology strategies.','AIST is a research facility that promotes technological and scientific progress in research. It works on integrating science and engineering knowledge to address socio-economic human needs. It works hand-in-hand with the government to reach the needs of people.','Japan','Tsukuba and Tokyo',2001),(40,'2010-11-09 22:49:29','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:49:15','2010-11-09 14:49:15','jcarlos','Public Company','NEC Corporation','http://www.nec.com','NEC\'s brand statement, \"Empowered by Innovation,\" expresses our commitment to empowering people and society through continuous innovation in every area of our businesses, fueled by our infinite passion for innovation and our customer-focused spirit of collaboration.','NEC is a multinational company headquartered and originated in Japan. Their primary focus\' are technological systems (electronic devices, IT solutions, network solutions). This leads to innovation in a field such as robotics.','Japan','Tokyo',1899),(41,'2010-11-09 22:49:43','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:49:31','2010-11-09 14:49:31','jcarlos','Educational Institution','Osaka University','http://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/en','The meaning of Osaka University\'s motto \"Live Locally, Grow Globally\" goes beyond the historical significance of the university\'s roots that reach back to Kaitokudo1 and Tekijuku2. Kaitokudo and Tekijuku were not only places of learning open to the public, they were also schools possessing cutting-edge knowledge in their day, places of unimpeded study for citizens. The inspirational spirit of Kaitokudo and Tekijuku exemplifies the future course for Osaka University, an institution imparting \"knowledge\" both locally and globally.\n\nOsaka University has always emphasized: (1) Cutting-edge research, (2) a university tradition of combining and creating overlooked areas for research, (3) an atmosphere revering both learning and research (which is why we have been called a \"University of Education\"), (4) respect for a liberal arts education at our graduate schools, and (5) active contributions to society through university-industry and university-society cooperation. Now is the time for the University to embrace this unique education and research style as the definitive \"Handai style [Osaka University style].\"\n\nOsaka University strives to nurture researchers and professionals engaged in cutting-edge research, doing so with the full trust of society. In other words, we aim to produce graduates with a comprehensive worldview that incorporates the power to design and communicate with others. Centering on these characteristics and looking to the future, Osaka University dedicates itself to become a university looking ahead as times change; not a university only for one nation or only for researchers, but a university walking forward in harmony with the citizens of Osaka and the world. This is the style of \"knowledge\" we aim to impart. Osaka University\'s staff, students, researchers join hands to build such a university, and the finest evaluation we can receive is when society looks and says, \"People who\'ve studied at Osaka University really are one step ahead.\"','Osaka University is a major national university in Japan. It is one of the best universities there in both education and research, interested in the cutting edge technology.','Japan','Osaka',1724),(42,'2010-11-09 22:50:33','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:49:45','2010-11-09 14:49:45','jcarlos','Private Company','Pal Robotics','http://www.pal-robotics.com','Our mission is to provide robotic products and services which can become an integral part of our daily life. Our service and humanoid robots are designed for the people and to serve the people, therefore the company wants to provide reliable solutions that really improve the daily work of our clients and their quality of life.','Pal Robotics is a company that focuses on robots, and has a goal of bringing productive robots into the daily lives of humans. Their humanoid and service robots are \"for the people and to serve the people\"','Spain','Barcelona',2004),(43,'2010-11-09 22:50:48','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:50:35','2010-11-09 14:50:35','jcarlos','Private Company','ProGolf International Inc. (PGI)','http://www.icady4u.com','ProGolf International Inc. (PGI) was created to develop a new product that would compliment a golf courses riding car rental fleet with a high service value product for rent by golfers who want to walk and don’t want to pack, pull or push there equipment around the course. According to a survey done by The National Golf Foundation, golfers who walk still account for 50% of all rounds played in the United States today.\n\nThese walking golfers represent a significant new revenue opportunity for golf courses. PGI recognized that golf courses needed a product that could improve the financial performance of their courses. Pull carts have historically provided additional revenue from walkers, however as the difference between the rental price of a seat in a riding car and the rental price of a pull cart has increased, golf courses have lost an increasingly larger source of revenue from their walkers. Because pull carts can be purchased for $50 to $150, if a walking golfer purchases one, the golf course loses even the small amount of revenue they would collect from renting the pull cart. PGI’s goal is to have every golf course rent a small fleet of icadys that over time would expand to meet the increasing demand. A golfer will only be able to play using icady by renting them from a golf course that has made icady available to their walking patrons demonstrating their vision and meeting demands of walkers.\n\nA golfer will only be able to play using icady by renting them from a golf course that has made icady available to their walking patrons demonstrating their vision and meeting demands of walkers.','PGI is working on creating a robot that allows for its user to not have to push, pull, or load up its gold-bag as they play the course. PGI looks to sell to golf courses willing to rent out icady\'s to their customers. In fact, PGI is looking only to sell to golf courses and not individuals.','United States','Farmington Hills, Michigan',2003),(44,'2010-11-09 22:51:52','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:51:53','2010-11-09 14:51:53','jcarlos','Other','Ray Kurzweil',NULL,'N/A','Ray Kurzweil has been one of the people on the forefront of genetic exploration with robots. He has said that robots will help in in his goal to live forever. His first actual \"robot\", is Ramona.','United States','N/A',NULL),(45,'2010-11-09 22:51:52','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','Private Company','Rex Bionics','http://www.rexbionics.com','Rex began with a simple idea– a practical new option for standing and walking that could be used by people in wheelchairs. The outcome was the development of Rex, the pair of robotic legs. Seven years later, Rex Bionics has 25 engineers and a handful of other staff committed to bringing Rex to market around the world.','Rex Bionics is a company that focuses on producing Rex, the exoskeleton. They had the idea originally of trying to give wheelchair users the ability to walk. They are from New Zealand.','New Zealand','North Shore City',2007),(46,'2010-11-09 22:56:04','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:56:06','2010-11-09 14:56:06','jcarlos','Private Company','RoboMop International AS','http://www.robomop.net','RoboMop International AS sells low cost cleaning robots to the mass market. RoboMop is a low cost product compared to its performance. It is a cleaning tool that can be seen as much in electrical departments as in the household items-RoboMop is not a robotic vacuum cleaner but a mechatronic robot that dusts your smooth floor surfaces and it is exported to 25 countries. RoboMop International AS been awarded AAA credit score by Dun & Bradstreet. RoboMop International AS is 100% subsidiary of DNAH-Group AS.\n\nDNAH-Group AS is a brand supplier with its own development department for products, packaging, promotional material and internet website. This, combined with a close cooperation with our customers and manufacturers, makes us particularly flexible and efficient in the launch of new concepts. We focus our core competencies towards specialization in our current product segments.\n\nThe company develops own private brands and OEM brands for both the consumer- and professional market. Our customer portfolio includes leading retailers in Norway and Scandinavia. A number of our brands are market leaders and we distribute on an international scale. DNAH-Group exhibits at exhibitions worldwide including Frankfurt, Chicago and Hong Kong.','RoboMop International AS provides only the RoboMop and promotes accordingly.','Norway','Bergen',NULL),(47,'2010-11-09 22:56:18','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','Private Company','Robosoft','http://www.robosoft.com/eng','Robosoft supplies advanced robotic solutions. We aim at drastically reduce costs and improve quality in transport, cleanliness, health and security, thanks to our set of mobile robots and the robuBOX, Robosoft’s original embedded control technology.\nFounded in 1985 as a start-up of INRIA, Robosoft gathered necessary skills and know-how to design high-end innovative service robots.','Robosoft (from France) is one of Europe\'s biggest robotics companies. Robosoft works on robotic solutions for companies and people aiming to reduce cost and improve quality in transport, cleanliness, health and security.','France','Bidart',1985),(48,'2010-11-09 22:56:18','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:56:20','2010-11-09 14:56:20','jcarlos','Other','RobotCub Consortium',NULL,'RobotCub is a collaborative project funded by the European\nCommission under the sixth framework programme (FP6) by Unit E5: Cognitive Systems, Interaction and Robotics. It has the twofold\ngoal of: i) creating an open hardware/software humanoid\nrobotic platform for research in embodied cognition, and ii)\nadvancing our understanding of natural and artificial cognitive\nsystems by exploiting this platform in the study of the\ndevelopment of cognitive capabilities.','RobotCub Consortium is a company dedicated to understanding cognition. Allowing open-source development, the company has taken on many partners in trying to further the advancement of its main product, iCub. They are funded by the European Commission.','European countries collaboration','N/A (different inputs)',2004),(49,'2010-11-09 22:56:59','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','Private Company','Robotic Technology Inc.','http://www.robotictechnologyinc.com','Robotic Technology Incorporated (RTI), a Maryland, U.S.A. corporation chartered in 1985, provides systems and services in the fields of intelligent systems, robotic vehicles (including unmanned ground, air, and sea vehicles), robotics and automation, weapons systems, intelligent control systems, intelligent transportation systems, intelligent manufacturing, and other advanced technology for government, industry, and not-for-profit clients.\n\nRTI services include technical analyses, technology assessment and forecasting, business development, and other professional services. RTI products under development include: intelligent systems for controlling complex systems of systems and serving as decision tools for human decision makers; and autonomous intelligent robots and vehicles for military and civil applications.\n\nPlease click on the links on the left labelled \"Organization,\" \"Background,\" or \"Clients\" to obtain the relevant information.\n\nVISION STATEMENT\n\nTo become the global innovator and propagator of intelligent systems, including autonomous intelligent robots and driverless vehicles, and especially to champion the transformational technology needed to save lives on the battlefield and the highway.\n\nMISSION STATEMENT\n\nTo create, build, and sell autonomous intelligent systems, including robots and robotic vehicles, for the benefit of humanity, such that our employees thrive, our shareholders flourish, and our customers are completely satisfied.','RTI is about selling autonomous robots and robotic vehicles that innovate in order to save lives on the battlefield and the highway. Their goal is to become \"the global innovator of intelligent systems\".','United States','Washington DC',1985),(50,'2010-11-09 22:57:52','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:57:53','2010-11-09 14:57:53','jcarlos','Private Company','Sohgo Security Services','http://www.alsok.co.jp/en','In pursuit of the ideal\n\nWe are building Japan\'s strongest security services group through a flexible approach to adapting our shape. We continue to pursue ideals: the flexibility to adopt the most modern science and information technology, the sensitivity to anticipate and understand changes in our society, and the dedication to move towards our own standards.','The Japan-based company has two business segments (security and accident prevention). While Sohgo is the creator of the Reborg-Q, their main focus is not robotics but different types of security systems. Sohgo is part of ALSOK (ALways Security OK), a japanese security company.','Japan','Tokyo',1965),(51,'2010-11-09 22:59:08','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:59:09','2010-11-09 14:59:09','jcarlos','Private Company','TOSY','http://www.tosy.com','TOSY Robotics is the first Vietnamese robotics firm. Established in 2002, TOSY has the ambition to be one of the leading robot brands in the world.\n\nWith its high tech product lines and breakthrough innovation, TOSY is a pioneer in the Vietnamese robotics industry, aiming at changing the country’s position on the world technology map.\n\nTOSY’s prime goal is to bring robots to everywhere, changing the way that people live and work. TOSY’s humanoid robots can be placed in every home to be people’s friends and assistants.\n\nTOSY is currently focusing on the R&D and manufacturing of 4 product lines: High-tech toys, toy robots, industrial robots; and service robots. This will be the company’s strategic focus in 2009, 2010 and 2011 respectively.','TOSY is the first Vietnamese robotics company. They believe that they can create robots to play a variety of sports, not just ping-pong, with an ability to beat humans.','Vietnam','Hanoi',2002),(52,'2010-11-09 22:59:19','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','14:59:21','2010-11-09 14:59:21','jcarlos','Private Company','Touch Bionics','http://www.touchbionics.com','The history of Touch Bionics goes back to a program of work conducted at the Princess Margaret Rose Hospital in Edinburgh from 1963, starting with comprehensive research into developing prosthetic solutions for children affected by Thalidomide.\n\nIn 1988, work began in earnest on electronic arms, including shoulders, wrists and hands. In 1993, a partial hand system received international publicity and in 1998, major international profile was achieved through the fitting of the world’s first electrically powered shoulder.\n\nIn early 2003, the company was spun out from the National Health System, with significant shareholding held by Scottish Health Innovations Ltd., and became the first SHIL spin-out to receive significant funding. An initial SMART award from Scottish Enterprise got the company going, and it has now received investment funding from existing and new investors, including Archangel Informal Investments and the Scottish Co-investment Fund.\n\nThe company was initially called Touch EMAS, EMAS standing for Edinburgh Modular Arm System. In 2005 it was re-branded Touch Bionics to communicate the dynamism of the company’s products and the future focus of its prosthesis technology.\n\nTouch Bionics has launched three key products, the i-LIMB Hand, ProDigits, and LIVINGSKIN. The i-LIMB Hand is the world’s first commercially available multi-articulating bionic hand. It has five independently powered digits that open and close around objects. It supports amputees in going about their everyday lives. In medicine, bionics means the replacement or enhancement of organs or other body parts by mechanical means. more\n\nProDigits, short for Prosthetic Digits, are the self-contained fingers that are individually powered and controlled to provide new fingers for partial hand patients with severed fingers. The i-LIMB Hand is effectively a chassis for five ProDigits. Individual ProDigits are used for patients who have lost part of their hand or a whole finger or fingers. more\n\nLIVINGSKIN, is a unique and lifelike prosthetic skin that Touch Bionics supplies with the i-LIMB hand. An aesthetic restoration solution that is a high-definition silicone prosthesis created to resemble human skin by mimicking the three dermal layers of natural human skin. To ensure proper color matching and fit, every prosthesis is custom crafted for each individual. LIVINGSKIN prostheses can be created and fitted for any level of finger, hand, arm or lower limb amputation.','Touch Bionics is a small company on the rise that aims for the most cutting-edge prosthetics. Their main prosthetics, i-LIMB can sense the user\'s desires and act accordingly. The company has as much an interest in robotics as it does in prosthetics and, combining the two, has a goal to be the first company to make possible the idea of the \"bionic person\".','United States','Hilliard, Ohio',2005),(53,'2010-11-09 23:00:06','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','Private Company','Trek Aerospace','http://www.trekaero.com','Trek Aerospace is the industry leader in shrouded propeller (“ducted fan”) technology. Founded in 1996, Trek has been dedicated to understanding and improving shrouded propeller performance and efficiency. We developed Trek’s proprietary CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) software program, TASPA™ (Trek Aerospace Shrouded Propeller Analysis), to design optimal shrouded propeller modules. Testing in NASA and university wind tunnels has validated the accuracy of our code. Flight testing of both manned and unmanned vehicles has further verified the real-world applications of our technology. Trek’s knowledge base allows us to design and build shrouded propellers that produce 50-75% more static thrust than our nearest competitor. Furthermore, our shrouded propellers outperform similar free propellers to airspeeds in excess of 200 knots.','Trek Aerospace is a company that mainly provides propeller technology to government agencies such as NASA or DARPA. Trek also consults with companies regarding their aerospace engineering. Trek Aerospace is an industry leader in shrouded propeller technology.','United States','Folsom, California',1996),(54,'2010-11-09 23:00:39','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:00:08','2010-11-09 15:00:08','jcarlos','Educational Institution','University of South Florida Institute','http://www.eng.usf.edu','At USF, students are encouraged to participate in meaningful research that seeks to change lives for the better, to collaborate across fields of study, and to connect to local and global communities through service learning, activism and volunteerism.','University of South Florida engineering has been interested in gastrobots research since it coined the phrase \"gastrobot\" (robot with a stomach) in 1998. The research continues, and Chew-Chew is their biggest success.','United States','Tampa, Florida',1956),(55,'2010-11-09 23:02:49','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:00:41','2010-11-09 15:00:41','jcarlos','Educational Institution','Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)','http://www.eng.vt.edu','Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University is a public land-grant university serving the Commonwealth of Virginia, the nation, and the world community. The discovery and dissemination of new knowledge are central to its mission. Through its focus on teaching and learning, research and discovery, and outreach and engagement, the university creates, conveys, and applies knowledge to expand personal growth and opportunity, advance social and community development, foster economic competitiveness, and improve the quality of life.','Virginia Tech has always been a technology school and forward thinking in terms of technological advancements. Their robotic products are the result of input from both graduate students and professors.','United States','Blacksburg, Virginia',1872),(56,'2010-11-09 23:02:49','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:02:51','2010-11-09 15:02:51','jcarlos','Other','Willow Garage',NULL,'What We Do\n\nWillow Garage develops hardware and open source software for personal robotics applications.\n\nVision\n\nWe see personal robots as the next paradigm-shifting personal productivity tool. By investing in open source and open platform adoption models, we aim to lay the groundwork for the use of personal robotics applications in everyday life.\n\nWho We Are\n\nWillow Garage is a team of experts in robot design, control, perception, and machine learning, with both a strong theoretical background and a demonstrated drive to produce practical systems.\n\nApproximately one third of our team is made up of robotics researchers whose specialties include: grasping/manipulation, human-robot interaction, motion planning, perception, and task planning. Researchers provide an institutional expertise to ensure that Willow Garage stays at the technological forefront of the many depth expertise areas represented in robotic technologies.\n\nFocus on Impact\n\nWe invest time and resources in the areas that we believe will most effectively promote the efficiency of the personal robotics research and development community. We are constantly looking for opportunities to help you become more efficient - if you have suggestions, please let us know.\n\nOpen Source\n\nWe are committed to open source robotics software and the furtherance of the open source personal robotics community. We helped found, and continue to contribute heavily to, the robot operating system, ROS. The ROS software we contribute is BSD-licensed, making it completely free for anyone to use and change, and free for other companies to commercialize on. We see this open-source approach enabling robotics innovation, and helping to ensure that the adoption of robotic technologies is a transparent process with positive societal impact.\n\nExternal Collaboration\n\nWillow Garage is only one part of the open-source robotics community. We try to focus our efforts in ways that will make the entire community more productive. Willow Garage actively engages research labs and companies as partners, collaborators, customers and advisors in the development of both our hardware platform and open source software. Willow Garage also supports researchers who would not otherwise have the bandwidth or funding to open source their work.','Willow Garage is a small company/research facility in Silicon Valley that works on both the hardware and open source software in robotics. Willow Garage has made strides in robotics development but has a further goal of creating a platform that serves as a base for further development in applications of robots. Willow Garage works with research teams in order to improve and innovate their open-source technology.','United States','Menlo Park, California',2006),(57,'2010-11-09 23:03:12','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','2010-09-06','00:50:35','2010-09-06 00:50:35','jeremy','Private Company','Yujin Robot','http://yujinrobot.com/english/','Yujin Robot Co. Ltd., has been a leading company in the area of industrial robot, MEMS test handler and manufacturing automation system with the state of the art technology for more than 15 years. The company moves forward to intelligent robot to realize intelligent life with robot.','Yujin Robot provides home service robots, entertainment robots, industrial robots etc… since 1988. They work on having robots that are useful but also create a buzz.','South Korea','Seoul',1988),(58,'2010-11-09 23:03:41','2010-09-13','11:45:41','2010-09-13 11:45:41','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:03:14','2010-11-09 15:03:14','jcarlos','Private Company','Anybots, Inc.','http://www.anybot.com/','Be part of the action at work from home or anywhere. All you need is a web browser and you can interact with the whole office, lab, factory, or warehouse. QB glides around smoothly and quietly, giving you total access and presence. Shipping in Fall 2010.\n\nOnly company description available','Anybots Inc. is a company that focuses on mobile robotic presence and the versatility that that presence allows for. Not looking to be in one industry, Anybots sees their \"avatars\" as being applicable to many different types of end-users.','United States','Mountain View, California',2001),(59,'2010-11-09 23:05:10','2010-09-13','14:00:12','2010-09-13 14:00:12','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:03:43','2010-11-09 15:03:43','jcarlos','Public Company','Adept Technology, Inc.','http://www.adept.com','Adept Technology, Inc. is a global, leading provider of intelligent vision-guided robotics systems and services. Adept systems provide unmatched performance and economic value throughout the production lifecycle, enabling customers to achieve precision, quality and productivity in their assembly, handling and packaging processes. \n\nFounded in 1983, Adept Technology is the largest U.S.-based manufacturer of industrial robots. Adept intelligent automation product lines include industrial robots, configurable linear modules, machine controllers for robot mechanisms and other flexible automation equipment, machine vision, and systems and applications software. Adept provides specialized, cost-effective robotics systems and services to high-growth markets including Packaged Goods, Life Sciences, Disk Drive/Electronics and Semiconductor/Solar; as well as to traditional industrial markets including machine tool automation and automotive components. \n\nManufacturing its products in Pleasanton, California, Adept markets, distributes, and supports its products worldwide both directly and through channel partners. Adept’s robotics products and services are the solutions of choice for many industry-leading corporations. More than 25,000 non-captive robots, built specifically with Adept’s customers in mind, and more than 30,000 Adept controlled robots are installed worldwide. Adept is ISO 9001:2000 certified. \n\nAdept believes intelligent automation is key to the success of any medium or high volume discrete manufacturing enterprise. Adept\'s strategy is to provide a broad range of high reliability, configurable, intelligent robot, controller, vision and software products along with world-class service to allow manufacturer\'s to maximize the productivity, flexibility and quality of the products they manufacture.','In 2010, Adept Technology acquired MobileRobots Inc. Adept Technology focuses on industrial robots and is one of the biggest providers of industrial robots in the United States.','United States','Pleasanton, California',1983),(60,'2010-11-09 23:05:22','2010-09-13','14:30:17','2010-09-13 14:30:17','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:05:24','2010-11-09 15:05:24','jcarlos','Educational Institution','Kyoto University','http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en','Kyoto University states its mission to sustain and develop its historical commitment to academic freedom and to pursue harmonious coexistence within human and ecological community on this planet.\n\nResearch\n\nKyoto University will generate world-class knowledge through freedom and autonomy in research that conforms with high ethical standards.\nAs a university that comprehends many graduate schools, faculties, research institutes and centres, Kyoto University will strive for diverse development in pure and applied research in the humanities, sciences and technology, while seeking to integrate these various perspectives.\nEducation\n\nWithin its broad and varied educational structure, Kyoto University will transmit high-quality knowledge and promote independent and interactive learning.\nKyoto University will educate outstanding and humane researchers and specialists, who will contribute responsibly to the world’s human and ecological community.\nRelationship with society\n\nAs a university committed to a broad social engagement, Kyoto University will encourage cooperation with local and national society, and will disseminate knowledge informed by the ideals of freedom and peaceful coexistence.\nAs an international institution, Kyoto University will promote foreign academic exchange and thereby strive to contribute to the well-being of the world.\nAdministration\n\nIn order to enhance the free development of learning, Kyoto University will pay due respect to the administrative independence of each of its component institutions, while promoting cooperation among them.\nKyoto University will conduct its administration with regard for the environment and respect for human rights and will be accountable to society at large.','Kyoto University is a major national university in Kyoto, Japan.','Japan','Kyoto',1869),(61,'2010-11-09 23:05:53','2010-09-14','16:15:54','2010-09-14 16:15:54','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:05:55','2010-11-09 15:05:55','jcarlos','Private Company','RoboDynamics','http://www.robodynamics.com/','Our mission is to make robots as ubiquitous as personal computers and mobile phones by aggressively driving costs down to sub $500.','RoboDynamics works on remote presence robotics. They design different robots that can act on behalf of humans not present.','United States','Santa Monica, California',2003),(62,'2010-11-09 23:12:02','2010-09-14','16:22:01','2010-09-14 16:22:01','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:12:03','2010-11-09 15:12:03','jcarlos','Private Company','VGo Communications','http://www.vgocom.com','VGo Communications, Inc. develops and markets visual communications solutions for the workplace. Originally North End Technologies, the company was founded in 2007 by experienced successful veterans of visual communications and robotics industries. VGo Communications is VC backed and is based in Nashua, NH. We are leveraging the recent trends of widespread wireless high speed networks, lower specialized component costs and the universal acceptance of video as a communications medium to create a new market category called “Active Presence”. \n\nWith VGo, an individual’s presence is established in a distant location such that they can interact and perform their job in ways not previously possible. Now you can see, hear, be seen, be heard and move around at remote site – just as if you were there. Primary applications include healthcare, monitoring and remote management. VGo\'s channel partners will enable businesses to increase productivity of remote and travelling employees, healthcare providers to deliver lower cost services and improved quality of care, and small companies to check on their operations - all with a great user experience and at an affordable price. \n\nCurrently in the phases of early production, VGo will be available in limited quantities starting in July 2010. VGo is sold and serviced by a set of top tier resellers experienced in delivering and supporting networked visual communication solutions.\n.','VGo Communications works on remote presence robotics. They design different robots that can act on behalf of humans not present.','United States','Nashua, New Hampshire',2007),(63,'2010-11-09 23:12:17','2010-09-14','16:33:43','2010-09-14 16:33:43','jeremy','2010-09-14','16:34:39','2010-09-14 16:34:39','jeremy','Private Company','InTouch Health','http://www.intouchhealth.com','InTouch Health® is a privately held robotics technology company based in Santa Barbara, California. The Company (founded in January 2002) develops, manufactures and markets Remote Presence Technology. InTouch Health\'s world class medical robotics team has more than 50 patents and patents pending for its technology, products and solutions. \n\nThrough a proprietary communications and mobile robotic platform, the RP-7® Remote Presence Robotic System, healthcare professionals are enabled to consult with hospital-based patients and healthcare staff more rapidly and efficiently, thereby improving hospital throughput, physician efficiency and quality of care. \n\nOur senior management team and our staff have extensive experience in the development and delivery of healthcare products and services and a broad range of expertise in robotics, telemedicine and telecommunications. Our board of directors and our advisory board comprise experienced executives, clinical and scientific authorities and experts from a variety of technologies. \n\nEach year, numerous international, national and regional institutions choose to award InTouch Health for innovative and beneficial technology.','InTouch Health is about bringing technologic advancement to healthcare and robotic solutions that allow for healthcare professionals to be more efficient because they can\'t be everywhere at once.','United States','Santa Barbara, California',2002),(64,'2010-11-09 23:12:29','2010-09-16','10:59:29','2010-09-16 10:59:29','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:12:19','2010-11-09 15:12:19','jcarlos','Private Company','Evolution Robotics','http://www.evolution.com','Evolution Robotics, Inc. (www.evolution.com) develops state-of-the-art robotics solutions, and partners with original equipment manufacturers to integrate those technologies into new and more intelligent products. Whether used within autonomous robots for commercial or consumer use, or electronic devices with increased, intelligent functionality, Evolution Robotics provides the technologies and services to bring those products to life, and to market.\nThe company\'s flagship product - ERSP® - is a software development platform designed to provide core infrastructure for robotic application development projects. This core infrastructure along with key robotic functionality including computer vision, navigation and path planning, and human-robot interaction, enables companies to focus on creative product development using state-of-the-art tools.','Evolution Robotics works on specializing in robotic technologies. Working with Cambridge University, Korean Institute of Industrial Technology, and Sony Robotics Division, they are interested in exploring and pushing the boundaries of technology. Evolution Robotics collaboration has allowed them to be a part of many up-and-coming technologies. Evolution Robotics spun off of technology incubator Idealab.','United States','Pasadena, California',2001),(65,'2010-11-09 23:12:50','2010-09-16','11:21:18','2010-09-16 11:21:18','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:12:31','2010-11-09 15:12:31','jcarlos','Educational Institution','Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)','http://robotics.gatech.edu','Innovating the Future of Robotics\n\nThe Center for Robotics and Intelligent Machines (RIM@Georgia Tech) is helping define the new face of computing through a unique emphasis on education and research in robotics. The Center positions Georgia Tech to become a world leader in these promising, revolutionary new technologies.\n\nRIM@Georgia Tech\'s activities leverage the strengths and resources of Georgia Tech by reaching across traditional boundaries to embrace a multidisciplinary approach. The College of Computing, College of Engineering and the Georgia Tech Research Institute play key, complementary roles through Tech\'s traditional expertise in interactive and intelligent computing, control, and mechanical engineering. Emphasizing personal and everyday robotics as well as the future of automation, faculty involved with RIM@Georgia Tech help students understand and define the future role of robotics in society.\n\nIn addition, well-established industry relationships provide a path for technology transfer and commercialization - a crucial objective for RIM@Georgia Tech projects.\n\n\nRobotics Curriculum Bridges Disciplines\n\nA multidisciplinary approach distinguishes all levels of robotics education at Georgia Tech: covers a wide area and many disciplines:\nA Ph.D. program in Robotics - the first truly multi-disciplinary program in the country - draws from curricula in computer science, electrical engineering, aero-space, biomedical engineering and mechanical engineering.\nApproximately 44 robotics-related courses are offered at Georgia Tech from 30-plus faculty members representing the College of Computing, and schools of Aerospace Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.\nThe Institute for Personal Robots in Education places students at the cutting-edge with opportunities to conceive, develop and test new technology and applications for personal robots.\nRIM@Georgia Tech is engaged in ongoing efforts to heighten public education and awareness of robotics through seminars, hands-on workshops and competitive demonstrations.\n\nResearch with a Purpose\n\nBasic and applied research is at the heart of RIM@Georgia Tech. The study of basic engineering problems in robotics is central to our work, but equally important is the integration of innovations and discoveries into real-world systems and applications.\n\nRIM@Georgia Tech research encompasses more than a dozen laboratories and 30-plus faculty from many different disciplines.\n\nMoreover, coordinating robotics research through the RIM@Georgia Tech center focuses those efforts and promotes development of a unified research strategy. This is an important step toward our goal of becoming one of the world\'s premiere robotics research institutions.\n\n\nLooking Toward the Future\n\nAccording to robotics industry associations in North America and Japan, the global robotics market is expected to significantly expand over the next five years, including gains in both the service and personal robotics fields. RIM@Georgia Tech expects to be a prime mover in the development and commercialization of the technologies that will turn these projections into reality.','The Robotics and Intelligent Machines Center has 3 focal points: 1) engineering research on \"core\" technologies and methods. 2) PhD students ready to lead the new world of robotic technologies, and 3) Transfering technology to real-world robotic applications.','United States','Atlanta, Georgia',1885),(66,'2010-11-09 23:13:53','2010-09-16','11:34:02','2010-09-16 11:34:02','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:12:52','2010-11-09 15:12:52','jcarlos','Public Company','WowWee','http://www.wowwee.com','The introduction of WowWee’s Robosapien™ robot in 2004 revolutionized the way we interact with entertainment robotic companions.\n\nOne of the most popular entertainment robots in the world, with global sales of more than 6 million units, the Robosapien robot was the first commercially-available biomorphic robot – a fusion of technology and personality. The Robosapien humanoid product line evolved to include the Robosapien V2 robot, launched in 2005, which added functionality, including speech capability; and the RS Media™ robot, launched in 2006 and featuring a complete multimedia experience, allowing users to create and edit functions. The next generations, the RS Tri-Bot™, Joebot, and Roborover robots, personality-packed companions equipped with different play modes for hours of entertainment, launched in 2008 and 2009.\n\nWith a focus on the development of breakthrough consumer robotic and electronic products, WowWee continues to forge new categories in personal robotics and entertainment with award-winning products that are imaginative and inventive. Consumers can see items from five distinct product lines -- WowWee Robotics™, WowWee Paper Jamz™, WowWee Alive™, WowWee FlyTech™, WowWee Technologies™ – that include innovations that walk, talk, jam, purr, fly, enable remote telepresence communications and allow for portable pico-projectors, and from WowWee\'s Think Wow Toys division that produces and markets novelty items.\n\nThe WowWee group of companies maintains operations in Hong Kong, Carlsbad (California), Montreal (Canada), New York (New York), and Wauthier-Braine (Belgium).','WowWee works on consumer and entertainment robotic products. The company creates \"toys\" that involve technologically advanced devices. They also make practical tech items that would not necessarily fall under the realm of robotics.','China','Hong Kong',1988),(67,'2010-11-09 23:14:14','2010-09-16','13:53:33','2010-09-16 13:53:33','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:13:55','2010-11-09 15:13:55','jcarlos','Educational Institution','University of California, San Diego','http://tdlc.ucsd.edu/','The Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center (TDLC) aims to achieve an integrated understanding of the role of time and timing in learning, across multiple scales, brain systems, and social systems. The scientific goal of the center is therefore to understand the temporal dynamics of learning, and to apply this understanding to improve educational practice.\n\nLearning is an active, dynamic behavior that emerges from interactions between the developing brain of a child and a social world. Until recently not enough was known about the brain to help guide educational practice. This is rapidly changing as new discoveries are made about the brain and new techniques are available for probing the learning brain. TDLC brings together a collaborative team of researchers, educators, and communicators who bring basic science into classrooms and, conversely, use the classroom as a living laboratory to inform and guide the basic science.\n\nLearning occurs at many levels: at the level of synapses and neurons; at the level of brain systems involved in memory and reward; at the level of complex motor behaviors; at the level of expertise learning; and finally, at the level of learning via social interactions between teachers and students. TDLC initiatives address fundamental research questions such as:\n\nHow is temporal information about the world learned? How do the intrinsic temporal dynamic properties of brain cells and circuits facilitate and/or constrain learning? How can the temporal features of learning be used to enhance education? What are the best theoretical ways to conceive the temporal dynamics of learning in the brain and between brains?\n\nAnswering these questions cannot emerge from a single line of inquiry, so TDLC\'s research model has been collaborative and interdisciplinary from the beginning. The center has created communities of scientists that break down disciplinary and institutional barriers in pursuit of a common set of research questions. Researchers in machine learning, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, molecular genetics, biophysics, mathematics, and education focus on each set of issues from multiple perspectives, and synchronize their research by running parallel experiments in animals, people, and theoretical models.\n\nTDLC researchers hope to improve teacher understanding of the scientific research pertaining to the dynamics of learning. They also learn from teachers the dynamics of how students are taught in the classroom. Through this process of outreach and bringing teachers into the laboratory, the center\'s researchers hope to ensure that their work will be relevant to the real world of the classroom.','UC San Diego has always been a front-runner in technological advancement and comprehension of technology platforms. The TDLC works on using technology and robotics to better understand humans.','United States','San Diego, California',1959),(68,'2010-11-09 23:16:01','2010-09-22','08:36:22','2010-09-22 08:36:22','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:14:16','2010-11-09 15:14:16','jcarlos','Private Company','TrueCompanion','http://www.truecompanion.com/home','In 1993, Douglas Hines designed “Trudy”, our first sex robot. Trudy was not as “user friendly” as our current model. Douglas worked for Bell Labs, a Research and Development organization. It was during this time that he learned the latest artificial intelligence systems which assisted him in the future.\n\nThe sex doll industry was effective at creating very expensive and somewhat realistic dolls - but many people were telling us it was like their dolls were “catatonic”, like they were injured and unable to speak and interact. They wanted to have their dolls become interactive and be their friends. We solved this problem and now our customers can have sex robots that in one person’s opinion “are now brought to life”!\n\n“Designing a robot sex doll involves multiple disciplines”, says Hines. “We have many electrical engineers, computer science experts, artists, beauty and makeup professionals as well as robotic engineers all working together to provide you with your most life like sex robot which can interact as well as ‘play’ with you”. We look forward to making your dreams of your TrueCompanion come true.','TrueCompanion aims to be on the cutting-edge of what they see as a new commonplace industry. The company sees a future where sex robots are a pervasive and typical household item. The first interactive sexbot, they think, will start a new era of sexbots in society. It takes a long time to develop something as complicated as a sexbot, but they feel they have done it well.','United States','Lincoln Park, New Jersey',1993),(69,'2010-11-09 23:16:25','2010-09-24','09:03:37','2010-09-24 09:03:37','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:16:03','2010-11-09 15:16:03','jcarlos','Governmental Institution','Pohang Institute of Intelligent Robotics (PIRO)','http://eng.piro.re.kr','As a promising market with an estimated value of at least 100 trillion won, the robotics industry has come under the spotlight as Korea`s newest and potentially greatest driving force since semiconductors. At present, various national projects aimed at stimulating the growth of the robotics industry are under way, and public awareness of robotics is increasing. Indeed, this burgeoning social interest has led to the establishment of PIRO, a research institute specializing in robotics and a prestigious industrial representative of Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do.\n\nPIRO is in charge of securing the technological competitiveness of Korea`s intelligent robotics industry and developing the robotics technology of small- and medium-size businesses. Furthermore, PIRO will play a key role in improving relations between industry, academia and research institutes and in promoting new robotics technology.\n\nPIRO has access to the nation’s best research infrastructure, including large-scale industrial complexes in Daegu, Gumi and Pohang, POSTECH, Kyungpook National University, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, RIST, Biotech Center, and so on. The robotics industry is set to emerge as the leading industry in Gyeongsangbuk-do.Once again, thank you very much for visiting our website. We hope to promptly provide you with accurate information about intelligent robotics. Thank you','PIRO is a research institution that is aimed at stimulating Korea\'s growth in the robotics industry. Seeing robotics as Korea\'s new path to economic boom, PIRO uses that as a driving force behind their research and development. South Korea at this point is one of the top countries in robotic development in the world.','South Korea','Pohang',2004),(70,'2010-11-09 23:16:42','2010-09-24','16:03:46','2010-09-24 16:03:46','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:16:27','2010-11-09 15:16:27','jcarlos','Educational Institution','Keio University','http://www.keio.ac.jp/index-en.html','Keio has a proud history as Japan\'s very first private institution of higher learning, which dates back to the formation of a school for Dutch studies in 1858 in Edo (now Tokyo) by founder Yukichi Fukuzawa. Since the school\'s inception, the students of Keio have risen to the forefront of innovation in every imaginable academic field, emerging as social and economic leaders.\n\nIn today\'s internationally interdependent world, Keio places great effort upon maintaining the finest teaching faculty and superlative facilities. Based on the knowledge and experience of their predecessors, today\'s Keio students strive to develop the leadership qualities that will enable them to make valuable contributions to tomorrow\'s society. In 2008 the University celebrated its 150th anniversary.','Keio University is the oldest higher education institute in Japan, and a top-tier institution. Keio has many graduate schools and is a the leading research institution in Japan and has the most patents out of any university in the country. It is a private institution','Japan','Tokyo',1858),(71,'2010-11-09 23:16:54','2010-09-24','16:04:01','2010-09-24 16:04:01','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:16:44','2010-11-09 15:16:44','jcarlos','Private Company','Muratec','http://www.muratec.com','MML’s foundation in high-technology product development and manufacturing is an especially sound one. Its five independent divisions are recognized technology leaders in their respective markets: telecommunications equipment, textile machinery, automated warehousing equipment, high-precision machine tools, and clean room equipment and systems. With more than $2.5 billion in annual revenues, and a customer portfolio containing some of the world’s largest companies, MML is one of Japan’s largest and most diverse privately held companies.\n \nIn 1982, Murata Business Systems was formed in Plano, Texas to sell MML’s fax machines through private-labeling agreements with a variety of U.S. companies. In January, 1985, the company began marketing its facsimile products under the Murata name. To gain greater visibility and recognition in the fax marketplace internationally, MML and Murata Business Systems changed their brand name to Muratec in 1992. The new name was designed to reflect the companies’ commitment to diverse and innovative technologies.\n \nToday, Muratec has moved beyond fax and is a considered a leading provider of multifunction printing devices that deliver innovative printing, copying, scanning and faxing to workgroup users. Our Managed Documents Services (MDS) program helps companies of all sizes analyze and improve their document capture, processing, storage and printing processes.','Muratec is the American conglomerate of Murata Machinery, aiming for innovation and efficient product development. They work with universities and other organizations. Murata Machinery was a world leader in fax machines and computer communcations.','Japan','Kyoto',1992),(72,'2010-11-19 19:30:55','2010-10-04','10:38:49','2010-10-04 10:38:49','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:16:56','2010-11-09 15:16:56','jcarlos','Private Company','Shadow Robot Company','http://www.shadowrobot.com/','Shadow is one of the longest running robotics companies in the UK. We have been developing robots and other unusual technologies since 1987. For the last 5 years, along with a wide selection of robotics contract engineering, Shadow has specialised in the development of dexterous manipulation for humanoid robotics. This has lead to the creation of the worlds most advanced robot hand, The Shadow Dexterous Hand, currently in version C6.','Shadow Robot Company is a company interested in human-like robotic body parts and muscles. Its robots are works-in-progress as it tests out different ways to create effective robotic parts.','England','London',1987),(73,'2010-11-19 19:31:28','2010-10-05','14:51:23','2010-10-05 14:51:23','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:18:24','2010-11-09 15:18:24','jcarlos','Public Company','Hitachi, Ltd.','http://www.hitachi.com/','In 2010, Hitachi marked its 100th anniversary and reaffirmed its commitment to promoting growth in the global markets by focusing on social innovation businesses. Our goal is to keep our promise to our stakeholders and society by rebuilding a strong Hitachi. We will strengthen Hitachi by adopting business models based on facilitating collaboration among information, power and electrical industries at earlier stages of product and project development. We will enhance the businesses in which we are market leaders and leverage those that we have the greatest competency and most cutting edge technology, as well as executing further structural reform throughout the Hitachi group. As President, I will do my best to uphold our policy - “Utilizing our skills, utilizing our technologies” as a guiding force for my leadership and actions.\n\n“The transformation to becoming a truly global company” is inevitable and will accelerate Hitachi\'s future growth. Looking for global resources while also having the ability to meet local needs in each country or region in the global market are of the utmost importance. For the future, I believe that retaining more resources for engineering in each region and maximizing the performance of all employees in the Hitachi group are vital components necessary to lead Hitachi into the future and help transform Hitachi into a globally recognized company.\n\nAdditionally, raising environmental awareness and expanding our solutions to address environmental problems are extremely important issues that must be considered on a global-scale. Hitachi has established our \"Environmental Vision 2025\" with the stated goal of helping to reduce CO2 emissions by 100 million tons a year by 2025. Hitachi recognizes the critical importance of the environment and energy conservation, and we are committed to promoting environmental value through our technologies in order to achieve a sustainable global environment.\n\n2010 marks the anniversary of Hitachi\'s founding and the beginning of our commitment to improve society through innovation.\n\nAs business and the global economy changes, we will strive to adapt to the changing environment and live up to this commitment as we enter the next 100 years.','Hitachi (meaning \"sunrise\") is a high-technology corporation. They are very prevalent worldwide.','Japan','Tokyo',1910),(74,'2010-11-19 19:41:08','2010-10-23','08:13:43','2010-10-23 08:13:43','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:18:56','2010-11-09 15:18:56','jcarlos','Educational Institution','Delft University of Technology','http://www.tudelft.nl/','TU Delft cooperates with many other educational and research institutions, both in the Netherlands and abroad. The high quality of our research and teaching is renowned. TU Delft has numerous contacts with governments, trade associations, consultancies, industry and small and medium-sized companies.','Delft University is considered one of the top technology universities in the world. It is has many postgraduates','Netherlands','Delft',1842),(75,'2010-11-05 19:46:54','2010-10-24','14:59:48','2010-10-24 14:59:48','jeremy','2010-11-05','00:46:54','2010-11-05 12:46:54','jcarlos','Governmental Institution','U.S. Army Research Laboratory','http://www.arl.army.mil/www/default.cfm','The U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) of the U.S. Army Research Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM) is the Army\'s corporate, or central, laboratory. Its diverse assortment of unique facilities and dedicated workforce of government and private sector partners make up the largest source of world-class integrated research and analysis in the Army.\n\nBy combining its in-house technical expertise with those from academic and industry partners, ARL is able to maximize each dollar invested to provide the best technologies for our Soldiers. ARL\'s program consists of basic and applied research and survivability/lethality and human factors analysis. ARL also applies the extensive research and analysis tools developed in its direct mission program to support ongoing development and acquisition programs in the Army Research, Development, and Engineering Centers (RDECs), Program Executive Offices (PEOs)/Program Manager (PM) Offices, and Industry. ARL has consistently provided the enabling technologies in many of the Army\'s most important weapons systems.\n\nTechnology and analysis products are moved into RDECOM RDECs and to other Army, Department of Defense (DoD), government, and industry customers. The Army relies on ARL to provide the critical links between the scientific and military communities. The Laboratory must marshal internal and external science and technology assets to fulfill the requirements defined by or requested by the Soldier. Equally important, the Laboratory must assist the Army user in understanding the implications of technology on doctrine and in defining future needs of opportunities.','ances, and the analyses that provide warfighters with the capabilities with which to execute full-spectrum operations. The U.S. Army Research Laboratory\'s (ARL) investment portfolio is focused on maturing technologies for transition principally to the Research, Development, and Engineering Centers (RDECs), but also to our other partners in the Army Transformation Program Executive Office/Program Managers (PEOs/PMs), the Army Test and Evaluation Center (ATEC), the Training & Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Battle Labs, the other services, and the private sector.','United States','Adelphi, Maryland',1992),(76,'2010-11-09 23:20:11','2010-10-28','19:00:10','2010-10-28 19:00:10','jeremy','2010-11-09','15:20:13','2010-11-09 15:20:13','jcarlos','Public Company','Motoman Robotics','http://www.motoman.com/',NULL,NULL,'United States','Miamsburg, Ohio',1989),(77,'2010-11-01 01:28:46','2010-10-31','18:05:38','2010-10-31 18:05:38','jeremy','2010-10-31','18:28:46','2010-10-31 18:28:46','jeremy',NULL,'Seegrid Corporation',NULL,'Seegrid Corporation, founded in 2003, is here to develop a new class of affordable industrial mobile robots that operate reliably in dynamic environments. Backed by more than 30 years of innovation and research, Seegrid’s core Industrial Mobile Robotics (IMR) technology overcomes the traditional hurdles of robotic adoption. \n\nWe have turned more than 30 years of robotics innovation into affordable robots with short payback periods for your material handling environments. Our team represents the best-in-class including the world’s leading robot scientists as well as engineers, programmers, logistics practitioners and entrepreneurs. ',NULL,'United States','Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania',2003),(78,'2010-11-14 05:57:14','2010-11-13','21:48:51','2010-11-13 21:48:51','jeremy','2010-11-13','21:57:14','2010-11-13 21:57:14','jeremy','Private Company','Autonomous Solutions','http://autonomoussolutions.com/','Autonomous Solutions, Inc. designs and manufactures unmanned vehicle systems, software, and components for a variety of industrial and military customers. We have extensive experience in the automation of both large and small scale robotic vehicles with an emphasis on multi0vehicle command and control, mission planning, sensor fusion, obstacle avoidance, tele-operation, and point-and-click ease of use.\n\nAutonomous Solutions began as a spin-off company in 2000 from the Center for Self Organizing and Intelligent Systems (CSOIS) at Utah State University (USU). ASI was founded by a group of researchers from the Center in order to take the ideas and technologies developed at the center into the commercial sector. From this beginning, ASI has grown to become one of the largest privately held robotics-focused companies in the world. We employ a team of world class computer, electrical, and mechanical engineers and support staff at our 100 acre proving ground facility in Northern Utah.',NULL,'United States',NULL,2000),(79,'2010-11-19 22:36:11','2010-11-19','14:28:59','2010-11-19 14:28:59','jeremy','2010-11-19','14:36:11','2010-11-19 14:36:11','jeremy','Private Company','Aethon','http://www.aethon.com/','Aethon improves healthcare efficiency and patient care by providing innovative robotic hospital delivery and asset management solutions. More than 100 hospitals throughout the United States currently employ customized Aethon solutions, allowing them to reallocate and refocus staff on what matters - the patient experience.\n\nBased in Pittsburgh, PA and founded in 2001, Aethon is a leader in providing dependable and affordable mobile autonomous robots for practical business applications. In healthcare, the company’s automated technology platform helps hospitals increase productivity and staff satisfaction, while saving time and money. The combination of TUG® (Aethon’s Automated Robotic Delivery System (ARD), a courier system for the delivery and recovery of hospital goods and supplies and its added RFID-based asset tracking system, redefine hospital asset utilization. These two systems, working in concert to enable hospitals to improve staff efficiency and satisfaction, increase asset utilization, decrease equipment rentals and improve regulatory compliance, leading to a better overall patient experience and return on investment.\n\nTUG can deliver meals, medications and supplies to nursing staff through the hospital while its added asset tracking and recovery system can track and locate equipment no matter where they might be hidden. Aethon products work in conjunction with each other, or separately, depending on each hospital\'s specialized needs.','Aethon works for hospitals in terms of helping increase productivity by using autonomous solutions.','United States','Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania',2001),(80,'2011-01-05 02:14:15','2011-01-04','18:14:14','2011-01-04 18:14:14','jeremy','2011-01-04','18:14:14','2011-01-04 18:14:14','jeremy',NULL,'ROBO-ONE',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_organizations` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `robotic_organizations_products` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `robotic_organizations_products`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `robotic_organizations_products` ( `robotic_organization_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `robotic_product_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `organization_product_tstp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `creation_dt` date default NULL, `creation_time` time default NULL, `creation_tstp` datetime default NULL, `creation_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `modification_dt` date default NULL, `modification_time` time default NULL, `modification_tstp` datetime default NULL, `modification_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `org_product_description` text, `research_development_bln` tinyint(1) unsigned default '1', `assembling_bln` tinyint(1) unsigned default '1', `manufacturing_bln` tinyint(1) unsigned default '1', `sales_bln` tinyint(1) unsigned default '1', `primary_stakeholder_bln` tinyint(1) unsigned default '0', `primary_stakeholder_note` varchar(255) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`robotic_organization_id`,`robotic_product_id`), KEY `organizations_products_ref2` (`robotic_product_id`), CONSTRAINT `organizations_products_ref1` FOREIGN KEY (`robotic_organization_id`) REFERENCES `robotic_organizations` (`robotic_organization_id`), CONSTRAINT `organizations_products_ref2` FOREIGN KEY (`robotic_product_id`) REFERENCES `robotic_products_and_offerings` (`robotic_product_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `robotic_organizations_products` -- LOCK TABLES `robotic_organizations_products` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_organizations_products` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `robotic_organizations_products` VALUES (1,1,'2010-09-06 08:07:43','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(2,3,'2010-09-06 08:07:43','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(3,2,'2010-09-06 08:07:43','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(4,4,'2010-09-06 08:07:43','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(4,5,'2010-09-06 08:07:43','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(5,88,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(5,89,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(5,90,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(5,91,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(5,92,'2010-09-06 08:07:45','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(5,93,'2010-09-06 08:07:45','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(5,94,'2010-09-06 08:07:45','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(6,6,'2010-09-06 08:07:43','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(7,7,'2010-09-06 08:07:43','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(7,8,'2010-09-06 08:07:43','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(7,9,'2010-09-06 08:07:43','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(7,10,'2010-09-06 08:07:43','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(7,11,'2010-09-06 08:07:43','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(7,12,'2010-09-06 08:07:43','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(7,13,'2010-09-06 08:07:43','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(8,14,'2010-09-06 08:07:43','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(8,15,'2010-09-22 16:15:34','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,0,0,0,0,NULL),(8,16,'2010-09-22 16:15:45','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,0,0,0,0,NULL),(9,15,'2010-09-22 16:15:24','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,0,1,1,1,0,NULL),(10,16,'2010-09-22 16:15:55','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,0,0,0,0,NULL),(11,17,'2010-09-06 08:07:43','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(12,18,'2010-09-06 08:07:43','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(13,19,'2010-09-06 08:07:43','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(13,20,'2010-09-06 08:07:43','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(13,21,'2010-09-06 08:07:43','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(14,23,'2010-09-06 08:07:43','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(15,22,'2010-09-06 08:07:43','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(16,24,'2010-09-06 08:07:43','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(17,25,'2010-09-06 08:07:43','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(17,26,'2010-09-06 08:07:43','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(17,27,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(17,28,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(18,29,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(19,30,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(20,31,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(21,32,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(22,33,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(23,34,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(24,35,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(25,36,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(25,37,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(25,38,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(25,39,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(25,40,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(25,80,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(25,81,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(25,82,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(25,83,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(25,85,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(25,86,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(25,87,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(26,41,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(27,42,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(27,43,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(28,44,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(29,45,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(29,62,'2010-10-06 20:48:24','2010-09-15','08:22:25','2010-09-15 08:22:25','jeremy','2010-09-15','08:22:25','2010-09-15 08:22:25','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(30,46,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(31,47,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(32,48,'2010-09-22 16:16:58','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,0,1,1,0,0,NULL),(33,49,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(33,50,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(34,95,'2010-09-06 08:07:45','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(34,110,'2010-10-06 20:48:24','2010-09-22','22:36:52','2010-09-22 22:36:52','jeremy','2010-09-22','22:36:52','2010-09-22 22:36:52','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(35,51,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(36,52,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(37,53,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(37,54,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(37,55,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(37,56,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(38,57,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(39,58,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(39,59,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(39,60,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(39,123,'2010-10-06 20:48:24','2010-09-24','16:02:55','2010-09-24 16:02:55','jeremy','2010-09-24','16:02:55','2010-09-24 16:02:55','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(40,61,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(41,62,'2010-09-17 18:14:01','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,0,0,0,0,NULL),(41,129,'2010-10-29 15:53:53','2010-10-29','08:53:53','2010-10-29 08:53:53','jeremy','2010-10-29','08:53:53','2010-10-29 08:53:53','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(42,63,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(43,64,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(44,65,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(45,66,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(46,67,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(47,68,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(48,69,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(49,70,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(50,71,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(51,73,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(52,78,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(53,72,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(54,74,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(55,75,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(55,76,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(56,84,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(56,97,'2010-10-06 20:48:24','2010-09-14','15:41:02','2010-09-14 15:41:02','jeremy','2010-09-14','15:41:02','2010-09-14 15:41:02','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(57,77,'2010-09-06 08:07:44','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy','2010-09-06','01:06:26','2010-09-06 01:06:26','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(58,96,'2010-10-06 20:48:24','2010-09-13','11:45:44','2010-09-13 11:45:44','jeremy','2010-09-13','11:45:44','2010-09-13 11:45:44','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(59,53,'2010-10-06 20:48:24','2010-09-13','14:01:22','2010-09-13 14:01:22','jeremy','2010-09-13','14:01:22','2010-09-13 14:01:22','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(59,54,'2010-10-06 20:48:24','2010-09-17','11:29:21','2010-09-17 11:29:21','jeremy','2010-09-17','11:29:21','2010-09-17 11:29:21','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(59,55,'2010-10-06 20:48:24','2010-09-17','11:29:35','2010-09-17 11:29:35','jeremy','2010-09-17','11:29:35','2010-09-17 11:29:35','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(59,56,'2010-10-06 20:48:24','2010-09-17','11:29:46','2010-09-17 11:29:46','jeremy','2010-09-17','11:29:46','2010-09-17 11:29:46','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(60,48,'2010-10-06 20:48:24','2010-09-22','09:16:58','2010-09-22 09:16:58','jeremy','2010-09-22','09:16:58','2010-09-22 09:16:58','jeremy',NULL,1,0,0,0,0,NULL),(61,99,'2010-10-06 20:48:24','2010-09-14','16:15:56','2010-09-14 16:15:56','jeremy','2010-09-14','16:15:56','2010-09-14 16:15:56','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(62,98,'2010-10-06 20:48:25','2010-09-14','16:22:02','2010-09-14 16:22:02','jeremy','2010-09-14','16:22:02','2010-09-14 16:22:02','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(63,100,'2010-10-06 20:48:25','2010-09-14','16:33:45','2010-09-14 16:33:45','jeremy','2010-09-14','16:33:45','2010-09-14 16:33:45','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(64,101,'2010-10-06 20:48:25','2010-09-16','10:59:30','2010-09-16 10:59:30','jeremy','2010-09-16','10:59:30','2010-09-16 10:59:30','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(65,102,'2010-10-06 20:48:25','2010-09-16','11:21:19','2010-09-16 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21:29:59','jeremy','2010-09-22','21:29:59','2010-09-22 21:29:59','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(66,113,'2010-10-06 20:48:25','2010-09-24','11:03:58','2010-09-24 11:03:58','jeremy','2010-09-24','11:03:58','2010-09-24 11:03:58','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(66,114,'2010-10-06 20:48:25','2010-09-24','11:04:25','2010-09-24 11:04:25','jeremy','2010-09-24','11:04:25','2010-09-24 11:04:25','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(66,115,'2010-10-06 20:48:25','2010-09-24','11:04:49','2010-09-24 11:04:49','jeremy','2010-09-24','11:04:49','2010-09-24 11:04:49','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(66,116,'2010-10-06 20:48:25','2010-09-24','11:05:07','2010-09-24 11:05:07','jeremy','2010-09-24','11:05:07','2010-09-24 11:05:07','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(66,120,'2010-10-06 20:48:25','2010-09-24','11:07:13','2010-09-24 11:07:13','jeremy','2010-09-24','11:07:13','2010-09-24 11:07:13','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(66,121,'2010-10-06 20:48:25','2010-09-24','11:15:02','2010-09-24 11:15:02','jeremy','2010-09-24','11:15:02','2010-09-24 11:15:02','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(66,122,'2010-10-06 20:48:25','2010-09-24','11:20:17','2010-09-24 11:20:17','jeremy','2010-09-24','11:20:17','2010-09-24 11:20:17','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(67,104,'2010-10-06 20:48:25','2010-09-16','13:53:36','2010-09-16 13:53:36','jeremy','2010-09-16','13:53:36','2010-09-16 13:53:36','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(68,107,'2010-10-06 20:48:25','2010-09-22','08:36:23','2010-09-22 08:36:23','jeremy','2010-09-22','08:36:23','2010-09-22 08:36:23','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(69,111,'2010-10-06 20:48:25','2010-09-24','09:03:42','2010-09-24 09:03:42','jeremy','2010-09-24','09:03:42','2010-09-24 09:03:42','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(70,123,'2010-10-06 20:48:25','2010-09-24','16:03:48','2010-09-24 16:03:48','jeremy','2010-09-24','16:03:48','2010-09-24 16:03:48','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(71,123,'2010-10-06 20:48:25','2010-09-24','16:04:02','2010-09-24 16:04:02','jeremy','2010-09-24','16:04:02','2010-09-24 16:04:02','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(72,124,'2010-10-06 20:48:25','2010-10-04','10:38:51','2010-10-04 10:38:51','jeremy','2010-10-04','10:38:51','2010-10-04 10:38:51','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(73,125,'2010-10-06 20:48:29','2010-10-05','14:51:24','2010-10-05 14:51:24','jeremy','2010-10-05','14:51:24','2010-10-05 14:51:24','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(74,126,'2010-10-23 15:14:08','2010-10-23','08:14:07','2010-10-23 08:14:07','jeremy','2010-10-23','08:14:07','2010-10-23 08:14:07','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(75,127,'2010-10-24 22:00:05','2010-10-24','15:00:01','2010-10-24 15:00:01','jeremy','2010-10-24','15:00:01','2010-10-24 15:00:01','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(76,128,'2010-10-29 02:00:12','2010-10-28','19:00:11','2010-10-28 19:00:11','jeremy','2010-10-28','19:00:11','2010-10-28 19:00:11','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(77,131,'2010-11-01 01:05:39','2010-10-31','18:05:39','2010-10-31 18:05:39','jeremy','2010-10-31','18:05:39','2010-10-31 18:05:39','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL),(79,137,'2010-11-19 22:29:14','2010-11-19','14:29:14','2010-11-19 14:29:14','jeremy','2010-11-19','14:29:14','2010-11-19 14:29:14','jeremy',NULL,1,1,1,1,0,NULL); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_organizations_products` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `robotic_pictures` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `robotic_pictures`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `robotic_pictures` ( `robotic_picture_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `robotic_product_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `robotic_picture_tstp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `creation_dt` date default NULL, `creation_time` time default NULL, `creation_tstp` datetime default NULL, `creation_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `modification_dt` date default NULL, 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10:53:50','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/3_ROV_Vanguard.jpg',NULL,'http://www.shephard.co.uk/files/news/190x190/defender.jpg\n',NULL,NULL,NULL),(9,5,'2010-09-05 20:25:57','2010-08-24','10:53:50','2010-08-24 10:53:50','jeremy','2010-08-24','10:53:50','2010-08-24 10:53:50','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/defender.jpg',NULL,'https://www.allenvanguard.com/Portals/0/ProductImages/ROV/Digital%20Vanguard/3.ROV_Vanguard.jpg\n',NULL,NULL,NULL),(10,6,'2010-09-05 20:25:57','2010-08-24','10:53:50','2010-08-24 10:53:50','jeremy','2010-08-24','10:53:50','2010-08-24 10:53:50','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/idCenterFlash_arm.gif',NULL,'http://www.barrett.com/robot/images/idCenterFlash_arm.gif\n',NULL,NULL,NULL),(11,7,'2010-09-05 20:25:57','2010-08-24','10:53:50','2010-08-24 10:53:50','jeremy','2010-08-24','10:53:50','2010-08-24 10:53:50','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/LS3_concept.jpg',NULL,'http://www.bostondynamics.com/img/LS3_concept.jpg\n',NULL,NULL,NULL),(12,8,'2010-09-05 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10:53:50','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/RHex_Mud.png',NULL,'http://www.bostondynamics.com/img/RHex_Mud.png\n',NULL,NULL,NULL),(16,12,'2010-09-05 20:25:57','2010-08-24','10:53:50','2010-08-24 10:53:50','jeremy','2010-08-24','10:53:50','2010-08-24 10:53:50','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/Rise_Climb.png',NULL,'http://www.bostondynamics.com/img/Rise_Climb.png\n',NULL,NULL,NULL),(17,13,'2010-09-05 20:25:57','2010-08-24','10:53:50','2010-08-24 10:53:50','jeremy','2010-08-24','10:53:50','2010-08-24 10:53:50','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/SquishBotfn_CU.png',NULL,'http://www.bostondynamics.com/img/SquishBotfn_CU.png\n',NULL,NULL,NULL),(18,14,'2010-09-05 20:25:57','2010-08-24','11:09:38','2010-08-24 11:09:38','jeremy','2010-08-24','11:09:38','2010-08-24 11:09:38','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/snackbot_snack_robot.jpg',NULL,'http://technabob.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/snackbot_snack_robot.jpg\n',NULL,NULL,NULL),(19,15,'2010-09-05 20:25:57','2010-08-24','11:09:38','2010-08-24 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14:47:37','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/herti.jpg',NULL,'http://www.baesystems.com/static/bae_cimg_mas_herti_rain_latestReleased_bae_cimg_mas_herti_rain_Web.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(114,93,'2010-08-30 22:13:46','2010-08-30','14:56:32','2010-08-30 14:56:32','jeremy','2010-08-30','15:13:46','2010-08-30 15:13:46','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/mantis.jpg',NULL,'http://regmedia.co.uk/2008/07/16/bae_mantis.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(115,96,'2010-09-13 19:45:44','2010-09-13','00:40:58','2010-09-13 12:40:58','jeremy','2010-09-13','00:45:40','2010-09-13 12:45:40','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/anybots.jpg',NULL,'http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/gadgetlab/2010/05/anybots.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(116,97,'2010-09-14 22:56:26','2010-09-14','15:55:54','2010-09-14 15:55:54','jeremy','2010-09-14','15:56:21','2010-09-14 15:56:21','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/willow-garage-telepresence-robots.jpg','25 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16:12:21','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/wowwee_roboscooper.jpg',NULL,'http://cdn.slashgear.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/wowwee_roboscooper.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(121,105,'2010-09-19 23:13:49','2010-09-19','16:13:31','2010-09-19 16:13:31','jeremy','2010-09-19','16:13:43','2010-09-19 16:13:43','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/robosapien.jpg',NULL,'http://www.stephenfung.net/wp-content/uploads/2006/11/robosapien.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(122,104,'2010-09-19 23:16:41','2010-09-19','16:15:40','2010-09-19 16:15:40','jeremy','2010-09-19','16:15:53','2010-09-19 16:15:53','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/_images_Javier-Movellan-develops-robot-loves-human-520.jpg',NULL,'http://www.boingboing.net/images/_images_Javier-Movellan-develops-robot-loves-human-520.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(124,103,'2010-09-19 23:19:03','2010-09-19','16:17:29','2010-09-19 16:17:29','jeremy','2010-09-19','16:17:41','2010-09-19 16:17:41','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/9-19-08-rovio-wowwee.jpg',NULL,'http://www.gadgetizer.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/9-19-08-rovio-wowwee.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(125,102,'2010-09-19 23:19:50','2010-09-19','16:19:03','2010-09-19 16:19:03','jeremy','2010-09-19','16:19:08','2010-09-19 16:19:08','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/simon_robot_sm.jpg',NULL,'http://i.bnet.com/blogs/simon_robot_sm.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(126,101,'2010-09-19 23:20:03','2010-09-19','16:20:03','2010-09-19 16:20:03','jeremy','2010-09-19','16:20:03','2010-09-19 16:20:03','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/Mint-cleaning-robot.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(127,107,'2010-09-22 16:06:32','2010-09-22','09:06:17','2010-09-22 09:06:17','jeremy','2010-09-22','09:06:28','2010-09-22 09:06:28','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/RoxyRobotHandHoldingSex.jpg',NULL,'http://www.cherrybombed.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/RoxyRobotHandHoldingSex.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(128,109,'2010-09-23 04:48:58','2010-09-22','21:48:37','2010-09-22 21:48:37','jeremy','2010-09-22','21:48:58','2010-09-22 21:48:58','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/Roborover.jpg',NULL,'http://instantoys.com/images/Roborover.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(129,108,'2010-09-23 05:03:22','2010-09-22','21:51:16','2010-09-22 21:51:16','jeremy','2010-09-22','21:51:32','2010-09-22 21:51:32','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/wowwee-joebot.jpg',NULL,'http://www.newlaunches.com/entry_images/0109/07/wowwee-joebot.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(130,110,'2010-09-23 05:50:20','2010-09-22','22:50:00','2010-09-22 22:50:00','jeremy','2010-09-22','22:50:20','2010-09-22 22:50:20','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/mit-odyssey-iv-auv-2.jpg',NULL,'http://schwehr.org/blog/attachments/2008-11/mit-odyssey-iv-auv-2.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(131,111,'2010-09-24 16:09:54','2010-09-24','09:09:35','2010-09-24 09:09:35','jeremy','2010-09-24','09:09:52','2010-09-24 09:09:52','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/Windoro_610x458.JPG',NULL,'http://news.cnet.com/i/tim/2010/09/23/Windoro_610x458.JPG',NULL,NULL,NULL),(132,58,'2010-09-24 17:46:24','2010-09-24','10:45:31','2010-09-24 10:45:31','jeremy','2010-09-24','10:46:23','2010-09-24 10:46:23','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/Picture-22.png','HRP-4','http://www.crunchgear.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Picture-22.png',NULL,NULL,NULL),(133,122,'2010-09-24 19:59:01','2010-09-24','00:58:10','2010-09-24 12:58:10','jeremy','2010-09-24','00:58:28','2010-09-24 12:58:28','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/418mN2sS02L._SL500_.jpg',NULL,'http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/418mN2sS02L._SL500_.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(134,121,'2010-09-24 20:00:13','2010-09-24','00:59:01','2010-09-24 12:59:01','jeremy','2010-09-24','00:59:06','2010-09-24 12:59:06','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/wowwee-mr-personality.jpg',NULL,'http://www.electronic-gadgets-4u.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/wowwee-mr-personality.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(136,120,'2010-09-24 20:01:43','2010-09-24','13:00:42','2010-09-24 13:00:42','jeremy','2010-09-24','13:01:37','2010-09-24 13:01:37','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/WowWee_Roboraptor_Combo_PackxoyDetail.jpg','Roboraptor (with mini-raptor and controller)','http://s3.amazonaws.com/wootsaleimages/WowWee_Roboraptor_Combo_PackxoyDetail.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(137,120,'2010-09-24 20:02:52','2010-09-24','13:01:43','2010-09-24 13:01:43','jeremy','2010-09-24','13:01:50','2010-09-24 13:01:50','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/41ltAtq0qML._SS400_.jpg','Robopanda','http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41ltAtq0qML._SS400_.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(138,120,'2010-09-24 20:03:31','2010-09-24','13:02:52','2010-09-24 13:02:52','jeremy','2010-09-24','13:03:00','2010-09-24 13:03:00','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/roboreptile_center_500_60524.jpg','Roboreptile','http://www.boysstuff.co.uk/images/prod_zoom_center/roboreptile_center_500_60524.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(139,120,'2010-09-24 20:07:41','2010-09-24','13:03:31','2010-09-24 13:03:31','jeremy','2010-09-24','13:06:55','2010-09-24 13:06:55','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/roboboa.jpg','Roboboa (and controller)','http://technabob.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/roboboa.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(141,120,'2010-09-24 20:07:41','2010-09-24','13:05:30','2010-09-24 13:05:30','jeremy','2010-09-24','13:06:45','2010-09-24 13:06:45','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/Wowwee_Roboquad_Interactive_RobotwfkDetail.jpg','Roboquad (and controller)','http://s3-external-1.amazonaws.com/wootsaleimages/Wowwee_Roboquad_Interactive_RobotwfkDetail.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(142,120,'2010-09-24 20:07:41','2010-09-24','13:06:20','2010-09-24 13:06:20','jeremy','2010-09-24','13:06:40','2010-09-24 13:06:40','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/WowWee-RoboPet-0.jpg','Robopet (and controller)','http://ii.alatest.com/product/600x400/4/2/WowWee-RoboPet-0.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(143,116,'2010-09-24 20:08:30','2010-09-24','13:07:41','2010-09-24 13:07:41','jeremy','2010-09-24','13:07:46','2010-09-24 13:07:46','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/femisapien.jpg',NULL,'http://ii.alatest.com/product/600x400/4/2/WowWee-RoboPet-0.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(144,115,'2010-09-24 20:09:02','2010-09-24','13:08:30','2010-09-24 13:08:30','jeremy','2010-09-24','13:08:35','2010-09-24 13:08:35','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/Wowwee_Bladestar_size_10.jpg',NULL,'http://fwd.five.tv/upload/0002/1479/Wowwee_Bladestar_size_10.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(145,114,'2010-09-24 20:09:38','2010-09-24','13:09:02','2010-09-24 13:09:02','jeremy','2010-09-24','13:09:05','2010-09-24 13:09:05','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/tribot.jpg',NULL,'http://www.geekalerts.com/u/tribot.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(146,113,'2010-09-24 20:12:58','2010-09-24','13:09:37','2010-09-24 13:09:37','jeremy','2010-09-24','13:09:48','2010-09-24 13:09:48','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/wowwee-wrex.jpg',NULL,'http://www.geekalerts.com/u/wowwee-wrex.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(147,123,'2010-09-24 23:49:28','2010-09-24','16:49:27','2010-09-24 16:49:27','jeremy','2010-09-24','16:49:27','2010-09-24 16:49:27','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/roboj02_p1440115.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(148,124,'2010-10-04 18:04:28','2010-10-04','11:03:59','2010-10-04 11:03:59','jeremy','2010-10-04','11:04:27','2010-10-04 11:04:27','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/shadow_robot_company_hand_c5_claw_back.jpg',NULL,'http://hackedgadgets.com/wp-content/shadow_robot_company_hand_c5_claw_back.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(149,125,'2010-10-05 22:16:43','2010-10-05','15:15:10','2010-10-05 15:15:10','jeremy','2010-10-05','15:15:24','2010-10-05 15:15:24','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/intell8752carrybot.jpg',NULL,'http://www.blogcdn.com/www.switched.com/media/2010/09/intell8752carrybot.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(150,33,'2010-10-06 21:13:10','2010-10-06','14:11:24','2010-10-06 14:11:24','dan','2010-10-06','14:11:33','2010-10-06 14:11:33','dan','/robotlaw/images/Watson_question_answering_IBM-supercomputer-qa.jpg',NULL,'http://hothardware.com/newsimages/Item9547/Watson_question_answering_IBM-supercomputer-qa.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(151,40,'2010-10-06 21:15:05','2010-10-06','14:13:13','2010-10-06 14:13:13','dan','2010-10-06','14:13:17','2010-10-06 14:13:17','dan','/robotlaw/images/30112-irobot_looj_120_gutter_cleaning_robot.jpg',NULL,'http://www.pollsb.com/photos/o/30112-irobot_looj_120_gutter_cleaning_robot.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(152,47,'2010-10-06 21:15:05','2010-10-06','14:15:08','2010-10-06 14:15:08','dan','2010-10-06','14:15:08','2010-10-06 14:15:08','dan','/robotlaw/images/lawnbott-lb3500-robotic-lawn-mower-bluetooth.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(153,129,'2010-10-29 15:58:22','2010-10-29','08:56:51','2010-10-29 08:56:51','jeremy','2010-10-29','08:57:25','2010-10-29 08:57:25','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/1664206.jpeg',NULL,'http://spectrum.ieee.org/image/1664206',NULL,NULL,NULL),(154,132,'2010-11-13 01:30:29','2010-11-12','17:27:44','2010-11-12 17:27:44','jeremy','2010-11-12','17:27:52','2010-11-12 17:27:52','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/fujifarmer.png',NULL,'http://www.robotsnob.com/pictures/fujifarmer.png',NULL,NULL,NULL),(155,134,'2010-11-14 05:14:40','2010-11-13','21:12:07','2010-11-13 21:12:07','jeremy','2010-11-13','21:14:28','2010-11-13 21:14:28','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/chaosBox.jpg',NULL,'http://autonomoussolutions.com/Images/products/Chaos/chaosBox.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(156,135,'2010-11-14 05:16:48','2010-11-13','21:14:59','2010-11-13 21:14:59','jeremy','2010-11-13','21:15:10','2010-11-13 21:15:10','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/spectorBox.jpg',NULL,'http://autonomoussolutions.com/Images/products/Spector/spectorBox.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(157,133,'2010-11-19 19:24:10','2010-11-19','11:20:23','2010-11-19 11:20:23','jeremy','2010-11-19','11:20:40','2010-11-19 11:20:40','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/article-1329208-0C13B5E2000005DC-168_634x382.jpg',NULL,'http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/11/15/article-1329208-0C13B5E2000005DC-168_634x382.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(158,131,'2010-11-19 19:25:58','2010-11-19','11:24:09','2010-11-19 11:24:09','jeremy','2010-11-19','11:24:16','2010-11-19 11:24:16','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/seegrid-imr.jpg',NULL,'http://www.blogcdn.com/www.engadget.com/media/2008/06/seegrid-imr.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(159,130,'2010-11-19 19:26:43','2010-11-19','11:25:56','2010-11-19 11:25:56','jeremy','2010-11-19','11:26:02','2010-11-19 11:26:02','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/diego-san-baby-robot.jpg',NULL,'http://narwilliams.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/diego-san-baby-robot.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(160,128,'2010-11-19 19:27:41','2010-11-19','11:26:42','2010-11-19 11:26:42','jeremy','2010-11-19','11:26:51','2010-11-19 11:26:51','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/71025184.jpg',NULL,'http://cache1.asset-cache.net/xc/71025184.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=77BFBA49EF878921F7C3FC3F69D929FDD080C20328FD6B785916A663B21523610AB712B6A75811F3F06BF04B24B4128C',NULL,NULL,NULL),(161,127,'2010-11-19 19:27:46','2010-11-19','11:27:40','2010-11-19 11:27:40','jeremy','2010-11-19','11:27:45','2010-11-19 11:27:45','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/Military-tentacle-manipulator-thumb-550xauto-43912.jpg',NULL,'http://cache1.asset-cache.net/xc/71025184.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=77BFBA49EF878921F7C3FC3F69D929FDD080C20328FD6B785916A663B21523610AB712B6A75811F3F06BF04B24B4128C',NULL,NULL,NULL),(162,126,'2010-11-19 19:29:54','2010-11-19','11:28:18','2010-11-19 11:28:18','jeremy','2010-11-19','11:28:28','2010-11-19 11:28:28','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/flame-robot.jpg',NULL,'http://www.techpin.com/wp-content/flame-robot.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(163,136,'2010-11-19 19:30:07','2010-11-19','11:29:53','2010-11-19 11:29:53','jeremy','2010-11-19','11:29:58','2010-11-19 11:29:58','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/233936_1728947368.jpg',NULL,'http://www.3cbang.com/UploadImg/EnImg/2010/11/233936_1728947368.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(164,139,'2010-11-23 20:35:04','2010-11-23','00:34:02','2010-11-23 12:34:02','jeremy','2010-11-23','00:34:57','2010-11-23 12:34:57','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/NZRobot.jpg',NULL,'http://www.geek.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/NZRobot.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(165,140,'2010-12-11 22:55:36','2010-12-11','14:53:02','2010-12-11 14:53:02','jeremy','2010-12-11','14:55:34','2010-12-11 14:55:34','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/h_dance_sdr-4x_02.jpg',NULL,'http://i.space.com/images/h_dance_sdr-4x_02.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(166,1,'2010-12-15 19:38:38','2010-12-15','11:37:47','2010-12-15 11:37:47','jcarlos','2010-12-15','11:38:14','2010-12-15 11:38:14','jcarlos','/robotlaw/images/rq-7_shadow_01.jpg',NULL,'http://www.globalsecurity.org/intell/systems/images/rq-7_shadow_01.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL),(167,141,'2011-01-03 20:48:07','2011-01-03','00:48:07','2011-01-03 12:48:07','jeremy','2011-01-03','00:48:07','2011-01-03 12:48:07','jeremy','/robotlaw/images/thkr-4-robot-600x324.jpg',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_pictures` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `robotic_products_and_offerings` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `robotic_products_and_offerings`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `robotic_products_and_offerings` ( `robotic_product_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `robotic_product_tstp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `creation_dt` date default NULL, `creation_time` time default NULL, `creation_tstp` datetime default NULL, `creation_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `modification_dt` date default NULL, `modification_time` time default NULL, `modification_tstp` datetime default NULL, `modification_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `product_name` varchar(255) default NULL, `product_description` text, `year_introduced_notes` varchar(255) default NULL, `year_introduced` int(4) default NULL, `last_stage_of_process_notes` varchar(255) default NULL, `last_stage_of_process_vls` varchar(45) default NULL, `approximate_price_notes` varchar(75) default NULL, `approximate_price` decimal(15,2) unsigned default NULL, `operating_systems` varchar(255) default NULL, `versions` varchar(255) default NULL, `sense_scl` double(4,2) unsigned default NULL, `process_scl` double(4,2) unsigned default NULL, `act_scl` double(4,2) unsigned default NULL, `sense_process_act_avg` double(4,2) unsigned default NULL, `sense_process_act_rank` double(4,2) unsigned default NULL, `sense_process_act_na_bln` tinyint(1) unsigned default '0', `autonomy_scl` double(4,2) unsigned default NULL, `significance_scl` double(4,2) unsigned default NULL, `autonomy_significance_scl` double(4,2) unsigned default NULL, `autonomy_significance_rank` double(4,2) unsigned default NULL, `autonomy_significance_na_bln` tinyint(1) unsigned default '0', `robotic_product_url` varchar(255) default NULL, `type_educational_bln` tinyint(1) unsigned default '0', `type_entertainment_bln` tinyint(1) unsigned default '0', `type_environmental_bln` tinyint(1) unsigned default '0', `type_healthcare_bln` tinyint(1) unsigned default '0', `type_household_bln` tinyint(1) unsigned default '0', `type_industrial_bln` tinyint(1) unsigned default '0', `type_law_enforcement_bln` tinyint(1) unsigned default '0', `type_warfare_bln` tinyint(1) unsigned default '0', `type_transportation` tinyint(1) unsigned default '0', `type_telecommunications` tinyint(1) unsigned default '0', `type_mobile_presence` tinyint(1) unsigned default '0', `type_experimental_bln` tinyint(1) unsigned default '0', `type_commercialization` tinyint(1) unsigned default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`robotic_product_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=143 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `robotic_products_and_offerings` -- LOCK TABLES `robotic_products_and_offerings` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_products_and_offerings` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `robotic_products_and_offerings` VALUES (1,'2010-12-11 23:04:04','2010-11-19','11:51:12','2010-11-19 11:51:12','jeremy','2010-12-11','15:04:02','2010-12-11 15:04:02','jeremy','RQ-7 Shadow','An unmanned air vehicles, the RQ-7 Shadow is a digitally stabilized, liquid nitrogen cooled, system. It uses a ground control station to guide itself and in the last few years it has become an aspect of certain military branches, namely the U.S. Marine Corps.','',2003,'','Released','','13000000.00','Unwilling to release','RQ-7A Shadow, RQ-7B Shadow, Shadow 600',2.00,3.00,5.00,3.33,63.00,0,NULL,NULL,0.00,62.00,0,'http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/US-Orders-12-More-RQ-7-Shadow-UAVs-and-Support-Equipment-06069/',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(2,'2010-09-18 00:13:30','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','17:11:33','2010-09-17 17:11:33','jeremy','Nao','Nao is a programmable autonomous robot that can play soccer. Nao is the official robot of the RoboCup. The RoboCup is an international robotics competition with the aim of developing autonomous robots. By the mid-21st century, RoboCup\'s goal is that a team of fully autonomous robot soccer players will win a soccer game against the winner of the most recent world cup.','2005 prototype, 2011 public release',2005,'','Prototype','','15600.00','Linux (compatible with Windows, Mac-OS)','AL-01, AL-02, AL-03, AL-04, AL-05.a, AL-05.b',7.00,5.00,5.00,5.67,8.00,NULL,4.00,1.00,5.00,14.00,0,'http://www.techchee.com/2008/11/01/aldebaran-robotics-nao-an-entertainment-humanoid-robot-for-your-family/',0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(3,'2010-09-18 00:21:28','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','17:13:29','2010-09-17 17:13:29','jeremy','RQ-11 Raven UAV','The Raven is a smaller UAV that can be either remotely controlled or fly autonomously using its GPS with minimal commands from an officer. It can stay in the air for 60-90 minutes at a speed of 28-60 mph and land autonomously.','2002 introduction as RQ-11 Raven',1999,'','Released','$ 35,000/single raven, $ 250,000/total system','35000.00','Unwilling to release','RQ-11A, RQ-11B',7.00,6.00,4.00,5.67,8.00,NULL,2.00,3.00,5.00,10.00,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(4,'2010-09-18 00:21:42','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','17:21:28','2010-09-17 17:21:28','jeremy','Digital Vanguard ROV','The smaller of Vanguards ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicle), Digital Vanguard is used for a lot of EOD/IEDD (bomb disposal), and can also act as a surveillance. The robot can reach small spaces with its small size and versatility. With a good array of bomb disposal equipment, the Digital Vanguard has become one of the top ROVs used by the government and military.','No Answer',NULL,'','Released','Depending on Demand',NULL,'Unwilling to release','Updated, same name',0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,63.00,NULL,NULL,NULL,0.00,62.00,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(5,'2010-09-18 00:21:47','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','17:21:41','2010-09-17 17:21:41','jeremy','Defender ROV','The larger of the two, the Defender is deployed to deal with a lot of EOD/IEDD (bomb disposal). It has heavy lifting capability. Helps as an aid to bomb technicians and has a great strength-weight ratio.','No Answer',NULL,'','Released','Depending on Demand',NULL,'Unwilling to release','Updated, same name',0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,63.00,NULL,NULL,NULL,0.00,62.00,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(6,'2010-09-18 00:22:12','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','17:21:46','2010-09-17 17:21:46','jeremy','WAM-Arm','The WAM-Arm is an arm that\'s highly dexterous, with capability of picking up objects and great control. It is very \"graceful\". While not autonomous, WAM-Arm is a framework for future robotics growth and a good research tool.','No Answer',NULL,'','Released','','99500.00','No Answer','N/A',0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,63.00,NULL,NULL,NULL,0.00,62.00,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(7,'2010-09-18 00:22:26','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','17:22:26','2010-09-17 17:22:26','jeremy','LS3','This robot is designed to be able to maneuver wherever soldiers maneuver by foot, carrying up to 400 lbs of gear. The robot will automatically follow the leader using computer vision. It can also travel to specific locations using its GPS. The robot is being funded by DARPA and the US Marine Corps, and should be ready to unveil in 2012.','predicted',2012,'','Research and Development','funded by DARPA (cost of funding)','32000000.00','Unwilling to release','N/A',8.00,7.00,5.00,6.67,1.00,NULL,3.00,3.00,6.00,2.00,0,'http://www.masshightech.com/stories/2010/02/01/daily9-DARPA-awards-32M-for-Boston-Dynamics-robot.html',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(8,'2010-09-18 00:27:40','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','17:27:34','2010-09-17 17:27:34','jeremy','BigDog','The \"Alpha male of Boston Dynamics Robots\". BigDog navigates rough terrain very well, and can climb and carry heavy loads. With four legs like an animal, BigDog has great balance while being the size of a large dog. With a strong engine (a hydraulic actuation system), BigDog has tremendous abilities, setting a record for \"legged vehicles\" by going 12.8 miles without stopping or refueling. BigDog is funded by DARPA.','Non-commercial Release',2005,'','Prototype','Cost to develop','10000000.00','Unwilling to release','N/A',6.00,6.00,5.00,5.67,8.00,NULL,3.00,2.00,5.00,10.00,0,'http://www.hplusmagazine.com/directory/robotics/bigdog-boston-dynamics',0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(9,'2010-09-18 00:27:43','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','17:27:39','2010-09-17 17:27:39','jeremy','LittleDog','LittleDog is meant for research on learning locomotion. Many large institutions (Stanford, MIT, Penn) use this robot. LittleDog\'s sensors measure \"joint angles, motor currents, body orientation and foot/ground contact\". The goal is to navigate through more and more difficult terrain. LittleDog is also funded by DARPA','No Answer',NULL,'','Released','No Answer',NULL,'Unwilling to release','2010 upgrade to more difficult terrain (same name)',6.00,6.00,5.00,5.67,8.00,NULL,3.00,1.00,4.00,29.00,0,NULL,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(10,'2010-09-18 00:27:53','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','17:27:42','2010-09-17 17:27:42','jeremy','Petman','An anthropomorphic robot, Petman is used for testing chemical protection clothing used by the US Army. Petman has strong balance and moves freely. Petman can simulate human body heat within the suits, and has agile motion like a human. Petman is the shape/size of a human. Petman will be out in 2011.','Predicted',2011,'','Prototype','N/A',NULL,'Unwilling to release','N/A',5.00,6.00,3.00,4.67,36.00,NULL,2.00,1.00,3.00,35.00,0,'http://www.engadget.com/2009/10/27/boston-dynamics-petman-predicts-a-future-of-man-as-pet-video/',0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(11,'2010-09-18 00:28:00','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','17:27:52','2010-09-17 17:27:52','jeremy','RHex','RHex is a robot with excellent rough terrain mobility. Ability to navigate through mud, sand, rocks, and vegetation etc… RHex is controlled remotely but also has a GPS for navigation.','Unknown, still with R+D',NULL,'','Research and Development','N/A',NULL,'Unwilling to release','N/A',7.00,5.00,5.00,5.67,8.00,NULL,3.00,1.00,4.00,29.00,0,NULL,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0),(12,'2010-09-18 00:28:11','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','17:27:59','2010-09-17 17:27:59','jeremy','RiSE','RiSE can climb walls, trees, and fences. Only a quarter of a meter, RiSE has six legs, each powered by an electric motor. It is funded by DARPA and experimented with by institutions such as Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, and UC Berkeley.','Unknown, still with R+D',NULL,'','Research and Development','N/A',NULL,'Unwilling to release','N/A',5.00,4.00,3.00,4.00,53.00,NULL,2.00,2.00,4.00,35.00,0,'http://www.engadget.com/2009/05/14/boston-dynamics-designed-rise-v3-robot-climbs-poles-haunts-drea/',0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0),(13,'2010-09-18 00:28:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','17:28:10','2010-09-17 17:28:10','jeremy','SquishBot','This robot can be either soft or hard, changing shapes and texture. Combined with research at MIT, the eventual goal is that a robot like SquishBot can change its dimensions by 10x. SquishBot is also funded by DARPA.','Unknown, still with R+D',NULL,'','Research and Development','N/A',NULL,'Unwilling to release','N/A',6.00,6.00,4.00,5.33,17.00,NULL,2.00,2.00,4.00,14.00,0,'http://www.botjunkie.com/2009/04/20/boston-dynamics-developing-squishbot/',0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0),(14,'2010-09-20 17:03:15','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-20','10:03:13','2010-09-20 10:03:13','jeremy','SnackBot','SnackBot is a mobile robot on wheels (a bit smaller than a human) that can bring humans drinks and snacks. It has sensors that allow it to navigate through congested areas. It can learn to recognize new objects. SnackBot is considered a \"research platform\" for things beyond the scope of robotics such as behavioral science.','Prototype',2009,'','Prototype','N/A',NULL,'ATMEL ATMEGA128 processor','N/A',5.00,4.00,3.00,4.00,53.00,NULL,2.00,2.00,4.00,29.00,0,'http://www.hizook.com/blog/2008/12/21/snackbot-social-snack-fetching-robot-emerges-carnegie-mellon-university-cmu, http://www.snackbot.org/',0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0),(15,'2010-09-18 01:33:50','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:33:38','2010-09-17 18:33:38','jeremy','CardioARM','CardioArm, while not being autonomous (controlled by joystick and computer), is a useful tool for incisions in minimally invasive heart surgery. It is the \"most flexible endoscope ever\".','predicted',2012,'','Research and Development','N/A',NULL,'N/A','N/A',0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,63.00,NULL,NULL,NULL,0.00,62.00,0,'http://gizmodo.com/376577/cardioarm-surgical-snake-will-worm-its-way-into-your-heart',0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(16,'2010-09-18 01:34:20','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:34:01','2010-09-17 18:34:01','jeremy','HERB (Home Exploring Robot Butler)','HERB is a long way away, but it may be the first home robot butler. It can distinguish between objects (for instance, grabbing a soda instead of juice), and imitate its owners\' actions. HERB can also balance objects. Eventually HERB is expected to have two arms in order to do dishes, fold laundry, and more. HERB adds a whole new range to home robots.','Predicted full-on release',2025,'','Research and Development','N/A',NULL,'N/A','N/A',7.00,7.00,6.00,6.67,1.00,NULL,4.00,3.00,7.00,1.00,0,'http://www.hizook.com/blog/2010/07/01/intel-cmus-herb-home-exploring-robot-butler-gets-dual-arm-upgrade',0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0),(17,'2010-09-18 01:35:15','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:34:19','2010-09-17 18:34:19','jeremy','HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb)','Only with the leg function, HAL 3 is an exoskeleton suit, not as advanced as HAL 5. HAL is the world\'s first cyborg-type robot controlled by a hybrid system, based on \"voluntary control system\" by the human and \"robotic autonomous control system\" within HAL. HAL 5 has all the benefits of HAL 3, while allowing its operator to lift about anywhere from two to ten times as much weight as they would be able to without the device. There is talk that HAL can help military personnel as a way of increasing pertinent attributes.','full release',2008,'','Released','$42,000-$59,000','50500.00','No Answer','HAL 3, HAL 5',8.00,7.00,3.00,6.00,5.00,NULL,2.00,2.00,4.00,29.00,0,'http://www.cyberdyne.jp/english/',0,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(18,'2010-09-18 01:35:21','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:35:15','2010-09-17 18:35:15','jeremy','Electrolux Trilobite','Electrolux Trilobite is an autonomous vacuum-cleaner. It was the world\'s first commercially available autonomous vacuum cleaner (in 2001). It can map out a room before cleaning. Using ultrasonic sensors, it recharges itself at a base and can come within one inch of an object without hitting it.','prototype release',1996,'','Released','','1799.00','No Answer','1.0, 2.0',8.00,6.00,3.00,5.67,8.00,NULL,3.00,1.00,4.00,14.00,0,'http://trilobite.electrolux.com/node217.asp',0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(19,'2010-09-18 01:35:27','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:35:20','2010-09-17 18:35:20','jeremy','Dragon Runner','Small (15-60 lbs), tactical, originally developed for US Marines, gives the user the ability to peek around corners, or perform an inspection under their vehicle. The robot can go and check out where humans cannot.','',2007,'','Released','Depending on Demand',NULL,'No Answer','Dragon Runner 15, Dragon Runner 20 (present)',0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,63.00,NULL,NULL,NULL,0.00,62.00,0,'http://foster-miller.qinetiq-na.com/lemming.htm',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(20,'2010-09-18 01:35:31','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:35:26','2010-09-17 18:35:26','jeremy','TALON','Medium (80-180lbs). TALON robots can \"take a punch and stay in the fight\". It can keep pace with a running soldier, and is easily transportable. High payload-to-weight ratio. Easy to operate. Great awareness. Great battery life. Used in EOD/IED roles','',2000,'','Released','Depending on Demand',NULL,'No Answer','Talon Gen I, II, III, IV(present)',0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,63.00,NULL,NULL,NULL,0.00,62.00,0,'http://foster-miller.qinetiq-na.com/lemming.htm',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(21,'2010-09-18 01:35:35','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:35:30','2010-09-17 18:35:30','jeremy','MAARS','Large (300-400 lbs), uses the powerful M240B medium machine gun. Good command and control. Good situational awareness improves safety.','',2007,'','Released','Depending on Demand',NULL,'No Answer','SWORDS (1st gen)',0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,63.00,NULL,NULL,NULL,0.00,62.00,0,'http://foster-miller.qinetiq-na.com/lemming.htm',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(22,'2010-09-18 01:36:30','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:35:34','2010-09-17 18:35:34','jeremy','Furo','Furo is a waitress who can take a person\'s order. With a head on a screen, Furo can display attractive human emotion and has a build similar to that of a human. Furo holds a touch screen so that one can pick their order. Furo can take credit cards.','Prototype release',2010,'','Prototype','N/A',NULL,'N/A','N/A',5.00,5.00,3.00,4.33,46.00,NULL,2.00,1.00,3.00,52.00,0,'http://www.coolest-gadgets.com/20100707/future-robot-furo-helps-shop/',0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(23,'2010-09-18 01:37:08','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:36:43','2010-09-17 18:36:43','jeremy','Palro','Palro has 20 joints, 5 microphones, voice recognition, speaker, and a camera. Palro is a small bot (15 inches tall) from Japan that has a lot of open architecture that is open-source. At this point, it is programmable and not autonomous, but contains capability to be autonomous.','Prototype release',2010,'','Prototype','','3300.00','Ubuntu','N/A',NULL,NULL,NULL,0.00,63.00,NULL,NULL,NULL,0.00,62.00,0,'http://www.engadget.com/2010/02/02/fujisofts-palro-humanoid-robot-in-the-running-to-be-our-new-bes/',0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(24,'2010-09-18 01:37:13','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:37:07','2010-09-17 18:37:07','jeremy','MQ-1 Predator','MQ-1 Predator is a system that includes four air vehicles and one Ground Control Station. The aircraft has been involved in combat and became the primary unmanned aerial vehicle used in Afghanistan and Pakistani tribal areas. This unmanned vehicle has become a force in the military.','first flight',1994,'','Released','','4500000.00','Unwilling to release','RQ-1-->MQ-1 (MQ-1A+MQ-1B)',0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,63.00,NULL,NULL,NULL,0.00,62.00,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(25,'2010-09-20 03:59:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-19','20:59:40','2010-09-19 20:59:40','jeremy','Autonomous Navigation System (ANS)','Capable of controlling several vehicles designated by the Army. ','Predicted Full-on Release',2013,'','Prototype','Depending on Demand',NULL,'4D/RCS (reference model)','N/A',4.00,7.00,0.00,3.67,57.00,NULL,3.00,4.00,7.00,62.00,0,'http://www.gdrs.com/programs/program.asp?UniqueID=22',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1),(26,'2010-09-18 01:37:49','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:37:33','2010-09-17 18:37:33','jeremy','Demo III','Allows for planning and execution control, very mobile. Can make it through tough environments and tough terrains.','N/A',NULL,'','Research and Development','Depending on Demand',NULL,'No Answer','N/A',4.00,5.00,5.00,4.67,36.00,NULL,2.00,2.00,4.00,14.00,0,'http://www.gdrs.com/programs/program.asp?UniqueID=19',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1),(27,'2010-09-18 01:37:58','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:37:52','2010-09-17 18:37:52','jeremy','Dismounted Operations: TAC-C','Can be manned or unmanned and allows for high speed on rugged terrains. Great stability when needed and supports a 2,000 pound payload.','Production Started',2004,'','Research and Development','Depending on Demand',NULL,'No Answer','N/A',4.00,5.00,5.00,4.67,36.00,NULL,2.00,2.00,4.00,35.00,0,'http://www.gdrs.com/programs/program.asp?UniqueID=24',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1),(28,'2010-09-18 01:38:10','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:37:57','2010-09-17 18:37:57','jeremy','Mobile Detection Assessment and Response System (MDARS)','MDARS is a joint Army-Navy initiative. Designed to help relieve personnel from patrolling certain dangerous areas. It can become a security patrol; it can detect intruders and determine inventory status. It can be used in Department of Defense warehouses.','Started Use by Military',2004,'','Released','Depending on Demand',NULL,'MS-DOS (Microsoft)---> Windows NT','N/A',7.00,6.00,4.00,5.67,8.00,NULL,2.00,3.00,5.00,7.00,0,'http://www.gdrs.com/programs/program.asp?UniqueID=27',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1),(29,'2010-09-18 01:38:22','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:38:09','2010-09-17 18:38:09','jeremy','Zeno','Zeno is a young (humanoid) \"boy\" equipped with social learning algorithms. It can walk, talk, and learn. It is mostly remote-controlled but it can make its own decisions sometimes and have its own moods.','',2008,'','Prototype','','15000.00','Linux','N/A',3.00,3.00,2.00,2.67,60.00,NULL,1.00,1.00,2.00,57.00,0,'http://www.robotster.org/entry/zeno-an-emotional-robot-by-hanson-robotics/',0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(30,'2010-09-18 01:38:37','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:38:21','2010-09-17 18:38:21','jeremy','ASIMO','ASIMO (Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility) looks like an astronaut, standing 4 feet 3 inches and weighing 114 pounds. ASIMO interacts with humans and can walk or run on both feet.','',2000,'','Prototype','$150,000/month lease','2000000.00','VxWorks','ASIMO (2000), ASIMO for hire (2001), intelligent ASIMO (2002), next-gen ASIMO (2004), new ASIMO (2005)',6.00,5.00,3.00,4.67,36.00,NULL,2.00,1.00,3.00,52.00,0,'http://asimo.honda.com/',0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(31,'2010-09-18 01:38:42','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:38:36','2010-09-17 18:38:36','jeremy','REMUS (Remote Environmental Measuring UnitS)','REMUS is a mine-clearing \"autonomous underwater vehicle\" (AUV) that is used by the U.S. Navy. Because of how difficult it is to control an underwater bot, REMUS mostly acts on its own accord. It has the ability to take up a dangerous task from humans, doing underwater mine-tracking.','',2001,'','Released','$350,000-$2,500,000','350000.00','No Answer','100, 600, 6000',7.00,5.00,5.00,5.67,8.00,NULL,3.00,3.00,6.00,2.00,0,'http://www.boston.com/business/technology/articles/2007/07/16/robots_go_under_the_seas/',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(32,'2010-09-18 01:38:58','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:38:53','2010-09-17 18:38:53','jeremy','EMILY','EMILY (Emergency Integrated Lifesaving lanYard) is four-foot long buoy that can find swimmers in trouble. A lifeguard puts EMILY into the water and EMILY can reach swimmers in danger quickly, speeding at 28 mph.','2010 (remote-controlled) 2011 (autonomous version)',2010,'','Prototype','','3500.00','No Answer','N/A',8.00,6.00,6.00,6.67,1.00,NULL,3.00,4.00,7.00,2.00,0,'http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/5530506/hydronalix_debuts_artificial_lifeguard.html',0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1),(33,'2010-09-18 01:39:08','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:38:57','2010-09-17 18:38:57','jeremy','Watson','A \"Jeopardy!\" contestant, Watson can break through human language in the show\'s format and come back with a strong answer using algorithms and ranking relevance. The big thing with \"Watson\" is its ability to maneuver through the implications and non-exact art of the human language, very different from chess which is completely logical and has a specific format.','',2009,'','Prototype','\"several million dollars\" (estimated)',NULL,'No OS released. DeepQA technology','N/A',8.00,8.00,4.00,6.67,1.00,NULL,4.00,0.00,4.00,35.00,0,'http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/20/magazine/20Computer-t.html',1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(34,'2010-09-18 01:43:50','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:39:07','2010-09-17 18:39:07','jeremy','MARCbot','MARCbot is a low-cost robot, used in the armed forces to inspect suspicious objects. It looks around corners and inspects for IEDs (Improvised Explosive Device). It is used during sweeps of IEDs and allows for soldiers to stand away during sweeps.','',2005,'','Released','','8000.00','No Answer','MARCbot I-IV',6.00,6.00,3.00,5.00,25.00,NULL,3.00,3.00,6.00,5.00,0,'http://www.iedrobot.com/marcbot/marcbotindex.htm',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(35,'2010-09-18 01:43:57','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:43:49','2010-09-17 18:43:49','jeremy','da Vinci','The \"da Vinci\" is a powerful surgical aid robot. It deals with minimally invasive surgeries as the robot assistant. Improving clinical outcomes and patient recovery time, the \"da Vinci\" is Intuitive Surgical\'s main product.','',1999,'','Released','','1400000.00','Windows CE','Surgical System, S System, Si HD System',6.00,5.00,3.00,4.67,36.00,NULL,1.00,5.00,6.00,5.00,0,'http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703341904575266952674277806.html, http://www.intuitivesurgical.com/index.aspx',0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(36,'2010-09-20 04:35:53','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-19','21:35:52','2010-09-19 21:35:52','jeremy','Scooba','This robot washes tile, linoleum and hardwood. No pre-sweeping needed. Floor-washing robot.','',2005,'','Released','$300-$500','400.00','Unwilling to release','Scooba 330, 350, 380',6.00,6.00,3.00,5.00,25.00,NULL,3.00,1.00,4.00,14.00,0,'http://store.irobot.com/category/index.jsp?categoryId=3334444',0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(37,'2010-09-18 01:44:26','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:44:17','2010-09-17 18:44:17','jeremy','Roomba','A powerful vacuuming robot, can recharge itself.','',2002,'','Released','$200-$600','400.00','Unwilling to release','Roomba 435, 530, 532 Pet Series, 560, 562 Pet Series, 570, 610 Professional Series',6.00,6.00,3.00,5.00,25.00,NULL,3.00,1.00,4.00,14.00,0,'http://store.irobot.com/category/index.jsp?categoryId=3334619&cp=2804605&ab=CMS_IRBT_Supercat_070109',0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(38,'2010-09-18 01:44:34','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:44:25','2010-09-17 18:44:25','jeremy','Verro','Just drop it in! Verro cleans pools effectively. A pool-cleaning robot','',2007,'','Released','1) $400, 2)$700, 3)$1000','700.00','Unwilling to release','Verro 100 Above Ground, 300 HydroJet, 500 Power Scrub',6.00,6.00,3.00,5.00,25.00,NULL,3.00,1.00,4.00,14.00,0,'http://store.irobot.com/category/index.jsp?categoryId=3334466&cp=2804605&ab=CMS_IRBT_Supercat_070109',0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(39,'2010-09-18 01:44:40','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:44:33','2010-09-17 18:44:33','jeremy','Dirt Dog','Dirt Dog, better than a broom at sweeping larger messes. Referred to as a shop-sweeping robot.','',2006,'','Released','$130-$170','150.00','Unwilling to release','Dirt Dog, Dirt Dog with self-charging home base, Dirt Dog with wall mount',6.00,6.00,3.00,5.00,25.00,NULL,3.00,1.00,4.00,14.00,0,'http://store.irobot.com/category/index.jsp?categoryId=3334468&cp=2804605&ab=CMS_IRBT_Supercat_070109',0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(40,'2010-09-18 01:44:46','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:44:39','2010-09-17 18:44:39','jeremy','Looj','Place the robot in one spot and it will clean gutters. A gutter-cleaning robot.','',2007,'','Released','$130-$170','150.00','Unwilling to release','Looj 125, 135, 155',6.00,6.00,3.00,5.00,25.00,NULL,3.00,1.00,4.00,14.00,0,'http://store.irobot.com/category/index.jsp?categoryId=3334470&cp=2804605&ab=CMS_IRBT_Supercat_070109',0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(41,'2010-09-18 01:45:09','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:44:45','2010-09-17 18:44:45','jeremy','RIBA','RIBA (Robot for Interactive Body Assistance) is a robot nurse that can help pick people up from their wheelchairs and beds. RIBA has long multi-jointed arms, can recognize faces and voices, and respond to spoken commands.','',2009,'','Prototype','N/A',NULL,'No Answer','RI-MAN (older version via 2006)',7.00,4.00,2.00,4.33,46.00,NULL,2.00,2.00,4.00,35.00,0,'http://loyalkng.com/2009/09/08/rikens-riba-ri-man-robot-bear-robot-its-part-humanoid-cause-it-can-pick-up-humans/',0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(42,'2010-09-18 01:48:08','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','18:48:07','2010-09-17 18:48:07','jeremy','HanSaRam (HSR)','HSR is a humanoid robot developed by the Robot Intelligence Technology Lab in KAIST. HSR has a five-figured hand with limited mobility. It can kick, run, and lift. It is not, apparently, autonomous.','',2000,'','Released','N/A',NULL,'No Answer','I-VII',NULL,NULL,NULL,0.00,NULL,NULL,0.00,0.00,0.00,62.00,0,NULL,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0),(43,'2010-09-18 02:24:01','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-08-24','00:50:10','2010-08-24 12:50:10','jeremy','HUBO (Humanoid robot)','HUBO is a humanoid robot with a life-size head (Albert Einstein\'s in fact), voice recognition, and vision. It can make expressive gestures with its five fingers','prototype release',2005,'','Prototype','N/A',NULL,'No Answer','KHR-1, KHR-2, Albert Hubo, Virtual, Mini, Online',5.00,6.00,2.00,4.33,46.00,NULL,2.00,1.00,3.00,52.00,0,'http://www.engadget.com/2009/11/15/kaists-hubo-shows-off-some-newfound-dexterity-hides-emotions-b/',0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(44,'2010-09-18 02:25:04','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','19:24:00','2010-09-17 19:24:00','jeremy','Mahru','Mahru is an autonomous robot maid. With a human-like body and ability to see in all directions, Mahru\'s goal is to recognize tasks that need to be done and perform them. Mahru can act autonomously but also be controlled. While mass commercial use is still far away, Mahru could also potential be used for jobs that are dull, dirty, or dangerous. Mahru can also dance. Mahru-M was the original a \"male,\" and Mahru-Z was the second, a \"female\".','Protoype',2008,'','Prototype','N/A',NULL,'No Answer','M,Z',7.00,6.00,3.00,5.33,17.00,NULL,3.00,2.00,5.00,14.00,0,'http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/18/kist-mahru-z-waits-on-you-very-very-slowly/',0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(45,'2010-09-18 02:25:12','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','19:25:03','2010-09-17 19:25:03','jeremy','I-fairy','The I-fairy (intelligent fairy) is a robot that can interact with humans and presided over a wedding, leading the ceremony. The robot detects when humans are nearby and then recites lines which it has been previously given. The robot can attain natural hand and head motions. It is 4\'3\" tall and has 9 degrees of freedom.','',2010,'','Released','','68000.00','No Answer','N/A',4.00,4.00,2.00,3.33,58.00,NULL,1.00,1.00,2.00,57.00,0,'http://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/humanoids/051610-kokoro-i-fairy-robot-conducts-wedding-in-japan',0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(46,'2010-09-18 02:25:28','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','19:25:11','2010-09-17 19:25:11','jeremy','EveR','EveR (Eve-Robot) is a humanoid robot that can mimic human expression and understand certain human words and respond with a different emotion. EveR-2 (standing at about 5\'7\" 135 lbs) has many different emotions and is the first android to ever be able to sing. EveR is similar to, and a rival of, Actroid.','',2003,'','Prototype','Cost to Build','321000.00','No Answer','1,2',4.00,6.00,3.00,4.33,46.00,NULL,3.00,1.00,4.00,35.00,0,NULL,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(47,'2010-09-18 02:25:35','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','19:25:28','2010-09-17 19:25:28','jeremy','Lawnbott','Lawnbott is a robotic electric lawn mower that mows grass using an inner-computer. It can create even grass from an uneven start and will navigate its way by going on until it bumps into something or reaches a parameter, then moving on. ','',2007,'','Released','$1,400-$4,000','2700.00','No Answer','LB 1200, 2110, 2150, 3210, 3250, 3510 ',6.00,6.00,4.00,5.33,17.00,NULL,3.00,2.00,5.00,10.00,0,'http://www.lawnbott.com/',0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(48,'2010-09-18 02:26:12','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','19:25:34','2010-09-17 19:25:34','jeremy','Chroino','Chroino is a \"humanoid robot\". Chroino, only 35 cm tall and 1 kg, can walk more effortlessly and naturally than any other robot before it. While Chroino can be PC or radio controlled, it also indicates a future of more \"humanoid robots\".','',2004,'','Prototype','Not listed for sale',NULL,'No Answer','N/A',0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,63.00,NULL,NULL,NULL,0.00,62.00,0,'http://www.i4u.com/article2226.html',0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(49,'2010-09-18 02:26:27','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','19:26:16','2010-09-17 19:26:16','jeremy','HULC','HULC (Human Universal Load Carrier) is a military project (funded by the U.S. Army\'s $1.1 million) that is an exoskeleton suit. HULC is similar to HAL in that it helps people lift more weight with less effort. It is meant for military who get exhausted from the weight they carry to distribute more of the weight onto the ground with \"powered titanium legs\". HULC will have a micro-computer to ensure that it moves in tune with its operator. It should create new capabilities for the soldiers using it.','',2009,'','Prototype','N/A',NULL,'Unwilling to release','N/A',6.00,6.00,2.00,4.67,36.00,NULL,1.00,2.00,3.00,44.00,0,'http://www.lockheedmartin.com/products/hulc/index.html',0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(50,'2010-09-18 02:26:36','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','19:26:26','2010-09-17 19:26:26','jeremy','F-22 Raptor','Designed as an air superiority fighter, the F-22 has additional capabilities that include ground attack, electronic warfare, and intelligence roles. The U.S. Air Force considers the F-22 a major part of future U.S. tactical operations. The Chief of the Austrailian Defence Force went a step further, saying that \"F-22 will be the most outstanding fighter plane ever built\". With great precision and air-to-ground ground-to-air abilities.','2005',NULL,'','Released','150000000',NULL,'Unwilling to release','X-44 MANTA (funding ended), FB-22 (funding ended)',0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,63.00,NULL,NULL,NULL,0.00,62.00,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1),(51,'2010-09-18 02:26:45','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','19:26:35','2010-09-17 19:26:35','jeremy','Milo','The idea of Milo is to create a real living boy within a computer. Milo is a \"virtual human\" that reacts to a person\'s emotions, body movement, and voice. As a person interacts more with Milo, Milo\'s personality can change accordingly. \"No two people\'s Milos are the same,\" says its creator, Peter Molyneux. Milo exploits people\'s psychology to make them believe Milo is real. Milo can \"understand,\" and react to human emotion.','',2010,'','Prototype','N/A',NULL,'Microsoft OS','N/A',7.00,7.00,3.00,5.67,8.00,NULL,3.00,1.00,4.00,14.00,0,'http://www.techeblog.com/index.php/tech-gadget/microsoft-s-milo-a-virtual-4-year-old-boy',0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(52,'2010-09-18 02:27:11','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','19:26:44','2010-09-17 19:26:44','jeremy','Wakamaru','Wakamaru is a domestic robot meant as a companion for the elderly and disabled. It stands a little over three feet tall. It can speak (limited speech), move and use its two arms, and connect to the internet. Wakamaru can remind someone to take their medication and call for help if it senses something is wrong. It runs on Linux Operating System and many microprocessors.','',2005,'','Prototype','','14000.00','Linux','N/A',6.00,5.00,2.00,4.33,46.00,NULL,1.00,1.00,2.00,60.00,0,'http://www.wired.com/techbiz/media/news/2003/04/58593',0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(53,'2010-09-18 02:27:32','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','19:27:23','2010-09-17 19:27:23','jeremy','AmigoBot','AmigoBot is meant for use in learning and classrooms. It can be remote-controlled but also has a wireless sensor to plan paths and localize. It has 8 sonar sensors. It is smaller than other bots produced by MobileRobots Inc.','No Answer',NULL,'','Released','$1,795-$19,995','10895.00','AmigOS','AMI0013, 5018, 1018, 0002',6.00,4.00,2.00,4.00,53.00,NULL,1.00,1.00,2.00,57.00,0,'http://www.mobilerobots.com/researchrobots/researchrobots/amigobot.aspx',1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(54,'2010-09-18 02:27:55','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','19:27:36','2010-09-17 19:27:36','jeremy','PatrolBot','PatrolBot is a service robot that can scan buildings and look at floor plans autonomously. PatrolBot can be used for security, delivery, sensor monitoring, inspections, and guidance tasks. It began as a security robot but now has started to serve a multitude of purposes.','No Answer',NULL,'','Released','','33995.00','Motivity','PAT 0010, PAT 0001, PAT 0101, PAT 0100',6.00,6.00,1.00,4.33,46.00,NULL,1.00,2.00,3.00,44.00,0,'http://www.mobilerobots.com/researchrobots/researchrobots/ResearchPatrolBot.aspx',0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1),(55,'2010-09-18 02:28:59','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','19:27:54','2010-09-17 19:27:54','jeremy','PeopleBot','PeopleBot is a \"human interaction\" robot. It can be used for people and object recognition, and navigate autonomously. It can record and play back speech, and it can pick up objects with its gripper.','No Answer',NULL,'','Released','$12,995- $36,995','24995.00','Linux','PEO 0001, PEOL 003, PEOL 004',7.00,4.00,3.00,4.67,36.00,NULL,2.00,1.00,3.00,35.00,0,'http://www.mobilerobots.com/researchrobots/researchrobots/PeopleBot.aspx',0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(56,'2010-09-18 02:34:12','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','19:28:58','2010-09-17 19:28:58','jeremy','Seekur','Seekur is an outdoor robotic platform for security. It can become full autonomous using vision processing, GPS, and wireless communication. It can turn and move sideways when blocked.','No Answer',NULL,'','Prototype','','69995.00','Linux','Seekur Jr., Seekur',6.00,6.00,3.00,5.00,25.00,NULL,1.00,2.00,3.00,44.00,0,'http://www.mobilerobots.com/researchrobots/researchrobots/SeekurUGV.aspx',0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1),(57,'2010-09-18 02:36:58','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','19:35:03','2010-09-17 19:35:03','jeremy','Robonaut','Robonaut is a humanoid that is expected to have the ability to work alongside humans in space. Robonaut can act autonomously, imitating human action to an extent. It has touch sensors on its fingers and its hand has fourteen degrees of freedom. Robonaut can work space tools and work in similar environments to astronauts, using its dexterity.','',2002,'','Prototype','N/A',NULL,'VxWorks','R1A, R1B, R2A, R2B',6.00,6.00,4.00,5.33,17.00,NULL,2.00,2.00,4.00,14.00,0,'http://robonaut.jsc.nasa.gov/default.asp',1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(58,'2010-10-07 16:26:32','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-10-07','09:26:19','2010-10-07 09:26:19','jcarlos','HRP-4','The HRP-4 appears more robotic. It doesn\'t quite have the human appearance of HRP-4C, standing at about 4\'11\" and weighs about 86 lbs. HRP-4 is somewhat open-source and eventually could pave the way for a robotic workforce that can imitate the skills and talents of a human being. Right now, HRP-4 is meant for research institutions and private companies, as its functionality can be improved and new functions created. HRP-4C stands at 5\'2\" and weighs 95 lbs--a more human-like robot in appearance. It can walk and bow like a human. It is capable of voice recognition and speech. It is created in thought of a fashion model robot.','2009 for HRP-4C, 2010 for HRP-4',2009,'','Prototype','$200,000 for HRP-4C. $300,000 for HRP-4','250000.00','Linux','4, 4C',6.00,5.00,2.00,4.33,46.00,NULL,1.00,0.00,1.00,60.00,0,'http://gizmodo.com/5170498/the-hrp+4c-model-robot-is-programmed-to-workit',0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(59,'2010-09-18 02:37:23','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','19:37:14','2010-09-17 19:37:14','jeremy','Paro','Paro is a therapeutic robot designed to have a calming effect on patients in nursing homes and hospitals. Paro can be a great aid for people suffering with dementia, being a great substitute for family and friends. The robot has tactile sensors, can learn names, and show emotions.','2001 (prototype), 2004 (commercially)',2001,'','Released','','4700.00','SAP','N/A',5.00,6.00,5.00,5.33,17.00,NULL,2.00,2.00,4.00,29.00,0,'http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/05/science/05robot.html?pagewanted=all',0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(60,'2010-09-20 04:02:17','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-19','21:02:16','2010-09-19 21:02:16','jeremy','Taizo','Taizo is a \"leader\" for exercise. Taizo can demonstrate moves for people to imitate with its 26 degrees of freedom. Taizo can act freely and understand speech. Taizo stands at 28 inches tall. It is meant to help lead elders with its 30 moves, and friendly appearance.','',2010,'','Prototype','','8780.00','Robot Operating System','N/A',5.00,5.00,4.00,4.67,63.00,NULL,4.00,3.00,7.00,62.00,0,'http://www.gizmag.com/taizo-the-exercising-robot/12830/',1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(61,'2010-09-18 02:37:50','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','19:37:35','2010-09-17 19:37:35','jeremy','PaPeRo','PaPeRo is a personal robot with a cute appearance and a facial recognition system. PaPeRo is a cheerful character that can connect to the internet to answer questions, interact with humans, and can maneuver through different aspects of itself (leading, locating knowledge, dancing, becoming lazy, and becoming a non-acting computer). ','',1997,'','Prototype','N/A',NULL,'Windows OS','Childcare, PaPe-Jiro, Mini',7.00,7.00,4.00,6.00,5.00,NULL,3.00,2.00,5.00,14.00,0,'http://www.nec.co.jp/products/robot/en/index.html',0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(62,'2010-09-18 02:45:18','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','19:45:17','2010-09-17 19:45:17','jeremy','Actroid','Similar to EveR, Actroid is a humanoid robot capable of facial expressions. It can blink, speak, and breathe. It can recognize speech and respond. Actroid is considered a \"rival\" of Korean-made EveR.','2010 Commercial Release',2003,'','Released','','20000.00','No Answer','RepliceeQ1, RepliceeQ1 expo, expo, DER, DER2, DER3, Sara',4.00,6.00,5.00,5.00,25.00,NULL,3.00,1.00,4.00,35.00,0,NULL,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(63,'2010-09-18 02:45:32','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-08-25','00:34:49','2010-08-25 12:34:49','jeremy','REEM','REEM is a humanoid robot that can pick up objects of heavy weight, maneuver by itself, and recognize voice commands and faces. REEM can move around autonomously while avoiding obstacles through simultaneous location and mapping.','',2006,'','Prototype','Depending on Demand',NULL,'Linux','A, B',5.00,6.00,5.00,5.33,17.00,NULL,3.00,2.00,5.00,10.00,0,NULL,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(64,'2010-09-18 02:45:44','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','19:45:31','2010-09-17 19:45:31','jeremy','icady','icady is a robotic golf \"caddy\" that matches its walkers\' speed. It can negotiate obstacles like sidewalks and stairs, also fits through tight areas. It is meant for those who walk the golf course and need something to bring along their clubs and bag and any other paraphernalia. icady is supposed to be as much like a human caddy as possible, but much less expensive.','',2009,'','Released','No Answer',NULL,'No Answer','N/A',4.00,5.00,3.00,4.00,53.00,NULL,2.00,1.00,3.00,44.00,0,'http://www.icady4u.com/',0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(65,'2010-09-20 04:02:47','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-19','21:02:37','2010-09-19 21:02:37','jeremy','Ramona','Ramona is the \"first live virtual performing and recording artist\". Seen as Ray Kurzweil\'s alter-ego, Ramona is quite similar to the fictional character in the film S1m0ne.','',2001,'','Prototype','N/A',NULL,'No Operating System','N/A',4.00,4.00,0.00,2.67,63.00,NULL,0.00,0.00,0.00,62.00,1,NULL,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0),(66,'2010-09-20 04:02:47','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-19','21:02:46','2010-09-19 21:02:46','jeremy','REX','Rex offers wheelchair users a path to standing upright and walking. Rex is controlled using a joystick by the person\'s hand. The robotic legs then move accordingly.','',2010,'','Prototype','','150000.00','Unwilling to release','N/A',5.00,4.00,1.00,3.33,58.00,NULL,1.00,2.00,3.00,52.00,0,'http://www.gizmag.com/rex-robotic-exoskeleton/15736/',0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(67,'2010-09-18 02:46:10','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','19:46:03','2010-09-17 19:46:03','jeremy','RoboMop','RoboMop automatically cleans floors after inserting a ball into the frame. It removes dust from the floor where it maneuvers automatically.','No Answer',NULL,'','Released (not in U.S.)','','72.00','No Answer','Basic, Softbase',6.00,6.00,3.00,5.00,25.00,NULL,3.00,1.00,4.00,14.00,0,'http://www.robomop.net/',0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(68,'2010-09-18 02:50:07','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','19:49:57','2010-09-17 19:49:57','jeremy','Kompai','Kompai is a \"plainspoken personal assistant\". It can serve as a senior-friendly helper, asking questions and reminding seniors to take their medication. It can avoid stairways, and knows when to charge itself. It has a touch screen with icons for its users. If one is not feeling well, it tells the robot and the robot acts accordingly.','2011',2011,'','Research and Development','N/A',NULL,'No Answer','N/A',6.00,5.00,3.00,4.67,36.00,NULL,3.00,3.00,6.00,7.00,0,'http://www.engadget.com/2010/03/10/robosoft-kompai-takes-care-of-your-elderly-so-you-dont-have-to/',0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(69,'2010-09-18 03:25:32','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-17','20:25:31','2010-09-17 20:25:31','jeremy','iCub','iCub is a child-like humanoid robot. iCub is open-source, and is intended for studying cognition in children. iCub is the size of a 3.5-year-old child and is implemented with biologically-motivated algorithms. iCub learns like a toddler.','project started, still in progress',2005,'Research and Development/Prototype','Prototype','','300000.00','Linux','N/A',7.00,7.00,2.00,5.33,17.00,NULL,3.00,1.00,4.00,29.00,0,'http://www.popsci.com/scitech/article/2009-07/icub-open-source-robot-child',1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0),(70,'2010-09-19 20:09:31','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-19','13:09:21','2010-09-19 13:09:21','jeremy','EATR','EATR (Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot) is a biomass-to-power robot. EATR can ingest vegetation and turn it into fuel, theoretically lasting forever. It is a vehicle that runs feeding itself. A very exciting new product, EATR is about performing long-range long endurance tasks. Funded by DARPA.','Not yet released, Engine complete (2010)',NULL,'','Research and Development','','95000.00','4D/RCS (reference model)','N/A',4.00,4.00,0.00,2.67,60.00,NULL,3.00,0.00,3.00,44.00,0,'http://www.robotictechnologyinc.com/index.php/EATR',0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1),(71,'2010-09-19 20:13:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-19','13:09:31','2010-09-19 13:09:31','jeremy','Reborg-Q','The Reborg-Q rolls around the mall, airport, etc… examining the faces of people and looking for images that appear to threaten security. It alerts a computer so that humans can respond to the potential threat.','',2008,'','Released','$10,000-$20,000','15000.00','No Answer','Reborg-Q=updated version of ALSOK\'s Guardrobo D-1',7.00,6.00,2.00,5.00,25.00,NULL,3.00,3.00,6.00,7.00,0,'http://www.technovelgy.com/ct/Science-Fiction-News.asp?NewsNum=1330',0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1),(72,'2010-09-19 20:14:05','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-19','13:13:42','2010-09-19 13:13:41','jeremy','OVIWUN','OVIWUN is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that can be radio-controlled but also fly autonomously, using its GPS. It is light (only 6 pounds), and great takeoff and landing capabilities. OVIWUN employs powered-lift technology.','',2007,'','Released','','15000.00','Linux','N/A',6.00,5.00,3.00,4.67,36.00,NULL,2.00,1.00,3.00,52.00,0,'http://www.trekaero.com/Trek_VTOL_OVIWUN_Vehicles.htm',0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(73,'2010-09-19 20:14:13','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-19','13:14:05','2010-09-19 13:14:05','jeremy','TOPIO','TOPIO (TOSY ping pong playing robot) is a humanoid robot (with two feet), that can play ping-pong. TOPIO is continuously learning how to improve its play through its artificial intelligence. Using processing units and cameras, TOPIO is able to have awareness of where the ball will be and where to attack. It can also express emotions while playing.','',2007,'','Prototype','N/A',NULL,'No Answer','1.0, 2.0, 3.0',6.00,7.00,5.00,6.00,5.00,NULL,3.00,1.00,4.00,14.00,0,'http://topio.tosy.com/about.shtml',0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(74,'2010-09-19 20:58:39','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-19','13:14:13','2010-09-19 13:14:13','jeremy','Chew-Chew the Gastrobot','Chew-Chew eats sugar cubes, then uses a Microbial Fuel Cell to convert the sugar into electrical power. No external power sources are used in helped Chew-Chew. Besides being fed by humans, Chew-Chew is entirely autonomous.','',2000,'','Released','N/A',NULL,'No Operating System','N/A',4.00,4.00,0.00,2.67,60.00,NULL,3.00,0.00,3.00,44.00,0,'http://www.eng.usf.edu/~wilkinso/gastrobotics/index_files/page0001.htm',1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0),(75,'2010-09-19 20:58:55','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-19','13:58:44','2010-09-19 13:58:44','jeremy','CHARLI','CHARLI (Cognitive Humanoid Autonomous Robot with Learning Intelligence) is a full-sized humanoid robot. CHARLI is the first completely autonomous, walking, four limbed robot created in the United States. CHARLI can walk like a human and is preparing for the 2010 RoboCup, playing soccer.','',2010,'','Prototype','N/A',NULL,'Ubuntu (switching over to LabVIEW Real-Time)','L (Lightweight), H (Heavyweight)',5.00,5.00,5.00,5.00,25.00,NULL,3.00,1.00,4.00,35.00,0,'http://www.vt.edu/spotlight/innovation/2010-04-26-charli/charli-robot.html',1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0),(76,'2010-09-19 22:31:12','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-19','15:31:12','2010-09-19 15:31:12','jeremy','STRiDEr','STRiDEr is a robotic, three-legged, \"spider\". STRiDEr can move its three legs autonomously and walk on water. It can change directions by deciding which leg to swing on. STRiDEr is autonomous in deciding direction and therefore which leg to exploit use of.','',2007,'','Prototype','N/A',NULL,'LabVIEW Real-Time','N/A',6.00,5.00,5.00,5.33,17.00,NULL,3.00,0.00,3.00,44.00,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0),(77,'2010-09-19 22:28:33','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-09-19','15:27:11','2010-09-19 15:27:11','jeremy','CAFERO','CAFERO is a server that can interact, provide a touch screen for ordering, and can serve your coffee. It originated in South Korea, considered a \"waitress\" service robot. (no new update since 2008)','',2008,'','Prototype','>$100,000','100000.00','Split OS: Linux and Windows OS','N/A',6.00,6.00,2.00,4.67,36.00,NULL,3.00,0.00,3.00,44.00,0,'http://www.engadget.com/2008/10/20/cafero-robot-waiter-serves-coffee-does-nothing-for-your-lonelin/',0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(78,'2010-09-19 22:23:22','2010-08-24','13:32:27','2010-08-24 13:32:27','jeremy','2010-09-19','15:20:26','2010-09-19 15:20:26','jeremy','i-LIMB','i-LIMB is a life-like bionic hand. It can use its fingers individually and effectively. It intuitively senses what its user is desiring to do and performs the task. It uses Myoelectric controls to sense the user\'s electric signal from their body. i-LIMB is considered a breakthrough prosthetic. i-LIMB is, as stated by Touch Bionics, \"the world\'s first fully articulating and commercially available bionic hand\".',NULL,2008,NULL,'Released',NULL,'18000.00','N/A','Updated',3.00,5.00,5.00,4.33,NULL,0,3.00,3.00,6.00,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(80,'2010-09-19 22:20:26','2010-08-24','14:46:04','2010-08-24 14:46:04','jeremy','2010-09-19','15:16:57','2010-09-19 15:16:57','jeremy','PackBot','PackBot is a semi-autonomous military robot that can build maps of structures and unchartered areas in warfare. It helps with soldiers situational awareness as well as being able to navigate tight or cluttered areas. It can find and assess hazards and can be a good \"first soldier\" to enter an area. It can autonomously detect objects and alter its course. It can also autonomously build a two-dimensional map.',NULL,2002,NULL,'Released',NULL,'120000.00','BlueCat Linux','510 (present model) has variations: EOD Bomb Disposal Kit, Fast Tactical Maneuvering Kit, First Responder Kit, HazMat Detection Kit, Fido, REDOWL Sniper Detection Kit. Previous variants: Packbot Scout, Explorer, EOD',5.00,4.00,4.00,4.33,NULL,0,4.00,2.00,6.00,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(81,'2010-09-19 22:16:57','2010-08-25','10:54:54','2010-08-25 10:54:54','jeremy','2010-09-19','15:16:47','2010-09-19 15:16:47','jeremy','SUGV (Small Unmanned Ground Vehicle)','SUGV is a military robot intended for navigating and scouting areas that are dangerous or inaccessible. The robot can gain situational awareness and keep people far away from possible dangers. SUGV is similar in size and scope to the PackBot.',NULL,2003,NULL,'Released',NULL,'272727.00','Unwilling to release','310, 320, BCTM',3.00,3.50,4.50,3.67,NULL,0,3.00,4.00,7.00,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(82,'2010-09-19 22:16:41','2010-08-25','11:47:50','2010-08-25 11:47:50','jeremy','2010-09-19','15:16:19','2010-09-19 15:16:19','jeremy','Warrior','The Warrior is a rugged terrain robot for military use. It can carry up to 150 lbs over difficult terrain or up and down stairs. It also serves as an EOD (Explosive Ordinance Disposal), can clear out routes for soldiers, and surveys different areas. It can undergo multiple missions. It weights 350 lbs.','Prototype',2009,NULL,'Released','N/A',NULL,'Unwilling to release','700, X700, 710',3.00,3.50,4.50,3.67,NULL,0,3.00,4.00,7.00,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(83,'2010-09-19 22:16:19','2010-08-25','11:48:14','2010-08-25 11:48:14','jeremy','2010-09-19','15:16:07','2010-09-19 15:16:07','jeremy','Negotiator','Negotiator is intended for examining suspicious items to allow for humans to stay farther from them. It performs basic reconnaissance, surveillance and item detection. The Negotiator is small (34 lbs), and good for civil response operations (such as SWAT)',NULL,2008,NULL,'Released','','20000.00','Unwilling to release','210',3.00,3.50,4.50,3.67,NULL,0,3.00,4.00,7.00,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1),(84,'2010-09-19 22:16:07','2010-08-25','00:53:18','2010-08-25 12:53:18','jeremy','2010-09-19','15:12:28','2010-09-19 15:12:28','jeremy','PR2 (Personal Robot 2)','PR2 is an open robotic platform. It allows for innovation within the PR2 platform from different areas. PR2 is the size of a human, wheeling around. It can autonomously open doors and locate a power outlet with which it can plug itself into.',NULL,2009,'commercially available for people who want to use it as a platform','Released','Given out at no cost to leading research institutions on robotics','400000.00','Robot Operating System','PR1, PR2',4.00,4.00,3.00,3.67,NULL,0,4.00,1.50,5.50,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0),(85,'2010-09-19 22:12:28','2010-08-25','14:31:26','2010-08-25 14:31:26','jeremy','2010-09-19','15:12:21','2010-09-19 15:12:21','jeremy','1KA Seaglider','1KA Seaglider is a \"long-range, high endurance\" UUV (unmanned underwater vehicle). It is intended for military use and can dive deep into the water and pursue very long missions. It can perform persistent surveillance and reconnaissance while underwater. It uses oceanographic instrumentation to precisely measure temperature and conductivity within water. It can deploy for up to ten months and go up to 1,000 meters deep in the water. It was deployed in the Gulf of Mexico to evaluate the BP oil spill in 2010. Seaglider has no propeller or motor.','Bought by iRobot from University of Washington research in 2008.',2008,NULL,'Released','N/A',NULL,'Unwilling to release','1KA',4.00,5.00,4.50,4.50,NULL,0,4.50,3.00,7.50,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(86,'2010-09-19 22:12:21','2010-08-25','14:31:44','2010-08-25 14:31:44','jeremy','2010-08-25','14:34:59','2010-08-25 14:34:59','jeremy','15A Ranger','15A Ranger is a man-portable UUV (unmanned underwater vehicle). It has technologies that support mine detection, harbor defense, and surveillance/reconnaissance. It has a propeller and is meant for shorter range missions than the seaglider. It is also smaller. It is used for commercial purposes in oceanography as well as military purposes. ','Acquired by iRobot from Nekton Research in 2008',2008,NULL,'Released','N/A',NULL,'Unwilling to release','15A',4.00,5.00,4.50,4.50,NULL,0,4.50,3.00,7.50,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(87,'2010-09-19 22:12:02','2010-08-25','14:31:57','2010-08-25 14:31:57','jeremy','2010-09-19','15:12:02','2010-09-19 15:12:02','jeremy','Transphibian','The Transphibian is a shallow water UUV (unmanned underwater vehicle) that is fin-powered. The main goal for the Transphibian is safely clearing mines out of shallow waters. Also, like the Seaglider and Ranger, it performs surveillance and reconnaissance. It can carry sensors and payloads, while also being able to use GPS updates to swim far distances and keep its operator at a safe distance','Acquired by iRobot from Nekton Research in 2008',2008,NULL,'Released','N/A',NULL,'Unwilling to release','N/A',4.00,5.00,4.50,4.50,NULL,0,4.50,3.00,7.50,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(88,'2010-09-19 22:11:57','2010-08-30','08:46:58','2010-08-30 08:46:58','jeremy','2010-09-19','15:11:53','2010-09-19 15:11:53','jeremy','Talisman','The Talisman is a UUV (unmanned underwater vehicle) that performs shoreline reconnaissance. It navigates autonomously with high accuracy and can carry varied payloads. It is a fully autonomous mini-sub.','2004 (program launched), 2006 (introduced)?',2004,NULL,'Released','N/A',NULL,'N/A','Third generation',4.00,5.00,4.50,4.50,NULL,0,4.50,3.00,7.50,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(89,'2010-09-20 04:05:03','2010-08-30','15:56:00','2010-08-30 15:56:00','jeremy','2010-09-19','21:05:02','2010-09-19 21:05:02','jeremy','Armed Robotic Vehicle','The Armed Robotic Vehicle (ARV) is a semi-autonomous vehicle in research and development at BAE Systems for the U.S. Army. The unmanned vehicle allows a more safe view and ability to attack the enemy. With an Autonomous Navigational System (ANS) and Aided Target Recignition, the ARV can act semi-autonomously and performs tasks such as reconnaissance, long-range standard and thermal imagery, and laser targeting capability.','Prototype expected',2010,NULL,'Research and Development','N/A',NULL,'N/A','Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition Variant (ARV-R), ARV Assault (ARV-A)',5.00,5.00,2.00,4.00,NULL,0,4.00,5.00,9.00,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(90,'2010-09-20 04:08:25','2010-08-30','09:20:26','2010-08-30 09:20:26','jeremy','2010-09-19','21:08:24','2010-09-19 21:08:24','jeremy','Black Knight','The Black Knight is an unmanned combat vehicle that contains Bradley components. It can be controlled from a commander station. It is semi-autonomous and has the ability to plan and maneuever its own routes with any intervention. The Black Knight is used as a hands-on prototype for different engineers working on unmanned systems in the military. It is a similar size to a tank.','Prototype',2006,NULL,'Prototype','N/A',NULL,'N/A','N/A',5.50,4.00,4.00,4.50,NULL,0,3.00,4.00,7.00,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(91,'2010-09-20 04:16:38','2010-08-30','10:06:06','2010-08-30 10:06:06','jeremy','2010-09-19','21:16:37','2010-09-19 21:16:37','jeremy','GSTAMIDS FCS (Ground Standoff Mine Detection System for Future Combat Systems)','The GSTAMIDS FCS is an autonomous mine-detection system. It can encounter a wide-range of mines and safely neutralize them. Semi-autonomous mine detection must take into account complexities of terrain, enemies, detection and neutralization.','Research and Development (No year estimated)',NULL,NULL,'Research and Development','N/A',NULL,NULL,'N/A',7.00,5.00,4.00,5.33,NULL,0,5.00,4.50,9.50,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(92,'2010-09-20 04:24:20','2010-08-30','10:44:01','2010-08-30 10:44:01','jeremy','2010-09-19','21:24:19','2010-09-19 21:24:19','jeremy','HERTI (High Endurance Rapid Technology Insertion)','Based on a motor glider manufactured in Poland, this Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is meant for military purposes but can also be used in other industries. The HERTI weights 1,700 lbs and has a payload of about 330 lbs.','2004 (first flight)',2007,NULL,'Released','?',NULL,NULL,'D, 1A, 1B, Fury, OC',0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,NULL,1,0.00,0.00,0.00,NULL,1,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(93,'2010-09-19 23:51:51','2010-08-30','10:44:51','2010-08-30 10:44:51','jeremy','2010-09-19','16:51:50','2010-09-19 16:51:50','jeremy','Mantis','The Mantis is a 24-hour endurance Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV). It\'s considered a Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) aircraft. With twin engines and the same safety principles as manned aircraft, the Mantis allows for very little \"footprint\" of the operator.','First Flight (prototype)',2009,NULL,'Prototype','?',NULL,'N/A','N/A',4.00,4.00,3.00,3.67,NULL,0,4.00,5.00,9.00,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(94,'2010-09-19 23:51:24','2010-08-30','10:46:11','2010-08-30 10:46:11','jeremy','2010-09-19','16:51:24','2010-09-19 16:51:24','jeremy','Taranis','The Taranis an Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV). It is part of the UK\'s \"Strategic Unmanned Air Vehicle (Experimental) Program (SUAV[E]). The intention is that the Taranis can think for itself. The Taranis is intended to allow for easier understanding of UAV and how they can help the UK armed forces.','Prototype unveiled',2010,NULL,'Prototype',NULL,'214000000.00','N/A','N/A',5.00,4.00,2.50,3.83,NULL,0,4.00,5.00,9.00,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(95,'2010-09-19 23:50:57','2010-08-30','10:59:46','2010-08-30 10:59:46','jeremy','2010-09-19','16:50:47','2010-09-19 16:50:47','jeremy','Seaswarm','Seaswarm is based on many small autonomous units that can digest oil. Without human intervention, Seaswarm can find and digest oil at a rate of a few gallons per hour, and 5,000 seaswarms can clean up a body of water the size of the Gulf of Mexico in about a month. Seaswarm ensures even distribution by autonomously communicating with other units and ensuring coordinates and the boundaries of the spill. Seaswarm is solar-powered.',NULL,2010,NULL,'Released',NULL,'20000.00','N/A','N/A',5.00,5.00,4.00,4.67,NULL,0,5.00,2.00,7.00,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(96,'2010-09-19 23:50:12','2010-09-13','11:18:37','2010-09-13 11:18:37','jeremy','2010-09-19','16:50:12','2010-09-19 16:50:12','jeremy','QB','Variable in height anywhere from 2.5 feet to 6 feet, QB is a segway-like MobilePresence machine. QB has web-based controls and is apparently “untippable”. It can wheel around at 3.5 mph but only has a 3.5” display.','QA introduced in 2009',2010,'Release in the fall','Prototype','QA cost $30,000 when introduced','15000.00','Windows, Mac, Linux supported','QA, QB',2.00,2.00,2.00,2.00,NULL,0,1.00,1.00,2.00,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1),(97,'2010-09-19 23:50:12','2010-09-14','15:40:52','2010-09-14 15:40:52','jeremy','2010-09-19','16:50:09','2010-09-19 16:50:09','jeremy','Texai','Texai is a segway like MobilePresence machine. With great variability of use, Texai can be applied to many different areas of working. Texai stands at 5’2” feet, can roll at around 1.5 mph, and has a 15” screen to allow for communication. Texai is controlled by humans and is not autonomous.','First prototype',2009,'25 are released for alpha-testing but not commercially available','Prototype','Not available',NULL,'ROS','N/A',2.00,2.00,2.00,2.00,NULL,0,1.00,1.00,2.00,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1),(98,'2010-09-19 23:50:31','2010-09-14','16:04:28','2010-09-14 16:04:28','jeremy','2010-09-19','16:50:31','2010-09-19 16:50:31','jeremy','VGo','Vgo is a segway like MobilePresence machine. Vgo stands at four feet tall, can roll at up to 3.75 mph on its two wheels, and has a 7” screen. It allows for people to communicate through mobile screens and has additional functions like text-to-speech, camera auto-tilts, and auto-docking to the charger.',NULL,2010,NULL,'Released','Mandatory support contract of $1,200/year','4995.00','N/A','N/A',2.00,2.00,2.00,2.00,NULL,0,1.00,1.00,2.00,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1),(99,'2010-09-19 23:49:49','2010-09-14','16:14:35','2010-09-14 16:14:35','jeremy','2010-09-19','16:49:45','2010-09-19 16:49:45','jeremy','TiLR (Telepresence internet-connected Low cost Robot)','Tilr is a segway-like MobilePresence machine. It is the first mobile presence machine. Tilr is about four feet tall with an 8” touchscreen. Tilr can move at up to 2.4 mph and can also use previously established applications such as skype, google video, and MSN.',NULL,2007,NULL,'Released',NULL,'10000.00','N/A','N/A',2.00,2.00,2.00,2.00,NULL,0,1.00,1.00,2.00,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1),(100,'2010-09-19 23:49:29','2010-09-14','16:26:35','2010-09-14 16:26:35','jeremy','2010-09-19','16:49:25','2010-09-19 16:49:25','jeremy','RP-7i','RP-7i is a segway-like MobilePresence machine that is intended for healthcare use. It moves at up to 2 mph, has an 8” screen and is about 5’5” tall. RP-7i is primarily intended for healthcare and is FDA-cleared. It can connect directly to differently medical devices like stethoscopes and more.',NULL,2009,NULL,'Released','Not available',NULL,'N/A','RP-7, RP-7i',2.00,2.00,2.00,2.00,NULL,0,1.00,1.00,2.00,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1),(101,'2010-09-19 23:47:13','2010-09-16','10:58:56','2010-09-16 10:58:56','jeremy','2010-09-19','16:47:12','2010-09-19 16:47:12','jeremy','Mint','This robot sweeps and mops tile, linoleum and hardwood. No pre-sweeping needed. Mint is guided by a navigation system so it knows where it\'s going and knows where it\'s been. It avoids areas that creates problems (stairs, rugs), while cleaning the entire rest of the house.',NULL,2010,'http://www.ubergizmo.com/photos/2010/1/Mint-cleaning-robot.jpg','Released',NULL,'250.00',NULL,'N/A',6.00,6.00,3.00,5.00,NULL,0,4.00,1.00,5.00,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(102,'2010-09-19 23:47:00','2010-09-16','11:20:36','2010-09-16 11:20:36','jeremy','2010-09-19','16:46:59','2010-09-19 16:46:59','jeremy','Simon','Simon is a social/learning robot that uses social cues to indicate whether it has learned and understood the topic or not. Simon has computer vision, speech processing, and grasping capability. Simon has the proportions of a 5\'7\" female.',NULL,2009,'Simon is still being worked on in research','Prototype','N/A',NULL,'ROS (unconfirmed)','N/A',7.00,6.00,3.00,5.33,NULL,0,4.00,3.00,7.00,NULL,0,NULL,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0),(103,'2010-09-19 23:45:22','2010-09-16','11:32:36','2010-09-16 11:32:36','jeremy','2010-09-17','00:37:21','2010-09-17 12:37:21','jeremy','Rovio','Rovio is a small mobile web-cam that can interact with its environment and navigate using its wheels. It is human-controlled with its adjustable camera but has self-docking capabilities. It can also connect to Wi-Fi.',NULL,2008,NULL,'Released',NULL,'229.00','Windows or Mac configured',NULL,2.00,2.00,2.00,2.00,NULL,0,1.00,1.00,2.00,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1),(104,'2010-09-19 23:37:32','2010-09-16','13:53:01','2010-09-16 13:53:01','jeremy','2010-09-19','16:37:32','2010-09-19 16:37:32','jeremy','RUBI','RUBI is a social robot that helps in educational situations and interacts well with children. RUBI can function as a fountain of knowledge for children, but also show awareness when children are bored or upset. RUBI is part of what UC San Diego refers to as Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). RUBI can recognize facial expressions through the Facial Action Coding System, ',NULL,2005,'RUBI can be used as a teaching tool but is continuously developed','Prototype','Not found',NULL,'Robot Operating System','N/A',6.00,6.00,4.00,5.33,NULL,0,3.00,2.50,5.50,NULL,0,NULL,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0),(105,'2010-09-24 19:26:26','2010-09-16','16:05:21','2010-09-16 16:05:21','jeremy','2010-09-24','10:52:44','2010-09-24 10:52:44','jeremy','RoboSapien','With wheels in its feet and an infrared remote control, RoboSapien is a toy-like controllable robot. RoboSapien is easy to modify or hack in order to add more and edit the robot to increase its full potential. It can grasp and throw objects, as well as play soccer. RoboSapien served as a framework for many others in the WowWee company such as Tri-Bot, Robocreatures, and RS Media.',NULL,2004,NULL,'Released',NULL,'150.00','Linux','Spidersapien, Homersapien, V1, V2, Mini',3.00,3.00,3.00,3.00,NULL,0,2.00,2.00,4.00,NULL,0,NULL,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(106,'2010-09-24 19:26:26','2010-09-16','18:31:17','2010-09-16 18:31:17','jeremy','2010-09-24','00:26:26','2010-09-24 12:26:26','jeremy','Roboscooper','Roboscooper recycles and picks up garbage to dump off. It can autonomously pick up objects or pick up objects through remote control. Roboscooper has six wheels and can roll over different types of terrain. Roboscooper also has phrases and sound effects. It autonomously has obtsacle avoidance.',NULL,2010,NULL,'Released',NULL,'70.00','N/A','N/A',6.00,6.00,3.00,5.00,NULL,0,3.00,1.00,4.00,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(107,'2010-09-22 16:06:52','2010-09-22','08:32:05','2010-09-22 08:32:05','jeremy','2010-09-22','09:06:52','2010-09-22 09:06:52','jeremy','Roxxxy','Roxxxy is a \"sex robot\", a human sized robot that has artificial intelligence and synthetic skin. Roxxxy stands at 5\'7\", and learns about their owner\'s likes and dislikes with its artificial intelligence. Roxxxy can be autonomous in conversation and susceptible to the human touch. Rocky is the male version of Roxxxy. They are trying to \"replicate the personality of a person,\" says TrueCompanion president, Douglas Hines.',NULL,2010,NULL,'Released','Plus a subscription fee','8000.00',NULL,'Trudy',4.00,5.00,5.00,4.67,NULL,0,3.50,2.00,5.50,NULL,0,NULL,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(108,'2010-09-24 17:51:57','2010-09-22','20:51:02','2010-09-22 20:51:02','jeremy','2010-09-24','10:51:57','2010-09-24 10:51:57','jeremy','JoeBot','JoeBot is an interactive robot that can be controlled by joystick or voice commands. JoeBotcan also act autonomously by detecting obstacles and avoiding them. JoeBot can tell jokes, light up when he talks, and walks quickly and with fluidity. With infrared sensors and entertainment ability (dancing, communication, beatbox), JoeBot can be a companion to their owner.',NULL,2009,NULL,'Released',NULL,'95.00','N/A','N/A',3.00,2.00,1.00,2.00,NULL,0,2.00,1.00,3.00,NULL,0,NULL,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(109,'2010-09-24 17:51:57','2010-09-22','21:29:25','2010-09-22 21:29:25','jeremy','2010-09-22','21:48:37','2010-09-22 21:48:37','jeremy','Roborover','Roborover is \"shy at first,\" but through commands the robot becomes bolder. He wheels around guided by remote control with tread-based motion that allows for navigating more difficult terrain. \"Explore Mode\" and \"Lookout Mode\" allow Roborover to achieve more autonomy by scanning its environment and roaming free around its surroundings.',NULL,2009,NULL,'Released',NULL,'70.00','N/A','Mini',3.00,3.00,2.00,2.67,NULL,0,2.50,1.50,4.00,NULL,0,NULL,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(110,'2010-09-23 05:50:50','2010-09-22','22:36:31','2010-09-22 22:36:31','jeremy','2010-09-22','22:50:50','2010-09-22 22:50:50','jeremy','Odyssey IV','The Odyssey IV is a small autonomous submarine developed by the MIT Sea Grant College Program\'s Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Laboratory. The submarine can hover in place and can be used by \"deepwater oil explorers, marine archaeologists, and oceanographers\". The old autonomous Odysseys had many of the similar capabilities as the IV, but wasn\'t able to stay in place.',NULL,2008,NULL,'Released','\"Inexpensive,\" not specified',NULL,NULL,'I-IV',5.00,4.00,4.00,4.33,NULL,0,3.50,2.00,5.50,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(111,'2010-09-24 16:10:23','2010-09-24','08:58:35','2010-09-24 08:58:35','jeremy','2010-09-24','09:10:22','2010-09-24 09:10:22','jeremy','Windoro','Windoro is a window-cleaning robot. Two of the modules on each side of the window are magnetized and allow for safe and productive cleaning--the neodymium magnets are more reliable than vacuum power. The cleaner has distance sensors and obstacle detection. Windoro is the first robot with capability to clean vertically and not just horizontally (like the floor cleaning robots).','Scheduled commericalized release',2011,NULL,'Prototype',NULL,'260000.00',NULL,'N/A',3.00,3.00,3.00,3.00,NULL,0,2.00,2.00,4.00,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(113,'2010-09-24 19:15:57','2010-09-24','11:03:39','2010-09-24 11:03:39','jeremy','2010-09-24','00:04:41','2010-09-24 12:04:41','jeremy','Wrex the Dawg','Wrex the Dawg has expressible moods and desires. Wrex\'s moods can be altered by his owner, and each mood has its own set of tricks he can perform. A remote controller is used to guide Wrex around but he can also be set to \"Guard Mode\" where he warns of intruders and strangers. He can explore the home on his own and avoid obstacles and shows awareness.',NULL,2008,NULL,'Released',NULL,'270.00','N/A','Mini',3.00,3.00,3.00,3.00,NULL,0,3.00,1.50,4.50,NULL,0,NULL,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(114,'2010-09-24 19:19:29','2010-09-24','11:04:18','2010-09-24 11:04:18','jeremy','2010-09-24','00:19:21','2010-09-24 12:19:21','jeremy','Tri-Bot','Tri-Bot is a fast-talking and fast-moving companion with lit-up eyes and an expressive face. Tri-bot has a three-wheeled base in order to navigate quickly and efficiently. Tri-bot also has \"free roam mode\" (ability to become autonomous) and \"guard mode\".',NULL,2008,NULL,'Released',NULL,'80.00',NULL,'Mini',3.00,3.00,3.00,3.00,NULL,0,3.00,1.50,4.50,NULL,0,NULL,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(115,'2010-09-24 19:26:02','2010-09-24','11:04:40','2010-09-24 11:04:40','jeremy','2010-09-24','00:26:02','2010-09-24 12:26:02','jeremy','Bladestar','Bladestar can guide through the air avoiding objects and hovering successfully based on its own sensors. It can fly up to 5 minutes without intervention or recharging.',NULL,2008,NULL,'Released',NULL,'30.00',NULL,'N/A',2.50,2.00,2.50,2.33,NULL,0,2.50,1.00,3.50,NULL,0,NULL,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(116,'2010-09-24 19:39:24','2010-09-24','11:05:00','2010-09-24 11:05:00','jeremy','2010-09-24','00:38:59','2010-09-24 12:38:59','jeremy','Femisapien','Femisapien speaks her own language \"emotish,\" which is simply gestures and soft sounds. No remote is necessary, as Femisapien interacts with humans directly based on sound, touch, and gestures.',NULL,2008,NULL,'Released',NULL,'50.00',NULL,'Mini',2.00,2.00,2.00,2.00,NULL,0,2.00,1.00,3.00,NULL,0,NULL,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(120,'2010-09-24 20:02:52','2010-09-24','11:07:05','2010-09-24 11:07:05','jeremy','2010-09-24','13:02:52','2010-09-24 13:02:52','jeremy','Robocreatures','Robocreatures consists of Roboraptor, Robopanda, Roboreptile, Roboboa, Robopet, Roboquad. Each creature can act as though it is the animal that it represents. They have good sensory awareness, but limited autonomous capability. Some can have moods and attempt to interact with their owners and other humans.','each were released sometime between 2006-2009. Most in 2008',2008,NULL,'Released','ranges from about $80-$200','140.00',NULL,'(mini), raptor, panda, reptile, boa, pet, quad',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),(121,'2010-09-24 19:14:47','2010-09-24','11:14:27','2010-09-24 11:14:27','jeremy','2010-09-24','00:14:47','2010-09-24 12:14:47','jeremy','Mr. Personality','Mr. Personality has an LCD screen and is minimally autonomous. The bot can interact with humans and answer questions. It can be controlled with a remote but also responds to obstacles and immediate distractions',NULL,2008,NULL,'Released',NULL,'150.00','N/A','N/A',2.00,1.00,1.00,1.33,NULL,0,1.00,0.50,1.50,NULL,0,NULL,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(122,'2010-09-24 19:57:07','2010-09-24','11:20:08','2010-09-24 11:20:08','jeremy','2010-09-24','00:57:07','2010-09-24 12:57:07','jeremy','RS Media','The RS Media robot is a fully-customizable robot that is a spin-off and elaboration from the original RoboSapien. It has human body movements, speech response, and color vision (infrared) system. It has motion tracking and multiple personalities that can be edited and created by its owner.',NULL,2006,NULL,'Released',NULL,'345.00','Linux','N/A',3.00,2.50,2.50,2.67,NULL,0,3.00,1.50,4.50,NULL,0,NULL,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(123,'2010-09-24 23:48:13','2010-09-24','16:01:33','2010-09-24 16:01:31','jeremy','2010-09-24','16:48:13','2010-09-24 16:48:13','jeremy','MKR-003','MKR-003 is a robotic delivery cart. MKR-003 is capable of pushing and dragging trollies with a weight up to 30kg. It will primarily be intended for use in hospitals, carrying around different drugs and different objects needed by the staff and patients. MKR-003 incorporates SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) to navigate its positions and take in its surroundings. MKR-003 also has a camera and ultrasonic sensors.','One prototype release in 2010, but mainly still R&D',NULL,NULL,'Research and Development','N/A',NULL,NULL,'N/A',3.00,3.00,3.00,3.00,NULL,0,3.00,2.00,5.00,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(124,'2010-10-23 18:12:46','2010-10-04','10:36:07','2010-10-04 10:36:07','jeremy','2010-10-23','11:12:46','2010-10-23 11:12:46','jeremy','Shadow Hand','The Shadow Dextrous Hand is designed to replicate a human hand in every way in terms of dexterity, structure, movement, joints, and size. It is used by institutions like NASA, Bielefield University, and Carnegie Mellon.',NULL,2009,NULL,'Released',NULL,'100000.00','Robot Operating System',NULL,4.00,4.00,4.00,4.00,NULL,0,3.00,2.00,5.00,NULL,0,NULL,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),(125,'2010-10-29 19:11:55','2010-10-05','14:50:56','2010-10-05 14:50:56','jeremy','2010-10-29','00:11:54','2010-10-29 12:11:53','jeremy','Intelligent Carry','Intelligent Carry is a box-like autonomous robot that performs deliveries. It can transport up to 2,200 pounds of materials from one place to another. The bot naviagtes using SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping). The robot moves around at 4 mph and avoids bumping into objects. One of the most practical modern robots, Intelligent Carry can navigate offices and parts of warehouses. A great robot for the factory/industrial setting.',NULL,2010,NULL,'Released',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1),(126,'2010-10-23 15:13:17','2010-10-23','08:13:17','2010-10-23 08:13:17','jeremy','2010-10-23','08:13:17','2010-10-23 08:13:17','jeremy','Flame','Flame provides insight into how people can walk. Flame can walk effectively by losing its balance and evaluating where to place its foot next. Flame can navigate stairs if it is preprogrammed to walk them.',NULL,2008,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),(127,'2010-11-01 01:32:05','2010-10-24','14:59:23','2010-10-24 14:59:23','jeremy','2010-10-31','18:32:05','2010-10-31 18:32:05','jeremy','Robotic Tentacle Maniplator','This robot is considered an \"expansion of snake robotics,\" as in it combines different snake-like robots into one bot. The purpose is to eventually send more autonomous objects on search and rescue missions. It takes a few robots combined together to act like individual fingers, climbing, holding, and swimming in areas that are too difficult of dangerous for humans. The robot has touch-sensitivity that allows for holding a variety of objects. The device is also scalable. The robot can also handle IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices).',NULL,2010,NULL,'Released',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),(128,'2010-10-29 05:13:03','2010-10-28','18:59:42','2010-10-28 18:59:42','jeremy','2010-10-28','22:13:03','2010-10-28 22:13:03','jeremy','RoboBar','RoboBar can make drinks and serve as a robot while also providing entertainment. RoboBar has great efficiency and can last for much longer than humans. RoboBar allows for service that is completely automated, making drinks and allowing for easy access payment. Companies buy RoboBar for increased convenience and efficiency.',NULL,2006,NULL,'Released',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),(129,'2010-10-29 16:09:48','2010-10-29','08:53:39','2010-10-29 08:53:39','jeremy','2010-10-29','09:09:48','2010-10-29 09:09:48','jeremy','Telenoid R1','The Telenoid R1 is a human-like robot, an android, designed to \"transmit the presence\" of humans through robots. The Telenoid has a minimalistic design. The minimal descriptive appearance allows for robot versatility in terms of how it can help serve as a mobile presence for humans; it is easily transportable.',NULL,2010,NULL,'Prototype','35,000 for research version','8000.00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1),(130,'2010-10-29 16:14:53','2010-10-29','09:14:50','2010-10-29 09:14:50','jeremy','2010-10-29','09:14:50','2010-10-29 09:14:50','jeremy','Diego-San','Diego-San is a research robot humanoid \"baby\". Diego-San is used to better understand infant-mother relationships.',NULL,2009,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),(131,'2010-11-13 01:24:06','2010-10-31','18:00:13','2010-10-31 18:00:13','jeremy','2010-11-12','17:24:06','2010-11-12 17:24:06','jeremy','Seegrid Robots','Seegrid robots are for transportational aid around industrial sites that combine machinery, inventory, and humans. Seegrids can navigate and improvise within the space it has, as it transports objects to their destination.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),(132,'2010-11-13 01:30:29','2010-11-12','17:24:37','2010-11-12 17:24:37','jeremy','2010-11-12','17:30:29','2010-11-12 17:30:29','jeremy','Farming robot (?)','This agricultural robot can work on fields autonomusly. The robot runs on gas and uses laser signals to orient itself. It can grow fruits and vegetables autonomously. ',NULL,2009,NULL,NULL,NULL,'100000.00',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),(133,'2010-11-14 05:05:50',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'2010-11-13','21:05:49','2010-11-13 21:05:49','jeremy','Geminoid-F','Geminoid-F is an \"actress\" robot. Geminoid-F plays a woman in a play, there in person. However, Geminoid-F is not autonomous and is controlled by a human backstage.',NULL,2010,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),(134,'2010-11-14 05:12:07',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'2010-11-13','21:12:07','2010-11-13 21:12:07','jeremy','Chaos: High Mobility Robot','Chaos is designed to reach areas autonomously that could previously only be reached by humans on foot. Chaos can navigate through rough terrain while avoiding collisions and any harm.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),(135,'2010-11-14 05:16:48','2010-11-13','21:09:11','2010-11-13 21:09:11','jeremy','2010-11-13','21:16:48','2010-11-13 21:16:48','jeremy','Spector: Under Vehicle Inspection Robot','Spector is an inspector, looking for explosives that could possibly be hidden or anything else that may be of interest.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Mobius Tele-Op (operating software)',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),(136,'2010-11-15 05:57:29','2010-11-14','21:18:13','2010-11-14 21:18:13','jeremy','2010-11-14','21:18:13','2010-11-14 21:18:13','jeremy','Cody the robo-nurse','http://dvice.com/archives/2010/11/robot-that-give.php\n\nCody the robot nurse can clean patients to allow for nurses to deal with issues more appropriately matched to their skills',NULL,2010,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),(137,'2010-11-19 22:34:21',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'2010-11-19','14:34:21','2010-11-19 14:34:21','jeremy','TUG','TUG is an Automated Robotic Delivery System (ARD) that transports bulk deliveries around hospitals. TUG can navigate area with human traffic as well as use elevators. TUG uses sensors called \"light whiskers\" to navigate its path and avoid obstacles. It uses an onboard computer with a map to navigate buildings. TUG is 55 lbs.',NULL,NULL,NULL,'Released',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),(138,'2010-11-23 20:35:04','2010-11-23','00:32:55','2010-11-23 12:32:55','jeremy','2010-11-23','00:34:58','2010-11-23 12:34:58','jeremy','Robotic Hand',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),(139,'2010-12-11 22:40:57',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'2010-12-11','14:40:54','2010-12-11 14:40:54','jeremy','Remote Positioning Device Wheelbarrow Revolution','Remote Positioning Device Wheelbarrow Revolution is a device that is being used to save trapped miners.',NULL,2010,NULL,'Released',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1),(140,'2010-12-11 23:04:04','2010-12-11','14:50:04','2010-12-11 14:50:04','jeremy','2010-12-11','14:53:02','2010-12-11 14:53:02','jeremy','SDR-4X','SDR-4X is similar to ASIMO, a humanoid robot, but similar to the size of a toddler, at only 14 pounds.',NULL,2002,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),(141,'2011-01-05 03:04:41','2011-01-03','00:40:43','2011-01-03 12:40:43','jeremy','2011-01-04','19:04:41','2011-01-04 19:04:41','jeremy','THKR-4','THKR-4 is considered a household robot that can serve individuals or large groups. THKR-4 is considered an early step in the process of streamlining robots with the household. Still a work in progress, THKR-4 may be the most helpful household robot. THKR-4 takes part in the Robo-One competition of humanoid robots.',NULL,2010,NULL,'Prototype',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),(142,'2011-01-05 03:07:01','2011-01-04','19:07:01','2011-01-04 19:07:01','jeremy','2011-01-04','19:07:01','2011-01-04 19:07:01','jeremy','Dora Harumi','Dora Harumi is a dancing robot that takes part in the ROBO ONE competition.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_products_and_offerings` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `robotic_publications` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `robotic_publications`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `robotic_publications` ( `publication_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `publication_tstp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `creation_dt` date default NULL, `creation_time` time default NULL, `creation_tstp` datetime default NULL, `creation_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `modification_dt` date default NULL, `modification_time` time default NULL, `modification_tstp` datetime default NULL, `modification_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `publication_type` varchar(55) default NULL, `publication_ad_hoc_category` varchar(255) default NULL, `publication_title` varchar(255) default NULL, `publication_dt_dd` tinyint(2) default NULL, `publication_dt_mm` tinyint(2) default NULL, `publication_dt_yyyy` smallint(4) default NULL, `publication_date` date default NULL, `publication_abstract` text, `publication_author` varchar(255) default NULL, `publication_source_publisher` varchar(255) default NULL, `publication_initial_file_url` varchar(255) default NULL, `publication_isbn10` int(10) unsigned default NULL, `publication_isbn13` int(11) default NULL, `publication_rights_bln` tinyint(1) unsigned default '1', `publication_dnd_files_source` text character set ascii, `publication_site_login` varchar(50) default NULL, `publication_site_pass` varchar(50) default NULL, `metadata_file_path` varchar(100) default NULL, `publication_keywords` text, PRIMARY KEY (`publication_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=66 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `robotic_publications` -- LOCK TABLES `robotic_publications` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_publications` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `robotic_publications` VALUES (1,'2011-01-26 00:04:27','2010-10-01','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:04:27','2011-01-25 16:04:27','jcarlos',NULL,'Bionics','Bionic future within its grasp',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Touch Bionics, a small and ascending bionic company, can change the lives of their customers by allowing for effective bionic limbs. Touch Bionics combines robotics with the needs of people who have lost limbs. The company is right now on track to \"eventually end up as the company that makes possible the concept of a \'bionic person\'\".','Peter Marsh','Financial Times','http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/bf9712c2-c326-11de-8eca-00144feab49a.html?nclick_check=1#axzz1C5m04flA',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL),(2,'2011-01-26 00:05:07','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:05:06','2011-01-25 16:05:06','jcarlos',NULL,'Brain and Sex Functions (like a human)','Artificial brain \'10 years away\'',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'As there is more insight to the brain, it allows for discovery on how to emulate it, using neuroscience to see how \"a brain perceives the world\". Once this is discovered, there are thoughts that the human brain can be created, and then used as if it really was a human brain. The Blue Brain project is working on this, starting with animal brains but eventually wanting to create an artificial human brain.','Jonathan Fildes','BBC News','http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8164060.stm',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service'),(3,'2011-01-26 00:08:06','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:08:06','2011-01-25 16:08:06','jcarlos',NULL,'Brain and Sex Functions (like a human)','What Is I.B.M.’s Watson?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Smarter Than You Think\nWhat Is I.B.M.’s Watson?\nDanielle Levitt for The New York Times\nA part of Watson’s ‘‘brain,’’ located in a room near\nthe mock ‘‘Jeopardy!’’ set.\n\nIBM is coming back with a new machine to one-up its chess mastermind, Deep Blue. Watson is a super-machine that can decipher human language and correctly answer \"Jeopardy!\" questions that have complex jargon and wordplay with apparent ease. The complexity of \"Jeopardy!\" is that it cannot be reduced to simple math like chess. The computer must deal with \"intended meaning\". While it cannot replicate human wisdom, Watson is continuing to improve and is now a possibility in the medical world. Watson\'s ability to sift through massive data and come up with specific answers has hospitals wanting to use a machine like this to aid in research and quick service.','CLIVE THOMPSON','NYTimes.com','http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/20/magazine/20Computer-t.html?_r=1',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','Supercomputers,Computers and the Internet,Artificial Intelligence,Science and Technology,International Business Machines Corporation,Watson'),(4,'2011-01-25 23:31:23','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','15:31:23','2011-01-25 15:31:23','jcarlos',NULL,'Brain and Sex Functions (like a human)','I, Sexbot',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'\"Robot sex\" is now a new gadget from \"yourtruecompanion.com\". The sex-doll can be a companion or a sex partner, complete with sexual relations and conversation. The idea spun from someone who wanted to create \"a robot with artificial intelligence and have it hold someone\'s personality and preferences\". The idea is that soon a robot can be a companion to a human.','No Author','Truecompanion.com','',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(5,'2011-01-26 00:08:30','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:08:30','2011-01-25 16:08:30','jcarlos',NULL,'Cars','Autonomous Cars Will Make Us Safer | Autopia | Wired.com',25,1,2011,'2011-01-25','Covering continued advancement of the automobile, Bartz believes that after the car prevents the driver from committing errors (\"auto-breaking, lane departure warning and adaptive cruise control\"), it will be \"programmed to drive like we do, letting us sit back, enjoy the ride\". With crash avoidance the most crucial aspect, Bartz believes that autonomous cars will create more safety, instead of less. While he does not address the legal implications of advancing autonomous vehicles, he does see a simple type of driving in the future, with little to no worry.','Daniel Bartz','Wired','http://www.wired.com/autopia/2009/11/autonomous-cars/',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','electronics and gadgets,safety,telematics'),(6,'2011-01-25 23:17:55','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy',NULL,'Cars','How to Apply Traffic Rules and Tort Law to Autonomous Cars?',NULL,NULL,NULL,'2010-05-15','A social discussion session on the future of the automobile. Cars are such a central part of society but what happens when cars can become independent letting its driver do what they please. Also included are the implications of traffic law. (Just a discussion section not article).','Sven Beiker','Stanford, Campus Advertisement','N/A',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(7,'2011-01-25 23:17:55','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy',NULL,'Computer liability','Impose Market Order, and Avoid an Encore of the May 6 Follies',NULL,NULL,NULL,'2010-05-14','The strange stock market movement on May 6 indicated a problem. Companies\' shares dropped tremendously before immediately resurfacing back to the approximate area where they had been. This caused serious problems for people with stop-loss orders and many retail investors. This article indicates how regulations haven\'t been able to keep up with increasingly computerized systems. Brokerage firms have a responsibility to know the algorithms they are using and be able to protect their customers from ridiculous sell-orders that are only put into actions through computerized mistakes. Brokers must meet their \"best execution\" responsibilities. Programs kept investors away from stocks and those programs promoted the downfall of every stock that fell.','Floyd Norris','The New York Times','N/A',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(8,'2011-01-26 00:11:38','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:11:37','2011-01-25 16:11:37','jcarlos',NULL,'Computer liability','The Tremors From a Coding Error',19,6,2010,'2010-06-19','The Tremors From a Coding Error\nStrategies - A Coding Error Spells Problems at AXA Rosenberg - NYTimes.com\nPublished: June 19, 2010\nQuant funds create an interesting scenario: investing trusting large amounts of money in computer programs and algorithms they don\'t understand. A raising issue is when the quant companies divulge a report of an error. AXA Rosenberg appears to have both waited to correct the error, and waited even longer to notify clients. Not only that, a quantitative research firm believes that AXA Rosenberg should have been aware of the abberation six months before they even found out about it. This issue brings up the problems of how companies relate to their clients around technological issues that their clients do not understand. While AXA Rosenberg waited to divulge, some companies don\'t divulge errors at all.','JEFF SOMMER',NULL,'http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/20/business/20stra.html',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','Stocks and Bonds,Mutual Funds,Computers and the Internet'),(9,'2011-01-25 23:17:55','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy',NULL,'Copyright','Caulfield Meets Quixote',NULL,NULL,NULL,'2010-06-20','Copyright laws allow for the creator of a character to prevent its use in other writings. However, copyright law creates, in the long run, a lot of opportunity costs.A book that would have come out (about J.D. Salinger\'s Holden Caulfield) must now be held back, because Salinger deserves exclusive rights to his characters. Issues arise when an author\'s creation (meant for the world) becomes their \"sale\" to the world. And copyright law, maneuvering from this viewpoint, \"allows one artist to deny each and every one of us the possibility of other worthy works of art\".','Edward A. Fallone','Marquette Lawyer','N/A',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(10,'2011-01-25 23:17:55','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy',NULL,'Copyright','The Windmill\'s Reply',NULL,NULL,NULL,'2010-06-20','As copyright law remains a major issue, there becomes problems with exactly what is being protected. Authors create universes, and this is why their copyright laws are more comprehensive that patents. In Boyden\'s opinion, the rule should be kept simple, that authors have exclusive rights to their derivative works, because an author has a right to continue their universe.','Bruce E. Boyden','Marquette Lawyer','N/A',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(11,'2011-01-25 23:17:55','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy',NULL,'Copyright','Looking Backward and the Fallone-Boyden Debate',NULL,NULL,NULL,'2010-06-20','Edward Bellamy\'s famous book, Looking Backward, has about 62 novels of which it inspired, which used his same world and characters. Bellamy did not protest because it was better for the world around him. This is why copyright law should not be a stringent as Boyden suggests.','J. Gordon Hylton','Marquette Lawyer','N/A',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(12,'2011-01-25 23:17:55','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy',NULL,'Copyright','Harry Potter and the Unauthorized Sequel',NULL,NULL,NULL,'2010-06-20','Using a hypothetical example that J.K. Rowling sent her series outline to Bloomsbury Publishing, and they reshape it with a different author (Rowling in turn gets nothing), Boyden points out that without stringent copyright laws, the fine line can be the difference between the Rowling who gets nothing and the Rowling who earns all she deserves from her mega-hit books.','Bruce E. Boyden','Marquette Lawyer','N/A',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(13,'2011-01-25 23:17:55','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy',NULL,'Copyright','What Is an Author?',NULL,NULL,NULL,'2010-06-20','One can think of an author as socially constituted. With all the commodification of novels, authors can become alienated from their creative works. By recognizing the social aspect of authorship, the beauty can remain and authors can become less alienated from their works.','David R. Papke','Marquette Lawyer','N/A',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(14,'2011-01-25 23:17:55','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy',NULL,'Copyright','I Am the Author',NULL,NULL,NULL,'2010-06-20','A \"work of art (is) not limited to an artist\'s intent or interpretation\". People should be allowed to interpret and use art in how it relates to them, not how it was originally intended to relate to them. This is due to the social collective that art can become.','Richard M. Esenberg','Marquette Lawyer','N/A',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(15,'2011-01-25 23:17:55','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy',NULL,'Copyright','More on Literary Characters and Copyright Law',NULL,NULL,NULL,'2010-06-20','Jim Fallone, Ed\'s brother and lifelong member of the publishing industry: J.D. Salinger is able to keep his reputation through his lack of exploration of sequels. He should have the right to keep that reputation. It would be unfair for someone to devalue the carefully created world that Salinger made. Looking Forward is different because it is a commentary on the socialist model. When that book was written, it was meant to spur debate and promote recreation.','Edward A. Fallone','Marquette Lawyer','N/A',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(16,'2011-01-26 00:13:20','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:13:19','2011-01-25 16:13:19','jcarlos',NULL,'Fear and Liability as a Result of Innovation','Scientists Worry Machines May Outsmart Man',25,7,2009,'2009-07-25','A robot that can open doors and find electrical outl...\n\nA group of computer scientists are now debating whether there should be limits on the research and development of artificial intelligence. There are worries that humans may give robots too much of a hold in society (with both labor and intelligence). Scientists fear that the \"intelligence explosion\" will create disruptions and have \"dangerous consequences\".\n','JOHN MARKOFF','NYTimes.com','http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/26/science/26robot.html',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','Artificial Intelligence,Robots,Drones (Pilotless Planes),Computers and the Internet'),(17,'2011-01-25 23:17:55','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy',NULL,'Fear and Liability as a Result of Innovation','Stanford studies Ethical Issues Posed by Robots',NULL,NULL,NULL,'2009-12-07','As we share more space with robots, issues will arise on liability, regulations, and human reaction. Programming adds another element because there are issues of where the liability lies. There are issues of robots not \"obeying\" their master. The results of this and liabilities can be extremely complicated.','No Author','Stanford News','N/A',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(18,'2011-01-25 23:17:55','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy',NULL,'Fear and Liability as a Result of Innovation','Can Robots Be Trusted?',NULL,NULL,NULL,'2010-02-01','Different types of robots like \"nexi,\" \"zeno,\" and \"kobian,\" are new inventions that effectively relate to humans. The worries of robots threat to humans power has been consistent for almost 100 years. Now, the worry might be that these new \"social robots\" will create a human dependency and enjoyment that makes society socially reliant on robots. The \"uncanny valley,\" a humans\' natural repulse to robots, is broken easily with these social robots because they are created in order to do that. A growing fear is that human interaction will be outsourced to robots. And as these social robots move forward, the law remains behind. Fear will increase if there is legal uncertainty regarding these burgeoning robots. And while fear increases, these robots appear to be able to easily secure a place in humans\' hearts. This contradiction will be an issue as laws and progress occurs with social robots.','Erik Sofge','Popular Mechanics, February 2010 Edition','http://www.popularmechanics.co.za/content/general/singlepage.asp?fid=1887&pno=1',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(19,'2011-01-25 23:50:30','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','15:50:30','2011-01-25 15:50:30','jcarlos',NULL,'New Robots','The Loneliest Humanoid in America | Popular Science',25,1,2011,'2011-01-25','Japan and South Korea right now dominate robot innovation. However, in only six months, Virginia tech students and a professor created CHARLI, the autonomous humanoid robot that they expect to play in the 2010 RoboCup. Japan uses their robots as a open-ended vision. America falls behind Japan and South Korea because their unwillingness to fund projects that don\'t provide instant gratification. Short-term oriented funding and less overall funding is becoming a problem for America. Due to the lack of cohesion, American companies are creating products that could be synthesized together but do not have access to. In Korea and Japan, the connection between industry and research facilities is also stronger. This allows for more open source development and progress. While America doesn\'t provide much in terms of autonomous robots, CHARLI is the first (tiny) step in eventually having a robot caretaker and helper.','Jacob Ward','Popsci','http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2010-07/loneliest-humanoid-america',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','Technology,ASIMO,August 2010,cad,CHARLI L,darpa,hubo,humanoid robots,humanoids,japan,korea,robocup,roboticists,robots,virginia tech university,wtec,Popular Science,popsci'),(20,'2011-01-25 23:53:24','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','15:53:23','2011-01-25 15:53:23','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots Ability to Harm','Robot-inflicted injuries studied',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Robots helping around the home sounds nice, but in reality, robots can be very dangerous. German researchers looked into whether robot arms could be lethal. As they gave the robot a variety of tools to strike into soft tissue, they did prove that robots can be lethal. Later, they will look into affects of robots bumping into people, but for now it appears that the slashing injuries can be lethal.','Staff Writer','BBC News','http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10102398',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL),(21,'2011-01-25 23:54:33','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','15:54:32','2011-01-25 15:54:32','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots Ability to Harm','Knife-Wielding Robots Could Soon Invade the Kitchen',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The Roomba implies future innovation, but when robots start to engage in edgier tasks--such as cutting vegetables, humans will need to trust them. Robots can inflict lethal wounds, but the system needs to be \"smart\". And the lead researcher was willing to put his arm out to test the robot with a knife. He barely got a scratch, because the robot was able to understand that it was a human it was cutting into. If robots can eventually securely attain this control, then having robots working in the house will not be as frightening as has been predicted.','Adam Hadhazy, TechNewsDaily Staff Writer','TechNewsDaily','http://www.livescience.com/technology/Knife-Wielding-Robots-Kitchen-100518.html',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','Roomba, kitchen, gadgets, robots'),(22,'2011-01-25 23:56:14','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','15:56:13','2011-01-25 15:56:13','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots and Injury','Swedish factory fined $3,000 for robot attack',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The factory was recently fined for a 2007 incident when a man attempted to repair a machine without properly checking the power supply. The machine used to lift rocks started lifting the man\'s head, breaking four of his ribs.  The company was required to pay a fine due to \"inadequate safety procedures\".\n\nSwedish factory fined $3,000 for robot attack.','Austin Modine','The Register','http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/04/29/swedish_factory_robot_attack/',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','\"robot\", \"sweden\", \"swedish\", \"attack\"'),(23,'2011-01-25 23:58:13','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','15:58:13','2011-01-25 15:58:13','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots and Injury','Florida Man Killed By Computerized Vehicle While Inspecting Tracks - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'A computerized vehicle in Miami had stopped while a station worker was inspecting the tracks. The vehicle, not driven by a conductor, started to move forward for an unknown reason. The result was the death of the worker inspecting the tracks.','Staff Writer','Fox News','http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,527943,00.html',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','inspecting,tracks,killed,computerized, local news, news articles, national news, us news'),(24,'2011-01-25 23:58:56','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','15:58:56','2011-01-25 15:58:56','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots and Injury','Woman Found Dead at McDonald\'s Food Processing Plant - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'A woman was killed by a \"malfunctioning robot\". After attempting to remove a box from the machine, the worker was grabbed by the machine (after entering the \"red zone,\" apparently), and jerked around eventually causing death.\n','Staff Writer','Fox News','http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,534316,00.html',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','mcdonalds, womand, dead, machine, food, processing, local news, news articles, national news, us news'),(25,'2011-01-26 00:01:26','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:01:26','2011-01-25 16:01:26','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots and Labor/Jobs','Robots set to overhaul service industry, jobs - CSMonitor.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Robots set to overhaul service industry, jobs\nIn the next decade, robots will increas...\n\nRobots are starting to replace humans in jobs. However, at this point it will take robots time to comprehend the complexity of human interaction. Robots are there in order to allow for the trained professionals to do what they are trained to. Eventually, those in the service industry will lose their jobs but there will be a natural shift. Robots will also open up new jobs--similar to the jobs opened up by the introduction of personal computers into the workplace.','Tom A. Peter, Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor','The Christian Science Monitor','http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2008/0225/p01s01-usgn.html',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','Christian Science Monitor,USA_GENERAL,SCITECH_COMPUTERS_TECHNOLOGY,– Julian Alssid, workplace expert,robots'),(26,'2011-01-26 00:02:38','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:02:37','2011-01-25 16:02:37','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots and Labor/Jobs','Will robots be taking your job?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Marshall Brain sees \"devastating effects\" on all of us in 20-30 years with \"an increasingly automated economy,\" as presented at the Singularity Summit. Issues have arisen on whether the introduction of robots for labor will increase or decrease total human employment. While we don\'t have the answers, the questions are becoming more and more relevant to our times.','Rich Pell','EETimes','http://www.eetimes.com/electronics-blogs/industrial-control-designline-blog/4030462/Will-robots-be-taking-your-job-',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','How Stuff Works, Robot Revolution, Robotic Revolution, Marshall Brain, Henry Hazlitt, Adam Smith, Singularity Summit, Robots, Robotics, Automation, Luddite, Wired'),(27,'2011-01-26 00:03:41','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:03:41','2011-01-25 16:03:41','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots and Labor/Jobs','Is It Brad or Is It Fake? - WSJ.com',25,1,2011,'2011-01-25','Benjamin Button, played by Brad Pitt, is breaking the \"uncanny valley\" between real and fake. The partially computer-generated character has raised the question of whether or not an actor can be entirely computer-generated. First and foremost, it must appear to be human in every way.','SARAH MCBRIDE','WSJ.com','http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123980973974821393.html',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL),(28,'2011-01-26 00:15:11','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:15:11','2011-01-25 16:15:11','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots and Labor/Jobs','Look out! The robots are coming to take your job away - Times Online',26,11,2009,'2009-11-26','In Tokyo, robots are beginning to take over human jobs that they can perform \"quicker and better\". Companies and universities researching robots are now expected to deliver the goods.','Leo Lewis and Joseph Hood in Tokyo','The Times & The Sunday Times archives','http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article6931585.ece',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL),(29,'2011-01-26 00:17:01','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:17:00','2011-01-25 16:17:00','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots and Labor/Jobs','March of the Robo Chef - Mechanized Cooks Invade the Kitchen',23,2,2010,'2010-02-23','Here\'s a robot that can make meals and snacks and interact with the people it serves. The \"Snackbot\" is about approachability and ability to make good food. 2 robots represent the main chef and the sous-chef (manager and deputy manager) for which the humans work for. One can teach the robot how to make food,a dn the robot will oblige. The Snackbot is about showing that robots can successfully engage in \"homo-robo relations\".','IAN DALY','NYTimes.com','http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/24/dining/24robots.html',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','Robots,Cooking and Cookbooks'),(30,'2011-01-26 00:18:17','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:18:17','2011-01-25 16:18:17','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots and Labor/Jobs','Soon ‘the new guy’ at work may be a robot - Business - Bloomberg Businessweek - msnbc.com',8,6,2010,'2010-06-08','Robots are now being used more and more in everyday society (like the hospital robot, \"tuggette\"). Robots are becoming more safe for humans to interact with on a day-to-day basis. Many companies are now moving forward, placing \"robots in unconventional settings\". Robots are starting to fulfill tasks in warehouses, hospitals, and hazardous jobs. Companies are leasing robots more and more, as they become the new and growing workforce. While industrial workplaces have used robots for a while, their expansion seems to be coming. Certain jobs are much more suited for robots, either due to cost, human error, or hazardous areas.\n\nBy Rachael King\nBusiness Week\nupdated 6/8/2010 8:19:49 AM ET','Rachael King','Business Week','http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37542194/ns/business-bloomberg_businessweek/',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','Aethon, Tugette, Linda Muniz, El Camino Hospital'),(31,'2011-01-26 00:19:15','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:19:15','2011-01-25 16:19:15','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots and Labor/Jobs','Smarter Than You Think - Computers Learn to Listen, and Some Talk Back - NYTimes.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Smarter Than You Think\nComputers Learn to Listen, and Some Talk Back\nStuart Isett for The New York Times\nEric Horvitz’s receptionist at Microsoft is a computer that can interact with visitors outside his office in Redmon...\n\nBy STEVE LOHR and JOHN MARKOFF\nPublished: June 24, 2010\n\nWe are now moving into an age where robots can communicate more and more like humans. Starting with avatars that can communicate on a basic level, robots are also now able to take a place as an assistant, or communicate and dissect telephone customer service conversations. At Panasonic, automated systems handle half their calls--more effectively and more cost-efficient than before. These new robots will eliminate many jobs and create some; an unfortunate side effect may be an increased barrier between the lower class and the upper-middle and upper class. While robots have certain problems regarding natural human communication, they are getting better. And while they continue to have errors and problems (for which humans must carefully account for), the intelligence is only getting better.\n\n',NULL,NULL,'http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/25/science/25voice.html',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','Voice Recognition Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Computers and the Internet,Software,Customer Relations,Horvitz Eric,Microsoft Corp'),(32,'2011-01-25 23:17:55','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy',NULL,'Robots and Labor/Jobs','Time Machine: Emma\'s Legal Education, 2025',NULL,NULL,NULL,'2010-02-01','In 2025, Emma experiences a different type of law education, taught and graded by robots. The only human involved in her education is the \"coordinator,\" who was a lawyer working part-time.','Paul Boudreaux','Journal of Legal Education, Volume 59, Number 3','N/A',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(33,'2011-01-25 23:17:55','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy',NULL,'Robots Entering People','Ubiquitous Human Computing',NULL,NULL,NULL,'2008-07-31','Soon in the future, and even now, mental contracting will become more and more prominent. Examples are found in the company LiveOps. Soon, peoples\' work will become disconnected from the company they serve. However, it doesn\'t stop there. Human sensors will soon be crucial to keeping track of a company\'s assets. Beyond this, sensors allow for workers\' apparent independence while being monitored. Sensors will allow for a better look into fighting diseases and solving problems. Their use will depend mostly on who controls it. As human computing advances, the biggest question mark and most notable effect will be how it intertwines with people and their reactions. In order to be successful with human computing, humans must first realize their baseline values with which they want to build on and never put into the background.','Jonathan Zittrain','Harvard Law School','N/A',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(34,'2011-01-25 23:17:55','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy',NULL,'Robots Entering People','Humanity 2.0: Downsides of the Upgrade',NULL,NULL,NULL,'2009-02-10','Singulairty University is about a time where progress is so rapid that humans will be able to \"transcend our biological limitations\". Brains must have computers incorporated into them in order to increase capability, Ray Kurzweil says. He conveys his belief that eventually we will all be reprogrammed, and those who aren\'t will fall behind. Kurzweil believes that the risk can be controlled, and eventually humans will have a decision, a very chilling decision: stay with their brain, or reprogram and move onto a combined computer-human brain that is more powerful.','Michael Shapinker','Financial Times','N/A',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(35,'2011-01-26 00:22:14','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:22:14','2011-01-25 16:22:14','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots Entering People','NASA Ames helps Singularity University get off the ground | Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The new university, Singularity University, is about using new technologies to creatively solve global problems. The university will use nanotechnology to try to change the world (\"positively impact 1 billion people worldwide in 10 years by leveraging accelerating technologies\"). Singularity may be the ray of light that works against this \"potential climate catastrophe,\" a \"game changer\" to the idea that \"we\'re pushing systems beyond their ability to rebound\". Singularity University also wants to proceed cautiously. It is not simply about creating machines and computers with power, but using the in the right way, harnessing them to have a positive impact in society.\n\nThis Was Printed From Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal\nThe Business Journals Digital Network:\ncontent from Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal - by Mary Duan\nDate: Sunday, June 21, 2009, 9:00pm PDT - Last Modified: Thursday, June 18, 2009, 12:57pm PDT\n\nRead more: NASA Ames helps Singularity University get off the ground | Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal\n',NULL,NULL,'http://www.bizjournals.com/sanjose/stories/2009/06/22/story9.html',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL),(36,'2011-01-26 00:23:54','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:23:54','2011-01-25 16:23:54','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots Entering People','In the Singularity Movement, Humans Are So Yesterday',12,6,2010,'2010-06-12','As it examines the future of humanity, this article looks at how machines and humans will live side by side. Eventually, \"human beings and machines will so effortlessly merge that poor health, the ravages of old age and even death itself will all be things of the past\". Life will take on a different form as a result of singularity. The goal of Singularity University, \"to prepare people to advance,\" is expressed in internal reprogramming as well as external robots. Ray Kurzweil expresses his thoughts of exponential growth. He believes that technology will grow so quickly that he could become immortal. While seeing a future where one can back up their own brain, others see Kurzweil as crazy.\n\nMerely Human? That’s So Yesterday\nBy ASHLEE VANCE\nPublished: June 12, 2010','ASHLEE VANCE','NYTimes.com','http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/13/business/13sing.html',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','Artificial Intelligence,Robots,Longevity,Kurzweil Raymond,Brin Sergey,Page Larry,Diamandis Peter H,Google Inc,National Aeronautics and Space Administration,Silicon Valley (Calif),Singularity'),(37,'2011-01-26 00:26:20','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:26:20','2011-01-25 16:26:20','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots Entering People','In the Singularity Movement, Humans Are So Yesterday ',12,6,2010,NULL,'Andrews: Let us not forget who we are. Our joy comes from our suffering. Being human is about mortality and pain. Quoting Troy: \"The gods envy us because we\'re mortal\". Comer: If we can transcend the mind, we should use this to cure the current state of the Gulf of Mexico (post BP oil spill). Braaten: Great technology is only as good as the brains behind it. Has world poverty yet been ended?\n\nMerely Human? That’s So Yesterday\nBy ASHLEE VANCE\nPublished: June 12, 2010\ncomments\nSign In to E-Mail\nPrint\nSingle Page\nReprints\nMOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.\nEnlarg...','ASHLEE VANCE','NYTimes.com','http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/13/business/13sing.html',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','Artificial Intelligence,Robots,Longevity,Kurzweil Raymond,Brin Sergey,Page Larry,Diamandis Peter H,Google Inc,National Aeronautics and Space Administration,Silicon Valley (Calif),Singularity'),(38,'2011-01-25 23:17:55','2010-10-23','09:37:37','2010-10-23 09:37:37','jeremy','2010-10-23','10:42:14','2010-10-23 10:42:14','jeremy',NULL,'Robots Entering People','Google and Nasa Back Visions of Computers Smarter than Humans',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'This article introduces the new school that Google and Nasa each are behind: Singularity University. This school is about preparing \"scientists for an era when machines become cleverer than people\". Many technologies are advancing quickly now and he university is looking into electronics, computers, robotics, and genetics.','David Gelles','Financial Times','N/A',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(39,'2011-01-26 00:27:49','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:27:49','2011-01-25 16:27:49','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots in Healthcare/ Surgery','Rise of the Helpful Machines | Popular Science',26,7,2010,'2010-07-26','Rise of the Helpful Machines\nFeature\nMeet 10 of the most advanced human-assist \'bots from around the world\nBy Corey Binns Posted 07.26.2010 at 9:00 am\n\nThis article lists 10 helpful machines that will be coming out soon to help the elderly, disabled, and those at hospitals. Each has a different personality and function. Most are not autonomous, but some (like Kompai, and in the future HERB) act autonomously to a certain extent. This depicts a changing in caretaking from more humans to a growth of robots. Autonomous robots (and other relevant/found) are listed in \"robotic products and offerings\".','Corey Binns','Popular Science','http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2010-07/rise-helpful-machines',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','Technology,August 2010,future of robots,humanoid robots,japan,korea,medicine,robotics,robots,smart robots,Popular Science,popsci'),(40,'2011-01-26 00:28:55','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:28:55','2011-01-25 16:28:55','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots in Healthcare/ Surgery','BBC NEWS | Health | Robot boosts hip surgery success',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Researchers say that a surgical robot makes hip operations simple. This allows for students even to be able to do hip surgeries with good results. The surgeons can practice the operation \"virtually\" before an actual surgery, allowing for less experienced surgeons and even students to experience the presise process of being the main surgeon.\n\nSunday, 10 February 2008, 01:42 GMT\n','Staff Writer',NULL,'http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7234794.stm',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service'),(41,'2011-01-26 00:29:57','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:29:57','2011-01-25 16:29:57','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots in Healthcare/ Surgery','Robot reinvents bypass surgery - USATODAY.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'There are \"pioneers reinventing the bypass operation\". Mortality rates have dropped, recoveries are easy, and Sudhir Srivastava has become a master at robot bypass surgery. With the steep learning curve, it will be hard for others to quickly jump in, but as Dr. Srivastava has shown, once a doctor can utilize the robot correctly, it can be a great help for the doctor and the patients.\n\nANGIOPLASTY OUTPACES BYPASS SURGERY\nDoctors developed angioplasty to spare patients the trauma of bypass surgery. (in millions)\nAngioplasty: 0.3: 1.3\nBypass procedures: 0.2: 0.5\nNote: Angio...',NULL,NULL,'http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2008-04-29-robot-surgery_N.htm',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','Sudhir Srivastava, JC Bizzle, bypass surgery, surgeon, surgery, robot, 2008, operating room, chest, da Vinci, incision, hospital, arteries, open-heart surgery, Medical Center, angioplasty, spikes'),(42,'2011-01-26 19:29:45','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-26','11:29:46','2011-01-26 11:29:46','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots in Healthcare/ Surgery','Robot changing the way doctors operate',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The da Vinci is a very attractive machine. It allows for \"less blood loss, smaller incisions, shorter hospital stays and faster recoveries\". Doctors prefer not needing to rely on an assitant, and performing faster surgeries. Robotics may be the \"future of surgery\". The one downside is that it takes time to learn on the da Vinci (about \"100 real surgeries to be proficient\"), and this steep learning curve will make it hard for da Vinci to penetrate into the mainstream.','Patty Pensa','South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com','http://www.westbocamedctr.com/en-US/Documents/369003445f2c45fa84a373b82d3ea9d2SunSentinelRoboticsArticle.pdf',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000',''),(43,'2011-01-26 00:36:40','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:36:40','2011-01-25 16:36:40','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots in Healthcare/ Surgery','Robots back up doctors at O.C. hospitals | robot, hospital, moullet - Life - The Orange County Register',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Robots are allowing for doctor-patient communcation (not \"impersonal at all\"), remote exams, assisting surgeries, and preparing pharmaceuticals. These robots have been a major help and for lease at $6,500 a month. The robots benefits clearly outweigh the costs.',NULL,NULL,'http://www.ocregister.com/articles/robot-39459-hospital-moullet.html',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','robot, hospital, moullet, patient, doses, syringe, fountain, face, new, orange'),(44,'2011-01-26 00:36:57','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:36:57','2011-01-25 16:36:57','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots in Healthcare/ Surgery','Results Unproven, Robotic Surgery Wins Converts - NYTimes.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Skip to article\nGet Home Delivery-Bay Area\nLog In\nRegister Now\nHome Page\nToday\'s Paper\nVideo\nMost Popular\nTimes Topics\nSearch All NYTimes.com\nHealth\nWorld\nU.S.\nN.Y. / Region\nBusiness\nTechnology\nScience\nHealth\nResearch\nFitness & Nutrition\nMoney & Policy\nViews\nHealth Guide\nSports\nOpinion\nArts\nStyle\nTravel\nJobs\nReal Estate\nAutos\nSearch Health3,000+ Topics\nResults Unproven, Robotic Surgery Wins Converts\nChris Garlington for The New York Times\nDr. Vipul Patel, left, outside the operating room as h...',NULL,NULL,'http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/14/health/14robot.html',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','Robots,Surgery and Surgeons,Prostate Gland,Cancer,Medicine and Health'),(45,'2011-01-26 00:39:43','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:39:43','2011-01-25 16:39:43','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots in Healthcare/ Surgery','Surgical Robot Examined in Injuries - WSJ.com',25,1,2011,'2011-01-25','The new \"da Vinci\" robot (worth $1.4 million) is about making surgery less invasive. However, the robot has been causing harm to patients in several surgeries. Some hospitals use the da Vinci more commonly, and now there is a \"medical arms race…based on the marketing prowess of suppliers, not necessarily on the public good\". The robots are causing injuries in routine surgeries and bringing into question whether it is ok to use these robots instead of just using a trained surgeon.\n\nTuesday, December 21, 2010 As of 6:42 PM EST\nThe Wall Street Journal\nJOHN CARREYROU\n',NULL,NULL,'http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304703104575173952145907526.html',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL),(46,'2011-01-26 00:40:33','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:40:32','2011-01-25 16:40:32','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots in Healthcare/ Surgery','Letters to the Editor: Robots Have a Place When Used By Trained Surgeons - WSJ.com',25,1,2011,'2011-01-25','While Robot surgeries aren\'t bad, it takes \"time and effort\". Surgeons have to be involved also, and ensure there are no hasty approaches (Cheng). With good doctors, the da Vinci works, and works well (Voorhis). \"Due diligence\" is crucial prior to surgeries (Gromala).\n\nTuesday, December 21, 2010 As of 6:42 PM EST',NULL,NULL,'http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704370704575228341767195372.html',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL),(47,'2011-01-26 00:41:36','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:41:36','2011-01-25 16:41:36','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots in Healthcare/ Surgery','Botched Operation Using da Vinci Robot Spurs Lawsuit - WSJ.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'A woman whose ureters were cut in da Vinci surgery (hysterectomy) filed a lawsuit against the hospital and the two surgeons. This injury was cited in the article \"Surgical Robot Examined in Injuries\". Issues arise on whether there was enough training prior to surgery, even though the doctors that performed the surgery had a high success rate.\n\nTuesday, December 21, 2010 As of 6:42 PM EST\nThe Wall Street Journal\n',NULL,NULL,'http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703341904575266952674277806.html',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL),(48,'2011-01-26 00:42:21','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:42:20','2011-01-25 16:42:20','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots in Healthcare/ Surgery','The New Face of Autism Therapy | Popular Science',25,1,2011,'2011-01-25','Robots in therapy can bring helpful aid and joy to children with autism because of predictability. These robots not only are \"smart\" enough, they also show predictable emotion to children trying to break out of their shell. Robots aren\'t necessarily a \"substitute for other people\" in therapy. They\'re \"a catalyst\".\n\nBy Gregory Mone Posted 06.01.2010 at 10:00 am',NULL,NULL,'http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2010-05/humanoid-robots-are-new-therapists',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','Science,autism,healthcare,humanoid robots,June 2010,robots,therapy,Popular Science,popsci'),(49,'2011-01-26 00:43:05','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:43:04','2011-01-25 16:43:04','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots in Healthcare/ Surgery','Endometriosis? Robot surgery may not be the answer\n| Reuters',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Endometriosis? Robot surgery may not be the answer\nBy Genevra Pittman\nNEW YORK | Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:34pm EDT\n\nAccording to a new study, robots are not helping doctors with surgeries but take longer. Using a sample of 39 surgeries on women with endometrosis--with and without a robot--researchers found that while recovery and blood loss were the same, robot surgeries took longer. Longer surgeries mean more tired sergeons. However, if the surgeries were more complex, the robot may help.\n','',NULL,'http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE65E5PQ20100615',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','Online Report text item,U.S. domestic, non-Washington, general news,Canada,'),(50,'2011-01-26 00:43:31','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:43:30','2011-01-25 16:43:30','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots in Healthcare/ Surgery','Discovering a Soft Spot for Circuitry - Robot Machines as Companions - NYTimes.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Paro is a robot \"baby harp seal\" that helps elders with dementia. It acts with sensors, \"perks up at the sounds of its name, [and] praise\". It reacts to light, temperature, and sound. Paro can take the place of people and help the elderly. Some see the use of robots to imply low status to the elderly, however. Paro will eventually be substituted in many cases for family and friends. When around many people, the robot can also facilitate human interaction. Because humans are naturally built with easily triggered emotions, Paro is able to affect emotional involvement even though humans know it\'s not real.\n\nStephen Crowley/The New York Times\nStyled after a baby seal, a robot that blinks and coos when petted is often therapeutic for patients with dementia.\n By AMY HARMON\nPublished: July 4, 2010\ncomm...',NULL,NULL,'http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/05/science/05robot.html',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','Robots,Artificial Intelligence,Elder Care,Dementia'),(51,'2011-01-26 00:44:11','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:44:10','2011-01-25 16:44:10','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots in the Military','Mine-clearing robots going under the seas - The Boston Globe',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Robots go under the seasBay State firms\' devices help the Navy clear mines from the ocean more safely and efficiently\nBy Hiawatha Bray, Globe Staff | July 16, 2007\nWith the twist of a knob, electronics technician Erik White sent a burst of sonar into the water just west of Bassetts Island off Pocasset. About 20 feet from the boat where White stood, a small b...\n\nThe REMUS (Remote Environmental Measuring UnitS) is an AUV (autonomous underwater vehicle) that patrols for mines so that humans don\'t need to participate in the dangerous underwater jobs. REMUS has to be smart because it cannot be human-controlled due to the fact that radio waves do not penetrate well through water. Wow\n\n',NULL,NULL,'http://www.boston.com/business/technology/articles/2007/07/16/robots_go_under_the_seas/',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','Business, Technology, Oceans, Wire and Cable, Sonar, Tidal Waves, Computer Software, Computer Chips'),(52,'2011-01-26 00:45:00','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:45:00','2011-01-25 16:45:00','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots in the Military','Military Use Of Robots Increases',25,1,2011,'2011-01-25','Military Use Of Robots Increases\nScienceDaily (Aug. 5, 2008) — War casualties are typically kept behind tightly closed doors, but one company keeps the mangled pieces of its first casualty on display. This is no ordinary soldier, though — it is Packbot from the iRobot Corporation.\n\nThe military has a goal of having 30% of the Army comprised of robots by 2020 (also known as autonomous systems). Right now, the Packbot, from iRobot, is making waves as a strong military robot. There are many PackBots stationed out in Iraw and Afghanistan, working for the U.S. military. The introduction of robots continue as technology continues to grow. While humans want robots to be a good asset, it is still important to understand that humans should be making all of the important decisions in wartime. Robots cannot be assigned too much responsibility.',NULL,NULL,'http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/08/080804190711.htm',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','Robotics Research; Engineering; Robotics; Artificial Intelligence; Conflict; Disaster Plan'),(53,'2011-01-26 00:45:42','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:45:42','2011-01-25 16:45:42','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots in the Military','A soldier, taking orders from its ethical judgment center - The New York Times',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'A soldier, taking orders from its ethical judgment center\nBy Cornelia Dean\nPublished: Tuesday, November 25, 2008\n\nRobots can do things in the military in a way humans can\'t: they can act without anger, fear, or recklessness. But, they also don\'t have the decision-making ability of humans: ability to distinguish between two different lethal actions. Robots need to find a space in the military where they can kill when needed but also be careful to only positively impact the side they are working for.',NULL,NULL,'http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/25/health/25iht-25robots.18126102.html',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL),(54,'2011-01-26 00:46:15','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:46:15','2011-01-25 16:46:15','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots in the Military','Military’s killer robots must learn warrior code - Times Online',25,1,2011,'2011-01-25','February 16, 2009\nMilitary’s killer robots must learn warrior code\nLeo Lewis\nRead the report in full\nAutonomous military robots that will fight future wars must be programmed to\nlive by a strict warrior code or the world risks untold atrocities at their\nsteely hands.\n\nThe world risks serious atrocities if future robots are not programmed to live by the \"warrior code\". The report is funded by the US Navy\'s Office of Naval Research. It shows that if autonomous robots are not carefully programmed, there could be serious problems in their relationship with the soldiers they are fighting for. It\'s hard to predict while programming the robot its actual outcomes, which makes liability issues so key. There must be a code to keep autonomous robots working within certain bounds.',NULL,NULL,'http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article5741334.ece',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL),(55,'2011-01-26 00:47:04','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:47:03','2011-01-25 16:47:03','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots in the Military','Robots That Kill For America - Forbes.com',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Robots in war are now the most prominent automous robots in known in the world. In the early stages, robots have been a great addition. Simple tasks are the main focus, but with more complexity comes more issues around how war is carried out and the legal implications of complex robots being a centerpiece of an army in the war.','Quentin Hardy',NULL,'http://www.forbes.com/2009/05/14/robots-war-military-technology-personal-tech-robots.html',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','Robots, War, Military, Personal Tech, iRobot'),(56,'2011-01-26 00:47:54','2010-07-22','10:40:00','2010-07-22 10:40:00','jeremy','2011-01-25','16:47:54','2011-01-25 16:47:54','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots in the Military','South Korea deploys robot capable of killing intruders along border with North ',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Two robots with surveillance and tracking and equipped guns are now bordering South Korea, capable of killing intruders. The robot uses heat and motion sensors to detect possible threats and alerts command centers. If the command center can\'t identify the intruders, then the commander can order the robot to fire its gun or fire a grenade. This concept brings up issues of something such as a spring gun which fires automatically without knowledge of what\'s on the other end.\n\nWednesday 26 January 2011',' ',NULL,'http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/southkorea/7887217/South-Korea-deploys-robot-capable-of-killing-intruders-along-border-with-North.html',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','dmz, robot, deadly robot, South Korea,Asia,World News,News'),(57,'2011-01-26 19:33:25','2010-09-13','11:16:35','2010-09-13 11:16:35','jeremy','2011-01-26','11:33:25','2011-01-26 11:33:25','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots and Labor/Jobs','The Boss Is Robotic, and Rolling Up Behind You',4,9,2010,'2010-09-04','This article outlines the ability of robots to allow for widespread contact. For instance, robotics has allowed for a doctor to be in direct communication with his patient. Robots that allow for communication are more effective than teleconferencing because of the contact and ability to “roll” the robot. Issues are beginning to arise as to whether these robots will start to turn into a means of oppression; for example, a boss may use the robot to look after employees when they would otherwise not be. Overall, the good looks to outweigh the bad at the moment. These robots have the capabilities to help the elderly and disabled with a much higher volume as doctors can report from any location. However, long term implications will be more interesting to dissect and understand.','John Markoff','The New York Times','http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/05/science/05robots.html?_r=2',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL),(58,'2011-01-26 19:35:40','2010-09-14','16:13:48','2010-09-14 16:13:48','jeremy','2011-01-26','11:35:40','2011-01-26 11:35:40','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots and Labor/Jobs','Students, Meet Your New Teacher, Mr. Robot',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'These \"social\" robots can interact well with children and can teach somewhat effectively. Social robots have now allowed a space for educational exploration. These robots can help in both educational aspects of growth and social aspects. They also have the ability to autonomously learn as they teach. RUBI is a robot that can teach and interact with children. RUBI is an autonomous robot and it has ability to communicate effectively with children. When RUBI cries, children attempt to comfort RUBI. The robots have an important rhythm, not to respond to quickly or too slowly. The researchers at all the different institutions (Georgia Tech, University of Southern California, University of Connecticut, UC San Diego) are interested in getting at the foundation of human learning and how that can be transposed into machine learning. \n','Benedict Carey and John Markoff','The New York Times','http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/11/science/11robots.html?_r=1',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL),(59,'2011-01-26 19:37:19','2010-09-24','14:10:48','2010-09-24 14:10:48','jeremy','2011-01-26','11:37:19','2011-01-26 11:37:19','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots and Labor/Jobs','Robot footballers \'will beat Human Race first eleven by 2050\' • The Register',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'A top Australian computing expert, Calude Sammut, after analyzing the play in the \"RoboCup\" of now, believes that the best eleven players of soccer in the human race will lose to eleven robots in 2050. RoboCup now aims to have autonomous robots that, like the machines that can beat grandmasters in chess, can beat the best humans without any help from other humans.','Lewis Page','The Register','http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/09/14/robot_football_dominance/',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','\"football\", \"robots\", \"alan turing\", \"ai artificial intelligence\"'),(60,'2011-01-26 19:41:23','2010-09-24','14:15:13','2010-09-24 14:15:13','jeremy','2011-01-26','11:41:23','2011-01-26 11:41:23','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots in the Military','Joanne Mariner: When Machines Kill',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'The expansion of unmanned weapons in international warfare has increased steadily over the past ten years. There are new ethical and legal concerns brought up by the new surge of robotics weapons, one big one being robots ability to decide whether or not to kill. At this point, robots are not making discretionary decisions, and, if they are, they are preprogrammed to make those decisions by a human. Mariner indicates how interesting it will be as we step into the future of whether or not robots will comply or go against the laws of war.\n\nJoanne Mariner (human-rights lawyer based in New York and Paris)\n','Joanne Mariner','CounterPunch','http://www.counterpunch.org/mariner09222010.html',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','politics, CIA, environment, CounterPunch, Alexander Cockburn, Jeffrey St. Clair'),(61,'2011-01-26 19:45:21','2010-09-24','15:48:00','2010-09-24 15:48:00','jeremy','2011-01-26','11:45:21','2011-01-26 11:45:21','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots in the Military','Battlefield Robotics: A New “Leash” on Unmanned Life',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Soldiers and robots will soon be collaborating as partners on the battlefield. While it is hard to allow for machines to experience what humans can, some companies have already started. Boston Dynamics\' BigDog is one that is working with DARPA to eventually work alongside humans on the battlefield. Soldiers are already comfortable with robots now on the battlefield and working with them in all areas of the military.','Beverly T. Schaeffer','AFCEA SIGNAL Scape','http://www.afcea.org/signal/signalscape/index.php/2010/09/battlefield-robotics-a-new-leash-on-unmanned-life/',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL),(62,'2011-01-26 19:47:19','2010-10-04','10:15:28','2010-10-04 10:15:28','jeremy','2011-01-26','11:47:19','2011-01-26 11:47:19','jcarlos',NULL,'Computer liability','I, Bank (or When Computers Take Over Wall Street)',26,1,2011,'2011-01-26','The publication \"Advanced Trading\" estimates that now 73% of equity trading is now executed by automated programs. This article discusses \"Rosie\" the robot, who performs high-frequency trading, trading based on computers and algorithms. \"Rosie\" has the ability to perform extremely fast technical analysis and beat out humans with the speed of gathering information. The May 6th flash crash was an example of how robots have become more prevelant in the stock market. Eventually it was decided that human errors could not have been the cause of this huge crash and people have begun to question if robotic trading will go too far.\n','Adam Braus','Singularity Hub.com','http://singularityhub.com/2010/09/23/i-bank-or-when-computers-take-over-wall-street/',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL),(63,'2011-01-26 19:48:09','2010-10-07','20:33:45','2010-10-07 20:33:45','jeremy','2011-01-26','11:48:09','2011-01-26 11:48:09','jcarlos',NULL,'Robots and Labor/Jobs','Tough-job robots to be success stories | The Japan Times Online',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Robots are expected to make a big difference first and foremost in the job sectors that are \"dull, dirty or dangerous\". The article features a quote from the president of iRobot, Colin Angle, whose goal is for robots \"to change the world we live in, to solve very important and challenging problems that need to be solved\". Right now, there is high demand for robotics in Japan and demand for robots to take care of the elderly is growing quickly.','Mizuho Aoki','The Japan Times','http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nb20101008a8.html',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','news,Japan,Tokyo,japantime,Japan Times,national news,weather,stock market,food,jobs,movies,travel,education,sports,entertainment,business,politics,media,art'),(64,'2011-01-26 20:49:51',NULL,NULL,NULL,'','2011-01-26','12:49:52','2011-01-26 12:49:52','jcarlos',NULL,'Cars','Google Cars Drive Themselves, in Traffic',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Google is now testing out its autonomous cars (using a Toyota Prius\', and an Audi), driving on real roads and freeways to see how effective it can be. Humans can intervene if necessary but the cars have been able to go 1,000 miles without any human intervention. The advantages with robotic cars are that they don\'t get tired, distracted, bored, or intoxicated, plus they have 360-degree view. They also have capability to react faster than humans can. The google cars have artificial intelligence to sense their surroundings and also imitate human driving. Sebastian Thrun (Stanford computer science professor) is the one of the frontrunners of developing the driverless car. The car is considered somewhat of a long-term project, with projections of it being deployed in eight years or more. When these cars come to fruition, it can lead to lighter and smoother car, maximizing fuel efficiency. With these new emerging autonomous cars, legal issues become more important; however, at this point the law is behind the technology. Laws surrounding automobiles right now pertain exclusively to human drivers, and eventually must adapt to when there is no driver.','John Markoff','The New York Times','http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/10/science/10google.html',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL),(65,'2011-01-26 20:48:48','2010-10-23','11:00:43','2010-10-23 11:00:43','jeremy','2011-01-26','12:48:49','2011-01-26 12:48:49','jcarlos',NULL,'Cars','When Google Cars Kill, Who is to Blame?',26,1,2011,'2011-01-26','The Google Car has been heralded as the future of automobiles; an autonomous, driverless car that combines our love of technology with our endless desire for mobility.\n\nThis article discusses the legal implications of automobile accidents with autonomous cars. The fact is that the legal issues regarding autonomous cars is fairly absent. If a autonomous google car crashes into someone and injures them, the question becomes \"who was the driver?\" The issue, at this point, would be how liable is the human that had the ability to intervene, and if they elected not to intervene is an accident their fault? The current laws discuss how every car has some sort of \"person\" behind the wheel. When autonomous cars become more mainstream, the laws will have to be adjusted. Manufacturers will be exposed to certain liability in dealing with accidents if it is their autonomous car. The road provides such an unpredictable and complicated field compared to the podcar systems already in place in certain cities.','Chikodi Chima','AltTransport.com','http://alttransport.com/2010/10/google-cars-kill-who-to-blame-accident-insurance-collision-liabilit/',NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'/robotlaw/publications/1000','attorney, Bicycle Defender, burden of proof, California legislature, Google, Google Car, heathrow airport, htc, nexus one, personal injury lawyer, personal liability, personal rapid transit, pod cars, prt, Scott Lovernick, smartphone, toyota, toyota prius, traffic accident, Zed Shaw, fashionista,fashion,fashion designers,fashion profiles,fashion week, designers,fashion week photos,fashion pictures,kate moss model,fashion trends,new york,paris,milan,london,antwerp,amsterdam,blog,fashion blog,street style,style,models,runway,runway reviews,vogue,nylon,love,magazine,shopping,retail'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_publications` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `robotic_publications_content` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `robotic_publications_content`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `robotic_publications_content` ( `publication_content_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `publication_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `publications_content_tstp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `creation_dt` date default NULL, `creation_time` time default NULL, `creation_tstp` datetime default NULL, `creation_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `modification_dt` date default NULL, `modification_time` time default NULL, `modification_tstp` datetime default NULL, `modification_user` char(20) character set ascii default NULL, `publication_content` longtext, `metadata_author` varchar(255) default NULL, `publication_summary` text, `metadata_initial_path_or_url` varchar(255) default NULL, `metadata_content_type` varchar(100) default NULL, `metadata_extension` varchar(10) default NULL, `metadata_filesize` bigint(20) unsigned default NULL, `metadata_charset` varchar(20) default NULL, `metadata_last_modified` datetime default NULL, `metadata_title` varchar(255) default NULL, `metadata_initial_file_name` varchar(100) default NULL, `metadata_file_name` varchar(100) default NULL, `metadata_file_path` varchar(100) default NULL, `metadata_creator` varchar(255) default NULL, `publication_keywords` text, `metadata_producer` varchar(255) default NULL, `publication_subject` varchar(255) default NULL, `metadata_error_code` int(11) unsigned default NULL, `metadata_error_message` text, PRIMARY KEY (`publication_content_id`), KEY `robotic_publications_content_ref01` (`publication_id`), CONSTRAINT `robotic_publications_content_ref01` FOREIGN KEY (`publication_id`) REFERENCES `robotic_publications` (`publication_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=54 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `robotic_publications_content` -- LOCK TABLES `robotic_publications_content` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `robotic_publications_content` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `robotic_publications_content` VALUES (1,1,'2011-01-25 23:23:36','2011-01-25','15:23:30','2011-01-25 15:23:30','jcarlos','2011-01-25','15:23:35','2011-01-25 15:23:35','jcarlos','Skip to main content, accesskey \'s\'\nHomepage, accesskey \'1\'\nFinancial Times FT.com\nSearch FT.com\nAll times are London time\nSearch News in the FT.com siteSearch\nSearch Quotes in the FT.com siteQuotes\nEntrepreneurship\nBreadcrumb trail navigation:\nFT Home\n > Management\n > Entrepreneurship\nServices\nEmail briefings & alerts\nRSS feeds\nPortfolio\nCurrency converter\nExecutive jobs\nSubscribe to FT.com or view and edit your subscription details.\nBionic future within its grasp\nBy Peter Marsh\nPublished: October 27 2009 19:25 | Last updated: October 27 2009 19:25\nThe waiting room in Touch Bionics’ factory is surprisingly smart for a small industrial company, with comfortable sofas, plush cushions and wall-mounted television.\n“We frequently have people here who are severely traumatised,â€� says chief executive Stuart Mead. “It’s important that they have a nice room to sit in.â€�\nThe people seated anxiously on the sofas have come to the Touch Bionics factory in Livingston, Scotland, to see if its pioneering “fully bionicâ€� hands are appropriate for them. They may have lost their own hands through accident or war injury, or have been born with a deformity.\n“This is not a normal product business,â€� says Mr Mead. “We are changing people’s lives.â€�\nThe artificial hands have four fingers and a thumb, each moving independently under the control of tiny motors and computers, triggered by nerve signals from the person’s arm. They can also now be coated with an artificial skin – in a range of colours and textures – that the company makes at a plant in the US. It is a combination of breakthrough technology and a sensitivity to what people want.\nMr Mead\njoined Touch Bionics to take charge of the one-year-old company in 2004. At that point it was little more than a shell business, albeit with a potentially world-beating technology with its roots in government-funded developments in the 1960s.\nBoth his professional and his private life helped prepare him for helping Touch Bionics to expand. Mr Mead, now 46, had run several small companies, mainly in healthcare, after starting out as an 18-year-old in the sales division of Amersham International, the medical diagnostics group.\nIn his spare time, he had become European champion in 1992 in the tough sport of super-karting, in which enthusiasts race sophisticated go-karts at 160mph without seatbelts. He gave it up, but reckons 15 years in the sport was valuable preparation for turning a business in a new engineering field into a winner. “We made our own karts, so I had to learn a lot about engines and materials,â€� he says. “Reliability was utterly important. I also loved the purity of competition.â€�\nTouch Bionics’ big advance came two years ago when – soon after Mr Mead raised £2m from investors, to take the total capital put into the business to £3.8m – it introduced its first commercial device, the world’s first “fully bionicâ€� hand.\nThis year, the company – which believes it is still ahead technologically of its rivals, the most notable being Otto Bock of Germany – expects to make 500 hands. They sell in the US (by far its biggest market) for about $20,000 each, before fitting costs.\nProgress by the 70-strong company has been fast since its formation. From sales of nearly zero two years ago, revenues this year are likely to be about £9.5m, from about 500 artificial hands, 60 per cent of them likely to be sold in the US. It expects pre-tax profits in 2009 of about £500,000.\nTrick is ‘not to think’ what you are trying to do\nDonald McKillop inserts his bionic hand into a socket on the stump of his arm and presses a switch to turn it on. “This has made a tremendous difference to my life,â€� says the 63-year-old, whose right hand was amputated in 1977. Two years ago, he became one of the first people to receive a commercial version of Touch Bionics’ artificial hands.\nHe says he learned how to use it “in five minutesâ€�. But it took a lot longer to master how to use it most effectively. “I found the trick is not to think what I was trying to do. As soon as you consciously try to tell the hand to do certain things like picking up a cup or saucer, you start to lose control.â€�\nSignals from the nerve endings in Mr McKillop’s arm stump are transmitted to the motors in the hand, pictured, that power each of its four fingers and thumb independently.\nAs a result, the fingers move up and down – with the same degree of articulation as a real hand. That makes actions such as shaking someone’s hand much more comfortable – for both people – than with less advanced types of artificial hand where the fingers do not have independent movement.\nMr McKillop says eating with a knife and fork is one of the things that gives him most satisfaction compared to the 20 years when he had just one hand. “I can also use a saw and drive a car,â€� he says.\nThe company was first formed to exploit work done at the Princess Margaret Rose Hospital in Edinburgh to help people with limb damage. David Gow, an engineer working at the hospital, invented the original technology and was one of the founders of the business, along with Archangel Informal Investment, a syndicate for business angels, and the Scottish National Health Service. Mr Gow has stepped down as technical director to concentrate on working in the health service, but retains a 2.5 per cent stake in the business.\nMr Mead’s stake is less than 1 per cent but he has options on a further 6 per cent. His path to Touch Bionics began more than 10 years ago when, after his experience at Amersham and spells in sales and marketing jobs in the medical diagnostics operations of two big US groups, he realised that he was interested in smaller companies. “I wanted to have more control over my own destiny and really have the room to explore my entrepreneurial [abilities],â€� he says.\nOn joining Touch Bionics, he was keen to shift it\naway from pure engineering. “In the past, prosthetics [making and fitting body replacements] has been a pretty miserable part of most health services,â€� he says. Mr Mead’s goal was to “transform a fairly uninspiring cottage industry into something that would both be exciting and have a huge impact in empowering peopleâ€�.\nOne result was the fitting out of the attractive room at Livingston, but it also prompted a redesign of the main product to help it resemble a living hand as much as possible. “We had to get away from the idea that we were a robotics company and think more about the human dimension,â€� he says.\nAn important step in the human dimension was the purchase last year for an undisclosed sum of Livingskin, a company based in New York state. Livingskin makes different blends and shades of artificial skin, based on silicone sheet, which can be wrapped over the mechanical parts of the hand. This, and an Ohio-based clinical centre, means the US is home to about half the Touch Bionics staff.\nThe company also has specialist employees who deal with arranging finance for people who need new hands – fitting and “aftercareâ€� costs can be twice as expensive as the actual hand and are not always covered by insurance or government schemes.\nFor the next few years Mr Mead is contemplating raising more finance for the business, perhaps to expand into selling “a few low thousandsâ€� of hands a year.\nHe also has his sights on moving the company into a broader area, such as replacing the whole of people’s arms, or even other parts of the body such as parts of the leg.\n“We could eventually end up as the company that makes possible the concept of a ‘bionic person’,â€� Mr Mead says.\nCopyright The Financial Times Limited 2010. You may share using our article tools. 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Privacy policy\nTerms',NULL,'Skip to main content, accesskey \'s\'\nHomepage, accesskey \'1\'\nFinancial Times FT.com\nSearch FT.com\nAll times are London time\nSearch News in the FT.com siteSearch\nSearch Quotes in the FT.com siteQuotes\nEntrepreneurship\nBreadcrumb trail navigation:\nFT Home\n > Management\n > Entrepreneurship\nServices\nEmail briefings & alerts\nRSS feeds\nPortfolio\nCurrency converter\nExecutive jobs\nSubscribe to FT.com or view and edit your subscription details.\nBionic future within its grasp\nBy Peter Marsh\nPublishe...','http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/bf9712c2-c326-11de-8eca-00144feab49a.html?nclick_check=1#axzz1C5m04flA','text/html','html',54763,'ISO-8859-1',NULL,'FT.com / Entrepreneurship - Bionic future within its grasp',NULL,'000001.html','/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL),(2,2,'2011-01-25 23:28:06','2011-01-25','15:28:04','2011-01-25 15:28:04','jcarlos','2011-01-25','15:28:05','2011-01-25 15:28:05','jcarlos','British Broadcasting CorporationHome\nAccessibility links\nSkip to content\nSkip to local navigation\nSkip to bbc.co.uk navigation\nSkip to bbc.co.uk search\nHelp\n Accessibility Help\nBBC News Updated every minute of every day\nOne-Minute World News\nNews Front Page\nAfrica\nAmericas\nAsia-Pacific\nEurope\nMiddle East\nSouth Asia\nUK\nBusiness\nHealth\nScience & Environment\nTechnology\nEntertainment\nAlso in the news\n-----------------\nVideo and Audio\n-----------------\nProgrammes\nHave Your Say\nIn Pictures\nCountry Profiles\nSpecial Reports\nRelated BBC sites\nSport\nWeather\nOn This Day\nEditors\' Blog\nBBC World Service\nPage last updated at 19:05 GMT, Wednesday, 22 July 2009 20:05 UK\nE-mail this to a friend\nPrintable version\nArtificial brain \'10 years away\'\nBy Jonathan Fildes\nTechnology reporter, BBC News, Oxford\nProfessor Markram said he would send a hologram to talk at TED in 10 years\nA detailed, functional artificial human brain can be built within the next 10 years, a leading scientist has claimed.\nHenry Markram, director of the Blue Brain Project, has already simulated elements of a rat brain.\nHe told the TED Global conference in Oxford that a synthetic human brain would be of particular use finding treatments for mental illnesses.\nAround two billion people are thought to suffer some kind of brain impairment, he said.\n\"It is not impossible to build a human brain and we can do it in 10 years,\" he said.\n\"And if we do succeed, we will send a hologram to TED to talk.\"\n\'Shared fabric\'\nThe Blue Brain project at Swizerland\'s EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) was launched in 2005 and aims to reverse engineer the mammalian brain from laboratory data.\nIn particular, his team has focused on the neocortical column - repetitive units of the mammalian brain known as the neocortex.\n The team are trying to reverse engineer the brain\n\"It\'s a new brain,\" he explained. \"The mammals needed it because they had to cope with parenthood, social interactions complex cognitive functions.\n\"It was so successful an evolution from mouse to man it expanded about a thousand fold in terms of the numbers of units to produce this almost frightening organ.\"\nAnd that evolution continues, he said. \"It is evolving at an enormous speed.\"\nOver the last 15 years, Professor Markram and his team have picked apart the structure of the neocortical column.\n\"It\'s a bit like going and cataloguing a bit of the rainforest - how many trees does it have, what shape are the trees, how many of each type of tree do we have, what is the position of the trees,\" he said.\n\"But it is a bit more than cataloguing because you have to describe and discover all the rules of communication, the rules of connectivity.\"\nThe project now has a software model of \"tens of thousands\" of neurons - each one of which is different - which has allowed them to digitally construct an artificial neocortical column.\nAlthough each neuron is unique, the team has found the patterns of circuitry in different brains have common patterns.\n\"Even though your brain may be smaller, bigger, may have different morphologies of neurons - we do actually share the same fabric,\" he said.\n\"And we think this is species specific, which could explain why we can\'t communicate across species.\"\nWorld view\nTo make the model come alive, the team feeds the models and a few algorithms into a supercomputer.\n\"You need one laptop to do all the calculations for one neuron,\" he said. \"So you need ten thousand laptops.\"\nThe research could give insights into brain disease\nInstead, he uses an IBM Blue Gene machine with 10,000 processors.\nSimulations have started to give the researchers clues about how the brain works.\nFor example, they can show the brain a picture - say, of a flower - and follow the electrical activity in the machine.\n\"You excite the system and it actually creates its own representation,\" he said.\nUltimately, the aim would be to extract that representation and project it so that researchers could see directly how a brain perceives the world.\nBut as well as advancing neuroscience and philosophy, the Blue Brain project has other practical applications.\nFor example, by pooling all the world\'s neuroscience data on animals - to create a \"Noah\'s Ark\", researchers may be able to build animal models.\n FROM BBC WORLD SERVICE\nPlease turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play.\n More from BBC World Service\n\"We cannot keep on doing animal experiments forever,\" said Professor Markram.\nIt may also give researchers new insights into diseases of the brain.\n\"There are two billion people on the planet affected by mental disorder,\" he told the audience.\nThe project may give insights into new treatments, he said.\nThe TED Global conference runs from 21 to 24 July in Oxford, UK.\nBookmark with:\nDelicious\nDigg\nreddit\nFacebook\nStumbleUpon\nWhat are these?\nE-mail this to a friend\nPrintable version\nPrint Sponsor\nTED GLOBAL 2009\nWall \'could stop desert spread\'\nWireless power system shown off\nArtificial brain \'10 years away\'\nThe winds of change for Africa\nUnsung heroes save chaotic net\nTech \'has changed foreign policy\'\nBACKGROUND\nThinkers meet to plot the future\nBrightest tech brains meet\nTED on porn, malaria and robots\nAUDIO AND VIDEO\nElectric tech could make plugs obsolete\n Making music from thin air\n\'Dark energy of the net\'\nRELATED INTERNET LINKS\nEPFL\nTED Global\nTed Global on Flickr\nBlue Brain Project\nThe BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites\nTOP TECHNOLOGY STORIES\nUS lifts lid on WikiLeaks probe\nBing gains market share in search\n\'Virtual human\' makes Xbox debut\nMOST POPULAR STORIES NOW\nSHARED\nREAD\nWATCHED/LISTENED\nChad country profile\nHow Iran\'s political battle is fought in cyberspace\nMost popular now, in detail\n SHARED\nREAD\nWATCHED/LISTENED\n\'Three killed\' in Egypt protests\nShock contraction in UK economy\nMajor cuts to BBC World Service\nKilling \'was planned on Facebook\'\nKing\'s Speech leads Oscars field\nVW unveils an ultra-efficient car\nHezbollah nominee made Lebanon PM\nGuantanamo inmate Ghailani jailed\nGerman naval cadets \'mistreated\'\n Serbia jails football murderers\nMost popular now, in detail\n SHARED\nREAD\nWATCHED/LISTENED\nOne-Minute World News\nSwedish immigration is \'extreme\'\nJordan unrest inspired by Tunisia\nInjured people \'lying on trolleys\'\nWhitby - the seaside resort Goths flock to\n\'Remarkable scenes\' in Cairo\nCairo protest anger \'surprised police\'\nOsborne: \"We won\'t be blown off course by bad weather\"\nPalestinian democracy \'in limbo\'\nPassenger planes of the future\nMost popular now, in detail\n FEATURES, VIEWS, ANALYSIS\nPraying for revenge\nWidowed governor in Philippines seeks curse\n Plastic fantastic\nThe loyalty reward programme for Facebook fans\nPath to the presidency\nCould Sarah Palin win the Republican nomination?\nMost Popular NowMost Popular Now | 10,957 people are reading stories on the site right now.\";\nSkip to top\nPRODUCTS & SERVICES\nE-mail news\nMobiles\nWidgets & Alerts\nNews feeds\nPodcasts\nMobile\nSearch term:\n bbc.co.uk navigation\nNews\nSport\nWeather\nTravel\n TV\nRadio\nMore\nCBBC\nCBeebies\nComedy\nFood\nHealth\nHistory\nLearning\nMusic\nScience\nNature\nLocal\nNorthern Ireland\nScotland\nWales\nFull A-Z of BBC sites\nSite links\nNews Sources\n About BBC News\n BBC links\nAbout the BBC\n BBC Help\n Contact Us\n Accessibility Help\n Terms of Use\n Jobs\n Privacy & Cookies\n Advertise With Us\n © MMXI\nThe BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. 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They say it’s the tallest tower in the world; looked over the ledge and lost my lunch.”\nMultimedia\nInteractive Feature\nThe Watson Trivia Challenge\nSmarter Than You Think\nArticles in this series, appearing in The New York Times in the coming months, will examine the recent advances in artificial intelligence and robotics and their potential impact on society.\nRelated\nLetter: What Is I.B.M.’s Watson?\n(July 4, 2010)\nEnlarge This Image\nDanielle Levitt for The New York Times\nMASTERMIND\nThe one behind\nWatson’s\nmastermind,\nthat is: David\nFerrucci of I.B.M.,\nwho himself is\nnot a huge\n“Jeopardy!” fan.\nThis is the quintessential sort of clue you hear on the TV game show “Jeopardy!” It’s witty (the clue’s category is\n“Postcards From the Edge”), demands a large store of trivia and requires contestants to make confident, split-second decisions. This particular clue appeared in a mock version of the game in December, held in Hawthorne, N.Y. at one of I.B.M.’s research labs. Two contestants — Dorothy Gilmartin, a health teacher with her hair tied back in a ponytail, and Alison Kolani, a copy editor — furrowed their brows in concentration. Who would be the first to answer?\nNeither, as it turned out. Both were beaten to the buzzer by the third combatant: Watson, a supercomputer.\nFor the last three years, I.B.M. scientists have been developing what they expect will be the world’s most advanced “question answering” machine, able to understand a question posed in everyday human elocution — “natural language,” as computer scientists call it — and respond with a precise, factual answer. In other words, it must do more than what search engines like Google and Bing do, which is merely point to a document where you might find the answer. It has to pluck out the correct answer itself. Technologists have long regarded this sort of artificial intelligence as a holy grail, because it would allow machines to converse more naturally with people, letting us ask questions instead of typing keywords. Software firms and university scientists have produced question-answering systems for years, but these have mostly been limited to simply phrased questions. Nobody ever tackled “Jeopardy!” because experts assumed that even for the latest artificial intelligence, the game was simply too hard: the clues are too puzzling and allusive, and the breadth of trivia is too wide.\nWith Watson, I.B.M. claims it has cracked the problem — and aims to prove as much on national TV. The producers of “Jeopardy!” have agreed to pit Watson against some of the game’s best former players as early as this fall. To test Watson’s capabilities against actual humans, I.B.M.’s scientists began holding live matches last winter. They mocked up a conference room to resemble the actual “Jeopardy!” set, including buzzers and stations for the human contestants, brought in former contestants from the show and even hired a host for the occasion: Todd Alan Crain, who plays a newscaster on the satirical Onion News Network.\nTechnically speaking, Watson wasn’t in the room. It was one floor up and consisted of a roomful of servers working at speeds thousands of times faster than most ordinary desktops. Over its three-year life, Watson stored the content of tens of millions of documents, which it now accessed to answer questions about almost anything. (Watson is not connected to the Internet; like all “Jeopardy!” competitors, it knows only what is already in its “brain.”) During the sparring matches, Watson received the questions as electronic texts at the same moment they were made visible to the human players; to answer a question, Watson spoke in a machine-synthesized voice through a small black speaker on the game-show set. When it answered the Burj clue — “What is Dubai?” (“Jeopardy!” answers must be phrased as questions) — it sounded like a perkier cousin of the computer in the movie “WarGames” that nearly destroyed the world by trying to start a nuclear war.\nThis time, though, the computer was doing the right thing. Watson won $1,000 (in pretend money, anyway), pulled ahead and eventually defeated Gilmartin and Kolani soundly, winning $18,400 to their $12,000 each.\n“Watson,” Crain shouted, “is our new champion!”\nIt was just the beginning. Over the rest of the day, Watson went on a tear, winning four of six games. It displayed remarkable facility with cultural trivia (“This action flick starring Roy Scheider in a high-tech police helicopter was also briefly a TV series” — “What is ‘Blue Thunder’?”), science (“The greyhound originated more than 5,000 years ago in this African country, where it was used to hunt gazelles” — “What is Egypt?”) and sophisticated wordplay (“Classic candy bar that’s a female Supreme Court justice” — “What is Baby Ruth Ginsburg?”).\nBy the end of the day, the seven human contestants were impressed, and even slightly unnerved, by Watson. Several made references to Skynet, the computer system in the “Terminator” movies that achieves consciousness and decides humanity should be destroyed. “My husband and I talked about what my role in this was,” Samantha Boardman, a graduate student, told me jokingly. “Was I the thing that was going to help the A.I. become aware of itself?” She had distinguished herself with her swift responses to the “Rhyme Time” puzzles in one of her games, winning nearly all of them before Watson could figure out the clues, but it didn’t help. The computer still beat her three times. In one game, she finished with no money.\n“He plays to win,” Boardman said, shaking her head. “He’s really not messing around!” Like most of the contestants, she had started calling Watson “he.”\n 1\n 2\n 3\n 4\n 5\n 6\n 7\n 8\nNext Page »\nClive Thompson, a contributing writer for the magazine, writes frequently about technology and science.\nA version of this article appeared in print on June 20, 2010, on page MM30 of the Sunday Magazine.\ncomments\nSign In to E-Mail\nPrint\nSingle Page\nReprints\nThe Times & the Bay Area - now at 50% off when you subscribe for the convenience of home delivery.\nPast Coverage\nSMARTER THAN YOU THINK; What Is I.B.M.\'s watson? (June 20, 2010)\nI.B.M. 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Seventy years later, we’re still waiting.\nGeneral Motors first offered this tantalizing glimpse of the future at the 1939 World’s Fair, where its Futurama exhibit boldly predicted we’d be zipping along at 100 mph under automatic control by 1960. No longer would cars be subject to the control of humans; our roads would become the carefree domain of machines smarter than the people in them.\n“These cars of 1960 and the highways on which they drive will have in them devices which will correct the faults of human beings as drivers,” Futurama creator Norman Bel Geddes explained in his book, Magic Motorways. “They will prevent the driver from committing errors. They will prevent his turning out into traffic except when he should. ”\nBel Geddes’ vision was so compelling President Roosevelt invited him to the White House to discuss the possibility of an automated highway system. The idea has tremendous appeal when you consider the economic cost of traffic accidents and the 41,000 lives lost each year.\nFive years ago, the World Health Organization issued a report that found auto accidents cost the United States $230 billion (.pdf). Of that, $31.7 billion was spent on health care. That cost will only grow, because the WHO expects auto accidents to be the No. 3 killer worldwide by 2020.\nSafety regulators are beginning to realize that safety technology designed to minimize injuries, like the ever increasing number of airbags, isn’t paying the dividends it once did. When several tons of vehicle smash together there is only so much energy than can be absorbed, but collision avoidance technologies like electronic stability control are proving to save more lives than any technology since the seatbelt. That’s why automakers like Mercedes-Benz are developing “crash-proof” cars and big players like GM, Volvo and Volkswagen say autonomous cars are just over the horizon. Events like the DARPA Grand Challenge have shown the technology is close but needs refinement.\nGM tested an autonomous vehicle system in the 1950s. Photo: General Motors\nThe Japanese are out in front on this, with the New Energy Development Organization announcing plans to begin testing autonomous highway technology sometime next year. And researchers in the European Union are developing similar technology called “road trains.” But the idea is far from new.\nIn the 1950’s General Motors and RCA teamed up to develop automated highway technology (.pdf) that used a buried wire and magnetic pickup coils on the car. The buried line communicated the speed limit to the vehicle and warned of obstacles ahead. Engineers demonstrated the technology in 1958, using a 1958 Chevrolet Impala and, later, the streamlined turbine powered Firebird III concept car pictured at left. Even Disney got in on the act with the animated short Magic Highway USA. But GM and RCA couldn’t convince the feds to spend the additional $100,000 per mile that automated highway technology would added to the cost of the national highway system.\nFifty years later, we’re seeing autonomous driving technologies appear in mainstream cars. Models like the Toyota Prius, Ford Taurus and the European-spec Volkswagen Golf offer features like auto-parking, lane departure warning and adaptive cruise control. The Volvo XC60 comes with a standard auto-braking feature called City Safety that stops the car when collision with an obstacle is imminent.\nNew car window stickers will soon have check boxes for crash avoidance technologies, like forward collision warning and lane departure warning, alongside crash ratings for front and side impacts. Volvo was surprised to find that European insurance companies offered a 30 percent discount on premiums for the XC60, which British regulators called “the car we couldn’t crash.”\nSome argue American automakers would hesitate to offer technologies that assume control of the vehicle for fear of being sued if something goes wrong. But General Motors was sued a few years ago for not making such technology — specifically, electronic stability control — standard equipment. As crash avoidance technology becomes more common, you can bet things like lane departure warning will become mandatory.\nFully autonomous cars remain somewhere in the future. Cars like Tartan Racing Chevrolet Tahoe that GM developed with Carnegie Mellon University offer convincing proof of concept. But previous attempts to commercialize automatic vehicle control have failed because they required dedicated infrastructure and vehicles that must remain entirely under automatic control. New technologies, like CMOS radar-on-a-chip and all-weather LIDAR, will lead to more intelligent, more reliable vehicles. These next-generation autonomous cars will bring man and machine together harmoniously, letting you do the driving but taking over if you got into trouble.\nEventually machines will be programmed to drive like we do, letting us sit back, enjoy the ride and realize the future Norman Bel Geddes envisioned 70 years ago.\nMain photo: Volkswagen. Junior, an autonomous Passat developed by VW and Stanford University, during early testing before the 2007 DARPA Grand Challenge.\nSee Also:\nThe Mercedes ESF: Almost Death-Proof?\nVolvo Promises an Injury-Proof Car by 2020\nSmart Car? This One Knows When You’ve Had a Stroke\nStudents Build a Car the Blind Can Drive\nGM Says Electronics – Including Driverless Cars – Will ‘Reinvent’ Driving\nCarnegie Takes First in DARPA’s Urban Challenge\nSlideshow: Now That’s Quite a Challenge\nHopped Up Robots Take On Desert\nTags: Electronics and Gadgets, Safety, Telematics\n Post Comment\n|\n Permalink\nTweet\nDigg\nStumble Upon\nDelicious\nReddit\n RyanM\nI can’t wait to take a nap on my way to work.\njescott418\nCost is the real problem. We cannot keep our roads and bridges in good repair. Yet we dream of computer controlled vehicles. Can you imagine the loss of labor with such a plan? No truck drivers, no taxi drivers? We have lost so many good labor jobs to robots already. Its the main reason these ideals fail. As humans we need things to do. The cost associated with the vehicle itself becoming self navigating is enough to eliminate it as a possibility for many years to come. I could see it happening on transportations systems like trains where their is specific lanes to control. But automobile traffic is another animal altogether. Even then their would be loss of jobs with trains too. Do we really want this?\nYellowRex\n“loss of jobs”\nBut if material productivity remains the same, why does anyone have to suffer? If we can get robots to do most of our work, why do we need jobs at all?\nBigBoyJr\nLike it or not, this AD (Autonomous Driving) bot-car technology is coming — and faster than most realize. Some people don’t like change, but it is safer and more fuel & emissions efficient. It also saves on road capacity increase/infrastructure costs — as roads are used more efficiently & traffic density can increase.\nThink about it: Cars that don’t crash” = zero deaths, zero injuries and zero accidents. No collision insurance on your car (useless). No need for police (imagine the doughnut shops, now they can chase real criminals).\nWhen you think about all of the Autonomous Driving-enabling technologies are here — Forward radar, car-to-car communications, digital road maps, highly-accurate GPS data, collision avoidance systems, lane keeping, electric steering, automatic brakes, auto parking,auto valet, etc.\nNow, the challenge is to up-integrate it into a synergistic system, package it into a vehicle that looks good (invisibly), and work the cost issue (Moore’s Law will help us get the costs down rapidly). Back to the future here we come.\nCityZen\nOne issue that needs to be considered for any automated system is, essentially, security. That is, it must be safe from people actively trying to screw with it. Of course, that’s on top of other issues, such as snow, flooding, fog, and other disturbances, whether natural (anything from cows on the road to earthquakes) or man-made (you name it).\nMaking something that works under ideal conditions is easy. Making something work under all conditions is damn hard. Making something that you can’t be sued for is impossible.\nminidude.. anyone. Bad idea, I’m 63 and i hope I’m dead before this crap ever happens!\nminidude\nBigBoy Jr… WTF are you thinking! You must like being told how to live, where to live and what to wear… Get real man this idea totally sucks along with all this grey shirt thinking. Pretty soon it becomes” we will do your thinking for you as you’re not smart enough to think for yourself.” Maybe a better approach would be to put drivers training back into schools like we had back in the 1960’s where you had to learn how to drive.. hills, highways and wet roads. Having harsh laws concerning DUI drivers like ya get one chance at screwing up then no license but only if you didn’t kill or hurt anyone… then it’s “Sorry take the Transit.”\nsanduskm\nI wouldn’t want a car that drives itself, driving is fun.\nCityZen\nI think too many people are looking at “what can I lose with this” rather than “what can I gain with this”. Of course, both sides must be considered, but just because something new is possible doesn’t mean that it MUST displace something else. That only happens if the new thing is more desirable, by more people, than the alternatives.\nI, for one, don’t like to drive in traffic. I’m happy to leave the driving to someone or something else, so long as I can conveniently get to where I need to go. When I want to feel the pleasures of controlled kinetic energy moving my body, I’ll ride my bike. I don’t mind if other people prefer to get their pleasure driving cars. Just don’t run me over or get in my way\n kg8484\nI for one welcome our robot car overlords.\ndr2chase\nIf the cars don’t crash, then we can dispense with seatbelts, airbags, roll cage, and the ton-O-steel that we use right now to protect, or pretend to protect, the human occupants of the car.\nI was going to say that a “car” need be no larger than a Mango Velomobile (an aero-shell bicycle), and the discovered this picture of a tricycle train. Looks like the traveling-in-formation problem’s been solved, too.\npapagroove\nThis is a good idea, however, it will fall short until we mandate that all vehicles have to be auto-driven and on a global/national/local network. All vehicles must be able to communicate with local servers/routers in order for this to truly work. Allowing multiple, propietray methods (You know each Call manufacturer will run their own method) is a bad idea.\nHowever, to the argument of “i want to drive” or the “1984″ people, evolve. People should not be allowed to kill other people simply be changing their radio station.\nDriving school would not work, most pople don’t have the brain power or active-thinking ability to handle their vehicles and there is no way any 1 person would be able to handle their vehicles correclty 100% of the time.\nWe are getting smarter, this is just the next logical step. I am a great driver and enjoy driving, however, i don’t trust you with my life nor should you trust me with your life. Too many things can go wrong because of human error… we see it every day in the thousands of loss-of-life accidents around the country.\nRasperin\nMinidude, try living in the midwest(not including chicago) there is no transit out here, losing your license = losing your job = losing your house = losing your family = moving to real crimes because your life is already fucked up, drinking and driving is dumb but harsher laws will not stop it, it will only add to the problem.\neham\nDon’t want to rain on the parade but–\nSuch a system will need an almost unimaginable number of software-based controllers and computers, in the vehicles and externally in roadside nodes and regional centers. The amount of software will be prodigious. It is simply impossible to produce error-free software of this magnitude.\nNot only will the software be subject to ordinary bugs, but because it will need to be networked, it will fall prey to the hacker community through viruses, takeover’s, and purposeful attacks.\nOh, and will this system include the 18 wheelers? What do we do about the motorcycles?\nI think I’ll hang out on the local freeway overpass and watch the accidents.\nrfrancis1980\nI too welcome cars that can drive themselves.\nThere is nothing worse than driving on the highway and being stuck behind a group of cars traveling 60-65 mph in a 65mph zone in all 3 lanes unwilling to pass and move over.\nAutomated cars could safely drive faster than 65mph, eliminate rush hour slowdowns, and speed up the drive.\nderide\nI have always dreamed of this. If you could coordinate the movement of vehicles, you wouldn’t need traffic lights. Think about how cool it would be to be in a little Jetson-esque pod that could thread the needle between oncoming traffic to make a left turn. Right now I hate left turns. With this new technology, left turns would be a wet-your-pants kind of thrill — at least for the first few months.\nThen it would kind of boring… until hackers from a rogue nation manged to rewire everything for chaos.\nnacoran\nIf you have a network of cars where all the cars communicate some truly amazing possibilities open up. Cars can draft off of each other. You can speed up traffic (at least where you aren’t likely to have pedestrians), you can have intersections where cars don’t stop, the computers just adjust the approach speed and you go cruising through in the gap between cars going the other way, and you can read or sleep on the way to work (maybe we need a congestion tax first, otherwise people will be commuting to New York from L.A. in their RV’s. All this and once they get the kinks out of the system it will start saving lives. Every year, just in the U.S., more people die in car accidents than all coalition deaths from both Gulf Wars, including 9/11.\nsuborbit\nCan’t we just get the Force Field invented?? Then we can crash all day and no worries.\nfb36\nI think an automated driving system that truly superior to human driver would require a super computer onboard the car which is impractical today.\nBut it is certainly possible in the near future.\nJust like when anti-blocking brake first invented, it was impractical because it required a huge circuit board but now it is standard in many car models.\nBruckley\nThis is going to be great! Of course when the system gets glitches you’re going to see 1000-car pileups and stuff like that.\nfb36\nI think a glitch can really cause a 1000 car crash pile up only if the software of the vehicles are created by Microsoft; otherwise it would be beyond impossible!\nminidude\n@rasperin..” Minidude, try living in the midwest(not including chicago) there is no transit out here, losing your license = losing your job = losing your house = losing your family = moving to real crimes because your life is already fucked up, drinking and driving is dumb but harsher laws will not stop it, it will only add to the problem.”\nWow man that’s messed up as is your thinking.\nryanve\nI want to drive a hover car as much as the next guy but uh…Terminator. If the cars are flying at least then we wouldn’t have to maintain the roads. I’d want a car that I could fold up into my pocket. People don’t know how to drive—that’s for certain. Would we have to worry about hackers committing vehicular homicide? Maybe the cars could use echolocation like dolphins do to sense their surroundings. I disagree about the “loss of jobs” because I think that different jobs would replace the old ones. I agree that the automation of public transit would be the first step.\niZealot777\n@jescott418: Lost so many jobs to robots…yes, that’s the idea. That was the idea when we invented our first tool, hammers and sticks, man, it’s all the same, we’re trying to make our lives easier so that we have more leisure time to sit around and jerk off, read, think, play or whatever it is that you do when you’re bored, the essense of human toolmaking history has been an attempt to make human sweat and toil obsolete. Yes, let’s autonomize cars, I’m all for it, put truckers out of jobs, eventually, hopefully, put us all out of jobs, and then one day we can sit back and reap the rewards without any effort, this has been the end goal since the dawn of time.\nnsr\ni also wouldn’t want a car that drives itself. i love to drive my car. that being said, maybe if i had this technology i wouldn’t have hydroplaned out of control at 65mph yesterday, doing a 720 degree spin on the highway and striking two cars before coming to a rest on the dividing wall… sure could have saved me a headache…\ntao53nyc\nCan’t wait for the day when a blogger posts something the government doesn’t like, and the next day, his “auto-drive” vehicle, instead of taking him to work, auto-locks the doors and drives him straight to the US version of the old Soviet Lyubianka [sp?], whereupon he simply disappears.\nNeat.\nfb36\nWhen auto driving becomes safer than a human driver, it would not take long for manual driving to be made illegal! Because it can prevent almost all accidents! So the people who say “I would not want it!” may get a little disappointed! Because in that future nobody would want any drunk driver anymore!\nryan_a\nThis would hurt us more then anyone could ever imagine. Think of it, if there are no more accidents (not even fender benders) which yes I know is a good thing but thats beside the point here, it eliminates an entire industry forever…auto insurance, which some would hail a good thing but the millions working in that industry may not be so happy. On the same note of no more accidents and insurance, it also hurts the auto industry, no more totaled cars means A LOT less new car purchases for auto makers, do they really want that? Not every car totaled kills someone either, as an example my mom a few years back got into an accident that did nothing to her but shake her up a little…walked away perfectly fine but her car, 2000 honda accord, was totaled by the insurance company, well guess what honda made another sell that they never would have made for a long time had that not happened, now multiply that by thousands of cars that are totaled in low injury non fatal accidents weekly, thats thousands of lost sells for automakers. I can think of one other loss in the industry which is a revenue maker…GAP insurance anyone? I know everyone who doesnt make a living in that industry see it as a good thing, just wait till your industry is threatened to be greatly impacted or worse…eliminated forever by autonomous systems and then well see what you have to say. Lets not even talk about possible “bugs” in the computer that is driving your car for you. Has anyone witnessed a computer OS release that did not at some point require a security or performance patch at some point? I could go on and on and on….NO ON AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS AND AI!!!!!!!\niZealot777\n@ryan_a: “hurt us”?? What are you talking about? Insurance companies “like a good neighbour,” “helping hands,” etc operate on the notion of protecting customers from calamity, by that notion, their very operational premise is to make the world so safe that they are rendered obsolete. Doctors too appear, at least in theory to work this way, heal and cure people to the point that doctors are basically redundant and eventually no longer needed, working themselves out of a job. Anyone in a field which claims to “help” people yet is not working toward its own obsolescence is not actually helping people. If nobody needs help, then those in the profession of helping are useless. This goes for police officers, judges, social workers, by entering a field in which you claim to seek justice, peace, tranquility, yet profit when those factors are upset, you essentially should be hoping for or working toward your own obsolescence, otherwise, you may as well be doing the harm that keeps you employed. A police officer that wishes to stay perpetually employed essentially prays for a corrupt, violent, hellish world, a doctor who wishes to stay perpetually employed sits to dinner and his grace speaks thanks to God for impaled babies, battered spouses, gunshot wounds, and rape victims, if a doctor is not praying for his own obsolescence, he is simply praying for a continued stream of raped toddlers to stitch up and car crash mutilations and amputees to count and autopsy.\nJarrod_Orszulak\n“Eventually machines will be programmed to drive like we do”. Currently drivers kill 44,000 people annually, if automated cars drive “like we do” are they going to kill the same numbers? Combined the fact that semiautomated cars induce driver fatigue and inattetiveness, automated cars will only make a society of drivers with less skill, judgement and knowledge of driving.\nrurouniyuudai85\ni absolutely love driving. if this technology comes to be standard during my lifetime i will be very sad.\nblog comments powered by Disqus\nSubscribe to Wired Magazine\nSubscribe to WIRED\nRenew\nGive a gift\nCustomer Service\nEditorial Team\nEditor:\nChuck Squatriglia |\nE-mail\nContributor:\nKeith Barry |\nE-mail|\nTwitter\nContributor:\nJason Paur |\nE-mail|\nTwitter\nContributor:\nJason Kambitsis |\nE-mail|\nTwitter\nContributor:\nDave Demerjian|\nE-mail|\nTwitter\nContributor:\nDarryl Siry |\nE-mail|\nTwitter\nSend us a tip\nMost Recent Entries\nLotus, Oh Lotus. 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They make mistakes. When errors are embedded in computer code, they may go undetected for weeks, maybe even years. And once an error is discovered, it may take months to fix and even longer to determine its financial impact.\nThis is precisely the headache faced by people who put their money in portfolios run by AXA Rosenberg, a quant subsidiary of AXA S.A., the French financial services giant.\nIn a letter on April 15, AXA Rosenberg told its clients — which include mutual funds, pension funds and holders of separately managed accounts — that it had made a “coding error” that affected returns in its various portfolios in ways that had yet to be determined.\nThe letter didn’t explain the specific nature of the error or when it was made. It said the problem “was first discovered in late June 2009” but that the company did not correct it until somewhere “between September and mid-November.” AXA Rosenberg did not notify clients until the mid-April letter.\nSome clients decided they had had enough. On April 21, for example, the of Ohio terminated AXA Rosenberg’s management of a $25 million small-capitalization stock portfolio.\n“It wasn’t so much the coding error itself,” but that it took so long “to inform us of the error,” said Tim Barbour, a spokesman for the pension fund. “It is a fundamental question of trust.”\nAnd Charles Schwab is closing four mutual funds run by AXA Rosenberg. “AXA Rosenberg lost the confidence of the funds’ board,” said Greg Gable, a Schwab spokesman.\nAXA Rosenberg, based in Orinda, Calif., had $41 billion in assets under management on May 31 — down from more than $62 billion in March, according to its Web site.\nIt has provided few details about the problem. Axa Rosenberg’s executives declined to comment. “The reviews of the facts and circumstances surrounding the coding error and its impact are well under way but not yet complete,” the company said in a statement. Another firm, Cornerstone Research, is to report on the effect on individual portfolios next month, AXA Rosenberg said in a June 9 letter.\nKevin Callahan, a spokesman for the Securities and Exchange Commission, said the agency would not confirm or deny whether it was conducting an investigation into AXA Rosenberg.\nSome clients have been told more about the coding error. It was an “inadvertent mistake” entered into one of AXA Rosenberg’s main “risk models” by a computer programmer in April 2007, according to information provided to the Vanguard Group.\nThe effect on three Vanguard mutual fund portfolios run by AXA Rosenberg isn’t clear, but the glitch appears to have been “mitigated” by other software, according to Daniel Newhall, head of manager oversight and selection in Vanguard’s portfolio and review group. He said that on May 31, AXA Rosenberg handled $1.1 billion of Vanguard’s $8.9 billion Explorer fund, $334 million of the $489 million U.S. Value fund and $31 million of the $66 million Market Neutral fund.\n“We are concerned, of course,” he said. “A quantitatively managed strategy does depend on correct coding.”\nVanguard is awaiting Cornerstone Research’s report. Mr. Newhall said he was pleased by management changes announced by AXA Rosenberg in a second June 9 letter. Barr Rosenberg, who founded the company, is stepping down as chairman and head of research, and the corporate parent is taking more direct control of its quant subsidiary. The research center, which had functioned quasi-independently, is to report more directly to corporate executives.\nStill, investors have been leaving. Schwab is shutting down the Laudus Rosenberg funds, four quant mutual funds whose portfolios have been run by AXA Rosenberg. They are the Laudus Rosenberg U.S. Large Capitalization fund, with $100.9 million in assets on March 31, according to Schwab; the U.S. Discovery fund, with $347 million; the International Discovery fund, $341.6 million; and the International Small Capitalization fund, $340.8 million.\nThe performance of the funds has been disappointing, said Mr. Gable at Schwab, though it is not clear how much of that is attributable to the glitch. U.S. Discovery, for example, lost 41.2 percent in 2008, versus a loss of 37.3 percent for its benchmark, the Russell 2500 stock index, according to Bloomberg. In 2009, the fund gained 27.2 percent, versus 34.3 percent for the index. This year through Thursday, it gained 7.7 percent, versus 7.2 percent for the index.\nSeveral pension funds have ended AXA Rosenberg’s services. In addition to the Ohio school retirement system, for example, the Florida Retirement System Pension Plan decided on April 20 to end AXA Rosenberg’s management of a $400 million United States large-cap fund, said Dennis MacKee, a spokesman for the plan. “We just concluded that AXA Rosenberg’s control process was inadequate,” he said.\nONE question is whether AXA Rosenberg itself — or the various mutual fund groups, financial advisers and consultants that have used its services — monitored its operations with sufficient rigor.\nIn a blog post, Michael Markov, C.E.O. of Markov Processes International, a quantitative research firm, said calculations using daily prices of AXA Rosenberg’s mutual fund portfolios suggest that by early 2009, there was “an apparent aberration” in the funds.\nMr. Markov said he had examined the funds’ tracking error and beta, a common measure of sensitivity to a benchmark’s movement, to show that the funds’ performance deviated in an unusual way. This could have been picked up much earlier, he said in an interview. (He said that in 2008, the problem might have been masked by the bear market.)\nStill, Mr. Markov said, AXA Rosenberg should receive credit for acknowledging the error.\n“Errors are made by quant funds all the time,” he said, “but they aren’t always revealed.” Investors need to be more vigilant, he said, and use more sophisticated monitoring tools. “Trust,” Mr. Markov said, “but verify.”\nA version of this article appeared in print on June 20, 2010, on page BU6 of the New York edition.\nSign In to E-Mail\nPrint\nReprints\nThe Times & the Bay Area - now at 50% off when you subscribe for the convenience of home delivery.\nRelated Searches\nStocks and Bonds\nGet E-Mail Alerts\nMutual Funds\nGet E-Mail Alerts\nComputers and the Internet\nGet E-Mail Alerts\nAdvertise on NYTimes.com\nMOST POPULAR - BUSINESS\nE-Mailed\nBlogged\nViewed\nDealBook: A Hefty Price for Entry to Davos\nU.S. Home Prices Slump Again, Hitting New Lows\nOlbermann Split Came After Years of Tension\nAlternative Fuels Don’t Benefit the Military, a RAND Report Says\nFood Makers Devise Own Label Plan\nYour Money: With Retirement Savings, It’s a Sprint to the Finish\nStates Help Ex-Inmates Find Jobs\nF.D.A. 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Computer viruses that no one can stop. Predator drones, which, though still controlled remotely by humans, come close to a machine that can kill autonomously.\nSkip to next paragraph\nEnlarge This Image\nKen Conley/Willow Garage\nThis personal robot plugs itself in when it needs a charge. Servant now, master later?\nMultimedia\nVideo\nEmpathy for a Sick Child, From a Machine\nRelated\nTierneyLab: Software That Cares\n(July 28, 2009)\nTimes Topics: Robots | Artificial Intelligence\nRSS Feed\nGet Science News From The New York Times »\nEnlarge This Image\nGeneral Atomics Aeronautical Systems\nPredator drones, like this one in Afghanistan, still need a human hand to work, at least for now.\n Impressed and alarmed by advances in artificial intelligence, a group of computer scientists is debating whether there should be limits on research that might lead to loss of human control over computer-based systems that carry a growing share of society’s workload, from waging war to chatting with customers on the phone.\nTheir concern is that further advances could create profound social disruptions and even have dangerous consequences.\nAs examples, the scientists pointed to a number of technologies as diverse as experimental medical systems that interact with patients to simulate empathy, and computer worms and viruses that defy extermination and could thus be said to have reached a “cockroach” stage of machine intelligence.\nWhile the computer scientists agreed that we are a long way from Hal, the computer that took over the spaceship in “2001: A Space Odyssey,” they said there was legitimate concern that technological progress would transform the work force by destroying a widening range of jobs, as well as force humans to learn to live with machines that increasingly copy human behaviors.\nThe researchers — leading computer scientists, artificial intelligence researchers and roboticists who met at the Asilomar Conference Grounds on Monterey Bay in California — generally discounted the possibility of highly centralized superintelligences and the idea that intelligence might spring spontaneously from the Internet. But they agreed that robots that can kill autonomously are either already here or will be soon.\nThey focused particular attention on the specter that criminals could exploit artificial intelligence systems as soon as they were developed. What could a criminal do with a speech synthesis system that could masquerade as a human being? What happens if artificial intelligence technology is used to mine personal information from smart phones?\nThe researchers also discussed possible threats to human jobs, like self-driving cars, software-based personal assistants and service robots in the home. Just last month, a service robot developed by Willow Garage in Silicon Valley proved it could navigate the real world.\nA report from the conference, which took place in private on Feb. 25, is to be issued later this year. Some attendees discussed the meeting for the first time with other scientists this month and in interviews.\nThe conference was organized by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, and in choosing Asilomar for the discussions, the group purposefully evoked a landmark event in the history of science. In 1975, the world’s leading biologists also met at Asilomar to discuss the new ability to reshape life by swapping genetic material among organisms. Concerned about possible biohazards and ethical questions, scientists had halted certain experiments. The conference led to guidelines for recombinant DNA research, enabling experimentation to continue.\nThe meeting on the future of artificial intelligence was organized by Eric Horvitz, a Microsoft researcher who is now president of the association.\n Dr. Horvitz said he believed computer scientists must respond to the notions of superintelligent machines and artificial intelligence systems run amok.\nThe idea of an “intelligence explosion” in which smart machines would design even more intelligent machines was proposed by the mathematician I. J. Good in 1965. Later, in lectures and science fiction novels, the computer scientist Vernor Vinge popularized the notion of a moment when humans will create smarter-than-human machines, causing such rapid change that the “human era will be ended.” He called this shift the Singularity.\n This vision, embraced in movies and literature, is seen as plausible and unnerving by some scientists like William Joy, co-founder of Sun Microsystems. Other technologists, notably Raymond Kurzweil, have extolled the coming of ultrasmart machines, saying they will offer huge advances in life extension and wealth creation.\n “Something new has taken place in the past five to eight years,” Dr. Horvitz said. “Technologists are providing almost religious visions, and their ideas are resonating in some ways with the same idea of the Rapture.”\nThe Kurzweil version of technological utopia has captured imaginations in Silicon Valley. This summer an organization called the Singularity University began offering courses to prepare a “cadre” to shape the advances and help society cope with the ramifications.\n“My sense was that sooner or later we would have to make some sort of statement or assessment, given the rising voice of the technorati and people very concerned about the rise of intelligent machines,” Dr. Horvitz said.\nThe A.A.A.I. report will try to assess the possibility of “the loss of human control of computer-based intelligences.” It will also grapple, Dr. Horvitz said, with socioeconomic, legal and ethical issues, as well as probable changes in human-computer relationships. How would it be, for example, to relate to a machine that is as intelligent as your spouse?\nDr. Horvitz said the panel was looking for ways to guide research so that technology improved society rather than moved it toward a technological catastrophe. Some research might, for instance, be conducted in a high-security laboratory.\nThe meeting on artificial intelligence could be pivotal to the future of the field. Paul Berg, who was the organizer of the 1975 Asilomar meeting and received a Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1980, said it was important for scientific communities to engage the public before alarm and opposition becomes unshakable.\n“If you wait too long and the sides become entrenched like with G.M.O.,” he said, referring to genetically modified foods, “then it is very difficult. It’s too complex, and people talk right past each other.”\nTom Mitchell, a professor of artificial intelligence and machine learning at Carnegie Mellon University, said the February meeting had changed his thinking. “I went in very optimistic about the future of A.I. and thinking that Bill Joy and Ray Kurzweil were far off in their predictions,” he said. But, he added, “The meeting made me want to be more outspoken about these issues and in particular be outspoken about the vast amounts of data collected about our personal lives.”\nDespite his concerns, Dr. Horvitz said he was hopeful that artificial intelligence research would benefit humans, and perhaps even compensate for human failings. He recently demonstrated a voice-based system that he designed to ask patients about their symptoms and to respond with empathy. When a mother said her child was having diarrhea, the face on the screen said, “Oh no, sorry to hear that.”\nA physician told him afterward that it was wonderful that the system responded to human emotion. “That’s a great idea,” Dr. Horvitz said he was told. “I have no time for that.”\nMore Articles in\n Science »\nA version of this article appeared in print on July 26, 2009, on page A1 of the New York edition.\n comments\n Sign In to E-Mail\nPrint\nReprints\nThe Times & the Bay Area - now at 50% off when you subscribe for the convenience of home delivery.\nRelated Searches\nArtificial Intelligence\nGet E-Mail Alerts\nRobots\nGet E-Mail Alerts\nDrones (Pilotless Planes)\nGet E-Mail Alerts\nComputers and the Internet\nGet E-Mail Alerts\nMore Articles in\n Science »\nAdvertise on NYTimes.com\nMOST POPULAR\nE-Mailed\nBlogged\nSearched\nViewed\nCan a City This Self-Serious Take a Joke?\nDoes College Make You Smarter?\nAs Doctors Age, Worries About Their Ability Grow\nCold Jumps Arctic ‘Fence,’ Stoking Winter’s Fury\nLack of Sex Among Grapes Tangles a Family Vine\nOp-Ed Contributor: A Fighting Spirit Won’t Save Your Life\nBob Herbert: Raising False Alarms\nTo Really Learn, Quit Studying and Take a Test\nOur Towns: Against All Odds, a Beautiful Life\nMore to a Smile Than Lips and Teeth\nGo to Complete List »\nDeadly Blast Strikes in Moscow\'s Main Airport\nBush White House Broke Elections Law, Report Says\nThe Competition Myth\nEgypt Braces for Anti-Government Protests\nJack LaLanne, Founder of Modern Fitness Movement, Dies at 96\nYears of Strife Caught Up With Olbermann at MSNBC\nU.S. Embassy Bomber Receives a Life Sentence\nCarol Browner, Director of Policy on Climate Will Leave White House\nHezbollah-Backed Leader to Form Government in Lebanon\nPitch for Rebuilding Infrastructure Carries Political Challenges\nGo to Complete List »\nberlusconi\nmodern love\nchina\njanuary 2, 2011\nkeith olbermann\nkrugman\nsocial q\'s\neducation\namy chua\nkorea\nGo to Complete List »\nOscar Nominations: \'King\'s Speech\' Tops List\nThe 83rd Annual Oscar Nominations\nDavid Brooks: The Talent Magnet\nA Hefty Price for Entry to Davos\nCan a City This Self-Serious Take a Joke?\nCold Jumps Arctic ‘Fence,’ Stoking Winter’s Fury\nBroad Protests Across Egypt Focus Fury on Mubarak\nBob Herbert: Raising False Alarms\nEditorial: What Comes After No?\nMore to a Smile Than Lips and Teeth\nSounds of kindness in Tucson\nAlso in Video »\nGoldman\'s golden ticket\nCritics\' Picks: \"Rosemary\'s Baby\"\nAdvertisements\nFind your dream home with\nThe New York Times Real Estate\nThe new issue of T is here\nSee the news in the making. 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Why are we falling behind?\n By Jacob Ward\n Posted 07.20.2010 at 12:02 pmComments\nSolo Robot Virginia Tech students built CHARLI-L, shown on campus, as part of a homegrown effort to compete with Japan and South Korea’s best humanoids.\n John B. Carnett\nView Photo Gallery\nLet’s assume that someday you will have, in your home, a humanoid robot helper. The robot, because it’s shaped like you, can use your tools and move easily around your house. It folds the laundry, it helps your elderly mother up the stairs, and on Sundays it makes brunch for the family. It’s capable of handling almost any household chore you can throw at it.\nNow let’s imagine that you’re out on the lawn, kicking a ball around with your son. Your robot helper is in another part of the yard, its back to you both, fixing a drainpipe. Your son misses a kick, and the ball winds up a few feet from the robot. “Hey, robot!” you shout. “A little help?” The robot turns in place, spots the ball, walks over, and kicks it back to you. The game resumes.\nOf all the tasks you would undoubtedly love to hand off to a robot assistant, fetching a soccer ball is probably low on the list. And yet in 2010, there is no humanoid robot on Earth that can consistently do something as simple as turn, spot, approach, and kick. Never mind helping Grandma to bed or starching your shirts. Broken into a daisy chain of input, calculation and action, just kicking a ball is incredibly hard. It’s so difficult, in fact, that engineers from all over the world have embraced it as the modern era’s standardized test of humanoid-robot sophistication, and they converge each June at an event called RoboCup to try it. This year, only one adult-size, self-contained, humanoid robot in this country can even attempt it.\nIts name is CHARLI-L (the “L” stands for “Lightweight” and the rest for “Cognitive Humanoid Autonomous Robot with Learning Intelligence”). Created at Virginia Tech, it’s America’s first true humanoid, in that it requires no remote power source or computer, it stands roughly five feet tall and has arms and legs, and it walks—left, right, left, right—like a human.\nAs such, CHARLI-L belongs to an exclusive international club of humanoid robots (see an illustrated overview of said club here), each of them designed to hasten the day when robots play a central role in all of our lives. Japan and South Korea dominate this club, together outspending the U.S. in civilian robotics many times over. Japan’s Asimo, a humanoid first built in 1986 by the Honda Corporation and now in its 12th generation, and Korea’s Hubo, built to compete with Asimo in 2004 by Jun-Ho Oh of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), are the pride of their nations. Honda is said to have put $300 million and more than 100 worker-years into the first Asimo. Dennis Hong, an associate professor of mechanical engineering at VT, laughs at the idea. “That guy,” he says, pointing at CHARLI-L, “was 12 undergrad and grad students in a year and a half, with seed money of $20,000.”\nFor a look at CHARLI-L\'s fellow humanoid \'bots from around the world, launch the photo gallery\nDennis Hong is the founder of VT’s Robotics and Mechanisms Laboratory and the leader of the student team that built CHARLI-L. We’re seated at a workbench inside the University of Pennsylvania’s robotics lab, run by Hong’s friend and collaborator Daniel Lee. Hong’s students are here to show CHARLI-L to Lee’s students, to prepare for RoboCup 2010, held in June in Singapore, and to discuss upcoming partnerships. Hong (winner of a 2009 Popular Science Brilliant 10 award) and his students have produced chemically driven, amoeba-like robots; a spider-like ’bot called STRiDEr, whose swinging walk is modeled on the human gait; and a system by which blind adults can make guided yet independent decisions as the drivers of their own cars. Lee’s students build complex software to govern robot behavior and human-robot interaction. These are some of the most accomplished robotics engineers in the field. But as I watch the students fiddle with CHARLI-L, it begins to dawn on me how much work stands between CHARLI-L and the RoboCup trophy, to say nothing of how much work it will take to reach a future full of robot helpers.\nThe sheer scale of the challenge is the point, Hong says. “I think a full-size humanoid is the Holy Grail of robotics,” he explains. “It’s a system of systems. It combines all the disciplines of robotics, from artificial intelligence to autonomous behavior to dynamics to controls to mechanical design—everything!”\nAt the moment, however, VT junior Taylor Pesek, Ph.D. student Jeakweon Han and master’s student Seungmoon Song are just trying to get CHARLI-L to stand upright. “Uh-oh,” Han says, catching the robot as it lolls forward, knees buckling. “Stop putting in commands,” Pesek says. “I’m not,” Song responds. Pesek turns the power off and on and, with a bit of wrestling, the robot stands at quiet attention.\nIf standing still is so difficult, how hard is kicking a ball? The rules of RoboCup, in which six teams will compete for the title of “Best Humanoid” in the Adult Size Humanoid division, require that the robot be facing away from the ball when the event begins, so the machine has to turn around and find it. “It’s a high-end academic exercise dressed up as an entertainment event,” Hong says. Break the goals—kicking balls at a target, basic dribbling, and trying to slowly block the very slow shots from other robots—into individual processes, and the to-do list grows very long. To eventually build the brunch-making ’bot of the future, Hong must first win RoboCup. And that’s hard. “Just getting it to turn around in place is ridiculous,” says master’s student and CHARLI-L team member Robert Nguyen. Is it also pointless?\nClimbing Stairs: John B. Carnett\nAMERICA’S HUMANOID DILEMMA\nNearly everyone would want a dutiful, reliable robot helper, so why is there only one such humanoid made in this country? And why is it the work of a small team of unpaid students? To get at the answer, consider the machines in your life. Your dishwasher, your car, your DVR all serve a practical, well-defined purpose. Today’s humanoids, meanwhile, serve almost no practical function. “They represent incredible research and technology that’s then backed into an application” says Colin Angle, the CEO of iRobot, which makes domestic cleaning robots and military models. Roboticists working on humanoids, he says, “are doing amazing, exciting work, but it’s just not going to drive the robot industry—unless it’s for entertainment purposes.”\nAsimo, the most sophisticated Japanese humanoid, is famous for its balance and adaptability. It can even run, in an awkward, distinctively robotic way. But if it encounters a closed door, the show’s over, because the calculations necessary to reach out, grasp the knob, turn it, and walk forward, pushing the door ahead of itself, are still too complicated. (The fragility doesn’t end there. “Our products can survive a two-story fall,” Angle says. “See what happens with an Asimo.”) Japan has embraced Asimo, however, as a broad, long-term investment in a wide range of scientific challenges, from materials science to artificial intelligence. It’s not a robo-butler. It’s a stake in the ground, a totem of Japan’s belief that our future will be full of helpful, sentient, Japanese-made machines.\nThat kind of open-ended vision doesn’t work here, where our funding environment rewards near-term products, not totems. As a result, the U.S., though it is filled with robotics projects, lags behind Japan and South Korea in the development of humanoids. In 2006, sponsored by the National Science Foundation and others, the nonprofit World Technology Evaluation Center (WTEC) published a report entitled “International Assessment of Research and Development in Robotics,” comparing America’s activities with the rest of the world’s. The report concluded that while this country leads the world in military and medical robotics, it is quickly losing that advantage and falls short when it comes to robot mobility and humanoid robotics. Although “robotics is a very active field, worldwide,” the authors wrote, “Japan, Korea and the European Community invest significantly larger funds in robotics research and development for the private sector than the U.S.”\nPage 1 of 3next ›last »\nPrevious Article: Loaner NASA Rover Helps Solve Cold Murder Case in California\n Next Article: For the First Time, a Full-Sized Helicopter Makes a Completely Autonomous FlightComments\nLink to this comment\n futurebots/17/10 at 11:56 pm\nThere is another Humanoid robot built in the USA called the\nATOM-7xp and was introduced to the world on Jan 4 2010 in Engaget magazine.\nLink to this comment\n futurebots/18/10 at 12:06 am\nIt\'s funny how Professor Hong knew about the ATOM-7xp humanoid project and did not say anything to Pop Science to include it a little in the article of USA built humanoid robots, I find that just plain wrong not to help a fellow robot builder, I guess it\'s all about him as always, it\'s not what you know, it\'s who you know..\nLink to this comment\n futurebots/19/10 at 6:09 pm\nI apologize for accusing professor Hong for not giving me a shout out in the Pop. Science article, I guess I was caught up in the moment, but that does not change the face there are other humanoid robots being built in the United States and Pop. Science needs to report them and give them some credit also.\nLink to this comment\n david_42/20/10 at 12:39 pm\nWhy build a humanoid robot?\nThis was answered generations ago by science fiction writers. Our entire infrastructure is designed around the human form. To be of greatest utility, it is only reasonable to build robots in the same form and on the same scale.\nLink to this comment\n WillSpaceGeek/20/10 at 12:46 pm\nWhy? Is that the question? It\'s because engineering school (hell school in general) costs so damn much. Once you finish you get into your real job and it sucks. Your stuck with big bills and debt to your ears. So how in the hell would you get time to be creative. Your not given space or funding to use what you learned to create new things. You are given a task that has been corporate ordered to complete. Most engineering jobs pay well enough to put your kids into college. Hopefully they will be able to produce stuff like this. The 20 somethings that actually have imaginations to create this stuff are to busy trying to make a buck and pull our rear ends out of the hole while the rich people (most without a college education) keep trying to make money with their same stupid ideas. Right now it doesn\'t seem feasible to spend big money on cool things. If it doesn\'t have a warhead, gun, or gas guzzling engine attached to it, then we don\'t really have a use for it.\nLink to this comment\n pioneer10/20/10 at 1:24 pm\nI would like to know if any of these machines were developed specifically to do high-risk activities or work. They all seem too frail/clumsy to be effective as such.\nLink to this comment\n nizeke/20/10 at 1:46 pm\ni see a new mac vs windows dispute in the coming years, tank tread(windows) robots vs bipedal(mac) robots. one looks better and does somethings better, but other is better all around. but with better technology bipedal will eventually over take treads. similar to mac and windows today. pro\'s and con\'s to both.\nLink to this comment\n quseio2/20/10 at 7:49 pm\n,eh non humanoid robots are far more useful sooner so let them mess with that tech morerobotic cars, sewer cleaners and the like are far more practical atm\nLink to this comment\n Ruri/21/10 at 2:34 am\nThey also forgot about robonaut which is vaguely humanoid and NASA is planning on adding legs so it can be used on the Moon and Mars.\nLink to this comment\n skullshock/21/10 at 7:58 am\nI think 99% of all robot research funds should go to AI. Once human-like AI is achieved, the rest of the robot problems will be considered solved, since you have now a sentient being able to figure out on his own how to use those mechanical arms and legs and whatever is linked to its \"brain\".\nLink to this comment\n skullshock/21/10 at 8:03 am\nIn addition to the above, I wouldn\'t mind being the last to create a humanoid robot, as long as I will be the first to create a working AI capable of human-like cognition.\nLink to this comment\n futurebots/21/10 at 1:13 pm\nI still see Popular Science has a bias towards other USA based humanoid robot projects by not including my ATOM-7xp humanoid in there photo gallery or article of which they know about.\nThe ATOM-7xp will be the most humanoid robot in the USA an 8 year project, I guess with Popular Science magazine the little robot builder guy don\'t need to apply.\nLink to this comment\n TaySharpe/22/10 at 1:16 pm\nThat picture looks like one of the sets from a James Bond movie! The one with Jaws you know??\nCool bot.\nLink to this comment\n Kiriazov/22/10 at 2:35 pm\nJapanese and Korean humanoid robotics suffers, so far, from the fact that their robots do not produce human-like locomotion. They walk with bending knees because their control laws are based on the so-called zero-moment point ZMP-concept. These robots use trajectory-tracking controllers that have proved much inefficient as regards the energy consumption. Their control laws are not based on the natural dynamics and control of human locomotion, where joint movements are performed in an open-loop manner. My research is devoted to design and control of humanoid robots in such a natural way, exploiting the gravity and the inherent robot dynamics. An approach for efficient learning of optimal control functions in performing steps is being developed. The learning control parameters are similar to those that human has to learn to produce a step in an optimal manner. The learning procedure is proved to be convergent within minimum number of trials. It can be very useful in designing efficient neurorehabilitation procedures as well.\nLink to this comment\n sentinel627/22/10 at 2:38 pm\nBuild the AI first, then have it design its own container\nLink to this comment\n caseym54/22/10 at 3:33 pm\nIt\'s OK if we fall behind. We\'ll just outlaw the technology.\nLink to this comment\n potsonna1/22/10 at 7:01 pm\nInteresting! I hope that everyone has a great weekend.\nLink to this comment\n potsonna1/22/10 at 7:01 pm\nInteresting! I hope that everyone has a great weekend.\nLink to this comment\n Budapest/23/10 at 7:07 am\nI just attended some super interesting robotics classes last semester. In a matter of no time I could build up a tracked robotic vehicle from some LEGO components and get it to follow a black line on a white table.\nI am dazzled about the complicatedness of such a humanly simple task as kicking a ball. Not that I am so good at kicking balls, but one would think experts could surely program something like that...\nVisit Budapest: http://www.hungriabonita.com/budapeste.html\nLink to this comment\n futurebots/24/10 at 3:08 pm\nI still see Popular Science has a blind eye and is still promoting their lie this month that there is only one Humanoid Robot made in the United States. When there a another USA based humanoid robot project the ATOM-7xp humanoid and was in featured in there face book page photo gallery on April 29, and featured on Engadget on Jan 4, and in Robot and Servo magazine way before this other so called humanoid project. The ATOM-7xp will be and is the most humanoid robot in the USA. I guess the little company guy need not apply to Popular Science for help in getting the word out, I guess if your not some big company, Gov. organization or professor Popular Science is in love with you need not apply. Wow selective journalism only hides the truth of which the truth you cannot stop.\nLink to this comment\n Optics2.0/28/10 at 5:42 pm\n^^nice spam...(as if anyone reading this will be interested)\nto futurebots\nMaybe they haven\'t recognized it because there are no videos I could find at least ATOM 7xp walking or even standing up without supports...Yes I know it is difficult to do this especially as it looks like your doing it by yourself unless i\'m wrong... or maybe popular Science realizes how bad windows operating systems are and thinks that you should have used Linux :p(that was a joke even though Linux is much better).\nLink to this comment\n Optics2.0/28/10 at 6:12 pm\nAlthough by the looks of things i\'m taking a guess that your more of a mechanical Engineer than a programmer by a bit, judging by what it seems you\'ve done so far which is quite impressive on a small budget with only 1 person. But i believe you will find some trouble when you try to get it to walk as it seems that will be quite a challenge mechanical wise and programming wise, especially with limited resources. Well hopefully you have success in making it walk. Although really this is just the beginning of what humanoids begin to do. Also maybe popular science will recognize you when your Bot gets more developed, as currently it doesn\'t seem enough to write a article on.\np.s. i apologize for my terrible writing as I am not and never will be a writer.\nLink to this comment\n vipervnm/29/10 at 12:28 pm\nTo futurebots,\nThe subtitle of the article includes the following \"Walking, self-contained, adult-size robots\". Unless you can prove otherwise, the only criteria of the three the ATOM meets is \'adult-size\'. You\'re not winning any support by repeatedly whining in the comments section of this article. You could have chosen a vastly different approach in which you could have garnered support instead of coming off like an angry teenager.\nLink to this comment\n clarcky/06/10 at 3:03 am\nWell, there is another Humanoid robot built in the USA called the ATOM-7xp...\nwww.saine-alimentation.com\nLink to this comment\n lunatik96/11/10 at 6:34 am\nHumanoid Robots are pursued due to the fact that the world is designed for humans. Advances in humanoid robotics affect the disabled, injured (especially war related) and many of the infirmed. PS has produced stories of the blind seeing and invalids and aputees walking. The technology can address many of human\'s physical shortcomings.\nMore importantly, Robot technology will aid humans in their next step in evolution, which is cyborgism. Cyborgs live with us today in so many limited forms. It is clear to me that many will embrace cyborg technology. At first to repair damaged or nonfumction assemblies, then to enhance human ability. Recent advances with respect to the mind machine interface are the second phase of cyborgs. Within a couple of decades, some of us will appear much like the cyborgs of (currently) Science Fiction soon to be Science Reality.\nLink to this comment\n loclynn/12/10 at 3:40 am\nThis type of robot I believe is not popular in the USA because of the mind of the American in general. A robot that can be operated through a full Haptic suit as an avatar interface seems more like something the American mind set would like.\nOff-world exploration with robots is something we will be capable of long before we are capable of human space travel. It also seems likely that working through a robotic exoskeleton will allow us do work in new fields of exploration here on earth.\nRobots like these here may be of interest to the fat and lazy but my bet is on robots that augment and extend the human potential.\nLink to this comment\n kalnoodles/15/10 at 8:42 pm\nI don\'t see why it would be so much trouble to have a robot open a door; I think it can be solved through stance. When we open doors, we simply reach out our hand, grasp the doorknob, twisting it, pull back, and to the side, letting go, all the while making constant adjustments to our center of gravity that is changing due to the constant appliance of force. If someone could tell Charli to spread his feet from front to back as he opened doors, it should dramatically reduce the required calculations, because he doesnt need to balance over as many axis.\nLink to this comment\n Scodi/16/10 at 10:31 am\nYour description of this article in the overview of the issue on the right panel made me laugh:\n\"We go in-depth with America\'s first (and only) humanoid\"\nI think you\'ve missed the word robotic (or equivalent) there...\nLink to this comment\n fatalerror404/16/10 at 11:21 pm\nFraking Cylons\nLink to this comment\n BillMan2002/23/10 at 1:17 am\nWith this XP robot thing, why not do what the universitys are doing, set it up in a room with webcams, and make the project open source to the public. so it would be like having linux programed on your robot. and by open source, you have thousands of minds working at this rather then just one, and then everyoen will have some good code, to use from here and there.\nI say a world wide open source project is the way to go, however, you will need to be around to pick him up if he falls and etc.\nCan we see a video please? I am very interested in your work\nThanks,\nWill\nLink to this comment\n ccceeebbb/24/10 at 12:24 pm\nOMG, I\'ve seen the future of this project:\nhttp://www.vimeo.com/6291203\nBeware, citizens.\nLink to this comment\n HAZE/18/10 at 8:33 am\nDoes it really matter if America falls behind? Robots won\'t be available in the home for aleast, if not more, 10 years.\nAnd who will be buying Japans robots anyways? That\'s right, Amerrica.\nTo comment, please Login.\nPopular Tags\nTechnology\nNASA\nInternational Space Station\nrobots\nBurt Rutan\nPeter Diamandis\nspace\nDARPA\nAirbus A380\nMars\nUAV\nglobal warming\nBoeing\nsatellites\nAll Tags All Photos All Videos\nPhoto Galleries\nRSS Link\nTechnology\nGallery: How to Make a Genetically Modified Seed\nTurning Scientific Data to Cinema\nGallery: ‘Hidden Treasures’ Space Photos\n+ More Photo Galleriesyears of Popular Science at your fingertips.\nPopular Science+ For iPad\nEach issue has been completely reimagined for your iPad. 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Deep cuts resulted in most cases that, the researchers said, could prove to be \"lethal\" if inflicted on a living subject.\nThree researchers from the Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics at the German aerospace agency wanted to carry out the tests because they envisage a future in which robots will start to become domestic helpers.\nInjuries were significantly reduced when the prototype collision detection system developed by the trio was switched on. This system uses torque sensors to spot when it has hit a different substance and halts movement. It was used to limit damage when human subjects were tested.\nPrevious studies have looked at what would happen when large heavy robots bump into people. However, the German study is thought to be the first to look at the slashing injuries robots could cause.\nThe results of the study were presented at the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, held in Alaska in early May.\nMore on This Story\nRelated stories\nChina plans for humanoid Olympics\n 06 NOVEMBER 2009,\n TECHNOLOGY\n Call for debate on killer robots\n 03 AUGUST 2009,\n TECHNOLOGY\n Robots of the future unveiled\n 17 APRIL 2009,\n TECHNOLOGY\n Related Internet links\nIEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation\nDLR - Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics\nThe BBC is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites\nShare this page\nDelicious\nDigg\nFacebook\nreddit\nStumbleUpon\nTwitter\nEmail\nPrint\nMore Technology stories\nRSS\n Unified memory heralds green PCs\nUS researchers develop a new form of computing memory which could lead to faster starting, eco-friendly computers.\nLaw firm stops chasing \'pirates\'\nMotorbikes \'to get safety system\'\nTop Stories\nThree killed in Egyptian protests\nGuantanamo inmate Ghailani jailed\nKing\'s Speech leads Oscars field\nMedvedev seeks security shake-up\nObama speech to focus on US jobs\nFeatures & Analysis\nThe rise of \'we\'\nWhy US presidents increasingly love the word\n Risky harvest\nInuit race to gather mussels under the sea ice - before tide returns\n Addressing the nation\nWhat do the American people want to hear from Obama?\n Oscars 2011 analysis\nAre there any surprises with the Oscar nominations?\n Most Popular\nShared: Three killed in Egyptian protests: Whitby - the seaside resort Goths flock to: King\'s Speech leads Oscars field: Bear\'s epic nine-day \'swimathon\': \'Remarkable scenes\' in Cairo\nRead: \'Three killed\' in Egypt protests: Obama speech to focus on US jobs: Major cuts to BBC World Service: Killing \'was planned on Facebook\': In pictures: Oscar film nominees: Moscow blast: Eyewitness accounts: VW unveils an ultra-efficient car: Motorbikes \'to get safety system\': Surprise landing for Chile leader: The presidents\' speech: Key words\nVideo/Audio: Frozen car: \'I\'ll need a sledgehammer\' Watch: Cairo protest anger \'surprised police\' Watch: \'Alien\' hand slaps woman in face Watch: \'Remarkable scenes\' in Cairo Watch: \'Inland sea\' moves across Australia Watch: Hariri supporters protest in Lebanon Watch: \'Suicide\' body showed signs of torture Watch: CCTV footage of Moscow airport blast Watch: Floating home ruled \'not a boat\' Watch: Mussel gathering under the sea ice Watch\nElsewhere on BBC News\nAsia bling\nThe insatiable thirst of Asia\'s shoppers for luxury goods\nProgrammes\nFast Track Watch\nWhy Goths from around the world flock to the pretty seaside resort of Whitby in Yorkshire\nServices\nNews feeds\nMobile\nPodcasts\nAlerts\nE-mail news\nAbout BBC News\nEditors\' blog\nBBC College of Journalism\nNews sources\nWorld Service Trust\nMobile\nSearch term:\n bbc.co.uk navigation\nNews\nSport\nWeather\nTravel\n TV\nRadio\nMore\nCBBC\nCBeebies\nComedy\nFood\nHealth\nHistory\nLearning\nMusic\nScience\nNature\nLocal\nNorthern Ireland\nScotland\nWales\nFull A-Z of BBC sites\nBBC links\nAbout the BBC\n BBC Help\n Contact Us\n Accessibility Help\n Terms of Use\n Jobs\n Privacy & Cookies\n Advertise With Us\n BBC © MMXI The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. 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Join our community!\nMembers: Log InNew? Register: Join Now!\nSpace\nAnimals\nHealth\nEnvironment\nTechnology\nCulture\nHistory\nVideo\nStrange News\nCommunity\nTechnology\nKnife-Wielding Robots Could Soon Invade the Kitchen\nBy Adam Hadhazy, TechNewsDaily Staff Writer\nposted: 02 December 2010 01:12 pm ET\nIf that Roomba vacuuming underfoot is any indication, robots are likely\nto become more of a household fixture in the years ahead. But if robots\nare ever to handle \"edgier\" tasks, say, like chopping up veggies in the\nkitchen, people will need to feel safe around domestic machines wielding\nsharp tools.\nTo gauge the kind of harm a robot could do to its owners, German\nresearchers recently studied the mechanized stabbing and hacking of a\nblob of silicone, a dead pig\'s leg and – yes – a live human volunteer\'s\narm, the study leader in fact.\n\"We want to understand the injury mechanisms of humans during\nrobot-human impacts in order to find the best possible design and safety\nbehavior for a robot,\" said Sami Haddadin, an engineer at the Institute\nof Robotics and Mechatronics of the German Aerospace Center (DLR).\nThe simulated soft-tissue damage revealed that, as one might expect, robots\ncan deal out some lethal injuries. To prevent such accidents from\nhappening, the researchers tested out a collision detection method that\nhalts a cutting robot\'s unintentionally murderous motion.\nAs proof that the safety system worked when activated, Haddadin\nsuffered nothing more than a scratch.\n\"I was absolutely sure that the system is capable of such outstanding\nperformance, since I designed, implemented, and tested these methods,\"\nHaddadin told TechNewsDaily.\nPrevious studies conducted by Haddadin\'s group and others have looked\nat the blunt trauma heavy robots can cause when they bump into people –\ncrash test dummies were battered in those trials – but this is the\nfirst time flesh cleaved by a machine has been assessed, Haddadin said.\nChoose your weapon\nA jointed, flexible robotic arm built by DLR to be strong and light\nlike a human arm was employed in the experiments.\nCalled a Lightweight Robot (LWR) III, the bright orange bot weighs 31\npounds (14 kilograms) and has a reach of more than three-and-a-half\nfeet (1.1 meter). (A robotic arm similar to this operates on the International\nSpace Station.)\nThe DLR engineers designed the robot to work around people, and\nGerman automaker Daimler AG has acquired some prototypes, Haddadin said.\nHe and his colleagues equipped their robotic arm with various sharp\ntools that can double as weapons. These included a scalpel, a kitchen\nknife, scissors, a steak knife, and – for those with more of a\nMafia-bent to their violence – a screwdriver.\nThe scientists programmed the arm to stab at a block of squishy\nsilicone and a leg from a dead pig. (Pig flesh is remarkably similar to\nhuman flesh, so it is used in vehicle crash tests and forensics, the\npaper noted.)\nBesides puncture wounds, the researchers had the robotic arm cut the\npig leg as well, as it might a roast in intended circumstances.\nIn many instances, the depths of the wounds indicated they would be\ndeadly, the researchers said.\nFor example, before a low-level safety mechanism kicked in – which is\nactually meant to protect the robotic arm – the kitchen knife had\npenetrated about an inch-and-a-half into the silicone blob. That is deep\nenough to pierce into someone\'s heart through the chest or to cut to\nthe bone in a forelimb.\nStay the blade\nA so-called collision detection and reaction method, however, reduced\nthe kitchen knife\'s plunge to less than a quarter of an inch, and in\nother cases prevented any apparent injury whatsoever.\nThe LWRIII has torque sensors in every joint, Haddadin said, which\nenables it to measure contact forces along its entire structure. When\nthese forces change, the electronics system registers a collision with\nan object, and the robot\'s software can be set up to stop the arm\'s\nmotion and go \'slack.\'\nFor a robot in action, the method cannot distinguish between slicing a\ntomato as desired and safely sparing a baseball that has rolled onto\nthe cutting board.\nTo make the system \'smart,\' the authors wrote that robotic\nvision systems possibly using motion sensors could keep the machine\nalert about nearby people.\nThe most convincing test\nWith the success of the system on silicone and the pig leg, the\nresearchers felt confident enough to try their collision detection\nsystem on a human subject – namely, their study\'s lead author, Haddadin.\nHe held his arm out in space above a table and then let the robotic\narm with the safety system turned on play slasher. Only with its most\nPsycho-like stab at about 2.5 feet per second (.75 meters per second)\ndid the knife-wielding robot succeed in scratching Haddadin\'s skin.\nThe researchers will continue to investigate means of preventing an\nencounter between blade-wielding robot and a person entirely, so the\ngoals are both collision detection and avoidance.\n\"The ultimate goal of this research is to generate robot motions that\nare . . . not able to cause any harm to the human,\" Haddadin said.\nThe researchers presented their findings at the 2010 IEEE\nInternational Conference on Robotics and Automation in Alaska earlier\nthis month.\n• 5\nReasons to Fear Robots\n• Iron\nMan Technology Has Real-Life Analogs\n• Military\nEyes \'Smart Camera\' to Boost Robotic Visual Intelligence\n Advertisement\nMost Popular\nRecommended\nCommented\nYour Home Wi-Fi Can Be Hacked in Minutes\nAstronomers Unveil Largest-Ever Color Photo of the ...\nNew Metallic Glass Is Hard and Tough\nAdult Entertainment Expo Rivals CES 2011 in Tech ...\nNYC Fills Web Guru Role\nNew Metallic Glass Is Hard and Tough\nAdvertisement\nSpace\n|\nAnimals\n|\nHealth\n|\nEnvironment\n|\nTechnology\n|\nCulture\n|\nHistory\n|\nStrange News\n|\nVideos\n|\nGalleries\n|\nHot Topics\n|\nCommunity\n|\nTech Reviews\nPages\nCompany Info\nAbout the Site\nContact Us\nAdvertise With Us\nTerms and Conditions\nUsing Our Content\nPrivacy Policy\nSite Map\nTechMediaNetwork Properties\nTechMediaNetwork\nTopTenREVIEWS\nSPACE.com\nLiveScience\nOurAmazingPlanet\nTechNewsDaily\nLife\'s Little Mysteries\nNewsarama\niPadNewsDaily\nBusinessNewsDaily\nMyHealthNewsDaily\nNorth Orion\nSecurityNewsDaily\nJoin our Mailing List Join our community\nFOLLOW US ON...\nCopyright © TechMediaNetwork.com\nAll rights reserved.','By Adam Hadhazy, TechNewsDaily Staff Writer','Hot Topics\nLivescience RSS Feeds\nNewsletters\nWelcome, Guest\nCurious? Join our community!\nMembers: Log InNew? Register: Join Now!\nSpace\nAnimals\nHealth\nEnvironment\nTechnology\nCulture\nHistory\nVideo\nStrange News\nCommunity\nTechnology\nKnife-Wielding Robots Could Soon Invade the Kitchen\nBy Adam Hadhazy, TechNewsDaily Staff Writer\nposted: 02 December 2010 01:12 pm ET\nIf that Roomba vacuuming underfoot is any indication, robots are likely\nto become more of a household fixture in the years ahead. But i...','http://www.livescience.com/technology/Knife-Wielding-Robots-Kitchen-100518.html','text/html','html',44737,'ISO-8859-1',NULL,'Knife-Wielding Robots Could Soon Invade the Kitchen',NULL,'000010.html','/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL,'Roomba, kitchen, gadgets, robots',NULL,NULL,0,NULL),(11,22,'2011-01-25 23:54:45','2011-01-25','15:54:44','2011-01-25 15:54:44','jcarlos','2011-01-25','15:54:45','2011-01-25 15:54:45','jcarlos','Skip to content\nWhitepapers\n| Reg Hardware\n| Channel Reg\nHardware\nSoftware\nMusic & Media\nNetworks\nSecurity\nPublic Sector\nBusiness\nScience\nOdds & Sods\nSwedish factory fined $3,000 for robot attack\nAlert\n Print\nRetweet\nFacebook\nSigurd! Klaatu barada nikto!\nBy Austin Modine • Get more from this author\nPosted in Music and Media, 29th April 2009 00:28 GMT\nFree whitepaper – The Register Guide to Enterprise Virtualization\nROTM Evil geniuses take note: a near-fatal robot attack only costs an organization about $3,000 in Sweden these days.\nSwede online rag The Local has reported that a factory north of Stockholm has been fined 25,000 kronor (£2,100) after a malfunctioning bot nearly killed one of its workers.\nThe robo-assault reportedly took place in 2007, when a man attempted to repair a defective machine used to lift rocks without properly checking the power supply beforehand. And unfortunately, the human head isn\'t all that different than a big juicy rock to such a robot.\nUnsympathetic to the worker\'s accidental lack of proper lock-out/tag-out procedure, the machine dutifully latched on to the man\'s head and went about its work. The man managed to \"defend himself\" from the robot, according to The Local, but not before suffering serious injuries.\n\"The man was very lucky. He broke four ribs and came close to losing his life,\" public prosecutor Leif Johansson told the news agency Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå.\nJohansson had considered pressing charges against the company, but recently concluded a simple fine should do.\n\"I\'ve never heard of a robot attacking somebody like this,\" he said.\nJohansson reportedly blamed the company for inadequate safety procedures, but saved some share of the guilt for the injured worker.\nThe robot apparently got off scot-free for his brief - but no doubt satisfying - revenge against its fleshy overlords. ®\nFree whitepaper – The Register Guide to Enterprise Virtualizationcomments\nRelated stories\nROTM Robot teddy bears attack Alzheimer\'s (8 October 2010)\nROTM Woman sues rail line for \'exploding\' toilet (29 January 2010)\nGeek makes mobile fire-fighting robot (28 April 2009)\nDARPA at Phase 3 on solar powered surveillance strato-ship (28 April 2009)\nPic General Atomics unwraps new, Stealth(y) robot war-jet (23 April 2009)\nAndroid-based tablet PC spied online (22 April 2009)\nHefty IT prof develops robot to check that robots are safe (21 April 2009)\nDARPA AI will trawl petabytes of UAV vid for enemy cows (15 April 2009)\nJapan talks lunar \'bots as commies go hot (3 April 2009)\nSpoiler Alert Battlestar Galactica eyes \'technology run amok\' (23 March 2009)\nROTM Robo-fish to hunt pollution in Spanish seas (20 March 2009)\nWhitepapers\nThe realities of SaaS and security\nWhat are your plans for your office applications. 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The leader in scale-out storage for big data.\nWin an iPad with ScaleMP\nSQL Monitor - The Future of SQL Server Monitoring\nSwitch your SSL Certificate to GeoTrust for FREE\nDon’t Miss\nSend us News Tips\nWeek’s Headlines\nReg Archive\nTop 20 Stories\nChannel Register\nRegister Hardware\nPrivacy\nAdvertise with Us\nCompany Info\n© Copyright 1998–2011',NULL,'Skip to content\nWhitepapers\n| Reg Hardware\n| Channel Reg\nHardware\nSoftware\nMusic & Media\nNetworks\nSecurity\nPublic Sector\nBusiness\nScience\nOdds & Sods\nSwedish factory fined $3,000 for robot attack\nAlert\n Print\nRetweet\nFacebook\nSigurd! Klaatu barada nikto!\nBy Austin Modine • Get more from this author\nPosted in Music and Media, 29th April 2009 00:28 GMT\nFree whitepaper – The Register Guide to Enterprise Virtualization\nROTM Evil geniuses take note: a near-fatal robot attack only costs an organiza...','http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/04/29/swedish_factory_robot_attack/','text/html','html',21667,'UTF-8',NULL,'Swedish factory fined $3,000 for robot attack • The Register',NULL,'000011.html','/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL,'\"robot\", \"sweden\", \"swedish\", \"attack\"',NULL,NULL,0,NULL),(12,23,'2011-01-25 23:56:40','2011-01-25','15:56:39','2011-01-25 15:56:39','jcarlos','2011-01-25','15:56:40','2011-01-25 15:56:40','jcarlos','Fox News Digital Network\nFox News\nFox Business\nSmall Business Center\nFox News Latino\nFox News Radio\nFox Nation\nRegister\nLogin\nTIMESTAMP\nSearch Site\nOn Air Now » On Air Personalities »\nHome\nVideo\nUS\nWorld\nPolitics\nEntertainment\nLeisure\nHealth\nSciTech\nOpinion\nSports\nOn Air\nPrevious Slide Next Slide\nSpecial Report\nWeekdays 6p et\nFox Report\nWeekdays 7p et\nThe O\'Reilly Factor\nWeekdays 8p et\nHannity\nWeekdays 9p et\nOn The Record\nWeekdays 10p et\nAmerica Live\nWeekdays 1p et\nAmerica\'s News HQ\nWeekends 12p et\nAmerica\'s Newsroom\nWeekdays 9a et\nThe Cost of Freedom\nSaturday 10a et\nFox & Friends\nWeekdays 6a et\nFox News Sunday\nSunday 2p et\nFox News Watch\nSaturday 2:30p et\nGeraldo at Large\nWeekends 10p et\nGlenn Beck\nWeekdays 5p et\nHappening Now\nWeekdays 11a et\nHuckabee\nSaturday 8p et\nThe Journal Editorial Report\nSaturday 2p et\nJustice with Judge Jeanine\nSaturday 9p et\nRed Eye w/ Gutfeld\nWeekdays 3a et\nStudio B\nWeekdays 3p et\nWar Stories\nSaturday 2a et\nYour World Cavuto\nWeekdays 4p et\nU.S.\n U.S. Home\nCrime\nSupreme Court\nNEWS ARCHIVE\n HOT TOPICS\n Bush Tax Cuts\n White House\n Business Leaders\n SECTION MAP\nSEE MORE- Crime- Education- Supreme Court\nFlorida Man Killed By Computerized Vehicle While Inspecting Tracks\nSaturday, June 20, 2009\n Print\nPolice say a Metromover car rolled over and killed a station supervisor as he inspected the tracks.\nThe accident happened Saturday. The computerized vehicle, which is not driven by a conductor, was stopped, but moved forward for an unknown reason.\nPolice found the body about 100 feet from the platform; the identity of the supervisor wasn\'t released.\nThis is the second public transit worker death in the last week. On Sunday night, a 60-year-old Metrorail security officer was shot and killed by two men in a station garage.\nSee Next Story in U.S.\nPrint\nFOX NEWS VIDEOS\nTOP VIDEOS\nLis Wiehl discusses the AZ honor killing\nCities with best housing options\nBank improperly forecloses, overcharges\nUS\nWendy Murphy on \'America Live\'\nDriver found slumped over wheel\nInjured mistreated by active personnel?\nMajor collision ends hot pursuit\nADVERTISEMENT\nmost active\nMost Read\nMost Emailed\nRepublican Lawmaker Ends Pelosi\'s House Composting Program\n»\nTaco Bell Sued Over Meat That\'s Just 35 Percent Beef\n »\n\'Unusual\' Bachmann Rebuttal Could Scramble GOP Message on Obama Address\n»\nEXCLUSIVE: Kendra Wilkinson on Losing 60 Pounds and Why Hef Didn\'t Marry Holly\n»\nAuthorities Fear Cops Being Targeted After at Least 11 Officers Shot in 24 Hours\n»\nWhy Aren\'t Your Dishes Getting Clean? New Environmental Laws\n»\nIllinois Supreme Court Stops Printing of Chicago Mayoral Ballot\n»\nNew York City Man Says Police Arrested Him For Stealing His Own Car\n»\nWitnesses Hear Russian Airport Suicide Bomber Yell \'I\'ll Kill You All!\'\n»\nArkansas Baby Reportedly Found Safe After Being Snatched by Father Wanted for Murder\n »\nMore News\nHow to Date a Med Student\n»\nTooth Implant in Woman\'s Eye Helps Her See Again\n»\nObama�s \'Extreme Team\' On Energy\n»\nFOXSexpert: How Do You Know When You\'re in Love?\n»\nWoman, Child Get $19 Million for Botched \'Forceps\' Delivery\n»\nWrestler Chris Benoit Used Steroid Testosterone; Son Sedated Before Murders\n»\nGeorgia Tech Student Places Ad on Craigslist to Learn How to Kiss\n»\nNatalie Cole Lucky to Be Responding to Hepatitis C Treatment, Doctors Say\n»\nIf You Can Raed Tihs, You Msut Be Raelly Smrat\n»\nJohnson & Johnson Widens Tylenol Recall to Other Brands\n »\nMore News\nADVERTISEMENT\nSections\nHome\nU.S.\nWorld\nPolitics\nEntertainment\nLeisure\nHealth\nScitech\nOpinion\nSports\nWeather\nVideo\nShows\nAmerica Live\nAmerica News HQ\nAmerica\'s Newsroom\nCavuto\nFox News Sunday\nFox & Friends\nFox News Watch\nFox Report\nGeraldo at Large\nGlenn Beck\nGreta\nHannity\nHappening Now\nHuckabee\nJustice with Judge Jeanine\nRed Eye w/ Gutfeld\nSpecial Report\nSpecials\nStudio B\nThe Cost of Freedom\nThe Journal Editorial Report\nThe O\' Reilly Factor\nWar Stories\nTools\nLive Video Player\nFox News Toolbar\nuReport\nNewsletters & Alerts\nMobile\nPodcasts\nRadio\niPhone\nFox News Store\nAbout\nCareers\nInternships - FNCU\nFox Around the World\nAdvertise With Us\nTerms of Use\nPrivacy Policy\nContact Us\nEmail Newsroom\nFAQ\nFollow\nFacebook\nTwitter\nMyspace\nYouTube\nRSS\nThis material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistrubted. ©2011 FOX News Network, LLC. 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Investigators believe her death was accidental.\nNo other details were given about her death or about the woman except that she was an employee.\nThe Irvine-based company has distribution centers across the nation. Its Web site says the company supplies McDonald\'s and developed the sauce for the restaurant\'s Big Mac in the 1960s.\nSee Next Story in U.S.\nPrint\nFOX NEWS VIDEOS\nTOP VIDEOS\nLis Wiehl discusses the AZ honor killing\nCities with best housing options\nBank improperly forecloses, overcharges\nUS\nWendy Murphy on \'America Live\'\nDriver found slumped over wheel\nInjured mistreated by active personnel?\nMajor collision ends hot pursuit\nADVERTISEMENT\nmost active\nMost Read\nMost Emailed\nRepublican Lawmaker Ends Pelosi\'s House Composting Program\n»\nTaco Bell Sued Over Meat That\'s Just 35 Percent Beef\n »\n\'Unusual\' Bachmann Rebuttal Could Scramble GOP Message on Obama Address\n»\nEXCLUSIVE: Kendra Wilkinson on Losing 60 Pounds and Why Hef Didn\'t Marry Holly\n»\nAuthorities Fear Cops Being Targeted After at Least 11 Officers Shot in 24 Hours\n»\nWhy Aren\'t Your Dishes Getting Clean? New Environmental Laws\n»\nIllinois Supreme Court Stops Printing of Chicago Mayoral Ballot\n»\nNew York City Man Says Police Arrested Him For Stealing His Own Car\n»\nWitnesses Hear Russian Airport Suicide Bomber Yell \'I\'ll Kill You All!\'\n»\nArkansas Baby Reportedly Found Safe After Being Snatched by Father Wanted for Murder\n »\nMore News\nHow to Date a Med Student\n»\nTooth Implant in Woman\'s Eye Helps Her See Again\n»\nObama�s \'Extreme Team\' On Energy\n»\nFOXSexpert: How Do You Know When You\'re in Love?\n»\nWoman, Child Get $19 Million for Botched \'Forceps\' Delivery\n»\nWrestler Chris Benoit Used Steroid Testosterone; Son Sedated Before Murders\n»\nGeorgia Tech Student Places Ad on Craigslist to Learn How to Kiss\n»\nNatalie Cole Lucky to Be Responding to Hepatitis C Treatment, Doctors Say\n»\nIf You Can Raed Tihs, You Msut Be Raelly Smrat\n»\nJohnson & Johnson Widens Tylenol Recall to Other Brands\n »\nMore News\nADVERTISEMENT\nSections\nHome\nU.S.\nWorld\nPolitics\nEntertainment\nLeisure\nHealth\nScitech\nOpinion\nSports\nWeather\nVideo\nShows\nAmerica Live\nAmerica News HQ\nAmerica\'s Newsroom\nCavuto\nFox News Sunday\nFox & Friends\nFox News Watch\nFox Report\nGeraldo at Large\nGlenn Beck\nGreta\nHannity\nHappening Now\nHuckabee\nJustice with Judge Jeanine\nRed Eye w/ Gutfeld\nSpecial Report\nSpecials\nStudio B\nThe Cost of Freedom\nThe Journal Editorial Report\nThe O\' Reilly Factor\nWar Stories\nTools\nLive Video Player\nFox News Toolbar\nuReport\nNewsletters & Alerts\nMobile\nPodcasts\nRadio\niPhone\nFox News Store\nAbout\nCareers\nInternships - FNCU\nFox Around the World\nAdvertise With Us\nTerms of Use\nPrivacy Policy\nContact Us\nEmail Newsroom\nFAQ\nFollow\nFacebook\nTwitter\nMyspace\nYouTube\nRSS\nThis material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistrubted. ©2011 FOX News Network, LLC. 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The disc-shaped robots deliver linen and meals to patients’ rooms.\nTOM A. PETER\nEnlarge\nBy\n Tom A. Peter, Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor /\n February 25, 2008\nPittsburgh\nAt a mall in Osaka, Japan, lost shoppers can get directions from a robot that looks like something out of \"The Jetsons.\" In hospitals across the US, disc-shaped robots deliver bed linens and meals to rooms. In some homes, robots are already doing a range of chores, such as vacuuming rooms and cleaning gutters. At least one company is working on a robot that works on a farm.\nSkip to next paragraph\nRelated Stories\nBattlefields will be big test for \'seeing\' robot\nEditorial: When robots roam the earth\nRobots advance, consumers stall\nAs a growing number of robots become capable of working alongside humans, the service industry may face a pattern all too familiar in the manufacturing sector: robots replacing humans in jobs.\n\"The service sector, which is a gigantic part of the employment landscape in the United States, is inevitably going to be a place where you can replace millions of people with robots that work 24/7 for less money,\" says futurist Marshall Brain.\nWhile it will take a decade or more for droids, such as \"Robovie,\" the mobile MapQuest in Osaka, to become pervasive in everyday life, the robotics industry is primed to begin producing robots that could eventually take the place of tour guides and bellhops.\nThe first robots to make a serious impact on the staffing in the service industry will probably carry out low-level tasks, experts say, allowing people to focus on chores that require higher levels of intelligence.\nFor now, automatons such as Robovie that use cameras and sensors to \"understand\" human emotions are more the exception than the rule.\n\"Dealing with humans is a very complex task. It takes us as humans many years to grow up and learn all the social etiquette and cues,\" says Joel Burdick, a professor of mechanical engineering who specializes in robotics at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. It will take time to perfect robots capable of understanding human emotions well enough to please people in service roles, says Dr. Burdick.\nAnd, though he expects that robots will have a substantial impact on the service industry, he says that in some cases humans will simply always want to interact with other humans.\nBut robots have already started their march into the service industry. Though they might not look like robots, automated checkout lines at grocery stores or touch-screen check-in kiosks at airports are the tip of the service industry\'s robotic revolution.\nAlready at the hospital\nAutonomous mobile robots are starting to appear, as well. In more than 100 hospitals across the US, nurses receive help from robotic \"tugs\" that tow carts that deliver everything from meals to linens.\nOnce loaded and given a destination, they can drive through crowded hallways, steering around obstacles and stopping if someone unexpectedly steps in front. If it reaches an impasse, such as a wayward gurney, it automatically calls a help desk, where a technician steers around the obstruction or calls the hospital to ask someone to move the roadblock.\nPage: 1 | 2\n Monitor Mall. 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That\'s basically the thesis of Marshall Brain, an EE, and founder of How Stuff Works, who sees \"devastating\" effects on all of us within the next 20 to 30 years from an increasingly automated economy.\nBrain presented recently at the Singularity Summit in San Jose, where, according to Wired (see \"Brainy Robots To Lead To Longer Unemployment Lines?\"), he claimed that unlike the industrial revolution of 150 years ago, in which similar fears of mass unemployment never materialized, the coming robotic revolution will be different. For the first time, he says, technologists could be creating a \"second intelligent species\" in robots.\nWhile this may sound at first like the alarmist warnings of an anti-technology neo-Luddite, Brain is actually pro technology, and arguing instead for a restructuring of the economy in order to best realize the benefits of an increasingly automation-based society. Among his suggested solutions - as described in his Robotic Nation series of essays - is to \"distribute the benefits\" of the robotic revolution to every citizen with a $25,000 per year stipend, giving everyone a basic level of economic freedom for the first time in history.\nBrain doesn\'t stop there. His \"Robotic Freedom\" essay goes into great detail describing his economic goals and proposed solutions for removing the current \"dysfunctional elements from the capitalistic system.\" Leave it to an engineer to develop a systematic approach to a problem!\nNevertheless, while some of his ideas are interesting and worth exploring, others - like taxing \"extreme profits\" and \"extreme income\" - are standard wealth redistribution plans. And the basis of his whole theory - that a robotic revolution is destined to dramatically increase unemployment - has to be viewed with skepticism based on history.\nAs shown in essays like \"The Curse of Machinery\" by economist Henry Hazlitt, the idea that labor-saving machines increase overall unemployment has been around since Adam Smith and has proven to be unfounded for just as long. Will it be different this time? Who knows, but in any event it\'s certainly a topic worthy of further discussion.\nComments, questions or suggestions? Email me at rich.pell@verizon.net.\nRelated links:\nReal-life robots obey Asimov\'s laws\nIndustrial engineers: Future world overlords?good reasons to invest in robotsthings you don\'t know about robots\nprint\n email\nrss\nShare\npost comment\nComments\nr3son8tr/5/2008 10:29 AM EST\n\"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for one day. If you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime\" Brain\'s \"$25k stipend\" is the fish.\nLet\'s instead TEACH our citizens (and especially our children) how to operate, maintain and design these new robotic workers, thus creating a whole new class of skilled service workers. And just think, with all of those new robots in the workforce, MAYBE we CAN bring manufacturing back to the USA. Just think, entire factories located here, in the US, using robots to manufacture products - all maintained, designed and engineerd by a skilled US workforce.\nWe will need Robotics Technicians, Programmers and Engineers just to keep the Bots working. We will need Manufacturing Engineers to set up the production lines. Oh yeah, we\'ll need more Design Engineers (and unfortunately Marketers) to come up with the products.\nAnd what about all of those other service Bots? They need to be maintained, programmed, upgraded as well. Just like servicing automobiles and other large machines, this is not a task that can be outsourced overseas - it\'s just not practical. Again, we\'ve now CREATED jobs.\nNo, Marshall Brain is competely misguided here in his screed against robotics. He is using a fear of technology to push forward a socialist agenda.\nSign in to Reply\n Please sign in to post comment\n Navigate to related information\nMost Popular\n Thunder in the valley\n Is there a future for hybrid vehicles? 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That\'s because of a problem special-effects geeks call the \"uncanny valley\" -- the more human a computer-generated character looks, the harder it is to recreate truly realistic details, such as eyes that seem alive rather than zombie-like.\nThat is especially true when the character is expressing emotion. Computer-generated characters in the movie \"Beowulf,\" for example, though state of the art in 2007, still conveyed a certain creepiness.\nAnimated Actors Evolve\nView a timeline that marks milestones in the development of human digital characters.\nView Interactive\nMore\nThe Digital Emily Project\nEd Ulbrich of Digital Domain, on how Benjamin Button got his face\nAll over Hollywood, teams are working on solving the problem. Mr. Pitt\'s title role in \"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,\" where his character ages backward from elderly man to baby, is a big breakthrough. For much of the movie, a computer-generated version of Mr. Pitt with an elderly face was used, rather than the real-life Mr. Pitt. The movie won this year\'s Academy Award for visual effects.\nMost special-effects experts say \"Benjamin Button\" successfully crossed the uncanny valley, a term credited to roboticist Masahiro Mori, whose landmark article on the subject was translated into English in 1970. Mr. Mori argued that the more human robots looked, the more tiny imperfections jumped out, giving the robots an unsettling, repulsive quality.\nCrossing the uncanny valley by mastering computer-generated human faces opens up all kinds of artistic possibilities. Moviemakers will have more flexibility with the passage of time, special effects, and plot devices. Special-effects experts say the best results come from images based on real people, but that might not be the case after they have worked on the technology for another five or 10 years.\nNot a Labor Issue\nWhile moviemakers don\'t like to talk about it because it creates rifts with actors and their unions, the ability to create animated characters that pass for human opens up the possibility that computer-generated characters could one day successfully replace real actors in major roles. But for now, perfecting this technique just means directors can engage in better storytelling, filmmakers say.\n\"Our first preference is always to film the real actor,\" says Scott Stokdyk, a visual-effects supervisor at Sony Pictures Imageworks and winner of an Oscar in 2005 for his work on \"Spider-Man 2.\"\nThe Journal Report\nSee the complete Technology report.\nUsing an actor isn\'t always possible, though, particularly where complicated stunts come into play. Computer-generated versions of characters work best in situations that would be impossible or too dangerous for a real actor -- for example, a close-up of a character being hit with a knockout punch.\nThey are also popular for scenes where splicing an actor\'s face onto a body double wouldn\'t work for technical reasons -- for example, difficulty in matching background lighting, or when there\'s too much action to properly sync facial and body movements.\n\"It\'s storytelling,\" says John Knoll, visual-effects supervisor at Industrial Light & Magic, a division of Lucasfilm Ltd. He won an Academy Award in 2007 for his work on \"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man\'s Chest,\" featuring a computer-generated Davy Jones. \"I don\'t think we want to do CG humans just for the sake of doing CG humans,\" says Mr. Knoll.\nSometimes, it is a question of simply sucking audiences into a story. Using makeup or other actors in scenes where an actor is supposed to be much older or younger doesn\'t always achieve the necessary suspension of disbelief, filmmakers say, especially if there are many such scenes, as in \"Benjamin Button.\"\nEyes and Mouths\nHence the growing interest in computer-generated characters. The biggest tests today lie in accurately rendering eyes and mouths. Capturing details such as the way skin moves around the eye, moisture inside a character\'s eyelids, and the bulge the iris creates as it moves from side to side helps strengthen a computer-generated character\'s believability, says Debbie Denise, executive producer at Sony Pictures Imageworks, a Sony Corp. unit. Ditto for capturing the way the skin of moving lips buckles, or the skin around the mouth stretches.\nTypically, even when creating a computer-generated character, filmmakers use a real actor as a base.\n\"All the little ticks and idiosyncracies that we all have, that\'s when you cross the uncanny valley,\" says Ed Ulbrich, executive vice president for production at Digital Domain Inc., which created the elderly Benjamin Button. Even if the live actor is in most of the movie, and only a few scenes with the character need to be created using a digital facsimile, the actor still acts out the scene as the building blocks for the digital recreation.\nTo do this, the actors usually wear suits covered with sensors that register exactly how their bodies move. Those images are sent to a computer, ready for tweaking and manipulating by humans.\nFor facial movements, hundreds of dots or markers are drawn on the actors\' faces, and computers track how those shift and modulate when the actors make various expressions. In the latest twist on that technology, actors wear phosphorescent makeup, with each grain of makeup effectively becoming a marker. That system, used in \"Benjamin Button,\" was developed by Mova LLC, based in Palo Alto, Calif. Filmmakers used it along with silicone models they had created of an aged Mr. Pitt and video of Mr. Pitt acting his role, so they could combine Mr. Pitt\'s own expressions and interpretation of his lines with a much aged model of his face.\nBut the computers don\'t always capture the data in a way that looks completely natural. For example, when creating the character of Dr. Manhattan in \"The Watchmen,\" a film recently released by the Warner Bros. unit of Time Warner Inc., the animators at Sony Pictures Imageworks noticed that the computers were exaggerating jaw movements made by actor Billy Crudup.\nMuch of the motion the computers depicted as movement of the underlying bone was actually skin sliding over the jawbone, says Kenn McDonald, an animation supervisor at Imageworks. Animators needed to tone that down, he says. \"You have to interpret the data to make it look real.\" The final picture often uses subtle tightening of Dr. Manhattan\'s jaw to convey his discomfort, for example, during a news conference.\nSimilar quandaries arose in \"Benjamin Button.\" Mr. Ulbrich compares the process to digital botox, saying it can sometimes \"slightly sandblast the edges off a performance\" because computers don\'t understand human intent. He cites smiling, which the software interprets one way -- regardless of whether the smile was ironic, sarcastic or joyful. Frequently, animators need to tweak the eyes to get the smile right. \"Sometimes it can just be [adding] a blink,\" he says.\nThe Light Fantastic\nAnother key component in nailing a computer-generated human is getting the light in the scene right. That challenge has occupied technologists for years. At the University of Southern California\'s Institute for Creative Technologies, a team led by Paul Debevec has worked on an increasingly sophisticated series of light stages since 1999 to help filmmakers light their subjects correctly.\nIn the case of \"Benjamin Button,\" filmmakers needed to capture images of Mr. Pitt\'s face in every possible degree of light and shadow to help determine lighting for the animators who would later inject their computer-generated Mr. Pitt into various scenes. Technologists at the USC institute placed an eerily lifelike silicone model of an aged Mr. Pitt in the middle of a sphere with 156 tiny bulbs. As two high-definition cameras snapped pictures, the bulbs dimmed and strengthened, creating a complicated palette of light and shadow over the faux Mr. Pitt. The process was repeated from eight different angles, taking an entire afternoon.\nDetails learned from this type of intensive photography, Mr. Debevec says, run from how pores vary across a person\'s face -- they are tighter and smaller on the nose compared with the cheek -- to how raising the eyebrows thins the bridge of the nose. Working with the Santa Monica, Calif., office of Image Metrics Ltd., Mr. Debevec has continued his research using a young woman whose light-stage images have become the basis for a digital composite dubbed \"Digital Emily.\" In real life, she is Emily O\'Brien, who plays Jana Hawkes on the TV soap opera \"The Young and the Restless.\"\nThe experimenting focuses heavily on how light interacts with skin. When light hits the body, it scatters somewhat just underneath the skin\'s surface before reflecting back or being absorbed. Capturing that process turns out to be key for making a computer-generated character look real.\nEach advance builds on the last, bringing filmmakers ever closer to their ideal of a computer-generated character that looks real even under the harshest scrutiny. Characters under development now should exceed even the Benjamin Buttons of this world in photorealism, and with less effort, special-effects experts say.\n\"It\'s refining the process,\" says Mr. Ulbrich of Digital Domain. Currently, \"it\'s really hard, it\'s really slow, it\'s really expensive. We want to finesse it.\"\n—Ms. McBride is a staff reporter in The Wall Street Journal\'s Los Angeles bureau.Write to Sarah McBride at sarah.mcbride@wsj.com\nPrinted in The Wall Street Journal, page R4\nCopyright 2011 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved\nThis copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. Distribution and use of this material are governed by our Subscriber Agreement and by copyright law. For non-personal use or to order multiple copies, please contact Dow Jones Reprints at 1-800-843-0008 or visit\nwww.djreprints.com\nMore In Tech\n Email\nPrinter Friendly\nOrder Reprints\nShare:\nfacebook\nTwitter\nDigg\nStumbleUpon\nViadeo\nOrkut\nYahoo! 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For full access to our content, please subscribe here\nMY PROFILE\nFrom The Times\nNovember 26, 2009\nLook out! The robots are coming to take your job away\nLeo Lewis and Joseph Hood in Tokyo\nFor as long as anyone can remember, the Tokyo International Robot Exhibition\nhas been a showcase for Japan at its wackiest: stern industrial machines\nlurked backstage as waltzing, noodle-making or ping-pong playing humanoids\nstole the limelight.\nIn recessionary 2009, however, with Japanese industry writhing in pain, the\nnational robot obsession has turned deadly serious. For the first time, the\nshow explains exactly how the machines are going to take over.\nA new mood is in the air: the downturn, says a Tsukuba University engineer,\nhas honed Japanese robotics research and forced it to be more practical.\nCompanies and universities once given unlimited budgets to push the\nboundaries of robotics are being told to come up quickly with something\nusable and commercial. Toyota’s recent decision to pull out of Formula 1 was\na hot topic of discussion: would its next cost-cutting move be to close the\nrobotics division or would it still throw millions into perfecting a\ntrumpet-playing automaton?\nThe fun stuff is played down, while potential uses of the robots are pushed to\nthe front. This gives many of the companies a chance to show that the\ntechnology has been quietly improving by leaps and bounds. Getting a cute\nhumanoid robot such as Honda’s Asimo to go from walking to running\nrepresents decades of effort, says a Tokyo University engineer, but the work\nof turning a machine into a better pizza maker than a human moves much\nfaster. Japanese robots are being built with open software codes to\nencourage outside programmers to come up with ideas to make them even more\nuseful.\nIt is all working rather too well. Perhaps disturbingly for workforces around\nthe world, say representatives of several of the largest robot makers, there\nis now a fast-growing list of human jobs that robots can do quicker and\nbetter. The opening of the four-day show yesterday brought the debut of\nKawada Industries’ new Hiro robot — a humanoid that can identify colours,\nshapes and human faces and boasts some of the most dextrous mechanical paws\ncreated.\nHiro’s handler explained that “at the Nissan factory, the production line\nalready consists almost entirely of robots. However, occasionally, for\ncertain tasks, they have to bring in a human. This robot could replace that\nperson.”\nYaskawa, occupying the largest booth at the show, proudly touts its Motoman\nseries of assembly robots. These, it says, will soon be “replacing people\nwithout taking up too much space or requiring any change in the layouts of\nproduction lines”. Its fiercest competitor, Fanuc, in the next booth, says:\n“What’s amazing is their \\ speed. They can achieve the speed of the most\nexperienced workers. We don’t need to worry about the employment issue . . .\nWhen they’re not required to work, we just turn off the switch.”\nKawada and Yaskawa have produced robots mainly for the automotive industry.\nThe effort now is to push the machines into more areas, with the service and\nnursing industries the primary targets.\nAs well as spot-welding a Toyota Prius, Motoman can be retooled to perform\nroutine blood tests far more quickly than an entire team of nurses. As the\nJapanese population ages, robotics companies are looking to the elderly and\ninfirm as an ever-growing potential market., with developers touting an\narray of robotic guide dogs, nurses, cleaners and firefighters.\nJapanese Trade Ministry regulations prohibit humans and robots from working\nalongside each other. A Kawada engineer said: “We are working on the\nassumption that those barriers will be gone in the future . . . our society\nhas fewer children, and a lot of people want robots to do the hard work.”\nContact us | Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy | Site Map | FAQ | Syndication | Advertising\n© Times Newspapers Ltd 2010 Registered in England No. 894646 Registered office: 1 Virginia Street, London, E98 1XY',NULL,'THE TIMES\nTHE SUNDAY TIMES\nTIMES+\nThe Times\nThe Sunday Times\nArchive Article\nPlease enjoy this article from The Times & The Sunday Times archives. For full access to our content, please subscribe here\nMY PROFILE\nFrom The Times\nNovember 26, 2009\nLook out! The robots are coming to take your job away\nLeo Lewis and Joseph Hood in Tokyo\nFor as long as anyone can remember, the Tokyo International Robot Exhibition\nhas been a showcase for Japan at its wackiest: stern industrial machines\nlurked backst...','http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article6931585.ece','text/html','html',22331,'ISO-8859-1','2011-01-25 16:13:49','Look out! The robots are coming to take your job away - Times Online',NULL,'000017.html','/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL),(18,29,'2011-01-26 00:15:32','2011-01-25','16:15:31','2011-01-25 16:15:31','jcarlos','2011-01-25','16:15:32','2011-01-25 16:15:32','jcarlos','Skip to article\nGet Home Delivery-Bay Area\nLog In\nRegister Now\nHome Page\nToday\'s Paper\nVideo\nMost Popular\nTimes Topics\nSearch All NYTimes.com\nDining & Wine\nWorld\nU.S.\nN.Y. / Region\nBusiness\nTechnology\nScience\nHealth\nSports\nOpinion\nArts\nStyle\nFashion & Style\nDining & Wine\nHome & Garden\nWeddings/Celebrations\nT Magazine\nTravel\nJobs\nReal Estate\nAutos\nJust Like Mombot Used to Make\nKim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters\nRobots that cook or serve include a robot that makes okonomiyaki (savory pancakes).\nSign In to E-Mail\nPrint\nSingle Page\nReprints\nBy IAN DALY\nPublished: February 23, 2010\n PITTSBURGH\nSkip to next paragraph\nRelated\nVideos of the Robots (via Youtube.com)\nA Motoman Robot Cooks Okonomiyaki (Savory Pancakes)\nThe Chief Cook Robot Makes an Omelet\nThe Snackbot at Work (nytimes.com)\nMaking Ramen at a Restaurant in Nagoya, Japan\nA Robot Prepares Octopus Balls\nThe Dynamizer Slices Cucumbers\nThe Robotic Sushi-Grabbing Hand\nReaders\' Opinions\nPost a Comment on Diner\'s Journal\nEnlarge This Image\nBasilio Noris\nThe Chief Cook Robot makes omelets.\n IN an empty fluorescent-lighted hallway on the second floor of Smith Hall here at Carnegie Mellon University, Prof. Paul Rybski and a pair of graduate students showed off their most advanced creation.\nThe culmination of two years of research and the collective expertise of 17 faculty members, undergraduates and doctoral students in the Human Robot Interaction Group, it is a robot outfitted with a $20,000 laser navigation system, sonar sensors and a Point Grey Bumblebee 2 stereo camera that functions as its eyes, which stare out from its clay-colored plastic, gender-neutral face.\nWith Dr. Rybski looking on like a proud parent, a bearded graduate student clacked away at a laptop on a roving service cart, and the robot rolled forward to fulfill its primary function: the delivery of one foil-wrapped Nature Valley trail-mix flavor granola bar.\n“Hello, I’m the Snackbot,” it said in a voice not unlike that of HAL 9000, from “2001: A Space Odyssey,” as its rectangular LED “mouth” pulsated to form the words. “I’ve come to deliver snacks to Ian. Is Ian here?”\nI responded affirmatively. “Oh, hello, Ian,” it said. “Here is your order. I believe it was a granola bar, right?”\nYes, it was. “All right, go ahead and take your snack. I’m sure it would be good, but I wouldn’t know. I prefer a snack of electricity.”\nDesigned to gather information on how robots interact with people (and how to improve homo-robo relations), the Snackbot has been carefully considered for maximum approachability in every detail, from its height to its color. The snack, not surprisingly, is the central component of that approachability.\n“We figured, what better way to get people to interact with a robot than have something that offers them food?” Dr. Rybski said.\nThe Snackbot is but one soldier in a veritable army of new robots designed to serve and cook food and, in the process, act as good-will ambassadors, and salesmen, for a more automated future.\nIn 2006, after four years of research and more than a quarter-million-dollar investment, Fanxing Science and Technology, a company in Shenzhen, China, unveiled what was called the “world’s first cooking robot” — AIC-AI Cooking Robot — able, at the touch of a button, to fry, bake, boil and steam its way through thousands of Chinese delicacies from at least three culinary regions.\nAIC-AI needs a special stove for cooking, but many of the mechanized culinary wizards developed since then can work on almost any kind of stove, as long as the robot is either shown ahead of time how a particular stove works or the stove’s characteristics are programmed into the robot’s software.\nIn 2008, scientists at the Learning Algorithms and Systems Laboratory in Lausanne, Switzerland, came out with one such teachable chef, the Chief Cook Robot, which can make omelets (ham and Gruyère were in its first) and bears a resemblance to the Pillsbury Doughboy. That same year, at the Osaka Museum of Creative Industries in Japan, a programmable robot began preparing takoyaki (octopus balls) from scratch, a chef’s bandana wrapped jauntily around its upper module.\nLast June, at the International Food Machinery and Technology Expo in Tokyo, a broad-shouldered Motoman SDA-10 robot with spatulas for arms made okonomiyaki (savory pancakes) for attendees; another robot grabbed sushi with an eerily realistic hand; and still another, the Dynamizer, sliced cucumbers at inhumanly fast speeds and occasionally complained about being tired and wanting to go home.\nThen, a month later in Nagoya, Japan, the Famen restaurant opened, with two giant yellow robot arms preparing up to 800 bowls of ramen a day. When it’s slow, the robots act out a scripted comedy routine and spar with knives.\n“The concept of this restaurant is that Robot No. 1 is the manager, which boils the noodles, and Robot No. 2 is the deputy manager, which prepares for soup and puts toppings,” said Famen’s owner, Kenji Nagaya. “Human staffs are working for the two robots.”\nIn the throes of an economic downturn, with unemployment rates mounting, the very idea of a robot chef might seem indulgent at best — at worst, downright offensive. But these robots aren’t likely to be running the grill stations or bringing you chowder anytime soon — and the bad economy might be part of the reason. At $100,000 a pair, Mr. Nagaya said, the cost of his robots is “too high to make bowls of ramen.”\n 2\n 3\nNext Page »\nYasue Aoi contributed reporting from Tokyo.\nMore Articles in\n Dining & Wine »\nA version of this article appeared in print on February 24, 2010, on page D1 of the New York edition.\n Sign In to E-Mail\nPrint\nSingle Page\nReprints\nThe Times & the Bay Area - now at 50% off when you subscribe for the convenience of home delivery.\nPast Coverage\nROBOT CHEF\'S NEW DISH: HAMBURGERS (May 27, 1987)\nNEW JERSEY JOURNAL (April 17, 1983)\nRelated Searches\nRobots\nGet E-Mail Alerts\nCooking and Cookbooks\nGet E-Mail Alerts\nMore Articles in\n Dining & Wine »\nMOST POPULAR\nE-Mailed\nBlogged\nSearched\nViewed\nCan a City This Self-Serious Take a Joke?\nDoes College Make You Smarter?\nAs Doctors Age, Worries About Their Ability Grow\nCold Jumps Arctic ‘Fence,’ Stoking Winter’s Fury\nLack of Sex Among Grapes Tangles a Family Vine\nOp-Ed Contributor: A Fighting Spirit Won’t Save Your Life\nBob Herbert: Raising False Alarms\nTo Really Learn, Quit Studying and Take a Test\nOur Towns: Against All Odds, a Beautiful Life\nMore to a Smile Than Lips and Teeth\nGo to Complete List »\nDeadly Blast Strikes in Moscow\'s Main Airport\nBush White House Broke Elections Law, Report Says\nEgypt Braces for Anti-Government Protests\nThe Competition Myth\nJack LaLanne, Founder of Modern Fitness Movement, Dies at 96\nYears of Strife Caught Up With Olbermann at MSNBC\nU.S. Embassy Bomber Receives a Life Sentence\nCarol Browner, Director of Policy on Climate Will Leave White House\nHezbollah-Backed Leader to Form Government in Lebanon\nPitch for Rebuilding Infrastructure Carries Political Challenges\nGo to Complete List »\nberlusconi\nmodern love\nchina\njanuary 2, 2011\nkeith olbermann\nkrugman\nsocial q\'s\neducation\namy chua\nkorea\nGo to Complete List »\nOscar Nominations: \'King\'s Speech\' Tops List\nThe 83rd Annual Oscar Nominations\nDavid Brooks: The Talent Magnet\nA Hefty Price for Entry to Davos\nCan a City This Self-Serious Take a Joke?\nCold Jumps Arctic ‘Fence,’ Stoking Winter’s Fury\nBroad Protests Across Egypt Focus Fury on Mubarak\nBob Herbert: Raising False Alarms\nEditorial: What Comes After No?\nMore to a Smile Than Lips and Teeth\nSounds of kindness in Tucson\nAlso in Video »\nGoldman\'s golden ticket\nCritics\' Picks: \"Rosemary\'s Baby\"\nAdvertisements\nFind your dream home with\nThe New York Times Real Estate\nThe new issue of T is here\nSee the news in the making. 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GM plans to adapt the technology for use in future vehicles and in manufacturing plants.\nBy Rachael King\n Business Week\nupdated\n 6/8/2010 8:19:49 AM ET-06-08T12:19:49\nShare\nPrint\nFont:\n+\n-\nOne of Linda Muniz\'s newest colleagues is a robot that makes deliveries. On a recent morning, Muniz greeted the robot as it rolled up to the nursing station at El Camino Hospital in the Silicon Valley community of Mountain View, Calif., and announced its presence in a polite female voice.\n\"I call her \'Tugette,\' \" says Muniz, who works in hospital admissions. The voice is about the only feminine part of this robot, which was developed by Aethon as part of a product line called Tug, which automatically transports food, medicine, and lab samples around hospitals. The robot looks like a cabinet attached to a giant vacuum cleaner. Muniz can unload Tugette\'s cabinet, press a green button, and send the machine rolling to its next delivery.\nWhile robots have been around for decades, they\'ve mostly been used in manufacturing jobs considered too dangerous for humans. \"Big robots were often behind fences, \" says Jeff Burnstein, president of the Robotic Industries Assn., a trade group in Ann Arbor, Mich., that promotes wider use of robots in industry. \"Now, we\'re seeing movement in making robots more intrinsically safe so they can work side-by-side with humans.\"\nThanks to more advanced sensors and safety technology that can prevent them from injuring people, robots are moving beyond factories and into different types of work. As robots and workers interact more extensively, manufacturers are coping with dramatic expectations from their human counterparts and trying to moderate employees\' emotional responses by building a measure of cuteness into the machines. \"There\'s a cultural element that\'s helped keep robots out of the workplace,\" says Larry Fisher, research director at market researcher ABI Research. Unlike the Japanese, who are more accepting when robots mix with people, Americans reflect greater conditioning from such movies as \"The Terminator\" and fear robots. \"You\'re not too anxious to have those come into your office,\" says Fisher.\nA further challenge for would-be buyers will be cost. Robots that enable videoconferencing in the office cost thousands of dollars and it remains to be seen if companies can make the business case for buying them.\nMany companies are pressing ahead to place robots in unconventional settings. Safety advances make it possible for companies that include Crate & Barrel, Diapers.com, and Gap to use robots such as those from Kiva Systems in warehouses to fulfill orders faster. Kiva\'s robots incorporate industrial shelves on wheels, which a worker can summon to a convenient point in a warehouse. Online retailer Diapers.com employs more than 350 of the robots in three warehouses, and is adding \"hundreds per month,\" says Executive Vice-President Scott Hilton. Retailer Crate & Barrel has purchased Kiva robots to be installed in its Tracy, Calif., distribution center in July. One reason Crate & Barrel and Diapers.com decided to use Kiva robots is that the robots can work in the dark, reducing carbon emissions and saving money on air-conditioning and lighting.\nGeneral Motors and NASA announced on Apr. 14 that they had jointly developed a humanoid named Robonaut 2, featuring arms and hands that can use human tools. Later this year, R2 will travel to the International Space Station. NASA says the prototype might evolve to one day stand in for humans on spacewalks or perform tasks deemed too difficult or dangerous. GM is now looking to develop further uses for the vision, motion, and sensor technologies built into R2, perhaps to enable cars to reverse with greater security or to make robots more capable of working safely alongside humans in plants. Marty Linn, a principal robotics engineer at GM, says Robonaut\'s capabilities could be adapted for electric vehicles, which feature similar types of electronic controls.\n Advertise | AdChoices\nAdvertise | AdChoices\nAdvertise | AdChoices\nThe robotics market has historically been divided into industrial-use robots, which sold for tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, and consumer-oriented robots such as iRobot\'s Roomba vacuum cleaner, which starts at $160. The fields are converging, with advances in commercial and military robotics trickling down to the consumer market as component prices fall. The worldwide market for personal robots—defined as consumer robots that have some intelligence, use sensors to interact with their environment, and perform a desired function — is expected to reach $5.26 billion by 2015, up from $1.16 billion in 2009, according to ABI Research.\nRobot makers are seeking new markets. A slew of videoconferencing robots are coming onto the market from makers such as Anybots, Willow Garage, and Vgo Communications, formerly known as North End Technologies. The logic is that workers in another location can use the Internet to control the robots and dispatch them around a workplace to find and speak to colleagues.\nUsing the Anybots device known as QB, for example, it\'s possible for a remote operator to roll up to a colleague and ask an impromptu question, replicating in some measure the unplanned conversations that occur in offices.\nAt El Camino Hospital in Silicon Valley, 19 robots fulfill a range of tasks, from delivering medication and food to taking out trash. Hiring as many humans to make deliveries would have cost the hospital more than $1 million a year, says Ken King, vice-president of facilities and support services. Leasing the robots from Aethon costs $350,000 a year, which helps the hospital contain costs and offer patients affordable health care, he says.\nThe Tug robots pull their weight, say hospital officials. Tugette, for example, rolls through El Camino Hospital\'s corridors making deliveries around the clock, opening doors, summoning elevators, and speaking politely with workers and patients.\nAethon Chief Executive Officer Aldo Zini says his company\'s robots are used in jobs that people find distasteful or hazardous, such as picking up infectious waste. There\'s another benefit, he adds: \"They don\'t take breaks and vacation and you don\'t have to pay them benefits.\"\nCopyright © 2011 Bloomberg L.P.All rights reserved.\nDiscuss:\nDiscussion comments\n“\n”\nExpand\nCollapse\n,\nReply\nAdvertise | AdChoices\nAdvertise | AdChoices\nAdvertise | AdChoices\nView all comments\nLeave your comment\nYou\nMost active discussions\nvotes\ncomments\nvotes\ncomments\nvotes\ncomments\nvotes\ncomments\nShow discussion\nRelated:\nBloomberg Businessweek\nMajor market indices\nDJIA\n-\nNASDAQ\n-\nS&P 500\n-\nAdvertise | AdChoices\nMore U.S. business\nUpdated 22 minutes ago/25/2011 11:54:05 PM +00:00\nBofA\'s Countrywide sued for \'massive fraud\'\nFinancial crisis panel refers cases to Justice\nMerrill paying $10M to settle SEC fraud charges\nUpdated 9 minutes ago/26/2011 12:07:32 AM +00:00\nGoogle to hire more than 6,200 workers this year\nIndustrial heartland showing signs of life\nMore stories from\n Companies are spending on Super Bowl again\nFor-profit college grads also earn a life of debt\nHow Manheim Steamroller rules Christmas\nThe rapidly expanding world of kosher food\nRelated videos\nVideo\nSuit questions Taco Bell beef\nVideo\nCars getting ‘Intelli-Drive’\nVideo\nCompanies pass on the Super Bowl\nVideo\nEconomy and State of the Union\nSearch\nMost popular on msnbc.com\nCategories\nAll\nU.S. & World\nPolitics\nBusiness\nSports\nEntertainment\nHealth\nTech & science\nTravel\nMost popular\n Top stories in the last hour\nViews\nLoading popular content ...\nPopular stories currently unavailable\nTop videos\nPopular videos currently unavailable\nAdvertise | AdChoices\nmsnbc.com\nsites & shows:\nTODAY\nNightly News\nMeet the Press\nDateline\nMaddow\nThe Last Word\nHardball\nmsnbc tv\nNewsvine\nEveryBlock\n© 2011 msnbc.com\nAbout us\nHelp\n Advertise\nCareers\nContact\nAlerts\nFeeds\nPodcasts\n Apps\n Widgets\nStock data\nMSN Privacy\n Terms & conditions\n About our ads\nSite map\n General Motors\nJump to text\nOne of Linda Muniz\'s newest colleagues is a robo...\nJump to discussion\nYour new co-worker may be a robot',NULL,'Jump to story headline\nMSN\nHotmail\nMore\nAutos\nMy MSN\nVideo\nCareers & Jobs\nPersonals\nWeather\nDelish\nQuotes\nWhite Pages\nGames\nReal Estate\nWonderwall\nHoroscopes\nShopping\nYellow Pages\nLocal Edition\nTraffic\nFeedback\nMaps & Directions\nTravel\nFull MSN Index\nBing\nmsnbc.com\nsites & shows:\nTODAY\nNightly News\nMeet the Press\nDateline\nMaddow\nThe Last Word\nHardball\nmsnbc tv\nNewsvine\nEveryBlock\nHome\nU.S.\nWorld\nPolitics\nBusiness\nSports\nEntertainment\nHealth\nTech & science\nTravel\nLocal\nWeather\nBloomberg Busine...','http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37542194/ns/business-bloomberg_businessweek/','text/html','html',63230,'UTF-8',NULL,'Soon ‘the new guy’ at work may be a robot - Business - Bloomberg Businessweek - msnbc.com',NULL,'000019.html','/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL,'Aethon, Tugette, Linda Muniz, El Camino Hospital',NULL,NULL,0,NULL),(20,31,'2011-01-26 00:18:37','2011-01-25','16:18:36','2011-01-25 16:18:36','jcarlos','2011-01-25','16:18:37','2011-01-25 16:18:37','jcarlos','Get Home Delivery-Bay Area\nLog In\nRegister Now\nHome Page\nToday\'s Paper\nVideo\nMost Popular\nTimes Topics\nSearch All NYTimes.com\nScience\nWorld\nU.S.\nN.Y. / Region\nBusiness\nTechnology\nScience\nEnvironment\nSpace & Cosmos\nHealth\nSports\nOpinion\nArts\nStyle\nTravel\nJobs\nReal Estate\nAutos\nSmarter Than You Think\nComputers Learn to Listen, and Some Talk Back\nStuart Isett for The New York Times\nEric Horvitz’s receptionist at Microsoft is a computer that can interact with visitors outside his office in Redmond, Wash.\n By STEVE LOHR and JOHN MARKOFF\nPublished: June 24, 2010\ncomments\nSign In to E-Mail\nPrint\nSingle Page\nReprints\n“Hi, thanks for coming,” the medical assistant says, greeting a mother with her 5-year-old son. “Are you here for your child or yourself?”\n Smarter Than You Think\nCommunicating With Computers\nArticles in this series are examining the recent advances in artificial intelligence and robotics and their potential impact on society.\nGo to Series Page »\nMultimedia\nInteractive Feature\nBuilding Smarter Machines\nGraphic\nA Doctor’s Office, Revisited\nVideo\nMedical Bayesian Kiosk\nRelated\nJobs Created and Displaced\n(June 25, 2010)\nSpeech Recognition’s Early Days\n(June 25, 2010)\nSmarter Than You Think: What Is I.B.M.’s Watson?\n(June 20, 2010)\nRSS Feed\nGet Science News From The New York Times »\nEnlarge This Image\nJodi Hilton for The New York Times\nDr. Michael Lee with Chantelia Garrity and her daughter this month in Norwood, Mass. Dr. Lee uses speech software to transcribe his recorded notes.\nThe boy, the mother replies. He has diarrhea.\n“Oh no, sorry to hear that,” she says, looking down at the boy.\nThe assistant asks the mother about other symptoms, including fever (“slight”) and abdominal pain (“He hasn’t been complaining”).\nShe turns again to the boy. “Has your tummy been hurting?” Yes, he replies.\nAfter a few more questions, the assistant declares herself “not that concerned at this point.” She schedules an appointment with a doctor in a couple of days. The mother leads her son from the room, holding his hand. But he keeps looking back at the assistant, fascinated, as if reluctant to leave.\nMaybe that is because the assistant is the disembodied likeness of a woman’s face on a computer screen — a no-frills avatar. Her words of sympathy are jerky, flat and mechanical. But she has the right stuff — the ability to understand speech, recognize pediatric conditions and reason according to simple rules — to make an initial diagnosis of a childhood ailment and its seriousness. And to win the trust of a little boy.\n“Our young children and grandchildren will think it is completely natural to talk to machines that look at them and understand them,” said Eric Horvitz, a computer scientist at Microsoft’s research laboratory who led the medical avatar project, one of several intended to show how people and computers may communicate before long.\nFor decades, computer scientists have been pursuing artificial intelligence — the use of computers to simulate human thinking. But in recent years, rapid progress has been made in machines that can listen, speak, see, reason and learn, in their way. The prospect, according to scientists and economists, is not only that artificial intelligence will transform the way humans and machines communicate and collaborate, but will also eliminate millions of jobs, create many others and change the nature of work and daily routines.\nThe artificial intelligence technology that has moved furthest into the mainstream is computer understanding of what humans are saying. People increasingly talk to their cellphones to find things, instead of typing. Both Google’s and Microsoft’s search services now respond to voice commands. More drivers are asking their cars to do things like find directions or play music.\nThe number of American doctors using speech software to record and transcribe accounts of patient visits and treatments has more than tripled in the past three years to 150,000. The progress is striking. A few years ago, supraspinatus (a rotator cuff muscle) got translated as “fish banana.” Today, the software transcribes all kinds of medical terminology letter perfect, doctors say. It has more trouble with other words and grammar, requiring wording changes in about one of every four sentences, doctors say.\n“It’s unbelievably better than it was five years ago,” said Dr. Michael A. Lee, a pediatrician in Norwood, Mass., who now routinely uses transcription software. “But it struggles with ‘she’ and ‘he,’ for some reason. When I say ‘she,’ it writes ‘he.’ The technology is sexist. It likes to write ‘he.’ ”\nMeanwhile, translation software being tested by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is fast enough to keep up with some simple conversations. With some troops in Iraq, English is translated to Arabic and Arabic to English. But there is still a long way to go. When a soldier asked a civilian, “What are you transporting in your truck?” the Arabic reply was that the truck was “carrying tomatoes.” But the English translation became “pregnant tomatoes.” The speech software understood “carrying,” but not the context.\nYet if far from perfect, speech recognition software is good enough to be useful in more ways all the time. Take call centers. Today, voice software enables many calls to be automated entirely. And more advanced systems can understand even a perplexed, rambling customer with a misbehaving product well enough to route the caller to someone trained in that product, saving time and frustration for the customer. They can detect anger in a caller’s voice and respond accordingly — usually by routing the call to a manager.\nSo the outlook is uncertain for many of the estimated four million workers in American call centers or the nation’s 100,000 medical transcriptionists, whose jobs were already threatened by outsourcing abroad. “Basic work that can be automated is in the bull’s-eye of both technology and globalization, and the rise of artificial intelligence just magnifies that reality,” said Erik Brynjolfsson, an economist at the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.\n 1\n 2\n 3\n 4\nNext Page »\nThis article has been revised to reflect the following correction:\nCorrection: July 2, 2010\nAn article on June 25 about progress in speech recognition technology misidentified the company that used the technology to identify increased use of the phrase “cash for clunkers.” The company was a customer of Verint, which supplies speech analysis software to call centers; it was not Aetna Insurance. (Verint would not identify the customer.)\nA version of this article appeared in print on June 25, 2010, on page A1 of the New York edition.\ncomments\nSign In to E-Mail\nPrint\nSingle Page\nReprints\nThe Times & the Bay Area - now at 50% off when you subscribe for the convenience of home delivery.\nPast Coverage\nSpeech Recognition\'s Early Days (June 25, 2010)\nTECHNOLOGY; Need to Fix a Computer? 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Computers Learn to Listen, and Some Talk Back - NYTimes.com',NULL,'000020.html','/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL,'Voice Recognition Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Computers and the Internet,Software,Customer Relations,Horvitz Eric,Microsoft Corp',NULL,NULL,0,NULL),(21,35,'2011-01-26 00:19:43','2011-01-25','16:19:41','2011-01-25 16:19:41','jcarlos','2011-01-25','16:19:43','2011-01-25 16:19:43','jcarlos','This Was Printed From Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal\nThe Business Journals Digital Network:\nThe Business Journals\nAlbany\nAlbuquerque\nAtlanta\nAustin\nBaltimore\nBirmingham\nBoston\nBuffalo\nCharlotte\nCincinnati\nColumbus\nDallas\nDayton\nDenver\nGreensboro/Winston-Salem/HP\nHonolulu\nHouston\nJacksonville\nKansas City\nLos Angeles\nLouisville\nMemphis\nMilwaukee\nMinneapolis/St. Paul\nNashville\nOrlando\nPhiladelphia\nPhoenix\nPittsburgh\nPortland\nRaleigh/Durham\nSacramento\nSan Antonio\nSan Francisco\nSan Jose\nSeattle\nSouth Florida\nSt. Louis\nTampa Bay\nWashington, D.C.\nWichita\nLocal Business Directory\nAlbany\nAlbuquerque\nAtlanta\nAustin\nBaltimore\nBirmingham\nBoston\nBuffalo\nCharlotte\nCincinnati\nColumbus\nDallas\nDayton\nDenver\nGreensboro/Winston-Salem/HP\nHonolulu\nHouston\nJacksonville\nKansas City\nLouisville\nMemphis\nMilwaukee\nMinneapolis/St. Paul\nNashville\nOrlando\nPhiladelphia\nPhoenix\nPittsburgh\nPortland\nRaleigh/Durham\nSacramento\nSan Antonio\nSan Francisco\nSan Jose\nSeattle\nSouth Florida\nSt. Louis\nTampa Bay\nWashington, D.C.\nWichita\nBook of Lists\nAlbany\nAlbuquerque\nAllentown\nAtlanta\nAustin\nBaltimore\nBirmingham\nBoston\nBuffalo\nCharleston\nCharlotte\nChicago\nCincinnati\nCleveland\nColumbia\nColumbus\nDallas\nDayton\nDenver\nDetroit\nEast Bay\nEl Paso\nGrand Rapids\nGreensboro/Winston-Salem/HP\nGreenville\nHonolulu\nHouston\nIndianapolis\nJackson\nJacksonville\nKansas City\nLas Vegas\nLos Angeles\nLouisville\nMemphis\nMilwaukee\nMinneapolis/St. Paul\nNashville\nNew Brunswick\nNew Orleans\nNew York\nOklahoma City\nOrange County\nOrlando\nPhiladelphia\nPhoenix\nPittsburgh\nPortland\nProvidence\nRaleigh/Durham\nSacramento\nSan Antonio\nSan Diego\nSan Fernando\nSan Francisco\nSan Jose\nSanta Barbara\nSanta Rosa\nSeattle\nSouth Florida\nSt. Louis\nSyracuse\nTampa Bay\nWashington, D.C.\nWestern Michigan\nWhite Plains\nWichita\nPortfolio.com\nSubscribe - 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by Mary Duan\n Date: Sunday, June 21, 2009, 9:00pm PDT - Last Modified: Thursday, June 18, 2009, 12:57pm PDT\nRelated:\nTechnology, Education\n Enlarge Image\nBruce Klein, Singularity University’s vice president of university relations, and Susan Fonseca-Klein, vice president of operations, outside a university classroom building at NASA Ames Research Center, said the school will run for nine weeks starting June 27 and include 40 graduates and post-doctorate students.\nRelated News\nGoogle gives Schmidt $100M\nMore weakening expected in Yahoo revenue\nBusinesses asked to fund train study\nGoogle to launch Groupon competitor\nSchmidt seen out as Google chair in year\nMOUNTAIN VIEW — Imagine attacking world hunger from an Artificial Intelligence or robotics standpoint, or clean water from the perspective of a nanotechnologist.\nFor nine weeks starting at the end of June, a select group of graduate and post-doctoral students from around the world will gather at NASA Ames Research Center to study a variety of the world’s deep challenges, with major financial backing from Google Inc. and a variety of tech leaders from Silicon Valley.\nThe hope for Singularity University, as the institution is known, is that new companies and technologies will be created by the synergy of the cross-disciplinary curriculum.\nMountain View-based Google Inc. provided $250,000 to get the school up and running. Other sponsors at the $100,000-plus level include David Rose, CEO of Angelsoft and managing partner at Rose Tech Ventures; Reese Jones, founder of Netopia Inc., a Motorola Inc. company; and Sonia Arrison, a senior fellow at the Pacific Research Institute.\nGoogle spokesman Andy Pederson said the company became a corporate founder of Singularity because the university’s mission fits well with Google’s — and it’s in Google’s own backyard.\n“It’s a good culture fit with people in the valley and people at Google, who like space and technology and pushing the boundaries,” Pederson said.\nPalo Alto resident Keith Kleiner, Google’s former manager of hardware operations who now runs The Haymar Fund, and wife, Mariela, invested more than $100,000 to help get Singularity University off the ground.\n“These technologies are booming and exploding, and we’re all concerned about where all this stuff is taking us,” said Kleiner, who also runs the blog singularityhub.com. “These are ideas that deserve thought and attention, and Silicon Valley is the proper place for this to take place.”\nFirst class of students\nBased on the teachings of futurist and inventor Ray Kurzweil, Singularity University will run for nine weeks starting June 27. Only 40 students were accepted from more than 1,200 candidates. Of those, 17 are from the U.S., and two are graduate students or post-grad students at Stanford University.\nThe names of the students won’t be released until the school begins, university Vice President of Operations Susan Fonseca-Klein said.\nStudents will pay $25,000 for the nine-week course, which will culminate with a three-week project called “10^9+” (10 to the 9th, plus) to figure out how they can positively impact 1 billion people worldwide in 10 years by leveraging accelerating technologies.\n“Students get to choose the grand challenge, but we gave them some parameters in that we want them to take on water, climate change and energy or human health,” Fonseca-Klein said. “Those are some of the biggest challenges facing the world right now, and they will be designing solutions and strategies.”\nAt the end of the nine weeks, students will present their results before a panel composed of representatives from private and public industries. They will also launch a Web site and other deliverables to serve as a launchpad for practical solutions. Lectures, including those from Nobel Prize-winning physicist and University of California, Berkeley Professor George Smoot, will be available to the public online, at no charge.\nCreate strategies for change\nIn launching SU at the Technology, Entertainment and Design conference in February, Kurzweil explained Singularity this way: When he was a student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, there was one computer available, and it was the size of a building. Now, he has a computer a million times cheaper and a thousand times more powerful in his pocket — his cell phone. And in 20 years, an even smaller and more powerful computer could be injected into a blood cell.\n“I do think it’s true that at some point in the future, computers will get smart enough to design themselves, and we do need to think about the implications of that,” said Ron Hornbaker, CEO of the venture-backed FooMojo Inc., a Redwood City-based creator of virtual pets known as FooPets. Hornbaker attended the founder’s meeting of the school, but has since stepped back to focus on his startup.\n“Singularity University is building awareness and strategies to harness that power to use it to our benefit,” he said.\nDan Whaley, CEO of Climos, a San Francisco environmental company exploring ways to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, and co-chair of the Energy and Environment track, studies climate singularity — the idea that a potential climate catastrophe could occur because we’re pushing systems beyond their ability to rebound.\nHe described the students coming to the university as “transformational game changers.”\n“Hopefully we will empower them to change the world via deep thinking about the future,” Whaley said.\nAcademic tracks for the inaugural session include:\nFuture Studies and Forecasting\nPolicy, Law and Ethics\nFinance and Entrepreneurship\nNetworks and Computing Systems\nBiotechnology and Bioinformatics\nNanotechnology\nMedicine, Neuroscience and Human Enhancement\nAI and Robotics\nEnergy and Ecological Systems\nSpace and Physical Sciences\nNames to know\nThe more than 70 track chairs, co-chairs and advisers for the inaugural session of Singularity University involve some big names in the valley, including the following:\n�\nRobert Taylor, member of the Palo Alto law firm Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, PC\nWill Wright, creator of SimCity and Spore, creator of the Berkeley-based think tank Stupid Fun Club\nTom Byers, professor at Stanford University and faculty director of the Stanford Technology Ventures Program\nVint Cerf, vice president and chief Internet evangelist, Google Inc.\nDavid Haussler, professor of biomolecular engineering, UC Santa Cruz\n Neil Jacobstein, CEO of Teknowledge Corp.\n Dharmendra Modha, manager of cognitive computing, IBM Corp. Almaden\nDan Whaley, founder and CEO of Climos\nStephanie Langhoff, chief scientist, NASA Ames Research Center�\nYou\'re almost there...\nTo access the full benefits of bizWatch and receive a weekly email with aggregated news on all the companies you are following, please provide your email address below.\nSign Up Now\nYou must have a bizjournals account to follow a company.\nPlease Log In or Register.\nTweet\nSee Comments\nRelated Research\nSee More White Papers\nAdd a Whitepaper\nRelated Data\nDiscover which companies are leading their industries in San Jose.\nDirectly from the Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal, take advantage of\nvaluable data, including sales figures, staff sizes and more. 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That’s So Yesterday\nBy ASHLEE VANCE\nPublished: June 12, 2010\ncomments\nSign In to E-Mail\nPrint\nSingle Page\nReprints\nMOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.\nEnlarge This Image\nBruno Mallert\nMore Photos »\nMultimedia\nSlide Show\nThe Futurist and His Followers\nVideo\nThe \'BrinBot\'\nAdd to Portfolio\nGoogle Inc\nGo to your Portfolio »\nON a Tuesday evening this spring, Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Google, became part man and part machine. About 40 people, all gathered here at a NASA campus for a nine-day, $15,000 course at Singularity University, saw it happen.\nWhile the flesh-and-blood version of Mr. Brin sat miles away at a computer capable of remotely steering a robot, the gizmo rolling around here consisted of a printer-size base with wheels attached to a boxy, head-height screen glowing with an image of Mr. Brin’s face. The BrinBot obeyed its human commander and sputtered around from group to group, talking to attendees about Google and other topics via a videoconferencing system.\nThe BrinBot was hardly something out of\n“Star Trek.”\nIt had a rudimentary, no-frills design and was a hodgepodge of loosely integrated technologies. Yet it also smacked of a future that the Singularity University founders hold dear and often discuss with a techno-utopian bravado: the arrival of the Singularity — a time, possibly just a couple decades from now, when a superior intelligence will dominate and life will take on an altered form that we can’t predict or comprehend in our current, limited state.\nAt that point, the Singularity holds, human beings and machines will so effortlessly and elegantly merge that poor health, the ravages of old age and even death itself will all be things of the past.\nSome of Silicon Valley’s smartest and wealthiest people have embraced the Singularity. They believe that technology may be the only way to solve the world’s ills, while also allowing people to seize control of the evolutionary process. For those who haven’t noticed, the Valley’s most-celebrated company — Google — works daily on building a giant brain that harnesses the thinking power of humans in order to surpass the thinking power of humans.\nLarry Page, Google’s other co-founder, helped set up Singularity University in 2008, and the company has supported it with more than $250,000 in donations. Some of Google’s earliest employees are, thanks to personal donations of $100,000 each, among the university’s “founding circle.” (Mr. Page did not respond to interview requests.)\nThe university represents the more concrete side of the Singularity, and focuses on introducing entrepreneurs to promising technologies. Hundreds of students worldwide apply to snare one of 80 available spots in a separate 10-week “graduate” course that costs $25,000. Chief executives, inventors, doctors and investors jockey for admission to the more intimate, nine-day courses called executive programs.\nBoth courses include face time with leading thinkers in the areas of nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, energy, biotech, robotics and computing.\nOn a more millennialist and provocative note, the Singularity also offers a modern-day, quasi-religious answer to the Fountain of Youth by affirming the notion that, yes indeed, humans — or at least something derived from them — can have it all.\n“We will transcend all of the limitations of our biology,” says Raymond Kurzweil, the inventor and businessman who is the Singularity’s most ubiquitous spokesman and boasts that he intends to live for hundreds of years and resurrect the dead, including his own father. “That is what it means to be human — to extend who we are.”\nBut, of course, one person’s utopia is another person’s dystopia.\nIn the years since the Unabomber, Theodore J. Kaczynski, violently inveighed against the predations of technology, plenty of other more sober and sophisticated warnings have arrived. There are camps of environmentalists who decry efforts to manipulate nature, challenges from religious groups that see the Singularity as a version of\n“Frankenstein”\nin which people play at being gods, and technologists who fear a runaway artificial intelligence that subjugates humans.\nA popular network television show, “Fringe,” playfully explores some of these concerns by featuring a mad scientist and a team of federal agents investigating crimes related to the Pattern — an influx of threatening events caused by out-of-control technology like computer programs that melt brains and genetically engineered chimeras that go on killing sprees.\nSome of the Singularity’s adherents portray a future where humans break off into two species: the Haves, who have superior intelligence and can live for hundreds of years, and the Have-Nots, who are hampered by their antiquated, corporeal forms and beliefs.\n 1\n 2\n 3\n 4\n 5\n 6\nNext Page »\nA version of this article appeared in print on June 13, 2010, on page BU1 of the New York edition.\ncomments\nSign In to E-Mail\nPrint\nSingle Page\nReprints\nThe Times & the Bay Area - now at 50% off when you subscribe for the convenience of home delivery.\nPast Coverage\nMerely Human? So Yesterday (June 13, 2010)\nAy Robot! Scientists Worry Machines May Outsmart Man (July 26, 2009)\nThe Coming Superbrain (May 24, 2009)\nFINDINGS; Technology That Outthinks Us: A Partner or a Master? (August 26, 2008)\nRelated Searches\nArtificial Intelligence\nGet E-Mail Alerts\nRobots\nGet E-Mail Alerts\nLongevity\nGet E-Mail Alerts\nGoogle Inc\nGet E-Mail Alerts\nMOST POPULAR - BUSINESS\nE-Mailed\nBlogged\nViewed\nDealBook: A Hefty Price for Entry to Davos\nU.S. Home Prices Slump Again, Hitting New Lows\nOlbermann Split Came After Years of Tension\nAlternative Fuels Don’t Benefit the Military, a RAND Report Says\nFood Makers Devise Own Label Plan\nYour Money: With Retirement Savings, It’s a Sprint to the Finish\nStates Help Ex-Inmates Find Jobs\nF.D.A. Is Studying the Risk of Electroshock Devices\nMortgage Giants Leave Legal Bills to the Taxpayers\nSmall Bookstores Struggle for Niche in Shifting Times\nGo to Complete List »\nFrances Fox Piven, Glenn Beck Target, Has Been Threatened\nState Bankruptcy Option Is Sought, Quietly\nMTV\'s \'Skins\' Casts Teenagers in Racy Scenes, and Raises Doubts\nYears of Strife Caught Up With Olbermann at MSNBC\n\'Skins\' Suggests Error of MTV\'s Ways\nLos Angeles Times Has Lost Standing at Home\nVerizon Sues F.C.C. over Order on Blocking Web Sites\nJobless Rate Points to Lost Power in Work Force - Economic Scene\nWal-Mart Plans to Make Its House Brand Healthier\nSundance Is Selling, but Prices Are Down\nGo to Complete List »\nA Hefty Price for Entry to Davos\nU.S. Home Prices Slump Again, Hitting New Lows\nFood Makers Devise Own Label Plan\nOlbermann Split Came After Years of Tension\nThe Media Equation: MTV’s Naked Calculation Gone Bad\nUncertainty Over Economy Clouds Obama Speech\nAlternative Fuels Don’t Benefit the Military, a RAND Report Says\nA Hot Topic for Davos: China\'s Big Challenges\nMortgage Giants Leave Legal Bills to the Taxpayers\nYour Money: With Retirement Savings, It’s a Sprint to the Finish\nFirst lady in red\nAlso on NYTimes.com\nRestaurants on the A-list\nA long journey into the Ecuadorean forest\nAdvertisements\nFind your dream home with\nThe New York Times Real Estate\nThe new issue of T is here\nSee the news in the making. Watch TimesCast, a daily news video.\nAdvertise on NYTimes.com\nInside NYTimes.com\n Music »\nThe Sweeping Gestures of a Swiveling Maestro\nU.S. »\nFor Distant Funerals, Mourners Gather Online\nOpinion »\nBloggingheads: Repeal and Don’t Replace?\nA debate on “repeal and replace” and whether Republicans need their own health care plan.\nBusiness »\nFood Makers Devise Own Label Plan\nOpinion »\nDoes College Make You Smarter?\nA Room for Debate forum on why students learn so little in the first years of college.\nMagazine »\nMartin Peretz Is Not Sorry About Anything\nBooks »\nWhat Africa Brought to the Table\nWorld »\nThai Inquiry Into Violence Falters\nScience »\n Harnessing the Brain to Capture Many Kings\nOpinion »\nFixes: Training for the Workplace\nThe non-profit program Year Up is getting low-income young people into jobs by training them in the culture of work.\nHealth »\n A Young Life Passes, and a Ritual of Birth Begins\nOpinion »\nOp-Ed: The Bright Side of Blight\nHome\nWorld\nU.S.\nN.Y. / Region\nBusiness\nTechnology\nScience\nHealth\nSports\nOpinion\nArts\nStyle\nTravel\nJobs\nReal Estate\nAutos\nBack to Top\nCopyright 2010 The New York Times Company\nPrivacy\nTerms of Service\nSearch\nCorrections\nRSS\nFirst Look\nHelp\nContact Us\nWork for Us\nAdvertise\nSite Map',NULL,'Get Home Delivery-Bay Area\nLog In\nRegister Now\nHome Page\nToday\'s Paper\nVideo\nMost Popular\nTimes Topics\nSearch All NYTimes.com\nBusiness Day\nWorld\nU.S.\nN.Y. / Region\nBusiness\nTechnology\nScience\nHealth\nSports\nOpinion\nArts\nStyle\nTravel\nJobs\nReal Estate\nAutos\nGlobal\nDealBook\nMarkets\nEconomy\nEnergy\nMedia\nPersonal Tech\nSmall Business\nYour Money\nMerely Human? That’s So Yesterday\nBy ASHLEE VANCE\nPublished: June 12, 2010\ncomments\nSign In to E-Mail\nPrint\nSingle Page\nReprints\nMOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.\nEnlarg...','http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/13/business/13sing.html','text/html','html',71885,'utf-8',NULL,'In the Singularity Movement, Humans Are So Yesterday - NYTimes.com',NULL,'000022.html','/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL,'Artificial Intelligence,Robots,Longevity,Kurzweil Raymond,Brin Sergey,Page Larry,Diamandis Peter H,Google Inc,National Aeronautics and Space Administration,Silicon Valley (Calif),Singularity',NULL,NULL,0,NULL),(23,37,'2011-01-26 00:25:38','2011-01-25','16:25:37','2011-01-25 16:25:37','jcarlos','2011-01-25','16:25:37','2011-01-25 16:25:37','jcarlos','Get Home Delivery-Bay Area\nLog In\nRegister Now\nHome Page\nToday\'s Paper\nVideo\nMost Popular\nTimes Topics\nSearch All NYTimes.com\nBusiness Day\nWorld\nU.S.\nN.Y. / Region\nBusiness\nTechnology\nScience\nHealth\nSports\nOpinion\nArts\nStyle\nTravel\nJobs\nReal Estate\nAutos\nGlobal\nDealBook\nMarkets\nEconomy\nEnergy\nMedia\nPersonal Tech\nSmall Business\nYour Money\nMerely Human? That’s So Yesterday\nBy ASHLEE VANCE\nPublished: June 12, 2010\ncomments\nSign In to E-Mail\nPrint\nSingle Page\nReprints\nMOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.\nEnlarge This Image\nBruno Mallert\nMore Photos »\nMultimedia\nSlide Show\nThe Futurist and His Followers\nVideo\nThe \'BrinBot\'\nAdd to Portfolio\nGoogle Inc\nGo to your Portfolio »\nON a Tuesday evening this spring, Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Google, became part man and part machine. About 40 people, all gathered here at a NASA campus for a nine-day, $15,000 course at Singularity University, saw it happen.\nWhile the flesh-and-blood version of Mr. Brin sat miles away at a computer capable of remotely steering a robot, the gizmo rolling around here consisted of a printer-size base with wheels attached to a boxy, head-height screen glowing with an image of Mr. Brin’s face. The BrinBot obeyed its human commander and sputtered around from group to group, talking to attendees about Google and other topics via a videoconferencing system.\nThe BrinBot was hardly something out of\n“Star Trek.”\nIt had a rudimentary, no-frills design and was a hodgepodge of loosely integrated technologies. Yet it also smacked of a future that the Singularity University founders hold dear and often discuss with a techno-utopian bravado: the arrival of the Singularity — a time, possibly just a couple decades from now, when a superior intelligence will dominate and life will take on an altered form that we can’t predict or comprehend in our current, limited state.\nAt that point, the Singularity holds, human beings and machines will so effortlessly and elegantly merge that poor health, the ravages of old age and even death itself will all be things of the past.\nSome of Silicon Valley’s smartest and wealthiest people have embraced the Singularity. They believe that technology may be the only way to solve the world’s ills, while also allowing people to seize control of the evolutionary process. For those who haven’t noticed, the Valley’s most-celebrated company — Google — works daily on building a giant brain that harnesses the thinking power of humans in order to surpass the thinking power of humans.\nLarry Page, Google’s other co-founder, helped set up Singularity University in 2008, and the company has supported it with more than $250,000 in donations. Some of Google’s earliest employees are, thanks to personal donations of $100,000 each, among the university’s “founding circle.” (Mr. Page did not respond to interview requests.)\nThe university represents the more concrete side of the Singularity, and focuses on introducing entrepreneurs to promising technologies. Hundreds of students worldwide apply to snare one of 80 available spots in a separate 10-week “graduate” course that costs $25,000. Chief executives, inventors, doctors and investors jockey for admission to the more intimate, nine-day courses called executive programs.\nBoth courses include face time with leading thinkers in the areas of nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, energy, biotech, robotics and computing.\nOn a more millennialist and provocative note, the Singularity also offers a modern-day, quasi-religious answer to the Fountain of Youth by affirming the notion that, yes indeed, humans — or at least something derived from them — can have it all.\n“We will transcend all of the limitations of our biology,” says Raymond Kurzweil, the inventor and businessman who is the Singularity’s most ubiquitous spokesman and boasts that he intends to live for hundreds of years and resurrect the dead, including his own father. “That is what it means to be human — to extend who we are.”\nBut, of course, one person’s utopia is another person’s dystopia.\nIn the years since the Unabomber, Theodore J. Kaczynski, violently inveighed against the predations of technology, plenty of other more sober and sophisticated warnings have arrived. There are camps of environmentalists who decry efforts to manipulate nature, challenges from religious groups that see the Singularity as a version of\n“Frankenstein”\nin which people play at being gods, and technologists who fear a runaway artificial intelligence that subjugates humans.\nA popular network television show, “Fringe,” playfully explores some of these concerns by featuring a mad scientist and a team of federal agents investigating crimes related to the Pattern — an influx of threatening events caused by out-of-control technology like computer programs that melt brains and genetically engineered chimeras that go on killing sprees.\nSome of the Singularity’s adherents portray a future where humans break off into two species: the Haves, who have superior intelligence and can live for hundreds of years, and the Have-Nots, who are hampered by their antiquated, corporeal forms and beliefs.\n 1\n 2\n 3\n 4\n 5\n 6\nNext Page »\nA version of this article appeared in print on June 13, 2010, on page BU1 of the New York edition.\ncomments\nSign In to E-Mail\nPrint\nSingle Page\nReprints\nThe Times & the Bay Area - now at 50% off when you subscribe for the convenience of home delivery.\nPast Coverage\nMerely Human? So Yesterday (June 13, 2010)\nAy Robot! Scientists Worry Machines May Outsmart Man (July 26, 2009)\nThe Coming Superbrain (May 24, 2009)\nFINDINGS; Technology That Outthinks Us: A Partner or a Master? (August 26, 2008)\nRelated Searches\nArtificial Intelligence\nGet E-Mail Alerts\nRobots\nGet E-Mail Alerts\nLongevity\nGet E-Mail Alerts\nGoogle Inc\nGet E-Mail Alerts\nMOST POPULAR - BUSINESS\nE-Mailed\nBlogged\nViewed\nDealBook: A Hefty Price for Entry to Davos\nU.S. Home Prices Slump Again, Hitting New Lows\nOlbermann Split Came After Years of Tension\nAlternative Fuels Don’t Benefit the Military, a RAND Report Says\nFood Makers Devise Own Label Plan\nYour Money: With Retirement Savings, It’s a Sprint to the Finish\nStates Help Ex-Inmates Find Jobs\nF.D.A. Is Studying the Risk of Electroshock Devices\nMortgage Giants Leave Legal Bills to the Taxpayers\nSmall Bookstores Struggle for Niche in Shifting Times\nGo to Complete List »\nFrances Fox Piven, Glenn Beck Target, Has Been Threatened\nState Bankruptcy Option Is Sought, Quietly\nMTV\'s \'Skins\' Casts Teenagers in Racy Scenes, and Raises Doubts\nYears of Strife Caught Up With Olbermann at MSNBC\n\'Skins\' Suggests Error of MTV\'s Ways\nLos Angeles Times Has Lost Standing at Home\nVerizon Sues F.C.C. over Order on Blocking Web Sites\nJobless Rate Points to Lost Power in Work Force - Economic Scene\nWal-Mart Plans to Make Its House Brand Healthier\nSundance Is Selling, but Prices Are Down\nGo to Complete List »\nA Hefty Price for Entry to Davos\nU.S. Home Prices Slump Again, Hitting New Lows\nFood Makers Devise Own Label Plan\nOlbermann Split Came After Years of Tension\nThe Media Equation: MTV’s Naked Calculation Gone Bad\nUncertainty Over Economy Clouds Obama Speech\nAlternative Fuels Don’t Benefit the Military, a RAND Report Says\nA Hot Topic for Davos: China\'s Big Challenges\nMortgage Giants Leave Legal Bills to the Taxpayers\nYour Money: With Retirement Savings, It’s a Sprint to the Finish\nSounds of kindness in Tucson\nAlso in Video »\nGoldman\'s golden ticket\nCritics\' Picks: \"Rosemary\'s Baby\"\nAdvertisements\nFind your dream home with\nThe New York Times Real Estate\nThe new issue of T is here\nWatch today\'s top videos\nAdvertise on NYTimes.com\nInside NYTimes.com\n Music »\nThe Sweeping Gestures of a Swiveling Maestro\nU.S. »\nFor Distant Funerals, Mourners Gather Online\nOpinion »\nBloggingheads: Repeal and Don’t Replace?\nA debate on “repeal and replace” and whether Republicans need their own health care plan.\nBusiness »\nFood Makers Devise Own Label Plan\nOpinion »\nDoes College Make You Smarter?\nA Room for Debate forum on why students learn so little in the first years of college.\nMagazine »\nMartin Peretz Is Not Sorry About Anything\nBooks »\nWhat Africa Brought to the Table\nWorld »\nThai Inquiry Into Violence Falters\nScience »\n Harnessing the Brain to Capture Many Kings\nOpinion »\nFixes: Training for the Workplace\nThe non-profit program Year Up is getting low-income young people into jobs by training them in the culture of work.\nHealth »\n A Young Life Passes, and a Ritual of Birth Begins\nOpinion »\nOp-Ed: The Bright Side of Blight\nHome\nWorld\nU.S.\nN.Y. / Region\nBusiness\nTechnology\nScience\nHealth\nSports\nOpinion\nArts\nStyle\nTravel\nJobs\nReal Estate\nAutos\nBack to Top\nCopyright 2010 The New York Times Company\nPrivacy\nTerms of Service\nSearch\nCorrections\nRSS\nFirst Look\nHelp\nContact Us\nWork for Us\nAdvertise\nSite Map',NULL,'Get Home Delivery-Bay Area\nLog In\nRegister Now\nHome Page\nToday\'s Paper\nVideo\nMost Popular\nTimes Topics\nSearch All NYTimes.com\nBusiness Day\nWorld\nU.S.\nN.Y. / Region\nBusiness\nTechnology\nScience\nHealth\nSports\nOpinion\nArts\nStyle\nTravel\nJobs\nReal Estate\nAutos\nGlobal\nDealBook\nMarkets\nEconomy\nEnergy\nMedia\nPersonal Tech\nSmall Business\nYour Money\nMerely Human? That’s So Yesterday\nBy ASHLEE VANCE\nPublished: June 12, 2010\ncomments\nSign In to E-Mail\nPrint\nSingle Page\nReprints\nMOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.\nEnlarg...','http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/13/business/13sing.html','text/html','html',72856,'utf-8',NULL,'In the Singularity Movement, Humans Are So Yesterday - NYTimes.com',NULL,'000023.html','/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL,'Artificial Intelligence,Robots,Longevity,Kurzweil Raymond,Brin Sergey,Page Larry,Diamandis Peter H,Google Inc,National Aeronautics and Space Administration,Silicon Valley (Calif),Singularity',NULL,NULL,0,NULL),(24,39,'2011-01-26 00:26:44','2011-01-25','16:26:42','2011-01-25 16:26:42','jcarlos','2011-01-25','16:26:43','2011-01-25 16:26:43','jcarlos','home\nLogin/Register\nNewsletter\nSubscribe\n RSS\nGadgets Computers\nCameras\nSmartphonesD TVs\nVideo Games\nMore From Our Partner: CEAG\nCars Concepts\nHybrids\nElectric Cars\nAuto DIY\nMore From Our Partner: Driverside\nScience Future of the Environment\nEnergy\nHealth\nTechnology Military\nAviation\nSpace\nRobots\nDIY Projects\nHacks\nTools\nAuto DIY\nMore From Our Partner: Toolmonger\nGalleries\nVideos\nColumns The Grouse\nSex Files\nGreen Dream\nCES 2011\nAuto DIY\nRobots\nFacebook\nDigg\nStumbleupon\nReddit\nPrint\nEmail\nRise of the Helpful Machines\n Meet 10 of the most advanced human-assist \'bots from around the world\n By Corey Binns\n Posted 07.26.2010 at 9:00 amComments\nA Forklift for Humans\n John B. Carnett\nView Photo Gallery\nThe world’s most sophisticated robots don’t assemble trucks or cruise around Mars. They’re designed to support our surging population of elderly and disabled citizens. Meet 10 of the most promising senior-friendly ’bots.\nClick to launch the photo gallery\nPrevious Article: Juno Probe, Built to Study Jupiter\'s Radiation Belt, Gets A Titanium Suit of Interplanetary Armor\n Next Article: Five Ideas To Fight Space JunkComments\nLink to this comment\n polymath87/26/10 at 10:34 am\nI like to think of myself as fairly open-minded but the vast majority of these scare the crap out of me.\nLink to this comment\n Geawiel/26/10 at 12:45 pm\nIts hard to take our robot overlords seriously when they look like giant teddy bears.\nLink to this comment\n Volt/26/10 at 9:47 pm\nYoutube christmas from qiron beta prime. Its a comedic story about robot overlords... Not advertising or anything here. The main difference is that these robots look nice whereas the ones in the video fry Santa...\nOn a more serious note, I\'m all for robots that help people.\nLink to this comment\n KDB/30/10 at 7:22 am\nI have been obsessed with robots since like 1963. the first book I ever read without pictures was Asimov\'s \"I, Robot\" collection.\nFast forward to 2010 and so far the only robot anyone likes is the ATM.\nGoodluck to these guys, all we need is one mangled old lady and it will do to home robots what the Hindenberg did to the zepplin.\nLink to this comment\n gybognarjr/30/10 at 7:54 am\nMan sets out to make a dream reality, which eventually turns out to be a nightmare. It happened over and over, since the wheel was invented. But fulfilling the dreams is the purpose of life. Good luck.\nLink to this comment\n MrSportPsych/31/10 at 8:12 am\n#5 photo in this sequence of 10 photos, a girl and a teddy bear, has Thought Technology\'s EMG and Skin Conductance electrodes on her forehead and fingers! They are measuring her muscles and overall arousal level - and feeding them back with the vibration of the bear! One of the many thousands of ProComp Infiniti Systems in use in clinics and hospitals in 85 countries, not to mention over half the successful Canadian Olympic Medalists at the 2010 Vancouver Games.\nLink to this comment\n thomasmesserschmidt/04/10 at 3:36 am\nIt\'s the future. Like it or not the robots coming. I make life-size robot clones / replicas of people. Need to be in two places at once? Send your replica. Fun stuff!\nLink to this comment\n jneasycut/06/10 at 10:42 pm\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMT-krWSkWg\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8B1VgCOHCJI\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4n6qz7BBgQ\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IAhvbkLqCY\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjYvkn6lbTw\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-l6dA5HeiCc\nhttp://www.hflaser.com/images/laser cutting machine laser engraving machine.jpg\nhttp://www.hflaser.com/images/laser engraver.jpg\nhttp://www.hflaser.com/images/laser engraving machine.jpg\nhttp://www.hflaser.com/images/laser cutting machine laser engraving machine.jpg\nhttp://www.hflaser.com/images/Desktop laser engraver.jpg\nhttp://www.hflaser.com/images/Rubber stamp Laser engraver.jpg\nhttp://www.hflaser.com/images/Redsail Cutting plotter Vinyl Cutter.jpg\nhttp://www.hflaser.com/images/Craft cutter from Redsail.jpg\nhttp://www.hflaser.com/images/Redsail Cutting plotter Vinyl Cutter.jpg\nhttp://www.hflaser.com/images/cnc-wood-router.jpg\nhttp://www.hflaser.com/images/mini-cnc-router.jpg\nhttp://www.hflaser.com/images/cnc-stone-router.jpg\nhttp://www.hflaser.com/images/cnc-wood-router.jpg\nhttp://www.hflaser.com/images/cnc_router.jpg\nhttp://www.hflaser.com/images/lasertube.jpg\nhttp://www.ourredsail.com\nhttp://easycut.blogspot.com\nhttp://www.ourredsail.com/Desktop-Laser-Engraver.html\nhttp://www.ourredsail.com/Vinyl-Cutter.htm\nhttp://www.ourredsail.com/Laser-Cutter.htm\nhttp://www.ourredsail.com/Laser_engraver_machines.html\nhttp://www.ourredsail.com/Laser-Cutter.html\nhttp://www.ourredsail.com/Cutting-Plotter.htmlhttp://easycut.blogspot.com\nhttp://cuttingplotter.trustpass.alibaba.com/\nhttp:// redsailonline.blogspot.com/\nTo comment, please Login.\nPopular Tags\nTechnology\nNASA\nInternational Space Station\nrobots\nBurt Rutan\nPeter Diamandis\nspace\nDARPA\nAirbus A380\nMars\nUAV\nglobal warming\nBoeing\nsatellites\nAll Tags All Photos All Videos\nPhoto Galleries\nRSS Link\nTechnology\nGallery: How to Make a Genetically Modified Seed\nTurning Scientific Data to Cinema\nGallery: ‘Hidden Treasures’ Space Photos\n+ More Photo Galleriesyears of Popular Science at your fingertips.\nPopular Science+ For iPad\nEach issue has been completely reimagined for your iPad. 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It thus allows surgeons to see a \"real-time\" virtual model of the progress of the operation.\nThis could significantly improve a patient\'s health and wellbeing and ensure they do not have to undergo repeat operations\nProfessor Justin Cobb\nDeveloped by PhD students at Imperial College London, the robot then plots where surgical incisions should be made and calculates the correct angles for inserting chrome alloy parts needed to repair the hip bone.\nStudents were able to carry out the procedure three times more accurately compared to when they used conventional methods to manually navigate the joint.\nClinical trials of the device, called the Wayfinder, are currently being carried out at Warwick Hospital, Bath Hospital, Truro Hospital and the London Clinic.\nExpert levels\nSurgeons can practise the operation \"virtually\" before carrying out the real thing.\nProfessor Justin Cobb, head of the Biosurgery and Surgical Technology Group at Imperial College London, told delegates at the British Society for Computer Aided Orthopaedic Surgery Conference in Glasgow that the device rapidly turned untrained surgeons into experts.\n\"The reason for using students in the study was to show that even students, with the right technology, can achieve expert levels straight away.\n\"More importantly, we\'ve also demonstrated that no patient has to be on an inexperienced surgeon\'s learning curve.\n\"This could significantly improve a patient\'s health and wellbeing and ensure they do not have to undergo repeat operations.\"\nStephen Cannon, president of the British Orthopaedic Association, said hip operations were among the most difficult areas in orthopaedic surgery. He said the tool showed promise for use in training and in the operating theatre.\n\"Further research will be required to fully establish value to patients. The technology will need to be cost-effective if it is to be taken up by the NHS.\"\nE-mail this to a friend\nPrintable version\nBookmark with:\nDelicious\nDigg\nreddit\nFacebook\nStumbleUpon\nWhat are these?\nSEE ALSO\nDextrous mini-robots to aid opsJan 06 |\n Health\nRobot surgeons match heartbeatsFeb 06 |\n Health\nRobot to carry out heart surgeryJul 07 |\n Health\nRELATED INTERNET LINKS\nBritish Orthopaedic Association\nBritish Society for Computer Aided Orthopaedic Surgery\nImperial College London\nThe BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites\nTOP HEALTH STORIES\nStem cell method put to the test\nHospitals \'eyeing private market\'\nLow vitamin D \'Parkinson\'s link\'\nMOST POPULAR STORIES NOW\nMOST SHARED\nMOST READ\nHow Iran\'s political battle is fought in cyberspace\nMost popular now, in detail\nMOST SHARED\nMOST READ\n\'Three killed\' in Egypt protests\nShock contraction in UK economy\nMajor cuts to BBC World Service\nKilling \'was planned on Facebook\'\nKing\'s Speech leads Oscars field\nVW unveils an ultra-efficient car\nHezbollah nominee made Lebanon PM\nGuantanamo inmate Ghailani jailed\nGerman naval cadets \'mistreated\'\n Serbia jails football murderers\nMost popular now, in detail\nFEATURES, VIEWS, ANALYSIS\nPraying for revenge\nWidowed governor in Philippines seeks curse\n Plastic fantastic\nThe loyalty reward programme for Facebook fans\nPath to the presidency\nCould Sarah Palin win the Republican nomination?\nMost Popular NowMost Popular Now | 10,957 people are reading stories on the site right now.\";\nPRODUCTS & SERVICES\nE-mail news\nMobiles\nAlerts\nNews feeds\nPodcasts\nBBC Copyright Notice\nMMXI\nMost Popular Now | 2,057 pages were read in the last minute.\";\nBack to top ^^\nHelp\nPrivacy and cookies policy\nNews sources\nAbout the BBC\nContact us\nAdvertise with us',NULL,'Home\nNews\nSport\nRadio\nTV\nWeather\nLanguages\nLow graphics|Accessibility help\nOne-Minute World News\nNews services\nYour news when you want it\nNews Front Page\nAfrica\nAmericas\nAsia-Pacific\nEurope\nMiddle East\nSouth Asia\nUK\nBusiness\nHealth\nMedical notes\nScience & Environment\nTechnology\nEntertainment\nAlso in the news\n-----------------\nVideo and Audio\n-----------------\nProgrammes\nHave Your Say\nIn Pictures\nCountry Profiles\nSpecial Reports\nRELATED BBC SITES\nSPORT\nWEATHER\nON THIS DAY\nEDITORS\' BLOG\nLast Up...','http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7234794.stm','text/html','html',49551,'iso-8859-1',NULL,'BBC NEWS | Health | Robot boosts hip surgery success',NULL,'000025.html','/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL,'BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service',NULL,NULL,0,NULL),(26,41,'2011-01-26 00:29:09','2011-01-25','16:29:09','2011-01-25 16:29:09','jcarlos','2011-01-25','16:29:09','2011-01-25 16:29:09','jcarlos','Cars Auto\n Financing Event\n Tickets Jobs Real\n Estate Online\n Degrees Business Opportunities\n Shopping\nSearch How do I find it?\nSubscribe to paper\n Home\nNews\nTravel\nMoney\nSports\nLife\nTech\nWeather\nNews »\nHealth & Behavior\n Fitness & Nutrition\n Your Health: Kim Painter\n Medical Resources\n Health Information\n ANGIOPLASTY OUTPACES BYPASS SURGERY\nDoctors developed angioplasty to spare patients the trauma of bypass surgery. (in millions)\nAngioplasty: 0.3: 1.3\nBypass procedures: 0.2: 0.5\nNote: Angioplasty figures not available for 1985.\nSource: American Heart Association\nBy Julie Snider, USA TODAY\nGallery By John Zich, USA TODAY\nJ. C. Bizzle, 79, is prepped for robotic cardiac surgery at the University of Chicago Medical Center by surgical assistant Reyna Barrera as his wife, Geraldine, watches.\nGallery By John Zich, USA TODAY\nThe \'da Vinci\' robot has four arms that the surgeon controls from a nearby console.\nRobot reinvents bypass surgery\nUpdated | Comment | Recommend E-mail | Save | Print |\nBy Steve Sternberg, USA TODAY\nCHICAGO — The surgeon working inside J.C. Bizzle\'s chest perched at an egg-shaped console a few yards from the operating table. Without laying hands on his patient, he bypassed two clogged arteries supplying Bizzle\'s heart.\nThe University of Chicago\'s Sudhir Srivastava performed the surgery without a big incision, without splitting Bizzle\'s breastbone and without stopping his heart. The spider-like arms of a robot did most of the work.\nBizzle, 79, a retired crane operator, was discharged April 5, just three days after a double bypass that typically would land a patient in the hospital for a week or more. \"I had very little pain,\" Bizzle says. \"Before summer\'s end, I\'m expecting to be out playing golf.\"\nIn a era when an increasing number of patients have been choosing balloon angioplasty to avoid the trauma of open-heart surgery, Srivastava is one of a handful of pioneers who are reinventing the bypass operation. The goal is to make bypass surgery almost as patient-friendly as angioplasty.\nPHOTOS: Be a fly on the wall of the operating room\nThe timing couldn\'t be better. Robotic surgery is catching on. Angioplasty\'s popularity appears to have plateaued in the wake of studies indicating the procedure may be no better than optimal medical therapy. Robotic surgery also reflects a broader push to reduce the risk of infections and other complications, to shorten hospital stays and to get patients on their feet in days rather than weeks.\nBETTER LIFE: Health news and wellness tips\n\"Someday, we\'ll look back and think, \'My God, how brutal we were,\' \" says Valluvan Jeevanandam, chief of cardiac and thoracic surgery at the University of Chicago Medical Center.\nDespite the advantages for patients, doctors have been slow to adopt robotic bypass surgery. It\'s a classic case in which the wonders of technology bump up against hard realities. There\'s the complexity of the procedure, a shortage of tech-savvy young surgeons willing to learn to perform it and too few patients to go around.\n\"It\'s terrific to say, \'Gee whiz, why don\'t I have a robotic operation when the alternative is taking a chain saw to my chest?\' But there are too many places that won\'t have the volume or surgeons with the interest or expertise to make it a logical choice,\" says Bruce Fye, a Mayo Clinic heart specialist and medical historian.\nSuccess hinges on the surgeon\'s ability to use robot technology designed by NASA and the Department of Defense and later adapted to minimally invasive surgery. Its makers call it the \"da Vinci.\"\nThe da Vinci won federal approval in 2000, making it the only low-trauma surgical robot on the market. Since then, more than 867 have been installed at hospitals worldwide, 647 of them in the USA, at a cost of $1.5 million apiece, says the robot\'s maker, Intuitive Surgical. This year, doctors worldwide will perform roughly 130,000 da Vinci procedures, from bypasses to prostatectomies to hysterectomies, up from 85,000 last year, according to company estimates.\nMost of those operations, 55,000, were prostate removals, a total expected to grow by 40% this year. The firm won\'t release specifics on bypass surgery or mitral valve repairs except to say they\'re relatively rare, but the volume is expected to grow by 30% to 35% this year, says Christopher Rabbitt, Intuitive\'s director of worldwide cardiovascular sales.\nJeevanandam says robotic surgery offers ambitious surgeons a way to compete for a shrinking number of patients.\nGeoffrey Cousins of Charleston Medical Center in West Virginia says that\'s why he seized on the opportunity to do robotic bypasses. \"We\'re (almost like) lawyers chasing ambulances,\" he says. \"It\'s a pretty cutthroat business.\"\nBut there\'s a loftier reason as well, Cousins says. \"I think, personally, that I\'m riding the wave of the future in cardiac surgery.\"\nLong day of surgery\nBizzle\'s day began early. By 7:30 a.m., physician assistant Reyna Barrera prepped him as he lay on a gurney, with his wife, Geraldine, at his side. By the time Srivastava arrives in the operating room, Bizzle is asleep. He has all but vanished under a sea of blue paper drapes; only his torso is visible under a protective plastic covering.\nThe operating room team of about 10 doctors, nurses, anesthesiologists, physician assistants and others is bigger than usual. But the surgery is more complex with different demands. For instance, a team of OR staffers will spend the next four hours defogging the camera lens and swapping robotic instruments in response to Srivastava\'s commands.\nIt starts with three small holes\nAt about 10:25 a.m., the surgeon cuts three small holes, each about half an inch in diameter, on the patient\'s left side. The fourth will come later when it\'s time to fasten the bypass grafts close to the heart. He places plastic tunnels into the holes to provide pathways for instruments. The upper and lower portals will carry a variety of robotic knives, pincers and cautery tools. The middle port carries the 3-D camera with its blinding light. The last hole will contain the latest technological advance: a suction device with a flat fork for stabilizing the still-beating heart as the grafts are fastened in place.\nAn anesthesia crew of four begins the procedure by deflating Bizzle\'s left lung to give Srivastava\'s robot elbowroom inside the chest. This turns out to be more complicated than it seems. Soon the lung springs back into the visual field, crowding out the instruments. It will take 20 minutes to deflate it and start the procedure again.\nSitting at his console, eyes fixed on a video monitor, Srivastava uses his fingertips to maneuver controls linked to four mechanical arms. Each arm is tipped with instruments that enter the patient\'s chest through the small holes he had created earlier. The surgeon uses a clutch pedal beneath his foot to disengage the robot arms while he\'s adjusting his position.\nWatching the sweeping motion of the massive arms above the patient, it\'s hard to imagine how they\'re converted into tiny movements inside the chest. Yet video monitors ringing the room show the instruments moving with precision as Srivastava snips away two mammary arteries from inside the chest wall. Next he slits open the heart\'s protective covering, makes one incision at a time in the two clogged arteries on the heart\'s surface and cinches each bypass into place. \"This is a lifeline for patients,\" he says. \"It\'s not something that you want to rush.\"\nBy 2:17 p.m., it\'s over. Srivastava heads off to reassure Bizzle\'s wife that everything went well. \"There\'ll be some soreness,\" he says, \"but he should be able to do pretty much what he feels like doing.\"\nRemarkable results\nSrivastava began tinkering with robotic bypass surgery five years ago in the unlikeliest of places: a tiny 50-bed heart facility called Alliance Hospital that he owned in Odessa, Texas.\nHe learned to use sharp instruments on the heart\'s surface without the sense of touch that usually guides surgeons\' movements. His eyes alone guide his movements.\nThe robotic results were remarkable, Srivastava says. \"In the first beating-heart procedure I did in the U.S., the patient went home in 23 hours and drove (from Texas) to Arizona in one week,\" he says.\nHe\'s now done about 350 robotic bypasses, 60 in Chicago. \"We\'ve been able to complete the surgery in 99% of patients. Only twice have we had to split the sternum because of problems. We\'ve had zero wound complications. Since you\'re not touching the sternum, there\'s no problem with healing.\"\nDeath rates dropped too, Srivastava says. \"The average mortality for bypass surgery is 1.5% to 2%. Our mortality is 0.3%.\"\nSrivastava participated in the only major attempt to weigh robotic surgery against the standard procedure. Researchers enrolled 98 patients at 12 centers in the USA and Europe.\nNone of the patients died, more than 90% had effective procedures, and only six needed follow-up operations, results that compare favorably with traditional bypass surgery. Even da Vinci enthusiasts acknowledge the study, out in 2006, isn\'t conclusive, because it involved so few patients and a historical control group.\nJeevanandam says he believed strongly enough in the surgery\'s potential to recruit Srivastava and give the university an edge in a town \"oversaturated\" with surgeons. Srivastava says the invitation offered him a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spread the gospel of robotic bypass surgery. \"That\'s the vision,\" he says.\nJeevanandam laughs.\n\"Why else would he give up his own hospital and the lovely climate of Odessa, Texas?\"\n Posted\n Updated\n E-mail | Save | Print |\n To report corrections and clarifications, contact Reader Editor Brent Jones. For publication consideration in the newspaper, send comments to letters@usatoday.com. Include name, phone number, city and state for verification.\nEnlarge By John Zich, USA TODAY\nCardiac surgeon Sudhir Srivastava manipulates a robot\'s arms to perform a bypass at the University of Chicago Medical Center.\nGuidelines: You share in the USA TODAY community, so please keep your comments smart and civil. Don\'t attack other readers personally, and keep your language decent. Use the \"Report Abuse\" button to make a difference. 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So emergency room staff unplugged their backup from the wall.\n A 5-foot-tall robot rolled to Moullet\'s bedside to connect her for a virtual face-to-face exam with a specialist in Los Angeles. Over his laptop, the doctor discussed her symptoms, reviewed her CAT scan and looked at her weakened hand through the robot\'s camera lens. Moullet could see the doctor\'s face on a screen that looks like the robot\'s head.\nDr. Herb Rogove, on screen, controls a medical robot while demonstrating on waiting hospital volunteer Patricia Conley, right, at Fountain Valley Regional Hospital. The new robot allows doctors, such as Rogove in Ojai, to remotely assess stroke patients.\nKEVIN SULLIVAN, THE ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER\nMORE PHOTOS »\nADVERTISEMENT\nMore from Health and Fitness\nBale, others change weight dramatically\nCounty reports first flu death of the season\nAbortion doctor gives up license again over death\nFountain Valley\'s robot allows a doctor to do everything but shake a new patient\'s hand.\n\"With strokes, time is brain,\" said Dr. Herb Rogove, whose medical group provides the neuro-critical care specialists who man the robot. \"We can do this within minutes instead of waiting for a helicopter or an ambulance to come.\"\nAt some other Orange County hospitals, robots are used for remote exams, to assist with delicate surgeries, and in the case of Children\'s Hospital of Orange County, to prepare tiny pediatric doses in the pharmacy.\n Moullet, who regained use of her right hand, said recently from her hospital bed that she has enjoyed telling her family about her futuristic experience.\n \"They said a doctor was going to talk to me and then it came wheeling around,\" Moullet said of the robot, nicknamed ERNI. \"I just figured that was the new era. I didn\'t feel like it was impersonal at all.\"\nRogove demonstrated how he can listen to a patient\'s heart and lungs with a stethoscope. He examines pupils with illumination from the robot. He tests for cognitive impairment by flashing words, numbers and images on the robot\'s screen for the patient to identify. The robot even prints out medication orders on a slip of paper that looks like a cash register receipt.\nThe hospital leases the robot for $6,500 a month. The cost of the doctors is additional. They are paid by the hospital because insurance companies don\'t cover the remote service except in rural areas.\nNurse Alicia Ferara, director of stroke care, said the addition of the robot allowed Fountain Valley to apply for certification as a specialized stroke center by the Joint Commission, a national accreditation body. Approval is still pending. The hospital held a naming contest, with Emergency Room Neuro Initiative, ERNI, picked as the winner.\nAt CHOC in Orange, pharmacists are dispensing intravenous medications with the $1 million precision of RIVA. The new robot works quickly in a sterile glass enclosure with some human help.\nRita Jew, executive director of the pharmacy, said the system reduces medication waste and errors and will free up pharmacists to work more closely with doctors and nurses on the patient floors.\nA technician opens a door to load medications into a rotating carousel. The robotic arm grabs an empty syringe and puts it on a scale to establish the baseline weight. Next, the arm picks up a bottle of antibiotics and flips it upside down, above the syringe. The robot\'s software checks for expiration dates and compares the image on the bottle with a photo on file of what the medicine should look like to prevent errors.\n The needle is lifted up to the vial and pumps several times to eliminate air bubbles before drawing the dose. The bottle is replaced and the syringe is weighed again to confirm the dose is accurate. RIVA then caps the syringe, sticks a label on the medicine and drops it into a shoot, where it lands in a bin for delivery to nurses.\n Proper preparation of doses is particularly crucial at a children\'s hospital, where most doses are not ready to use from the shelf but must be diluted.\n\"We draw up hundreds of doses every day, and it\'s all different doses,\" Jew said.\nContact the writer: 714-796-3686 or cperkes@ocregister.com\nMore from Health and Fitness »\nCOMMENTS | PRINT | EMAIL |\n Robots back up doctors at O.C. hospitalsof 11\n ADVERTISEMENT\nDr. Herb Rogove, on screen, controls a medical robot while demonstrating on waiting hospital volunteer Patricia Conley, right, at Fountain Valley Regional Hospital. The new robot allows doctors, such as Rogove in Ojai, to remotely assess stroke patients.\nKEVIN SULLIVAN, THE ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER\nRelated article »\n Share\nVIEW ALL OCREGISTER.COM GALLERIES\n Health and Fitness Photo Galleries\nBale, others change weight...\nAfter Mel Gibson, focus is on...\nFitness guru Jack LaLanne...\nNotorious? Talent agency...\nGo to Health and Fitness Gallery\n Article\nWhen 75-year-old stroke patient Joan Moullet arrived at Fountain Valley Regional Hospital, a neurologist didn\'t respond immediately to a page. So emergency room staff unplugged their backup from the wall.\nA 5-foot-tall robot rolled to Moullet\'s bedside to connect her for a virtual face-to-face exam with a specialist in Los Angeles. Over his laptop, the doctor discussed her symptoms, reviewed her CAT scan and looked at her weakened hand through the robot\'s camera lens. Moullet could see the doctor\'s face on a screen that looks like the robot\'s head.\nFountain Valley\'s robot allows a doctor to do everything but shake a new patient\'s hand.\nVIDEO SEARCH\nMORE VIDEOS\nNews | Sports | Business\nEntertainment | OC in Two\nYOUR VIDEOS\nAll videos | Your Videos\n» Submit a video\nArticle\nWhen 75-year-old stroke patient Joan Moullet arrived at Fountain Valley Regional Hospital, a neurologist didn\'t respond immediately to a page. So emergency room staff unplugged their backup from the wall.\nA 5-foot-tall robot rolled to Moullet\'s bedside to connect her for a virtual face-to-face exam with a specialist in Los Angeles. Over his laptop, the doctor discussed her symptoms, reviewed her CAT scan and looked at her weakened hand through the robot\'s camera lens. Moullet could see the doctor\'s face on a screen that looks like the robot\'s head.\nFountain Valley\'s robot allows a doctor to do everything but shake a new patient\'s hand.\nReader Comments\nComments are encouraged, but you must follow our User Agreement.. Keep it civil and stay on topic.. No profanity, vulgarity, racial slurs or personal attacks.. People who harass others or joke about tragedies will be blocked.\nPlease wait while we process your request\nPlease wait while we retrieve the user\'s information\nBio\nYour bio is currently empty. Now is a great time to fill in your profile.\nThis profile is private.\nThis profile is only shared with friends.\nThis profile is under review.\nWe were unable to request friendship with this user.\nWe were unable to request friendship with this user. Are you logged in?\nYour friendship request has been sent to this user.\nWe were unable to terminate friendship with this user.\nWe were unable to terminate friendship with this user. 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D ick\'s widow just finished one of his booksreplies1 replyreplies1 reply\nPlease wait while we perform your request.\nAbuse Reported\nReport Abuse\nScore: 0\nName withheld\nstrongsidejedi:46 PM on March 11, 2009\nThis comment is hidden because you have chosen to ignore strongsidejedi.\nShow DetailsHide Details\njust wait until the gov\'t starts controlling the programming of the robot...replies1 replyreplies1 reply\nPlease wait while we perform your request.\nScore: 0\nName withheld:37 AM on March 11, 2009\nThis comment was left by a user who has been blocked by our staff.replies1 replyreplies1 reply\nPlease wait while we perform your request.\nAbuse Reported\nReport Abuse\nScore: 0\nName withheld\nanaheim86:34 PM on March 10, 2009\nThis comment is hidden because you have chosen to ignore anaheim86.\nShow DetailsHide Details\ngood as long as the bots dont start thinking for them selves......glad to see a Doc behind the screen and not a bot.....we dont want any matrix happening....replies1 replyreplies1 reply\nPlease wait while we perform your request.\nPlease wait while we file your abuse report.\nReport Abuse\nWe\'re sorry. 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Cadeddu felt like a dinosaur in urologic surgery. He was trained to take out cancerous prostates the traditional laparoscopic way: making small incisions in the abdomen and inserting tools with his own hands to slice out the organ.\nSkip to next paragraph\nReaders’ Opinions\nPost a Comment\nEnlarge This Image\nChris Garlington for The New York Times\n“I have not seen anyone who has done a good amount of robotic surgery go back,” said Dr. Vipul Patel, who has done more than 3,500 robot-assisted prostate surgeries.\n But now, patient after patient was walking away. They did not want that kind of surgery. They wanted surgery by a robot, controlled by a physician not necessarily even in the operating room, face buried in a console, working the robot’s arms with remote controls.\n“Patients interview you,” said Dr. Cadeddu, a urologist at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. “They say: ‘Do you use the robot? O.K., well, thank you.’ ” And they leave.\nOn one level, robot-assisted surgery makes sense. A robot’s slender arms can reach places human hands cannot, and robot-assisted surgery is spreading to other areas of medicine.\n But robot-assisted prostate surgery costs more — about $1,500 to $2,000 more per patient. And it is not clear whether its outcomes are better, worse or the same.\nOne large national study, which compared outcomes among Medicare patients, indicated that surgery with a robot might lead to fewer in-hospital complications, but that it might also lead to more impotence and incontinence. But the study included conventional laparoscopy patients among the ones who had robot-assisted surgery, making it difficult to assess its conclusions.\nIt is also not known whether robot-assisted prostate surgery gives better, worse or equivalent long-term cancer control than the traditional methods, either with a four-inch incision or with smaller incisions and a laparoscope. And researchers know of no large studies planned or under way.\n Meanwhile, marketing has moved into the breach, with hospitals and surgeons advertising their services with claims that make critics raise their eyebrows. For example, surgeons in private practice at the New Jersey Center for Prostate Cancer and Urology advertise on their Web site that robot-assisted surgery provides “cancer cure equally as well as traditional prostate surgery” and “significantly improved urinary control.”\nRobot-assisted prostate surgery has grown at a nearly unprecedented rate.\nLast year, 73,000 American men — 86 percent of the 85,000 who had prostate cancer surgery — had robot-assisted operations, according to the robot’s maker, Intuitive Surgical, the only official source of such data. Eight years ago there were fewer than 5,000, Intuitive says.\nDr. Sean R. Tunis, director of the Center for Medical Technology Policy, a nonprofit organization that evaluates medical technology, said few other procedures had made such rapid inroads in medicine.\nMedical researchers say the robot situation is emblematic of a more general issue. New technology has sometimes led to big advances, which can justify extra costs. But often, technology spreads long before investigators know whether it is worthwhile.\nWith drugs, the Food and Drug Administration requires extensive tests to determine safety and efficacy. But surgeons are free to innovate, and few would argue that surgery can or should be held to the same standards as drugs. Still, a situation like robot-assisted surgery illustrates how patients may end up making what can be life-changing decisions based on little more than assertive marketing or the personal prejudices of their surgeon.\n“There is no question there is a lot of marketing hype,” said Dr. Gerald L. Andriole Jr., chief of urologic surgery at Washington University. Dr. Andriole does laparoscopic prostate surgery, and although he tried the robot, he went back to the old ways.\n“I just think that in this particular instance, with this particular robot,” he said, “there hasn’t been a quantum leap in anything.”\nEvaluating technology is complicated. As often happens in surgery, doctors can become enthusiasts without rigorous studies ever being done.\nAnd with prostate cancer, more is at stake than just an academic dispute, said Dr. Jason D. Engel, director of urologic robotic surgery at George Washington University Medical Center in Washington. One in six American men develop prostate cancer in their lifetime. Treatment options include radiation and watchful waiting, but the most popular is surgery.\n “With the stream of prostate cancer patients that come through,” Dr. Engel said, “this is a big, big business.”\nDr. Michael J. Barry, a professor of medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, said that once a hospital invests in a robot — $1.39 million for the machine and $140,000 a year for the service contract, according to Intuitive — it has an incentive to use it. Doctors and patients become passionate advocates, assuming that newer means better.\n“Doctors and medical centers advertise it, and patients demand it,” Dr. Barry said, creating a “folie a deux.”\n 2\nNext Page »\nMore Articles in\n Health »\nA version of this article appeared in print on February 14, 2010, on page A1 of the New York edition.\n Sign In to E-Mail\nPrint\nSingle Page\nReprints\nThe Times & the Bay Area - now at 50% off when you subscribe for the convenience of home delivery.\nPast Coverage\nPrepping Robots for the O.R. 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Buzz\nMySpace\ndel.icio.us\nReddit\nFacebook\nLinkedIn\nFark\nViadeo\nOrkut\nText\nBy JOHN CARREYROU\nDOVER, N.H.—Wentworth-Douglass Hospital, a small community hospital in this coastal New England town, used a college hockey game to showcase its new technological marvel: a $1.4 million surgical robot named after Leonardo da Vinci.\nAs the University of New Hampshire battled the University of Vermont last season before a crowd of 6,000, hospital representatives invited fans to try out the robot between breaks in the action.\nThe da Vinci robot is a massive machine that is used to perform minimally invasive surgery. But some experts warn that the robot can do more harm than good when wielded by inexperienced doctors. WSJ\'s John Carreyrou reports.\nRelated Video\nTreating Prostate Cancer with da Vinci Robot System (04/06/09)\nThe da Vinci has been billed as a breakthrough in the quest to make surgery less invasive. With its four remote-controlled arms and sophisticated camera, it enables surgeons to operate through small incisions with greater precision and visibility.\nAt Wentworth-Douglass, however, the robot has been used in several surgeries where injuries occurred. One patient operated on days after the hockey game was so badly injured that she required four more procedures to repair the damage. In earlier robotic surgeries, two patients suffered lacerated bladders.\nThere\'s no evidence to suggest the injuries at Wentworth-Douglass were caused by technical malfunctions. Surgeons who use the da Vinci regularly say the robot is technologically sound and an asset in the hands of well-trained doctors. But they caution that it requires considerable practice.\nAs a small regional hospital, Wentworth-Douglass has used the da Vinci about 300 times in four years. That\'s a fraction of the usage rate of some big medical centers and, some surgeons say, too little for the doctors at the hospital to master it.\nIntuitive Surgical\nThe da Vinci robot allows surgeons to operate through small incisions, avoiding the need to open up the abdomen.\nIt\'s impossible to compare Wentworth-Douglass\'s rate of complications from robotic surgeries to that of other hospitals. Because of peer-review regulations designed to preserve doctors\' anonymity, most hospitals don\'t disclose such information.\n Noreen Biehl, a spokeswoman for Wentworth, says the hospital\'s da Vinci complication rates are below the rates published in two recent gynecological studies. Wentworth-Douglass adopted the robot for the good of patients and still feels it was the right decision, she says.\nThe price of the machine ranges from $1 million to $2.25 million, depending on the model. In addition, hospitals pay another $140,000 a year for the robot\'s maintenance and $1,500 to $2,000 per surgery for replacement parts.\nOne study published in the Journal of Urology found that a hospital needs to do at least 520 surgeries a year with the robot to bring its costs in line with traditional surgery. That\'s seven times the number of robotic surgeries Wentworth-Douglass has been averaging.\n\"There\'s a medical arms race,\" says Paul Levy, chief executive of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. \"Technologies are being adopted and becoming widespread based on the marketing prowess of equipment makers and suppliers, not necessarily on the public good.\"\nMr. Levy initially resisted buying a da Vinci in the absence of reliable data demonstrating it was better for patients. But he eventually relented when his urology team told him the hospital was losing business to competitors that had one.\nBen Gong, a spokesman for da Vinci maker Intuitive Surgical Inc., says the robot is worth the expense: \"If something doesn\'t add value, it definitely should not be used. But I don\'t think the da Vinci is just adding costs.\"\nLast year, Intuitive Surgical reported profits of $233 million on sales of $1.05 billion. Its stock price has more than doubled over the past year to $361 a share, giving the company a market value of $14 billion.\nThe da Vinci was introduced in the U.S. in 2000. A massive machine operated from a console with joystick-like controls, the da Vinci is now employed for a variety of surgical procedures, from removing cancerous prostates to heart surgeries.\nBy avoiding cutting open a patient\'s abdomen, it produces less blood loss, much smaller scars and a faster recovery, while giving surgeons a range of movement greater than the human hand.\nIn use at 853 hospitals across the U.S., the da Vinci has become a symbol of medical progress: One of the machines was featured on the cover of U.S. News & World Report\'s Best Hospitals issue last summer, while another appeared on the TV show Grey\'s Anatomy. It also became a symbol of health reform when President Barack Obama was photographed trying his hand at one during his visit to the Cleveland Clinic.\nView Full Image\nIntuitive Surgical\nMore than 800 U.S. hospitals have acquired at least one of the da Vinci machines in the past decade.\nHowever, some surgeons have questioned the way the robot has been marketed. Intuitive Surgical has marketed the da Vinci to hospitals as a way for them to increase their revenues and gain market share.\nA 14-minute video on the company\'s website features testimonials from surgeons and hospital administrators. A key message: The robot has been good for business. One cardiac surgeon in the video says at least 70 of his 250 annual cases are new patients who wouldn\'t have been referred to him if not for the robot.\nSmall hospitals have been receptive to the pitch. The 853 hospitals with da Vincis include 131 hospitals with 200 or fewer beds.\nWentworth-Douglass began leasing its da Vinci in 2006. The 178-bed nonprofit facility competes for patients with six other hospitals located within a 30-mile radius in eastern New Hampshire and southern Maine. None of those hospitals had the robot, so Wentworth-Douglass saw an opportunity to gain a technological edge.\nSome of the hospital\'s surgeons opposed getting the robot because they felt Wentworth-Douglass didn\'t perform enough surgeries to overcome the machine\'s long learning curve, several current and former members of the medical staff say.\nSome surgeons with extensive robotic experience say it takes at least 200 surgeries to become proficient at the da Vinci and reduce the risks of surgical complications. That\'s difficult for surgeons at smaller hospitals to achieve.\nJim Hu, a surgeon at Brigham and Women\'s Hospital in Boston who has done more than 1,000 surgeries with the robot, says it takes a urologist anywhere from 250 to 700 cases to master it. Dr. Hu considers the da Vinci a clear benefit for experienced surgeons, saying, \"You can do a better job.\" But he cautions it can do more harm than good when used without adequate training.\nAleks Cukic, Intuitive Surgical\'s vice president of strategy, says the robot\'s learning curve \"varies from procedure to procedure and from surgeon to surgeon.\" He adds: \"There\'s no number\" of surgeries required to master the device.\nOne of Wentworth-Douglass\'s surgeons, Paul Butler, expressed his opposition to buying the robot in a letter to the hospital\'s board of trustees.\nAnother surgeon, Robert Lambert, says he told one of the trustees of the staff\'s opposition while the robot was being shown to the board. Both said the robot wasn\'t needed at a hospital the size of Wentworth-Douglass.\nMs. Biehl says the hospital \"took into account the opinions of all surgeons\" before leasing the robot: \"A majority were in favor and some were not in favor.\"\nSoon after leasing the machine in early 2006, Wentworth-Douglass began marketing it in advertisements on radio, television and in the local newspaper.\nThe hospital also began pressuring its surgeons to use it, the current and former members of the medical staff say. Dr. Lambert, who left to become an assistant professor of surgery at Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, N.Y., says the pressure contributed to his departure.\nMs. Biehl denies any such pressure. Wentworth-Douglass says Dr. Lambert left mainly because he couldn\'t convince the hospital to start a bariatric surgery program.\nSome current and former members of the medical staff say the training Wentworth-Douglass offered on the robot was insufficient. It included two days of operating on pig and human cadavers at a hospital in New Jersey.\nUpon their return, the trainees started operating on live patients. Surgeons from other specialties supervised the first few da Vinci surgeries of newly trained doctors. A urologist supervised some of the hospital\'s gynecologists in their first robot surgeries.\nMs. Biehl confirms the training regimen but says the urologist, who was on the staff of another hospital, had considerable experience with the robot.\nIntuitive Surgical says the New Jersey hospital, Hackensack University Medical Center, is one of 20 hospitals that train surgeons on the robot. When new hospital clients buy the robot, the package includes the two-day course for two surgeons at one of the training centers, which the company pays for.\nIntuitive Surgical\'s Mr. Cukic says it\'s up to hospitals to create guidelines for when their surgeons can do surgeries with the robot unsupervised. \"That\'s not for us to say,\" he says.\nAt Wentworth-Douglass, surgeons begin doing da Vinci surgeries unsupervised after four cases.\nDr. Hu of Brigham and Women\'s, who did a one-year fellowship and assisted on 400 robot surgeries before he began operating solo, says that\'s much too soon. \"None of us would go and get surgery if we knew the guy had done it just a couple times before,\" he says.\nWentworth-Douglass\'s four urologists resisted using the robot without more training, people familiar with the matter say. Three of the four ended up leaving the hospital.\nUnlike the urologists, the hospital\'s gynecologists started using the robot. Several complications occurred. The bladders of two female patients were lacerated during routine gynecological surgeries performed with the robot, a person with direct knowledge of those cases says.\nOne of the patients had to be sent to the Lahey Clinic in Burlington, Mass., for another surgery to repair the damage, the person says. The patients survived. A spokesman for the Lahey Clinic declined to comment.\nMs. Biehl says bladder injuries \"are a known risk of this type of surgery\" whether or not a robot is used. She declined to discuss the cases or identify the patients, citing patient privacy laws.\nMr. Cukic of Intuitive Surgical says it\'s hard to draw any conclusion from the cases without knowing Wentworth\'s overall rate of complications.\nIn June 2007, one of general surgeon David Coppola\'s first da Vinci patients was an elderly man with a stomach condition. Under the supervision of a proctor, Dr. Coppola operated on the man for several hours with the robot, people with knowledge of the case say. But Dr. Coppola eventually gave up on using the robot and switched to open surgery. The patient died after his esophagus was perforated.\nIt\'s unclear whether the esophagus was injured during the robotic part of the surgery or after Dr. Coppola opened the man\'s abdomen and reverted to traditional surgery. Dr. Coppola didn\'t return calls seeking comment.\nMs. Biehl declined to discuss the case, citing patient privacy laws, but she says the hospital has had \"no deaths of patients related to robotic surgery injuries.\" Mr. Cukic declined to comment about the case.\nOne of the surgeons featured in the hospital\'s robot advertisements was gynecologist Elizabeth Chase. In one newspaper ad in which she posed with a smiling patient, Dr. Chase was quoted as saying that the robot enabled her \"to perform intricate surgery more safely.\"\nOn March 2, 2009, Dr. Chase proctored another Wentworth gynecologist new to the robot, Rebecca Ann Banaski, during a routine hysterectomy. During the surgery, Dr. Banaski accidentally cut both of the patient\'s ureters with the robot, people familiar with the operation say.\nThe ureters are the tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder. Cutting both ureters is considered a rare and serious surgical complication because it can cause the kidneys to shut down. The patient, a woman in her 40s, had to undergo four more procedures over the following eight months to repair the damage, the people with knowledge of the matter say.\nAfter the incident, Wentworth-Douglass made Drs. Chase and Banaski undergo remedial training on the robot, the people familiar with the matter say. Dr. Chase was also temporarily barred from proctoring others and placed under the oversight of another surgeon when she resumed using the robot, they say.\nThe Joint Commission, an independent body responsible for hospital accreditations, investigated robotic injuries at Wentworth-Douglass in October.\nMs. Biehl says the commission came away satisfied with the quality of the hospital\'s robotic program and required no improvements. A spokeswoman for the Joint Commission confirmed it issued no requirement for improvement but declined to otherwise discuss the inquiry.\nDr. Chase and Dr. Banaski didn\'t return calls seeking comment.\nMs. Biehl calls Dr. Chase \"an excellent surgeon\" and says she is currently cleared to operate with the robot on her own. Ms. Biehl adds that no medical malpractice lawsuits have been filed against Wentworth-Douglass \"related to robotic surgery.\"\nWrite to John Carreyrou at john.carreyrou@wsj.com\n Copyright 2011 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. 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Yet I, and more than a few of the attendees, had reservations about the trend of using surgical innovations as marketing tools.\nAs surgeons, we need to be proactive in all phases of development and application for improvements of surgical technique. The potentially misguided and hasty approaches described in the article may lead to outcomes that cause undue stress and harm to patients.\nI am eager to embrace and learn about new surgical tools with an open mind, but more so now using my own conscience.\n Andrew T. Cheng, M.D., FACS\nClinical Assistant Professor of Surgery\nNew York Medical College\nNew York\nIn January I had da Vinci surgery by Dr. William Steers at the University of Virginia Medical Center to remove a cancerous prostrate. I was out of the hospital in less than 24 hours and back at work after one week.\nBefore surgery I met with numerous doctors in some of the best institutions near Virginia. I chose UVA and Dr. Steers because he had done well over 500 (he stopped counting) of these operations with success. He has a number of young, talented surgeons on his team, but until they get the right experience they will not operate using the da Vinci.\nIn the hands of an experienced doctor the da Vinci is a miracle machine and well worth the expense.\nJoseph G. Van Voorhis\n Midlothian, Va.\nThe article points out the critical importance of due diligence before undergoing a serious surgical procedure. Why would someone have this procedure at a hospital that performs so few of these surgeries?\n Joseph G. Gromala\nFarmington Hills, Mich.\nCopyright 2011 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved\nThis copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. Distribution and use of this material are governed by our Subscriber Agreement and by copyright law. 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Some hospitals have rigorous robotic-training programs, but others let their surgeons use the complex machine unsupervised after just a few cases. Intuitive Surgical pays for a two-day training course for two surgeons when a new hospital client buys a robot, but it says further training and credentialing are at hospitals\' discretion.\nSherry Long, a 47-year-old resident of Rochester, N.H., sued Wentworth-Douglass on Tuesday in Strafford County Superior Court, alleging that both of her ureters were severed during a robotic hysterectomy performed on March 2, 2009. The injury resulted from the surgeons\' lack of training on the da Vinci, the suit alleges.\nA spokeswoman for Wentworth-Douglass said the hospital had not been served with a copy of the suit yet and declined to comment. A spokesman for Intuitive Surgical said he couldn\'t comment on the suit because he had not seen the complaint.\nWentworth-Douglass, a 178-bed community hospital in coastal New Hampshire, says the training it requires of its surgeons on the robot—a two-day course operating on human and pig cadavers followed by four live cases supervised by a proctor—is adequate and that its da Vinci complication rates are below rates published in recent studies.\nMs. Long\'s case was cited in a May 5 page-one article in The Wall Street Journal about several patient injuries at Wentworth-Douglass involving use of the robot.\nUse of the da Vinci robot by surgeons insufficiently trained on it has been an issue in other cases. In one case last summer, a 42-year-old doctor named Carlos Chiriboga died following a robotic surgery performed at West Boca Medical Center in West Boca Raton, Fla. Darla Keen, an attorney representing Dr. Chiriboga\'s family, says the urologist who operated on Dr. Chiriboga had never performed the surgery he was attempting with the robot before.\nA spokeswoman for West Boca Medical Center said the surgeons who have performed robotic surgery at West Boca have had a solid success rate since they began performing the surgery at the hospital more than two years ago. \"The hospital conducted a thorough review of the matter and is confident in the quality of care provided to Dr. Chiriboga,\" said spokeswoman Rebecca Ayer.\n Write to John Carreyrou at john.carreyrou@wsj.com\n Copyright 2011 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved\nThis copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. Distribution and use of this material are governed by our Subscriber Agreement and by copyright law. 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But can robots help patients forge stronger bonds with people?\n By Gregory Mone\n Posted 06.01.2010 at 10:00 amComments\nSmile for the Camera Bandit, a robot designed to engage children with autism, has stereo cameras for eyes.\n John B. Carnett\nIn a small, sparsely furnished room, a young boy in a black T-shirt backs himself into a corner. He’s cautious. Cameras capture his movements, and microphones record every sound. But this doesn’t intimidate him; he doesn’t even seem aware that he’s being observed. His mom, sitting nearby, is not the object of his focus either. Brian (his name has been changed here to protect his privacy) is autistic, and he’s staring across the room at a two-wheeled, gray, humanoid robot with big, cartoonish eyes. The machine, Bandit, is roughly Brian’s size, and it has been trying to engage him by slowly rolling toward him.\nBandit uses infrared sensing and cameras to calculate Brian’s position. Seeing that the boy is backing away, the robot tries a different approach. It stops moving and makes a “come-here” gesture, waving him closer. It works. Brian approaches and then stands alongside Bandit, shoulder-to-plastic-shoulder. Bandit stops moving, and Brian backs off. The boy is like a boxer sizing up an opponent. Finally, emboldened, Brian steps up to the robot and leans his face toward it, curious and confident. For the researchers observing the interaction through a two-way mirror in an adjoining room, this small gesture is an encouraging sign. The boy is warming up to the machine, and that’s the point.\nThis unusual pair is part of a research initiative at the University of Southern California to build robots sympathetic and sensitive enough to serve as both therapists and playmates to kids with autism. Bandit is programmed to perform simple facial expressions and movements, and researchers are working to give the robot the ability to make complex decisions in response to the child’s behavior. This way, Bandit and robots like it could draw socially detached kids into simple games, like Simon Says or hide-and-seek and, ultimately, social activities with people. As USC computer scientist and project leader Maja Matari´c explains, “The robot is a catalyst for social interaction.”\nIn its current form, Bandit has only rudimentary social skills. For instance, it cannot yet understand speech; a researcher in the other room must command the robot to respond if the child speaks to it. But early results are encouraging. Matari´c’s team has conducted experiments similar to the interaction between Bandit and Brian with 14 other autistic children, most between five and nine years old. Some of the kids were incapable of speech, while others could talk in full sentences but were prone to physical tics like hand-flapping or obsessions with moving objects like trains. The interactions lasted on average about five minutes—not long enough to produce permanent behavioral changes—but many of the children became more sociable, and more vocal, with a robot in the room.\nThat may seem surprising, since robots are hardly known for warmth and sociability. Yet there is increasing evidence that kids with autism respond more naturally to machines than they do to people. Psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen, the director of the Autism Research Center at the University of Cambridge in England, along with other autism experts, believes that robots, computers and electronic gadgets may be appealing because they are predictable, unlike people. You can pretty much guess what a computer is going to do next about 90 percent of the time, but human interactions obey very few entirely predictable laws. And this, Baron-Cohen explains, is difficult for children with autism. “They find unlawful situations toxic,” he says. “They can’t cope. So they turn away from people and turn to the world of objects.”\nPerfecting a robot that bridges the gap will call for advances in almost every facet of modern robotics: artificial intelligence, machine vision, mechanical and electrical design, signal processing. Among other requirements, robot therapists must be subtle enough to respond to their patients without scaring them away, and smart enough to identify and react to autistic behaviors. For instance, if a child starts rocking back and forth, which can be a sign of increased anxiety, the robot should be able to recognize the motion and modify its behavior until the child appears more comfortable. “Yes, there’s work to be done,” Matari´c acknowledges. “But it’s doable. What I want is a robot that can sell for the price of a laptop, a decade from now.”\nPage 1 of 4next ›last »\nPrevious Article: Using Artificial Proteins, Engineers Create a Biomaterial that Mimics Muscle Elasticity\n Next Article: FYI: What Do Dolphins and Rodeo Bulls Have in Common?\n 31 Comments\nLink to this comment\n StarSword/15/10 at 9:16 pm\nThank you for this article. I can tell you, as a 21-year-old male with Aspberger\'s Syndrome (an affliction on the high-functioning end of the autism spectrum), that author Gregory Mone is absolutely correct: machines, especially robots and computers, are simpler for autistic people to interact with because they are inherently simple. At the bottom level, they operate on digital (meaning binary) signals: zero or one, on or off. People are analog.\nThis is not necessarily a bad thing, mind you: regardless of all the advances we\'ve made in artificial intelligence (which as a gamer, I see every day), even the most intelligent computer can\'t do one particular thing, something even a human toddler can: create art. But people being analog also means they\'re often difficult for people like me to relate to.\nLink to this comment\n StarSword/15/10 at 9:26 pm\nP.S. It\'s also nice to see an autism article that avoids the whole vaccines-cause-autism bull[expletive]. For the record: VACCINES DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM!!! That\'s been disproven I don\'t know how many times; anyone who says otherwise is selling something.\nLink to this comment\n williambrown/16/10 at 2:00 pm\nThe face is so simple yet extremely expressive, good work.\nwww,1robotcompanion,com\nLink to this comment\n Blinding Light64from cairo, N.Y./17/10 at 7:28 am\nFinally someone i can agree with starsword finally, i absolutely hate it when these over paranoid parents blame the vaccines its just annoying hell i got mine and i am not autistic i am a little crazy but thats the way i choose to live so ha!!\nP.S. by the way starsword you should express your inner feelings then you should damn well swear.....No pressure.Ha!\nLink to this comment\n Healthymagination/17/10 at 1:19 pm\nGreat article. Robots, as well as mobile apps and computer programs, are introducing new ways of treating autism, helping affected individuals express themselves. We’re always looking into novel uses of technology that help transform how we understand and treat diseases.\nIt’s one of several health issues we discuss on Facebook: www.facebook.com/healthymagination Feel free to join the conversation.\nLink to this comment\n taking/01/10 at 4:04 pm\nI am autistic I have aspberger,s syndrome and I now the difficulty of trying to make friends if this does help kids with autism make more friends then that,s very good but there could be some repercussions but we don,t now what they exactly are yet.\nLink to this comment\n thor0997/02/10 at 8:55 am\nAlthough the robot does have whiffs of that, UUUUGHHH CREEPY, uncanny vally effect, it is quite cute in a robot way.\nThats what the rest of the robot making community needs to understand. Make robots look like cool robots, not look like humans.\nLink to this comment\n logical_atheist/02/10 at 10:03 am\n@ taking and starsword:\nSame here, except... i don\'t see the social difficulty as a bad thing. it lets me focus on the things that actually matter, like putting food on the table, paying bills and getting work done. socializing is a distraction from important thing necessary to survival.(food, money, etc.)\nI\'m glad this didn\'t exist for it to treat me. i almost feel bad for the asperger kids that have to deal with this piece of junk.\nthough the advancement in AI is quite respectable. i just hate what it\'s being used for. plenty of more useful things for it.(military, business applications etc.) *sigh*\nLink to this comment\n logical_atheist/02/10 at 10:06 am\n@healthyimagination:\noh and by the way, not all of us have problems expressing ourselves. i sure don\'t.(at least not when it comes to artistic creativity.)(socializing, that\'s another story. not that i care.)\nLink to this comment\n logical_atheist/02/10 at 3:54 pm\nstarsword said:\n\"But people being analog also means they\'re often difficult for people like me to relate to.\"\nhmm, maybe that\'s why i like machines more than about half the people i run across on a day-to-day basis. O_o\nLink to this comment\n firedude20123/02/10 at 8:15 pm\nmy girlfriend has aspirgers syndrome and i can honestly say that after witnessing some of the issues she faces through life, i really think this would help a lot of kids who have autism,\non a random note (i met her in our schools \"learning center\" which im in because of my \"selective mutism\" and she was in for aspirgers. although she has now graduated high school and im only a sophomore...DAMMIT!! lol )\nbut even with her aspirgers i still love her more then anyone or anything thing on this planet ;D\nLink to this comment\n firedude20123/02/10 at 8:16 pm\noops added an extra \"thing\"\nLink to this comment\n firedude20123/02/10 at 8:21 pm\n@logical_atheist\nyour 100% right ...my girlfriend has autism and the number one thing i love about her is her PERSONALITY!!! its unexoplanable and undescribable...shes funny..sometimes completely loopy in her logic(not idiotic just doesnt make sense :D ) and she is very good at drawing without having taken any lessons and she is very good at singing. as for social problems the only real problem she has is say \"if she got in a car accident she would freak out\" and she cant tell if someonme is happy mad sad embarrased etc..\nbut as you said about yourself she can also very easily express her feelings...(although sometimes ..OK usually i cant figure out wtf she is \"feeling\" because she has an expressionless face.lol :)\nLink to this comment\n mickisdaddy/03/10 at 9:37 am\nMy daughter is on the severe side of the spectrum. She is non-verbal, but she has a very good personality. She is funny in her own way. Up until recently she did not interact with others her own age. She would interact with older kids and adults, but as she has gotten older (she is 15) she has started to interact with her peers especially when it comes to music and dancing.\nLink to this comment\n cindyandallie/03/10 at 11:43 am\nI find this very interesting. My daughter, who is 11, is high-functioning Autistic. While I\'ve never seen her \"relate\" better to inanimate objects, the idea that the predictability of them appeals to Autistic individuals is compelling.\nSince my daughter is high-functioning, she has not had as many of the struggles as other people do, but she does find it difficult, even now, after years of intervention, to read body language. A robot that does not show obvious body language and yet is still appealing and curious to an Autistic person has a lot of validity. It certainly cannot, and should not, replace interventions and support for these individuals, but for those further on the spectrum, it has distinct advantages.\nThanks for the information, PS; this latest breakthrough could lead to many more.\nLink to this comment\n natz/03/10 at 1:33 pm\n@logical_atheist I understand your point how being social might distract you from the stuff that \"directly\" are necessary to survival but honestly once you enjoy being social it\'s needed (I believe) to really enjoy your life to the fullest...\nI\'m not sure in your case but I rarely remember a night of me playing video games as special ( unless I just got a new game that I\'ve been wanting for a long time) compared to lets say a night going out with my friends and having fun. That\'s something that my brain remembers for weeks/months and maybe years if something especially memorable happens.\nanyway, as for the robot I think it\'s a good idea. Over time it might help children with autism develop the ability to express themselves or read other peoples emotions which I think is one of the biggest problem with autism...\nmy resource on vitamins : www.wisemensvitamins.com\nLink to this comment\n dmgceo/03/10 at 3:24 pm\nFrom TV, reading the printed News, searching the Internet, you\'d believe that only children born lately have autism. Book\'s by the hundreds are being written daily.\nIn the 40\'s, 50\'s and 60\'s \"experts\" spouted that the cause of autism was the - mother\'s fault - by how the child was \"raised\" in early childhood; then this doctor in the UK, Andrew Wakefield - (license finally revoked) preached and wrote in medical journals that autism was caused by childhood MMR immunizations - now found to be completely false. Next, others spouted that it was caused by gluten\'s & other foods - now also found to be completely false. Now its try correcting autism with \"behavior modification\", like \"Pavlov\'s dogs\" !!! :-O We\'ve also got anti-war activist & vitamin D pill pusher, doctor? (John Cannell); a wacko PhD from another planet (Peter V. Calabria); a ex playboy bunny, (Jenny MaCarthy) all spouting expert knowledge as to the cause of autism. If you need a good laugh, - google them - and see what shows up.\nThese and many other \"snake-oil\" salesmen are still coming out of the woodwork in the media and on the internet. It makes for great \"sensational journalism\"!\nMy wife and I live in Scottsdale AZ and we will be married 46 years this November. We have an \'autistic daughter\' who still lives with us. She is now 44 years old. Yes 44!!! A lost autistic generation. With 24 hour/day for 44 years my wife and I ARE autism experts and know first hand what AUTISM IS, and what autism IS NOT!!!\nIts being reported that the rate of autism is exploding. That\'s true as doctors now understand the TRUE characteristics of autism. But, this exploding increase in numbers is also caused by many doctor\'s of-late misdiagnosing children that have (similar characteristics), as being autistic. Later, when these \"misdiagnosed children\" now become \"normal\" because of changes in their diet or \"behavior modification\" or medications - miracle cures get published!!!\nNow someone working on their robotic PHD thesis says, lets try using ROBOTS on autistic people and see what happens. Have you ever seen how they train monkeys to act “human-like”.\nThe medical community has found NO CAUSE - they have NO CURE - there is NO magic FIX. Adding to this, the media has lead people to believe that autism is a “new generational medical problem” that only \"children-of-late\" have, and of those rarely mentioned adult autistic people, that they are all \"mental savants\" like Temple Grandin or Dustin Hoffman in the movie \"rainman\".\nIt would be nice - for a change, - if SOMEONE would write about what we as a society can do for these autistic adults who cannot care for themselves, - many many many thousands, - that soon will have no-one & no-place to go. Autistic adults do not \"fit\" into \'assisted living\' or \'group homes\'. Their aging parents or relatives who have cared for them 24/7 for many years, - suffer selflessly the most in silence, - every minute of every day.\nDavid & Mary\nLink to this comment\n TomBillings/03/10 at 11:29 pm\nI was also born with Asperger Syndrome. I sympathize strongly with David and Mary. They are correct about all the snakeoil the media potentiates about Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). Too often people want to hear anything but the truth, because it has been bitter to swallow. ASDs are hereditary genetic traits, that will have a cure in adulthood only when we are able to change the adult brain orders of magnitude more easily than today. That is coming, but it is 10-20 years away. Perhaps prevention in-utero, through genetic testing and manipulation will be possible in 5-10 years.\nMeanwhile, people shy away from the genetic basis of ASDs. I have often found that even highly educated ASD parents exude a guilty feeling about this, even though no one is to blame for how the dice roll when each act of conception occurs. In addition, they shy from the most obvious reason for the increase in the rate of births of people with ASDs.\nThat is a 2-phase process. Since the industrial revolution opened up niches where a strongly focused individual could be productive, people at the least affected end of the Autistic Spectrum could survive, and often thrive, in spite of Aspie traits, like taking other\'s statements literally.\nIn the old agrarian cultures, where subsistence farming was the norm, villages lived too close to the edge of survival to support people who could not read other villagers, and respond in the social dance. If a farmer says to \"Fred\", a 15 years old Aspie, ...\"Fred, go out and plow all the South Forty today,\" Fred will probably do so, but may take the instructions so literally he plows under the irrigation ditch that runs through the field, cutting off water to other fields in the village, decreasing the harvest significantly.\nLater that winter, in \"the hungry time\" between January first and the middle of March, 5-10 more villagers starve to death than would have without Fred\'s literal focused action. Fred has a chance, between the middle of March and the first of May, of turning up face down in a ditch, with the back of his head bashed in. Aspies would have a lower chance of survival, outside places like monasteries, or being a \"rich eccentric\", both of which have low reproductive rates.\nThen comes the industrial revolution, and Aspie traits shift from being, in total, less productive, to being, in total, more productive, because of that same mental focus. More survive to reproduce. Then comes the computer revolution between 1975 and 2000. The computer industry brings large numbers of such people together, right next to each other in cubicles, gives them huge amounts of money for what they do, and lets them breed! Not too surprisingly the result is larger numbers of children with ASDs, in exactly the places one would expect, like Silicon Valley, Silicon Forest, and other \"high tech\" hotspots.\nPeople seem to feel this is both a harsh indictment of our ancestors\' behaviors, and a threat to ASD populations in the future, especially to those who want us to return to \"our agrarian roots\". It is no such thing. It describes behavior you would expect from a species of large obstreperous primates in the past. In the future, the high probability is that we will have means to bring social networking skills better than those of current neurotypical humans to the ASD community, right alongside enhancing neurotypicals themselves in other ways.\nLink to this comment\n tsssteinfrom Neenah, Wisconsin/04/10 at 12:12 pm\nGood article,\nI am an Army brat, so it was quite natural that I attended St.John\'s Military Academy in Delafield Wisconsin. It was at this school where I observed my first examples of Autism. The new boy across the hall was an A student, senior, and had no idea whatsoever how to deal with other human beings. He had other quirks such as not being able to tie his shoes. In all though he was capable of accomplishing much. His father was of all things, a physician. Now if a healer can dump their child at a military academy then robotics is an even more needed application than this author can imagine. This is of course, not mentioning how the other senior cadets treated this man. It was shameful!\nRobots yes, autism, no!\nLink to this comment\n pauldenice/06/10 at 2:39 am\nI too agree with Starsword\'s comments.\nI have been writing papers on the use of computer technologies (of which robots are but one category) since 1983. I was using the sames ideas as Starsword expreses in his comment. Computer being based upon logical programing application are far more predictable than human beings.That really helps constructing concepts in the early learning phases. In addition computer outputs are more stable: according to specific conditions the outputs tend to repeat very faithfully the same answers, that is a tremendous help in making sense of the complex world that surrounds many autistic people who can be overwhelmed by too many stimuli and somewhat unpredictable answers from people which can react very differently to a same situation, making it difficult for autistic people to generalise experiences.\nIf any one would like to have my papers? Feel free to contact me.\nAcually, my latest papers are no longer about computer use, but about looking for and nurturing abilities in autistic people rather than fighting disabilities...I believe that there are tremendous potentials to be developped in autistic people, even through caracteristics that are usually considered negatively by many carers...This was the subject of my latest paper presented in Oslo at the occasion of Autism Europe 8th international Congress in 2007.\nAutism and Creativity: A Different view of Autism\nCompetences and Potentials alongside Disabilities\nAbstract\nMost publications on autism emphasise the disabling and handicapping aspects of autism or the medical and psychological basis and consequences of autism. But not all characteristics of autism have negative impacts on the lives of individuals who have autism. Some peculiarities of autism can indeed prove to have positive effects, provided that they are identified as such and nurtured through an educational program and used to broaden the scope of interests of these individuals.\nAmong those positive aspects of autism one should here distinguish exceptional talents on the one side and on the other side, otherwise well known autistic functioning which can in some cases have positive effects on the expression of special abilities. These should be used as leverage for the development of social skills, without which the less positive characteristics of autistic behaviour will hide all the positive aspects benefits.\nI will analyse exceptional talents in drawing, painting, music, languages or calculation and mathematics found among individuals with autism. We will analyse how some of the characteristics usually seen as negative in autism, such as social abilities deficits, “theory of mind impairment”, lack of central coherence, repetitive behaviours and echolalia may also be seen more positively. We will then see how all these aspects could be used as leverage for educational strategies and for developing quality of life. Finally, we will develop some of the possibilities to use these “positive” aspects of autism even when there are no apparent exceptional talents.\nThis paper is available on my website:\nhttp://www.autisme-prehistoire.com/ on the \"Autism page\"\nFeel free to contact e about this paper too.\nPaul\nLink to this comment\n taking/06/10 at 11:31 am\n@logical_atheist: you think that you don,t need friends and not having them is better for survival then you are the worst survivalist i now because with a friends who have strong social bond with you they can help you when you are hurt or in a bad situation they can give you a job if you lose yours by recommending you and earlier when i said repercussions i meant that what if the kids who use this treatment may only be able to socialize with the robot but not humans.\nLink to this comment\n tiffanyyu/06/10 at 8:51 pm\nBut their on-camera aspiration is now under fire after a disgruntled former employee snagged the pitch and handed it out to students. KTVU says the document \"described students and employees as thieves, prostitutes, \'ghetto\' or foul-mouthed people.\nhttp://www.elinksjewellery.com/links-of-london-friendship-bracelet-53.html\nLink to this comment\n defektivrobot@c.../07/10 at 11:18 am\n@ StarSword\nAs a parent of an autistic child and someone who is most likely on the spectrum himself, I must beg to differ regarding vaccines. It is my position that while vaccines do not necessarily cause autism, there are individuals who are genetically predisposed with a sensitivity to a certain vaccine which in my opinion exacerbates an existing condition. In my son\'s case it was the acellular pertussis vaccine. 3 days after having that vaccine he spiked a 103 degree fever and after that he lost what little language that he had aquired.\nI am not by any means saying that vaccines are a cause of autism but rather in cases where autism is already recognized, that caution should be exercised when considering vaccines taking into account whether the child has had a previous mild reaction to a vaccine. it is possible that the second time could have a worse reaction.\nLink to this comment\n woowoo678/09/10 at 9:10 am\nLogical Atheist, please put you thoughts together into one comment. It\'s annoying when there\'s three comments in a row all by the same guy mkay?\nLink to this comment\n bk4364/14/10 at 8:59 am\nlogical atheist said \"i don\'t see the social difficulty as a bad thing. it lets me focus on the things that actually matter, like putting food on the table, paying bills and getting work done. socializing is a distraction from important thing necessary to survival.(food, money, etc.\"\n i also have apergers and i have to say i do regret the social difficulty thingas it is a verry useful tool for survivla it enables u to atract aid from others in ways that ordinary folk will respond possitively\ni wish theyd had his when i was younger i probaly woud have had an easier time surving in this crazy world\nLink to this comment\n avilanch2000/22/10 at 7:48 pm\nInteresting idea im glad that it is effective thought in a way it kind of leaves an uneasy feeling in my stomach to think that we are resorting to use robots to engage socially withdrawn children. seems the same solution could be provided by a well trained therapist.\nLink to this comment\n JoeFalcon/26/10 at 6:07 pm\nWhat about the idea that vaccinations are causing autism at an early age?\nLink to this comment\n Sir Stephen/26/10 at 10:14 pm\nPlease consider the following: while an Autistic person is being measured and categorized it is also possible that if there were such a thing as a spectrograph of of personality traits and that most people would not have a continuous or even flowing chart.\nIf such a chart existed it would be possible to see that chart undulate with the weather, age of the observed, health, and in the presence of other people.\nWhile everyone has a position on the bell curve everyone\'s place is not fixed. Your position on the standardized curve will move with time. Your skill set will change, involuntarily.\nTo claim superiority over someone who has \"obvious\" handicaps is to ignore talents which may exceed your own.\nEveryone has a right to be respected regardless of their \"shortcomings\".\nLink to this comment\n akvish/29/10 at 2:43 pm\nExcellent comments, good & contributive debate. Thank you all. I am diverging a bit from robotics & autism to brinup a point towards fundamental cause of Autism.\nI would like to present few different scenario wherein I have personally seen manifestation of Autism:\nCouple of decades ago, I was living in the U.S.\nOne of my classmates was deputed with family there from India. Their normally active child of 15 to 18 months at that time developed SEIZURE over night. I was baffled at first as child had healthy parents; & in fact I was baffled for years to come as both parents did not have any known history of seizure in the family. This child-seizure was eventually diagnosed with Autism around mid-90s and it also became clear as child grew.\nIn October 2008, the same parents called me for a restaurant dinner & drink with the Autistic child of 15. To put it mildly, the mother expressed that she is pondering what to do if something happens to father.\nIn November 2009-February 2010, I hear from another good & common friend of us that the father is having severe seizures. I knew father close enough & I can ouch he had no health problems whatsoever. Father died few months ago of a seizure related & extended problem.\nOBSERVATION:\n(a) What I see in this case which I have keenly followed is that Genes that were suppressed did express in father quite late - actually somewhere around late 40s or very early 50s.\n(b) While father may or may not have environmental factors in play, I find that child\'s Genes may have gone from Suppression mode to Expression mode due to environmental factors.\nQUESTION/S:\ni) Is Autism due suppressed gene expressioning itself? If so, which is that unexpressed seizure gene?\nii) Does environment contribute to early expression as in the case of this child? If so, what factors?\nIt is here I suspect couple of possibilities:\na) Exposure of fetus to minute quantities of CarboMonoxide - via automobile, oven & baking gadgets,etc.\nb) Any identifiable caustic conditions in tightly enclosed apartments prevalent in the U.S. like carpet materials, etc.\nLooks like genetic pre-disposition & environmental conditions are at play here with suppressed genes possibly expressing itself given the conditions earlier in child\'s lifetime. This is because at father\'s time, in India, we had very few automobiles & no apartments whatsoever. It is in the U.S. that he this changed.\nI am just expressing what I have seen first hand. While speculating, I hope to bring this to light so that together community can narrow down to few or exact cause.\nLink to this comment\n popmom/14/10 at 3:53 pm\nWould any Kind Aspergers Adults be willing to give me some advice as a mother of a 9 year old boy with AS? He isn\'t able to talk much and you all seem so expressive. Thanks!\n(p.s. ADHD has just been linked to pesticides. Maybe Austism will be soon, too. Eat Organic!)\nLink to this comment\n supersarah/03/10 at 11:26 pm\nwhat volume of popsci mag was this in?\nwhen was it published?\nTo comment, please Login.\nPopular Tags\nScience\nglobal warming\nmedicine\nphysics\nbacteria\nHow it Works\nbiology\nfood\nrobots\nNASA\nnew technology\nshort science articles\nevolution\nnanotech\nAll Tags All Photos All Videos\nPhoto Galleries\nRSS Link\nScience\nArchive Gallery: Mankind\'s Fascination With the Moon\nGallery: When Burning It Up Is The Best Solution\nArchive Gallery: PopSci on Drugs\n+ More Photo Galleriesyears of Popular Science at your fingertips.\nPopular Science+ For iPad\nEach issue has been completely reimagined for your iPad. 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Robot surgery may not be the answer\nTweet This\nShare on LinkedIn\nShare on Facebook\nBy Genevra Pittman\nNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Robots may not help doctors do a better job on some surgeries, according to a new study.\nSurgeons treating women with endometriosis - a chronic condition that affects more than 5 million women and...\n Related News\nReimbursement of unproven medical tools drives useMon, Jun 14 2010\nDrugs linked to cataracts, behaviors can delay themMon, Jun 14 2010\nBirth complications found to be more common at nightSun, Jun 13 2010\nBirth complications more common at nightFri, Jun 11 2010\nStopping hormone therapy worse than not starting?Fri, Jun 11 2010\nRelated Topics\nHealth »\nBy Genevra Pittman\nNEW YORK |\n Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:34pm EDT\nNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Robots may not help doctors do a better job on some surgeries, according to a new study.\nSurgeons treating women with endometriosis - a chronic condition that affects more than 5 million women and adolescent girls in the U.S. - didn\'t get better or faster results when they used a robotic system.\nWith the surgeon alone, \"the incision is smaller (and) the manipulations are more controlled,\" Dr. Ceana Nezhat, an author on the study and the chair of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Northside Hospital in Atlanta, told Reuters Health.\nBecause the robot lets the surgeon get a better picture of the inside of the body, the authors had expected that surgeries using the robot would go more smoothly than those without it.\nTo test this idea, they looked back at 78 minor surgeries that were done on women with endometriosis - half using the assistance of a robot, half without it.\nThere was no difference in how much blood patients lost, and there were no complications in either group. But robotic surgeries took longer than non-robotic surgeries by about 40 minutes - 3 hours and 11 minutes compared to 2 hours and 29 minutes, on average. Longer surgeries often mean a more tired surgeon and more chances for things to go wrong.\nThe robot-surgeon team might not have outperformed the surgeon alone because the procedure was a relatively simple one.\nSurgical robots do not operate on their own. Rather, surgeons move electronic instruments that are linked to the movement of other instruments inside the body, while they watch a three-dimensional image of what\'s going on inside. One robot can cost around $1.5 million.\n\"We were surprised that (surgery with the robot) did not have better outcomes than (the surgeon alone), as we have always believed if you can see more and see better you can do more and do better,\" the authors write.\nHowever, they suggest that more complicated procedures for severe endometriosis, which might require open surgery, would benefit from the help of a robot.\nInexperienced doctors might also take advantage of the robot for surgery if they don\'t think they have the skills to do the surgery with only a small cut, Dr. Nezhat said. In this case, the robot could turn what would have to be an open surgery into a simpler one.\nDr. Tommaso Falcone, chair of obstetrics and gynecology at Cleveland Clinic, said this study shows that more technology is not always better. Using a robot for basic surgery, like the kind studied here, would be like using a computer to do addition, he told Reuters Health.\n\"I just need a calculator to add a few things,\" said Falcone, who was not involved in the study. \"Yes it\'s true that if I\'ve got that supercomputer maybe it looks better. But all I need to do is add 5 and 5.\"\nEspecially in a time of concern over rising medical costs, \"we should not simply use the highly sophisticated technology just because it\'s there,\" Falcone said.\nSOURCE: here\nFertility and Sterility, online May 26, 2010.\nHealth\nComments (0)\nThis discussion is now closed. 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Robot surgery may not be the answer\n| Reuters',NULL,'000033.html','/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL,'Online Report text item,U.S. domestic, non-Washington, general news,Canada,',NULL,NULL,0,NULL),(34,50,'2011-01-26 00:43:19','2011-01-25','16:43:18','2011-01-25 16:43:18','jcarlos','2011-01-25','16:43:19','2011-01-25 16:43:19','jcarlos','Get Home Delivery-Bay Area\nLog In\nRegister Now\nHome Page\nToday\'s Paper\nVideo\nMost Popular\nTimes Topics\nSearch All NYTimes.com\nScience\nWorld\nU.S.\nN.Y. / Region\nBusiness\nTechnology\nScience\nEnvironment\nSpace & Cosmos\nHealth\nSports\nOpinion\nArts\nStyle\nTravel\nJobs\nReal Estate\nAutos\nA Soft Spot for Circuitry\nStephen Crowley/The New York Times\nStyled after a baby seal, a robot that blinks and coos when petted is often therapeutic for patients with dementia.\n By AMY HARMON\nPublished: July 4, 2010\ncomments\nSign In to E-Mail\nPrint\nSingle Page\nReprints\nNothing Eileen Oldaker tried could calm her mother when she called from the nursing home, disoriented and distressed in what was likely the early stages of dementia. So Ms. Oldaker hung up, dialed the nurses’ station and begged them to get Paro.\nSmarter Than You Think\nRobot Companions\nArticles in this series are examining the recent advances in artificial intelligence and robotics and their potential impact on society.\nPrevious Articles in the Series »\nMultimedia\nVideo\nBonding With Paro\nInteractive Feature\nBuilding Smarter Machines\nRelated\nMaking Friends With a Robot Named Bina48\n(July 5, 2010)\nTimes Topics:\nRobots | Artificial Intelligence\nRSS Feed\nGet Science News From The New York Times »\nEnlarge This Image\nStephen Crowley/The New York Times\nA robot styled after a baby seal is is used at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Washington.\nParo is a robot modeled after a baby harp seal. It trills and paddles when petted, blinks when the lights go up, opens its eyes at loud noises and yelps when handled roughly or held upside down. Two microprocessors under its artificial white fur adjust its behavior based on information from dozens of hidden sensors that monitor sound, light, temperature and touch. It perks up at the sound of its name, praise and, over time, the words it hears frequently.\n“Oh, there’s my baby,” Ms. Oldaker’s mother, Millie Lesek, exclaimed that night last winter when a staff member delivered the seal to her. “Here, Paro, come to me.”\n“Meeaakk,” it replied, blinking up at her through long lashes.\nJanet Walters, the staff member at Vincentian Home in Pittsburgh who recalled the incident, said she asked Mrs. Lesek if she would watch Paro for a little while.\n“I need someone to baby-sit,” she told her.\n“Don’t rush,” Mrs. Lesek instructed, stroking Paro’s antiseptic coat in a motion that elicited a wriggle of apparent delight. “He can stay the night with me.”\nAfter years of effort to coax empathy from circuitry, devices designed to soothe, support and keep us company are venturing out of the laboratory. Paro, its name derived from the first sounds of the words “personal robot,” is one of a handful that take forms that are often odd, still primitive and yet, for at least some early users, strangely compelling.\nFor recovering addicts, doctors at the University of Massachusetts are testing a wearable sensor designed to discern drug cravings and send text messages with just the right blend of tough love.\nFor those with a hankering for a custom-built companion and $125,000 to spend, a talking robotic head can be modeled on the personality of your choice. It will smile at its own jokes and recognize familiar faces.\nFor dieters, a 15-inch robot with a touch-screen belly, big eyes and a female voice sits on the kitchen counter and offers encouragement after calculating their calories and exercise.\n“Would you come back tomorrow to talk?” the robot coach asks hopefully at the end of each session. “It’s good if we can discuss your progress every day.”\nRobots guided by some form of artificial intelligence now explore outer space, drop bombs, perform surgery and play soccer. Computers running artificial intelligence software handle customer service calls and beat humans at chess and, maybe, “Jeopardy!”\nMachines as Companions\nBut building a machine that fills the basic human need for companionship has proved more difficult. Even at its edgiest, artificial intelligence cannot hold up its side of a wide-ranging conversation or, say, tell by an expression when someone is about to cry. Still, the new devices take advantage of the innate soft spot many people have for objects that seem to care — or need someone to care for them.\nTheir appearances in nursing homes, schools and the occasional living room are adding fuel to science fiction fantasies of machines that people can relate to as well as rely on. And they are adding a personal dimension to a debate over what human responsibilities machines should, and should not, be allowed to undertake.\nMs. Oldaker, a part-time administrative assistant, said she was glad Paro could keep her mother company when she could not. In the months before Mrs. Lesek died in March, the robot became a fixture in the room even during her daughter’s own frequent visits.\n“He likes to lie on my left arm here,” Mrs. Lesek would tell her daughter. “He’s learned some new words,” she would report.\nMs. Oldaker readily took up the game, if that is what it was.\n“Here, Mom, I’ll take him,” she would say, boosting Paro onto her own lap when her mother’s food tray arrived.\nEven when their ministrations extended beyond the robot’s two-hour charge, Mrs. Lesek managed to derive a kind of maternal satisfaction from the seal’s sudden stillness.\n“I’m the only one who can put him to sleep,” Mrs. Lesek would tell her daughter when the battery ran out.\n“He was very therapeutic for her, and for me too,” Ms. Oldaker said. “It was nice just to see her enjoying something.”\n 1\n 2\n 3\nNext Page »\nA version of this article appeared in print on July 5, 2010, on page A1 of the New York edition.\ncomments\nSign In to E-Mail\nPrint\nSingle Page\nReprints\nThe Times & the Bay Area - 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Robot Machines as Companions - NYTimes.com',NULL,'000034.html','/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL,'Robots,Artificial Intelligence,Elder Care,Dementia',NULL,NULL,0,NULL),(35,51,'2011-01-26 00:43:51','2011-01-25','16:43:50','2011-01-25 16:43:50','jcarlos','2011-01-25','16:43:50','2011-01-25 16:43:50','jcarlos','Personal Tech Markets Your Money Technology Healthcare Columnists Latest news Message Boards Small Business\nHome >\nBusiness >\nTechnology\nRobots go under the seasBay State firms\' devices help the Navy clear mines from the ocean more safely and efficiently\nBy Hiawatha Bray, Globe Staff | July 16, 2007\nWith the twist of a knob, electronics technician Erik White sent a burst of sonar into the water just west of Bassetts Island off Pocasset. About 20 feet from the boat where White stood, a small bright yellow watercraft came to life.\nA spray of water burst from the vessel\'s tail as its propeller spun up. It surged forward, creating a miniature wake. Suddenly, it sank -- just as it was supposed to.\nThe REMUS 100 has gone hunting for submerged mines, the kind that could vaporize any boat in this peaceful harbor, or open up the belly of a warship in the Persian Gulf. It\'s the ideal task for an autonomous underwater vehicle, or AUV -- basically, a self-guided seagoing robot. REMUS -- the name stands for Remote Environmental Measuring UnitS -- was born from research at Massachusetts\' famed Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.\nIn 2001, Christopher von Alt, former principal engineer at Woods Hole, joined with colleagues to commercialize the REMUS technology. Von Alt\'s company, Hydroid LLC of Pocasset, has sold about 130 REMUS machines, most of them to the US Navy.\n\"REMUS was the first AUV that was certified by the Navy for use as a weapon of war,\" said von Alt. The navies of Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand also use them.\nMassachusetts has a strong land-based military robot industry, thanks to companies like iRobot Corp. and Foster-Miller Inc. The role locally developed robots play in helping patrol the seas is less well known, but these underwater sentries have already proved their worth in combat operations.\n\"We use them quite frequently now,\" said Landon Hutchens , public affairs officer for the Navy\'s Naval Sea Systems Command in Washington. \"They work very well and make clearance of underwater mines and other things more rapid and more efficient.\"\nIn 2003, during the invasion of Iraq, US Navy special warfare teams used several of the REMUS robots to scour the port of Umm Qasr for mines with high-resolution sonars. Even when they find nothing, robots like the REMUS free up Navy personnel for other, safer tasks. The goal, said the Navy\'s Hutchens, is to \"keep the man out of the minefield.\"\nREMUS doesn\'t swim alone; in Cambridge, Bluefin Robotics Corp. produces a competing line of undersea robots, based on technology developed for the Navy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.\nBluefin has sold about 50 units, mostly to the US Navy. The two companies make a range of seagoing robots, priced from $350,000 to $2.5 million and capable of diving as deep as 18,000 feet. Both Bluefin and Hydroid are privately held companies and don\'t reveal their finances. But both say they\'re making a profit, and Hydroid says its sales are growing at more than 30 percent per year.\nMost land-based robots must be remotely controlled by a human being. But you can\'t broadcast radio signals through water, and only very simple commands can be sent through sonar pulses. Essentially, underwater robots are on their own. They must be smart enough to find their own way to their destination, carry out their missions, and then bob to the surface to transmit data or ask to be picked up. It\'s a tall order, but Hydroid\'s machines manage with surprisingly crude technology. \"It\'s commercial off-the-shelf technology with a wrapper around it,\" said von Alt.\nThe REMUS\'s main processor chip is an Intel 486, developed for the desktop computers of the late 1980s. Its operating system software is even more archaic: Microsoft\'s MS-DOS, developed in 1981. Yet these relics of computing\'s Dark Ages are more than adequate for the task.\nStill, REMUS has plenty of high-end technology, including an inertial navigation system, GPS satellite receiver, a WiFi wireless Internet system, and a link to the Iridium satellite telephone network, allowing a REMUS to phone home from nearly any spot on earth. It\'s all packed inside a torpedo-shaped pressure hull that keeps inner components dry.\nBluefin uses a different structural approach, one that relies on the toughness of many electronic components. When a Bluefin robot is submerged, water flows inside the device, equalizing the pressure inside and out. Electronic components are sealed in plastic packages filled with a liquid that doesn\'t conduct electricity. Components are chosen for their ability to withstand high pressure.\nChief operating officer Robert Grieve said this enables Bluefin to use a modular approach. There\'s no need to dismantle a pressure hull during repairs; just snap out the defective electronics packet and snap in a new one. \"They can just send us back the failed module and we repair it and send it back,\" Grieve said.\nBoth Bluefin and Hydroid have civilian customers, such as oil companies surveying the seas for good places to drill. Universities use robots to conduct both academic and military research.\nMark Moline, professor of biology at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo , uses two Hydroid REMUS robots to track the spread of toxic \"red tide\" algae in the ocean. \"We can spot it and track it now,\" said Moline. He also works with the Navy to study bioluminescence -- the glow emitted under certain conditions by tiny aquatic creatures. This glow can give away the position of a landing party during a commando raid, and the Navy is trying to find out how to minimize the risk.\nDespite Hydroid\'s success with the Pentagon and academia, von Alt wants more. He thinks the oil industry should buy more robots to survey routes for underwater pipelines, or to inspect existing ones. Telecom companies could use them for construction and maintenance of undersea cables.\nVon Alt says cautious executives have been slow to fully exploit undersea robots, but he\'s convinced the tide is starting to turn. \"The people in the boardrooms are starting to accept this idea,\" he said. \"Once one guy does it the other guy has to do it, and that blows the doors open.\"\nHiawatha Bray can be reached at bray@globe.com.\n© Copyright 2007 Globe Newspaper Company.\nMore:\nBusiness section\n|\nLatest business news\n|\nGlobe front page |\nBoston.com\nSign up for:\nGlobe Headlines e-mail |\nBreaking News Alerts\nAdvertisement\nSEARCH THE ARCHIVES\nAll Globe stories since 2003 are now FREE\nToday\nYesterday\nPast 30 days\nLast 12 months\nSince 1979\nMore search options\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\nPrinter friendly\nSingle page\nE-mail to a friend\nTechnology RSS feed\nAvailable RSS feeds\nMost e-mailed\nReprints & Licensing\nShare on Digg\nShare on Facebook\nSave this article\npowered by Del.icio.us\nfeedback form | help | site map | privacy policy | rss\n© The New York Times Company',NULL,'Personal Tech Markets Your Money Technology Healthcare Columnists Latest news Message Boards Small Business\nHome >\nBusiness >\nTechnology\nRobots go under the seasBay State firms\' devices help the Navy clear mines from the ocean more safely and efficiently\nBy Hiawatha Bray, Globe Staff | July 16, 2007\nWith the twist of a knob, electronics technician Erik White sent a burst of sonar into the water just west of Bassetts Island off Pocasset. About 20 feet from the boat where White stood, a small b...','http://www.boston.com/business/technology/articles/2007/07/16/robots_go_under_the_seas/','text/html','html',37616,'ISO-8859-1',NULL,'Mine-clearing robots going under the seas - The Boston Globe',NULL,'000035.html','/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL,'Business, Technology, Oceans, Wire and Cable, Sonar, Tidal Waves, Computer Software, Computer Chips',NULL,NULL,0,NULL),(36,52,'2011-01-26 00:44:38','2011-01-25','16:44:37','2011-01-25 16:44:37','jcarlos','2011-01-25','16:44:38','2011-01-25 16:44:38','jcarlos','Science News\nShare Blog Cite\nPrint\n Bookmark\n Email\nMilitary Use Of Robots Increases\nScienceDaily (Aug. 5, 2008) — War casualties are typically kept behind tightly closed doors, but one company keeps the mangled pieces of its first casualty on display. This is no ordinary soldier, though — it is Packbot from the iRobot Corporation.\nSee Also:\nMatter & Energy\nRobotics Research\nEngineering\nComputers & Math\nRobotics\nArtificial Intelligence\nScience & Society\nConflict\nDisaster Plan\nReference\nRobotic surgery\nIndustrial robot\nRobot calibration\nAndroid\nRobots in the military are no longer the stuff of science fiction. They have left the movie screen and entered the battlefield. Washington University in St. Louis\'s Doug Few and Bill Smart are on the cutting edge of this new wave of technology. Few and Smart report that the military goal is to have approximately 30% of the Army comprised of robotic forces by approximately 2020. Of course, they aren\'t envisioning robotic soldiers from movies like \"Star Wars\" and \"I, Robot.\"\n\"When the military says \'robot\' they mean everything from self-driving trucks up to what you would conventionally think of as a robot. You would more accurately call them autonomous systems rather than robots,\" says Smart assistant professor of computer science and engineering.\nAll of the Army\'s robotic force is teleoperated, meaning there is someone operating the robot from a remote location, perhaps often with a joystick and a computer screen. While this may seem like a caveat in plans to add robots to the military, it is actually very important to keep humans involved in the robotic operations.\n\"It\'s a chain of command thing. You don\'t want to give autonomy to a weapons delivery system. You want to have a human hit the button,\" says Smart. \"You don\'t want the robot to make the wrong decision. You want to have a human to make all of the important decisions.\"\nNot like the Terminator\nWhile movies display robots as intelligent beings, Smart and Few aren\'t necessarily looking for intelligent decision-making in their robots. Instead, they are working to develop an improved, \"intelligent\" functioning of the robot.\n\"It\'s oftentimes like the difference between the adverb and noun. You can act intelligently or you can be intelligent. I\'m much more interested in the adverb for my robots,\" says Few.\nFew, who is Smart\'s Ph.D. student, is also interested in the delicate relationship between robot and human. He is working to develop a system in which the robot can carry out a task while keeping a human in the loop and with the ability to create new goals for the robot. Few says that there are many issues that may require \"a graceful intervention\" by humans and these need to be thought of from the ground up.\nMeet George Jetson\n\"When I envision the future of robots, I always think of the Jetsons,\" says Few. \"George Jetson never sat down at a computer to task Rosie to clean the house. Somehow, they had this local exchange of information. So what we\'ve been working on is how we can use the local environment rather than a computer as a tasking medium to the robot.\"\nTo work toward this goal, Few has incorporated what many would simply consider a toy into robotic programming. Using a Wii controller, Few capitalizes on natural human movements to communicate with the robot. Using something as simple and as common as this video game controller also has added benefits in a military setting. Rather than carting around a heavy laptop and being forced to focus on a joystick and screen, soldiers in battle can stay alert and engaged in their surroundings while performing operations with the robot.\n\"We forget that when we\'re controlling robots in the lab it\'s really pretty safe and no one\'s trying to kill us,\" says Smart. \"But if you are in a war zone and you\'re hunched over a laptop, that\'s not a good place to be. You want to be able to use your eyes in one place and use your hand to control the robot without tying up all of your attention.\"\nRobots are already finding a place among deployed troops. There are unmanned aerial vehicles and ground robots for explosives detection. Robotics advancements do, however, raise new ethical questions, such as where to place the blame if a robot kills someone. Nevertheless, as the technology progresses, more robots are being sent into battle first. The mangled Packbot on display at iRobot is just one such example of a fortunate casualty.\n\"When I stood there and looked at that Packbot, I realized that if that robot hadn\'t been there, it would have been some kid,\" reflects Few.\nEmail or share this story:\n|\nMore\nStory Source:\nThe above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by Washington University in St. Louis.\nNeed to cite this story in your essay, paper, or report? Use one of the following formats:\nAPA\nMLA\nNote: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.\nDisclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.\nRobots are increasingly taking over more soldier duties in Iraq and Afghanistan, with predictions that as much as 30 percent of the U.S. Army will be robotic by 2020. WUSTL computer scientists who work on robots say the machines still need the human touch. (Credit: Image courtesy of Washington University in St. Louis)\nRelated Stories\nBritish Scientist Warns We Must Protect The Vulnerable From Robots (Dec. 21, 2008) — Top robotics expert professor Noel Sharkey has called for international guidelines to be set for the ethical and safe application of robots before it is too late. 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This is no ordinary soldier, though — it is Packbot from the iRobot Corporation.\nSee Also:\nMatter & Energy\nRobotics Research\nEngineering\nComputers & Math\nRobotics\nArtificial Intelligence\nScience & Society\nConflict\nDisaster Plan\nReference\nRoboti...','http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/08/080804190711.htm','text/html','html',53519,'iso-8859-1','2011-01-25 14:28:01','Military Use Of Robots Increases',NULL,'000036.html','/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL,'Robotics Research; Engineering; Robotics; Artificial Intelligence; Conflict; Disaster Plan',NULL,NULL,0,NULL),(37,53,'2011-01-26 00:45:18','2011-01-25','16:45:17','2011-01-25 16:45:17','jcarlos','2011-01-25','16:45:18','2011-01-25 16:45:18','jcarlos','Log In\nRegister Now\nHome Page\nToday\'s Paper\nVideo\nMost Popular\nTimes Topics\nSearch All NYTimes.com\nHealthscience\nWorld\nU.S.\nN.Y. / Region\nBusiness\nTechnology\nScience\nHealth\nResearch\nFitness & Nutrition\nMoney & Policy\nViews\nHealth Guide\nSports\nOpinion\nArts\nStyle\nTravel\nJobs\nReal Estate\nAutos\nA soldier, taking orders from its ethical judgment center\nBy Cornelia Dean\nPublished: Tuesday, November 25, 2008\nSign In to E-Mail\nPrint\nSingle Page\nReprints\nATLANTA — In the heat of battle, their minds clouded by fear, anger or vengefulness, even the best-trained soldiers can act in ways that violate the Geneva Conventions or battlefield rules of engagement. Now some researchers suggest that robots could do better.\n\"My research hypothesis is that intelligent robots can behave more ethically in the battlefield than humans currently can,\" said Ronald Arkin, a computer scientist at Georgia Tech, who is designing software for battlefield robots under contract with the Army. \"That\'s the case I make.\"\nRobot drones, mine detectors and sensing devices are already common on the battlefield but are controlled by humans. Many of the drones in Iraq and Afghanistan are operated from a command post in Nevada. Arkin is talking about true robots operating autonomously, on their own.\nHe and others say that the technology to make lethal autonomous robots is inexpensive and proliferating, and that the advent of these robots on the battlefield is only a matter of time. That means, they say, it is time for people to start talking about whether this technology is something they want to embrace. \"The important thing is not to be blind to it,\" Arkin said. Noel Sharkey, a computer scientist at the University of Sheffield in Britain, wrote last year in the journal Innovative Technology for Computer Professionals that \"this is not a \'Terminator\'-style science fiction but grim reality.\"\nHe said South Korea and Israel were among countries already deploying armed robot border guards. In an interview, he said there was \"a headlong rush\" to develop battlefield robots that make their own decisions about when to attack.\n\"We don\'t want to get to the point where we should have had this discussion 20 years ago,\" said Colin Allen, a philosopher at Indiana University and a co-author of \"Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right From Wrong,\" published this month by Oxford University Press.\nRandy Zachery, who directs the Information Science Directorate of the Army Research Office, which is financing Arkin\'s work, said the Army hoped this \"basic science\" would show how human soldiers might use and interact with autonomous systems and how software might be developed to \"allow autonomous systems to operate within the bounds imposed by the warfighter.\"\n\"It doesn\'t have a particular product or application in mind,\" said Zachery, an electrical engineer. \"It is basically to answer questions that can stimulate further research or illuminate things we did not know about before.\"\nAnd Lieutenant Colonel Martin Downie, a spokesman for the Army, noted that whatever emerged from the work \"is ultimately in the hands of the commander in chief, and he\'s obviously answerable to the American people, just like we are.\"\nIn a report to the Army last year, Arkin described some of the potential benefits of autonomous fighting robots. For one thing, they can be designed without an instinct for self-preservation and, as a result, no tendency to lash out in fear. They can be built without anger or recklessness, Arkin wrote, and they can be made invulnerable to what he called \"the psychological problem of \'scenario fulfillment,\' \" which causes people to absorb new information more easily if it agrees with their pre-existing ideas.\nHis report drew on a 2006 survey by the surgeon general of the Army, which found that fewer than half of soldiers and marines serving in Iraq said that noncombatants should be treated with dignity and respect, and 17 percent said all civilians should be treated as insurgents. More than one-third said torture was acceptable under some conditions, and fewer than half said they would report a colleague for unethical battlefield behavior.\nTroops who were stressed, angry, anxious or mourning lost colleagues or who had handled dead bodies were more likely to say they had mistreated civilian noncombatants, the survey said (PDF). (The survey can be read by searching for 1117mhatreport at www.globalpolicy.org.)\n\"It is not my belief that an unmanned system will be able to be perfectly ethical in the battlefield,\" Arkin wrote in his report (PDF), \"but I am convinced that they can perform more ethically than human soldiers are capable of.\"\n 2\nNext Page »\nMOST POPULAR - HEALTHSCIENCE\nE-Mailed\nBlogged\nViewed\nPersonal Health: Long and Short of Calcium and Vitamin D\nCases: A Young Life Passes, and a Ritual of Birth Begins\nWith Poem, Broaching the Topic of Death\nRecipes for Health: Sweet Potatoes: Nutrition Wrapped in Vivid Flavors\nWell: Remedies: Peppermint Oil for Irritable Bowel\nRecipes for Health: Maple Pecan Sweet Potatoes\nBooks: A Pound of Prevention Is Worth a Closer Look\nWell: Sons of Divorce Fare Worse Than Daughters\nWell: How the Doctor Almost Killed Her Dog\nVital Signs: Regimens: Antidepressant May Help Quench Hot Flashes\nGo to Complete List »\nFederal Research Center Will Help Develop Medicines\nHouse Votes to Repeal Obama Health Care Law\nAn Infant Dies, and a Jewish Ritual of Birth Begins\nPfizer in Deal With Theraclone for Antibody Drug Research\nF.D.A. 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For full access to our content, please subscribe here\nMY PROFILE\nFrom The Times\nFebruary 16, 2009\nMilitary’s killer robots must learn warrior code\nLeo Lewis\nRead the report in full\nAutonomous military robots that will fight future wars must be programmed to\nlive by a strict warrior code or the world risks untold atrocities at their\nsteely hands.\nThe stark warning – which includes discussion of a Terminator-style\nscenario in which robots turn on their human masters – is issued in a hefty\nreport funded by and prepared for the US Navy’s high-tech and secretive Office\nof Naval Research .\nThe report, the first serious work of its kind on military robot ethics,\nenvisages a fast-approaching era where robots are smart enough to make\nbattlefield decisions that are at present the preserve of humans.\nEventually, it notes, robots could come to display significant cognitive\nadvantages over Homo sapiens soldiers.\nRelated Links\nUS Army \'throwbots\' will spy on al-Qaeda\nWill robots ever have human rights?\nMultimedia\nReport: Autonomous Military Robotics - Risk, Ethics and Design\n“There is a common misconception that robots will do only what we have\nprogrammed them to do,” Patrick Lin, the chief compiler of the report, said.\n“Unfortunately, such a belief is sorely outdated, harking back to a time\nwhen . . . programs could be written and understood by a single person.” The\nreality, Dr Lin said, was that modern programs included millions of lines of\ncode and were written by teams of programmers, none of whom knew the entire\nprogram: accordingly, no individual could accurately predict how the various\nportions of large programs would interact without extensive testing in the\nfield – an option that may either be unavailable or deliberately sidestepped\nby the designers of fighting robots.\nThe solution, he suggests, is to mix rules-based programming with a period of\n“learning” the rights and wrongs of warfare.\nA rich variety of scenarios outlining the ethical, legal, social and political\nissues posed as robot technology improves are covered in the report. How do\nwe protect our robot armies against terrorist hackers or software\nmalfunction? Who is to blame if a robot goes berserk in a crowd of civilians\n– the robot, its programmer or the US president? Should the robots have a\n“suicide switch” and should they be programmed to preserve their lives?\nThe report, compiled by the Ethics and\nEmerging Technology department of California State Polytechnic\nUniversity and obtained by The Times, strongly warns the US military\nagainst complacency or shortcuts as military robot designers engage in the\n“rush to market” and the pace of advances in artificial intelligence is\nincreased.\nAny sense of haste among designers may have been heightened by a US\ncongressional mandate that by 2010 a third of all operational “deep-strike”\naircraft must be unmanned, and that by 2015 one third of all ground combat\nvehicles must be unmanned.\n“A rush to market increases the risk for inadequate design or programming.\nWorse, without a sustained and significant effort to build in ethical\ncontrols in autonomous systems . . . there is little hope that the early\ngenerations of such systems and robots will be adequate, making mistakes\nthat may cost human lives,” the report noted.\nA simple ethical code along the lines of the “Three Laws of Robotics”\npostulated in 1950 by Isaac Asimov, the science fiction writer, will not be\nsufficient to ensure the ethical behaviour of autonomous military machines.\n“We are going to need a code,” Dr Lin said. “These things are military, and\nthey can’t be pacifists, so we have to think in terms of battlefield ethics.\nWe are going to need a warrior code.”\nIsaac Asimov’s three laws of roboticsA robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a\nhuman being to come to harmA robot must obey orders given to it by human beings, except where\nsuch orders would conflict with the First LawA robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection\ndoes not conflict with the First or Second Law\nIntroduced in his 1942 short story Runaround\nContact us | Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy | Site Map | FAQ | Syndication | Advertising\n© Times Newspapers Ltd 2010 Registered in England No. 894646 Registered office: 1 Virginia Street, London, E98 1XY',NULL,'THE TIMES\nTHE SUNDAY TIMES\nTIMES+\nThe Times\nThe Sunday Times\nArchive Article\nPlease enjoy this article from The Times & The Sunday Times archives. For full access to our content, please subscribe here\nMY PROFILE\nFrom The Times\nFebruary 16, 2009\nMilitary’s killer robots must learn warrior code\nLeo Lewis\nRead the report in full\nAutonomous military robots that will fight future wars must be programmed to\nlive by a strict warrior code or the world risks untold atrocities at their\nsteely hands.\nTh...','http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article5741334.ece','text/html','html',24129,'ISO-8859-1','2011-01-25 16:45:44','Military’s killer robots must learn warrior code - Times Online',NULL,'000038.html','/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL),(39,55,'2011-01-26 00:46:55','2011-01-25','16:46:54','2011-01-25 16:46:54','jcarlos','2011-01-25','16:46:55','2011-01-25 16:46:55','jcarlos','Home\nBusiness\nTech\nMarkets\nEntrepreneurs\nLeadership\nPersonal Finance\nForbesLife\nLists\nOpinions\nVideo\nBlogs\nE-mail Newsletters\nPeople Tracker\nPortfolio Tracker\nSpecial Reports\nCommerce\nEnergy\nHealth Care\nLogistics\nManufacturing\nMedia\nServices\nTechnology\nWall Street\nWashington\nCIO Network\nEnterprise Tech\nInfoimaging\nInternet Infrastructure\nInternet\nPersonal Tech\nSciences\nSecurity\nWireless\nBonds\nCommodities\nCurrencies\nEconomy\nEmerging Markets\nEquities\nOptions\nFinance\nHuman Resources\nLaw & Taxation\nSales & Marketing\nManagement\nTechnology\nCareers\nCompensation\nCorporate Citizenship\nCorporate Governance\nManaging\nInnovation\nCEO Network\nReference\nETFs\nGuru Insights\nInvesting Ideas\nInvestor Education\nMutual Funds\nPhilanthropy\nRetirement & College\nTaxes & Estates\nCollecting\nHealth\nReal Estate\nSports\nStyle\nTravel\nVehicles\nWine & FoodTop CelebritiesRichest Americans\nLargest Private Cos\nWorld\'s Richest People\nAll Forbes Lists\nBusiness Opinions\nInvesting\nTechnology Opinions\nWashington & The World\nCompanies\nPeople\nReference\nTechnology\nCompanies\nEvents\nPeople\nReference\nCompanies\nPeople\nCompanies\nEvents\nPeople\nReference\nCompanies\nEvents\nPeople\nReference\nBattlefields\nRobots That Kill For America\nQuentin Hardy,.14.09, 06:40 PM EDT\nLike freedom? Go thank a bot.\nIn Pictures: 10 Cool And Scary Robots Of War\nWe are surrounded by robots, from automated dogs and vacuum cleaners at home to assistants in operating rooms and on the factory floor. The most influential (and the greatest number) of these robots, however, are in a place few Americans see: the battlefield. More than anything, robots are changing the way war works.\nOn Saturday, thousands of Americans will go on U.S. military bases to commemorate Armed Forces Day, designated to honor current American servicemen and show off some of our state of the art weaponry. As never before, people may see flying drones, observation craft, bomb disposers, automated machine guns, independently operating submarines, even (if they see experimental devices) war bots that bounce, crawl or burrow. Some deliver sensory data to soldiers, while others carry out instructions to kill.\nArticle Controls\nemail\nprint\nreprint\nnewsletter\ncomments\nshare\ndel.icio.us\nDigg It!\nyahoo\nFacebook\nrss\nRobotics in war is the most important change in major human activity dating back at least 5,000 years, according to P.W. Singer, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution think tank and the author of Wired for War: The Robotics Revolution and Conflict in the 21st Century.\nIn Pictures: 10 Cool And Scary Robots Of War\n\"Every mission [that] soldiers go out on in Iraq, there\'s something (automated) flying over them, maybe an unmanned vehicle scouting ahead of them,\" Singer says. \"When they shoot, the key is what they put their laser on for a drone to fire at. ... The story of the surge is not the additional troops, it\'s the air strikes (by machines like Predator drones) going up by a huge amount.\"\nThe numbers illustrate this: With the U.S. military budget likely to fall, spending on robotic systems is steadily rising, even as--thanks to Moore\'s Law and plain old engineering--the machines are getting cheaper. In 2003, there were barely any ground-based robots in Iraq, the kind of small, treaded vehicles used to look for insurgents and disarm explosives. Today there are over 12,000.\nWar in the field is still highly dangerous, of course, but even when soldiers are wounded they may have a close encounter with a machine, in the form of bionic limbs that may even allow them to return to combat. Thanks to robots, however, fewer soldiers face those hazards. The predator drones used in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan are \"flown\" by remote control from safe military bases in the U.S.\nIn their early stages, robots seem like a great addition to the U.S. arsenal, but problems likely will arise as the systems grow more complex. Nor is this strictly a U.S. phenomenon, Singer notes, or even one that limits war to its traditional nation-state owners. \"Forty-three other countries besides the U.S. build military robots,\" he says. \"A few weeks ago we shot down an Iranian drone over Iraq.\" Hezbollah used four drones to attack Israel in its recent conflict and used others as observation craft before that conflict started, Singer says.\nIndividuals may be next. \"I talked to a researcher who told me that for $50,000 worth of robots he could shut down New York for a day. It was pretty convincing. Warfare will go open source.\"\nEven more, it may be harder than ever to say when and where wars begin and end, given the low cost of leaving sensors and material in the field (or protecting New York), in a kind of perpetual deployment that is impossible with people.\nMuch remains to be worked out, including perhaps the greatest piece of the puzzle: what robots everywhere will mean for war itself. Historically, victory has meant a superiority of economy, tactics, courage or other elements that defined the winning nation\'s identity. Germany fell decisively in WWII because fascism was seen as hollow.\n\"With machines, it will be less and less about why we go--they don\'t need motivation psychology, the shifts that turned many great battles,\" says Singer. \"War meant committing to an act of violence that could put your nation\'s survival at stake. It may not mean that now.\"\nIn Pictures: 10 Cool And Scary Robots Of War\nSee Also:\nHousehold Robots\nIn Pictures: Making A Robot\nReal World Robots\nObama\'s Peace Dividend\nStreet Loses\nAnimation Nation\nMarkets End Week Higher\nRead All Comments\nIntelligent Investing | Data | Knowledge | Insight | Wisdom\nSubscriptions\nSubscribe To Newsletters\nSubscriber Customer Service\nADVERTISEMENT\nContent Management Software\nEmail Marketing Software\nProject Management Software\nAccounting Software\neCommerce Software\nHelp Desk Software\n>> Browse All Directories\n CEO Book Club\nBook Review\nJacqueline Novogratz\' \'The Blue Sweater\'\nBook Review\nKapferer and Bastien\'s \'The Luxury Strategy\'\nLauren Sherman\nJean-Noel Kapferer and Vincent Bastien\'s \'\'The Luxury Strategy.\'\'','Quentin Hardy','Home\nBusiness\nTech\nMarkets\nEntrepreneurs\nLeadership\nPersonal Finance\nForbesLife\nLists\nOpinions\nVideo\nBlogs\nE-mail Newsletters\nPeople Tracker\nPortfolio Tracker\nSpecial Reports\nCommerce\nEnergy\nHealth Care\nLogistics\nManufacturing\nMedia\nServices\nTechnology\nWall Street\nWashington\nCIO Network\nEnterprise Tech\nInfoimaging\nInternet Infrastructure\nInternet\nPersonal Tech\nSciences\nSecurity\nWireless\nBonds\nCommodities\nCurrencies\nEconomy\nEmerging Markets\nEquities\nOptions\nFinance\nHuman Resources\nLaw & Taxati...','http://www.forbes.com/2009/05/14/robots-war-military-technology-personal-tech-robots.html','application/xhtml+xml','html',30567,'ISO-8859-1',NULL,'Robots That Kill For America - Forbes.com',NULL,'000039.html','/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL,'Robots, War, Military, Personal Tech, iRobot',NULL,NULL,0,NULL),(40,56,'2011-01-26 00:47:19','2011-01-25','16:47:18','2011-01-25 16:47:18','jcarlos','2011-01-25','16:47:19','2011-01-25 16:47:19','jcarlos','Accessibility links\nSkip to article\nSkip to navigation\nAdvertisement\nWednesday 26 January 2011\nTelegraph.co.uk\nHome\nNews\nSport\nFinance\nComment\nCulture\nTravel\nLifestyle\nFashion\nTechnology\nJobs\nDating\nOffers\nUK\nWorld\nPolitics\nObituaries\nRoyal Wedding\nEarth\nScience\nHealth News\nEducation\nCelebrities\nWeird News\nNews Blogs\nUSA\nUS Politics\nAsia\nChina\nCentral Asia\nEurope\nAustralasia\nMiddle East\nAfrica\nSouth America\nSouth Korea\nSouth Korea deploys robot capable of killing intruders along border with North\n South Korea has deployed sentry robots capable of detecting and killing intruders along the heavily-fortified border with North Korea, officials said on Tuesday.\n Image 1 of 4\nNorth Korean soldiers look across the Demilitarized Zone towards South Korea Photo: EPA\nImage 1 of 4\nSouth Korean soldiers patrol the demilitarized zone (DMZ) between the two Koreas Photo: AP\nImage 1 of 4\nArmed robots won\'t be just the preserve of Hollywood as South Korea is developing sophisticated combat robots armed with weapons\n Image 1 of 4\nThe two countries have used various types of technology to spread propaganda to each other- including large banks of loud speakers Photo: REUTERS:12AM BST 13 Jul 2010\nComments\nTwo robots with surveillance, tracking, firing and voice recognition systems were integrated into a single unit, a defence ministry spokesman said.\nThe 400 million won (£220,000) unit was installed last month at a guard post in the central section of the Demilitarised Zone which bisects the peninsula, Yonhap news agency said.\nIt quoted an unidentified military official as saying the ministry would deploy sentry robots along the world\'s last Cold War frontier if the test was successful.\nThe robot uses heat and motion detectors to sense possible threats, and alerts command centres, Yonhap said.\nIf the command centre operator cannot identify possible intruders through the robot\'s audio or video communications system, the operator can order it to fire its gun or 40mm automatic grenade launcher.\nRelated Articles\nNorth Korea\'s health system \'on its knees\'Jul 2010\nNao: the robot with feelingsAug 2010\nNorth Korean soldiers defect to ChinaJul 2010\nSouth Korea is also developing highly sophisticated combat robots armed with weapons and sensors that could complement human soldiers on battlefields.\nIt has a largely conscripted military of 655,000 against Pyongyang\'s 1.2 million-strong force, but a falling birth rate means Seoul will struggle in the future to maintain troop numbers.\n X Share & bookmark\nDelicious\nFacebook\nGoogle\nMessenger\nReddit\nTwitter\nDigg\nFark\nLinkedIn\nGoogle Buzz\nStumbleUpon\nY! 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But this isst century medicine.\nIn six hospitals in Palm Beach and Broward counties, a robot called da Vinci is helping\ndoctors perform surgery using small incisions and with more flexibility than the more\ncommon laparoscopic technology. It is used mostly for prostate surgery but is also being\nused for gynecological surgery such as the hysterectomy Sam recently performed at\nWest Boca Medical Center.\n\"I get three hands instead of two,\" Sam said of the robot she\'s used 100 times between\nWest Boca Medical and Holy Cross Hospital in Fort Lauderdale. \"I try to avoid open\nsurgery because we have the technology.\"\nRobots, especially the da Vinci, are\nestablished at university medical\ncenters and are springing up in\nhospitals around the country. The\nmachines are attractive to doctors\nbecause they allow the same hand\nmovements of open surgery.\nPatients have less blood loss,\nsmaller incisions, shorter hospital\nstays and faster recoveries.\nThe number of da Vinci-trained\nText size:\nNo school in Broward Mondayarrested in Belle Glade area drug operation\nWXEL sale in the air after four years and a failed\nattemptteens accused of rape, forcing mom to have\nsex with son in West Palm\nCharacter Counts: Mitchell Saget, 10, Boynton\nBeach\nMore most viewed\nMost viewed Most e-mailed Hot topics\nHome > News > Palm Beach County\nClassifieds\nPlace an ad\nFind a job\nFind a car\nAutos A-Z\nFind real estate\nFind rental properties\nShopping\nDating\nPets\nWeather\nHurricane HQ\nTraffic\nNews\nBroward County\nPalm Beach County\nBoca Raton\nWest Boca\nBoynton Beach\nWest Boynton\nDelray Beach\nWellington\nSociety\nCharacter Counts\nBusiness\nEntertainment\nLifestyle\nTravel\n• • • • • • • • • •\nCrime & Safety\nRegional/Florida\nCuba/Americas\nNation/World\nHelp Team\nLegislature\nElections\nSchools\nHealth and Fitness\nGreen Living\nColumnists\nCorrections\nMultimedia Gallery\nSportsOlympics\nMiami Dolphins\nFlorida Marlins\nMiami Heat\nOpinion\nObituaries\nNews Tips/17/08 4:33 PMRobot changing the way doctors operate -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com\nPage 2 of 3http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/palmbeach/sfl-flprobot0728sbjul28,0,7893383.story\nShould vaccines be mandatory?\nKindergarten students entering school Monday\nare required to have two doses of the varicella,\nor chickenpox, vaccine.\nDo you think vaccines should be mandatory?\nView current results\n• Results of recent Sun-Sentinel.com news polls.\nKids of Character\nAwards Ceremony\nCooper City High School\nMay 5, 2008\nThe time to upload\nphotos has expired.\nHonoring Palm Beach\nCounty students who\nexhibit the six pillars of\ncharacter:\ntrustworthiness, respect,\nRobotic prostate surgery\nMinimally invasive robotic surgery Saint Joseph\'s\nHospital in Atlanta.\nwww.StJosephsAtlanta.org/\nRobotic surgery\nRobotic Prostatectomy Robotic Urologic surgeries\nurology.uthscsa.edu\nUW Robotic Prostatectomy\nU of WI offers advanced prostate cancer surgical\ntreatments\nwww.uwhealth.org/roboticsurgery\nRobotic Prostate Surgery\nRobot assisted prostate surgery at Swedish\nMedical Center.\nwww.swedish.org\nLaparoscopic Surgery\nFind and compare surgeons. View experience and\nperformance data.\nwww.HealthGrades.com\ndoctors and robotic procedures is\nrising each year, according to the\ncompany. Costing more than $1\nmillion, the da Vinci\'s price tag may\nbe a hurdle for hospitals, especially\nthose struggling with declining\nadmissions. Insurance pays the\nsame whether it\'s traditional or\nrobotic surgery.\nJulie Santiago, 43, of Parkland,\ndidn\'t have six weeks to spare for\nrecovery after open surgery. So she\nopted for Sam to perform her\nhysterectomy using da Vinci: \"It\'s\ntechnology working for health care,\"\nshe said.\nIn the operating room at West Boca\nMedical, Santiago lays beneath the\nspider-like arms of the massive\nmachine. Dime-size incisions make\nway for the surgical tools inside the\nbody.\nIn the corner, Sam looks into the console and sees in 3-D the organ she will remove in\ntwo hours.\nDoctors say the robot is a step-up from laparoscopy, the typical minimally invasive\nsurgery. Da Vinci is suited for procedures in the pelvis because that space is confined.\nThe robot makes reattaching organs and sewing delicate stitches easier, an advantage\nover typical laparoscopy, said Dr. Raymond J. Leveillee of the University of Miami.\nRecovery time, though, is the same for patients undergoing either minimally invasive\ntechnique. Both are shorter than open surgery.\n\"I just want women to know they have the choice,\" Sam said.\nIn some ways, the benefit of the robot is that surgeons prefer it. They like controlling the\ncamera instead of depending on an assistant. And they like the 3-D view compared with-D in typical laparoscopy.\nWest Boca Medical and JFK Medical Center in Atlantis in Palm Beach County both use\nthe robot, according to maker Intuitive Surgical. Broward County hospitals with the\ntechnology include Holy Cross, Westside Regional Medical Center in Plantation,\nCleveland Clinic in Weston and Memorial Hospital Pembroke in Pembroke Pines.\nDr. Jonathan Masel, a Hollywood urologist, does about three robot-assisted surgeries a\nweek at Memorial Hospital and Holy Cross. He has focused his career on robotics, which\nhe sees as the future of surgery.\n\"The majority of surgeons out there are still doing open surgery,\" he said. \"I\'m faster with\nthe robotic technique.\"\nApproved by the FDA in 2000, da Vinci will be used for an estimated 76,000\nprostatectomies this year, said company spokeswoman Nora Distefano. The number\ngrew from 55,000 procedures last year.\nUsing the robot to remove part of the prostate — and treat prostate cancer — has\nbecome common. About 90,000 prostatectomies, using all types of surgical methods, are\ndone worldwide every year, according to the company.\nNot all doctors, especially older ones, will switch. Some question whether da Vinci is the\ngold standard, said Leveillee, who uses the robot and is UM\'s chief of minimally invasive\nsurgery. Though surgeons practice on pigs and cadavers, it takes 100 real surgeries to\nbecome proficient, which Leveillee called a significant learning curve.\n\"There\'s a healthy skepticism on the part of physicians who have not been accepting of\nnew technology,\" he said. \"It\'s actually a good thing that people just don\'t jump on the\nbandwagon.\"\nOf the about 600,000 hysterectomies done worldwide each year, about 33,000 will be\ndone on da Vinci this year. Recovery time for an open hysterectomy is about six weeks.\nFor robotic surgery and laparoscopy, it\'s about two weeks.\nLess than a week after her surgery, Santiago was at home spending most of the day\nworking from home and resting.\nYes\nNo\nUndecided\nVote\nTopics\nBlogs\nVideo\nGet Local Palm\nBeach\nNewspaper Services\nGet home delivery\nSubscriber services\nWork at Sun-Sentinel\nAdvertise with us\nBuy photos\nBuy back issue\nContact us\nSell our paper\nNewspaper boxes\nDigital Edition\nSubscribe Now!\nResources\nRecent articles\nRSS feeds\nMobile services\nNewsletters/Alerts\nFlorida Lottery\nFind a restaurant\nMovie times\nHoroscopes\nCalendar of events\nWebcam\nSite Map\nMetromix/17/08 4:33 PMRobot changing the way doctors operate -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com\nPage 3 of 3http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/palmbeach/sfl-flprobot0728sbjul28,0,7893383.story\nresponsibility, caring,\nfairness and citizenship.\nThe latest from our community bloggers. They\nare solely responsible for their posts, which are\nnot edited by the Sun-Sentinel.\nCandidates Forum at South County Civic Center\nFriday August 15, 9:30 A.M. [West Delray]\nAppreciation of artistry, talent and trade [West\nBoynton]\nIncreased tropical storms very possible for\nSouth Florida this month and next because the\nBermuda High is not in place to shield us\n[Delray Beach]\nSummer is over for students [Boca Raton]\nSushi & Stroll at Morikami Gardens [West\nDelray]\n>> Find the blog for your community at your Get Local\npage.\nSunrises & Sunsets\nShare your spectacular\nimages of Florida\'s\nmorning and evening\nskies.\nUpload your own photo\namNY | Baltimore Sun | Chicago Tribune | Daily Press | Hartford Courant | LA Times | Newsday | Orlando Sentinel | The Morning Call | The Virginia Gazette\nBroward Educator | City & Shore Magazine | El Sentinel | Forum Publishing Group, inc. | News in Education | South Florida Parenting | South Florida Teenlink | TCPalm.com | CW South Florida | WXEL |\nWPTV\nCareerBuilder.com for Jobs | Cars.com for Autos | Homescape.com for Homes | Apartments.com for Rentals | Houses for Rent | For Sale by Owner | Open Houses | ShopLocal.com | Discount Shopping |\nGrocery Coupons\nRead all 14 comments »\nName\nComments\nPlease note by clicking on \"Post Comment\" you acknowledge that you have read the Terms of Service and\nthe comment you are posting is in compliance with such terms. 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Featuring laparoscopic procedures.\nwww.lakesurgical1.com\nAll topics\nRelated topic galleries: Therapies, Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, Hospitals and Clinics,\nPembroke Pines, Cleveland Clinic, Health Treatments\nworking from home and resting.\n\"It\'s been working out really well,\" she said. \"Every day, it gets better.\"\nPatty Pensa can be reached at ppensa@sun-sentinel.com or 561-243-6609.\n>> Click here to find the cheapest gas prices in your neighborhood.\nCopyright © 2008, South Florida Sun-Sentinel\nE-mail Print Share\nType the numbers you see in the image on the right:\nPost Comment\nCopyright 2008 | Privacy Policy | Advertise with us | Subscriptions | Paid archives | Questions or comments','linda easterlin','/17/08 4:33 PMRobot changing the way doctors operate -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com\nPage 1 of 3http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/palmbeach/sfl-flprobot0728sbjul28,0,7893383.story\nLogin or register\nFeatured Blog\nWest Palm Beach\'s Labarga is among finalists\nfor state Supreme Court seat\nAmong the finalists for a Florida Supreme\nCourt vacancy this fall is a key player in thepresidential recount,…\n>> More from Palm Beach Politics\nFrom the News Blogs\nTropical storm warning possible for Sout...','http://www.westbocamedctr.com/en-US/Documents/369003445f2c45fa84a373b82d3ea9d2SunSentinelRoboticsArticle.pdf','application/pdf','pdf',340102,'ISO-8859-1',NULL,'Robot changing the way doctors operate -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com',NULL,'000041.pdf','/robotlaw/publications/1000','Safari','','Mac OS X 10.5.4 Quartz PDFContext','',0,NULL),(42,57,'2011-01-26 19:32:28','2011-01-26','11:31:29','2011-01-26 11:31:29','jcarlos','2011-01-26','11:32:29','2011-01-26 11:32:29','jcarlos','Help\nHome Page\nToday\'s Paper\nVideo\nMost Popular\nTimes Topics\nPlease Log In\nPLEASE LOG IN\nLog in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International Herald Tribune.\nDon\'t have an account yet?\nCreate an account »\nE-Mail or Member ID\nPassword\nForgot Password?\nRemember Me\nLog In\nHome\nWorld\nU.S.\nN.Y. / Region\nBusiness\nTechnology\nScience\nHealth\nSports\nOpinion\nArts\nStyle\nTravel\nJobs\nReal Estate\nAutos\nBack to Top\n© 2011 The New York Times Company\nPrivacy\nYour Ad Choices\nTerms of Service\nCorrections\nRSS\nFirst Look\nHelp\nContact Us\nWork for Us\nAdvertise\nSite Map',NULL,'Help\nHome Page\nToday\'s Paper\nVideo\nMost Popular\nTimes Topics\nPlease Log In\nPLEASE LOG IN\nLog in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International Herald Tribune.\nDon\'t have an account yet?\nCreate an account »\nE-Mail or Member ID\nPassword\nForgot Password?\nRemember Me\nLog In\nHome\nWorld\nU.S.\nN.Y. / Region\nBusiness\nTechnology\nScience\nHealth\nSports\nOpinion\nArts\nStyle\nTravel\nJobs\nReal Estate\nAutos\nBack to Top\n© 2011 The New York Times Company\nPrivacy\nYour Ad Choices...','http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/05/science/05robots.html?_r=2','text/html','html',10481,'utf-8',NULL,'Log In - 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The New York Times - Students, Meet Your New Teacher, Mr. Robot',NULL,'000043.html','/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL),(44,59,'2011-01-26 19:36:37','2011-01-26','11:36:37','2011-01-26 11:36:37','jcarlos','2011-01-26','11:36:38','2011-01-26 11:36:38','jcarlos','Skip to content\nWhitepapers\n| Reg Hardware\n| Channel Reg\nHardware\nSoftware\nMusic & Media\nNetworks\nSecurity\nPublic Sector\nBusiness\nScience\nOdds & Sods\nEnvironment\nBiology\nPhysics\nSpace\nPARIS\nRise of the Machines™\nRobot footballers \'will beat Human Race first eleven by 2050\'\nAlert\n Print\nRetweet\nFacebook\nWill presumably thrash England in about 3 or 4 years\nBy Lewis Page • Get more from this author\nPosted in Science, 14th September 2010 13:55 GMT\nFree whitepaper – The Register Guide to Enterprise Virtualization\nA top Australian computing boffin, analysing the state of play in today\'s RoboCup droid football leagues, says that robotic footballers will be able to beat the best human players in the world by 2050.\nRumours of unsavoury off-pitch antics with pleasure units are completely unfounded.\nClaude Sammut is professor of computer science and engineering at New South Wales Uni down under, and is a successful manager in the RoboCup leagues. In a recent journal article examining the current standard of robot football and looking to the future, he writes:\nIn 1968, John McCarthy and Donald Michie made a bet with then Scottish chess champion, David Levy, that within 10 years a computer program would be able to beat him. It took a bit longer than 10 years (nearly 30) but eventually such programs came into being. In the same spirit of a grand challenge, RoboCup aims, by the year 2050, to develop a team of fully autonomous humanoid robots that can win against the human world soccer champion team.\nIn chess at any rate the battle of man vs machine would seem to be pretty much over, in that only the human race\'s greatest grandmasters can even offer a proper computer a struggle. Even such humble machines as smartphones can nowadays play at ordinary grandmaster level.\nIn football, however, it\'s still all to play for. The current Aldebaran Nao players of the RoboCup leagues (pictured) aren\'t even at the jumpers-for-goalposts level yet, yet alone able to make the Rooneys and Beckhams of this world break a sweat.\nAs yet there is no such all-human-race team, for lack of credible opposition. But it does seem reasonable to suggest that one might be formed as soon as droid sides became able to beat lower-ranking Premier League or World Cup teams. Presumably this might happen some years before the eventual robot victory - we might be looking at forming up a Human Race first eleven as soon as 2040.\nSammut, as an experienced veteran manager in RoboCup, admits that his lads have a hill to climb before they can qualify for the World Cup. He also references legendary homophobia-persecution WWII hero codebreaker AI boffin Alan Turing, who would probably have been a top RoboCup manager today.\n[The lads] will have to be able to sense and act in completely unstructured environments. [We\'re making 110 per cent effort on] perception, decision making, learning, and cooperative behaviors ... Robots are integrated hardware and software systems [and it\'s a game of two halves] ... In the words of Alan Turing ‘We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done.’\nLest anybody should think that efforts by humanity to fashion the robotic footballers which will one day vanquish us at our most venerated pastimes are a waste of time, readers should note that the RoboCup leagues aren\'t all about football. There are also subsidiary events which offer concrete betterment for humanity as opposed to sporting humiliation.\nWe refer, of course, to the \"robotic home helper\" events - designed to lead one day to our long-promised robot butlers.\nRead Sammut\'s in-depth roboball analysis here. ®\nFree whitepaper – The Register Guide to Enterprise Virtualizationcomments\nRelated stories\nRobots capable of \'deceiving humans\' built by crazed boffins (10 September 2010)\n\'Soft robots\' will use gut-wrenching propulsion method (23 July 2010)\nStrato-droids to mate in upper atmos, exchange vital juices (2 July 2010)\nWALL-E spaceliner smart hoverchairs debut in Japan (23 February 2010)\nReplace Bulldog gridiron mascot with robot, PETA demands (26 November 2009)\nBoffins teach football bots how to fall (22 May 2009)\nTen jobs that robots are eyeing up (29 March 2007)\nUK fields footballing RoboBeckhams (5 April 2004)\nWhitepapers\nPower and Cooling Capacity Management for Data Centers\nThis paper describes the principles for acheiving power and cooling capacity management.\nElectrical Efficiency Measurement for Data Centers\nThis paper explains how data center efficiency can be measured, evaluated, and modelled including a comparison of periodic assessment vs continuous monitoring.\nEnergy Efficient Cooling for Data Centers\nThis paper discusses the efficiency benefits of row-based cooling compared to two other common cooling architectures.\nVirtualization: Optimized Power and Cooling to Maximize Benefits\nBeyond virtualizations undisputed benefits is the parallel story of a substantial benefit from optimizing the physical infrastructure that supports it.\nGoogle Apps: Motorola Case Study\nMotorola\'s handset division recently switched from Microsoft Exchange to Google Apps. Watch this video to lean why they switched and the benefits that they have realized.\nSearch more Resources\nMost read\nSat-spotters find secret payload launched by giant US rocket\nMid-Atlantic Ocean temperatures peaked in 1998\nUS cyberwar firing range to demo by July\nUpdated Hefty physicist: Global warming is \'pseudoscientific fraud\'\nPARIS laid bare in intimate snaps\nParis - graphic revelations\nOur space plane mission\'s photo album\nPopular Whitepapers\nFor Data Center Virtualization, IOPS is more important than air\nStorage Switzerland report\nIncrease Application Performance with Solid State Disks\nTexas Memory SystemsSteps to Embrace the Consumerized Workforce\nFinding Ways to Balance IT Risk and Productivity\nImplementing Energy Efficient Data Centers\nMethods to reduce consumption\nTop reasons to use BlueArc NFS Storage for VMware\nUncompromising Performance\nCreate Your Natural Advantage\nIntegrating Desktop Power Savings with Patch Management\nVulture 1 spaceplane - The Blueprints\nFull plans of our epoch-making ship\nSponsored links\nIsilon. 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Bardley Manning\nLawrence Davidson\nMartin Peretz in Love\nSteve Early\nScoundrel Time at Kaiser\n Jayne Lyn Stahl\nThe Scandal That Wasn\'t\nWebsite of the Day\nThe Lesser Evil\n September 17 - 19, 2010\nAlexander Cockburn\nAutumn of the Driveler\n James B. Rule Elizabeth Warren\'s Challenge: the Banks and Their Protectors\nSaul Landau /\nNelson Valdés\nThe Confessions of Roger Noriega\nIshmael Reed\nWhy Some White Progressives Make Me Sick: Black Men and the White Left\n Mike Whitney\nHousing:\nThe Swelling Backlog\nDiana Johnstone\nSerbia Surrenders Kosovo to the EU\n Rannie Amiri\nThe Saudi Arms Deal: Stirring Persian Gulf Waters\n David Rosen\nTea Party Panic: the Fear of Sex, Race and Inter-racial \"Pollution\"\n Ramzy Baroud\nRegarding US Muslims: a Misguided Debate\nRichard Phelps\nBurning and Building\nSheldon Richman\nThey Died for Iran\nAlan J. 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Valdés\nThe Cuban Model and\nCastro\'s \"Confession\"\nDavid Correia\nIf Only Glenn Beck Were a Cyborg: Inside the Singularity Movement\n Ron Jacobs\nThe Dutchman and Pastor Jones\nSaif Shahin\nIran: War Talk, Peace Talk\nShamus Cooke\nWhen Corporations Own Congress\nMichael Winship\nEscaping Tolerance\nMohamed Abdel-Baky\nEgypt Going Nuclear\nBetsy Ross\nNo Bull\nCharles R. Larson\nThe Politics of Onanism:\nthe Anti-Masturbation Candidate\nWebsite of the Day\nTools for Radicals\n September 14, 2010\nKathy Kelly\nBanning Slaughter\nIsrael Shamir /\nPaul Bennett\nAssange Besieged\nEsam Al-Amin\nThree Sides of the Qu\'ran Burning Triangle\nDean Baker\nEconomist Failure:\nthe Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations\nStewart J. Lawrence\nHave Immigration Activists Won the Battle But Lost the War?\nBenjamin Dangl\nChile\'s Ghosts\nDavid Macaray\nWhen the Work Breaks You Down\n Sheldon Richman\nObama the Neoconservative\nP. Sainath\nHow Right You Are, Prime Minister!\nHarvey Wasserman\nIs the Nuclear Renaissance Dead Yet?\nWebsite of the Day\nUnseal Nixon\'s Grand Jury Testimony\n September 13, 2010\nMichael Hudson Obama\'s Thatcherite Gift to the Banks\nMike Whitney\nThe Hyper-Inflation Mirage\n Mark Weisbrot\nThe Venezuelan Economy: the Media Gets It Wrong Again\nMichael Barker\nFoundations and the Environmental Movement: an Interview with Daniel Faber\nRalph Nader\nDoomsday for Democrats?\nMichael Dalton\nReturn to the Cove of Blood: a Report From Taiji\n Marjorie Cohn\nBusiness as Usual in Iraq\nRichard Trumka\nHow the Corporados Wrecked Retirement\nDave Lindorff\nGrowth Has Little to Do With Jobs or Reducing Poverty\nDavid Michael Green\nI Have a Dream\nWebsite of the Day\nThe Blues Collective\nSeptember 10 - 12, 2010\nAlexander Cockburn\nThe Koran at Fahrenheit 451\nChristopher Ketcham\nNo Good Men Left Here\nGareth Porter\nThe IED War: Petraeus Spins as Casualties Soar\n Tariq Ali\nSelling Off Af-Pak\nMike Whitney\nWalking in Reagan\'s Shoes\nSaul Landau\nPoverty Rising\nDean Baker\nOutlook Grim\nDavid Rosen\nThe End of the American Century?\nLisa Taraki\nThe Silence of the Israeli Intelligentsia\nDavid Macaray\nIdiot Bosses and Valiant Women\nRamzy Baroud\nThe Photo Before the Storm\nChristopher Brauchli\nBaptisms for the Dead\nRannie Amiri\nThe Mideast\'s Quiet Peacemaker\nLawrence Davidson\nThe Growing Boycott of Israel\nBoris Kagarlitsky\nWhile Russia Burned\nJohn Chuckman\nThe Misnomer of Peace Talks\nMissy Beattie\nToward Justice\nSam Beck\nThe Persecution of the Roma\nPaul Cantor\nThe First 9/11 and the Fading Light of American Democracy\nJohn Blair\nMeet the Real Mitch Daniels: Socialist Governor of Indiana\n Marcus Breen\nThe Australian Elections: Marketing Political Fragmentation\nFarzana Versey\nThe Twin Towers\nTimothy Seidel\nThe Kairos Document: Christian Advocacy in the Holy Land\nBianca Mugyenyi /\nYves Engler\nCars and Class\nNorman Solomon\nTime for Progressives to Fight Back\nJohn Grant\nThe Corruption Conundrum\nBinoy Kampmark\nBlair Speaks\nStephen Martin\nThe Heart of Corporate Darkness\nCharles R. Larson\nCitizen of the World\nDavid Yearsley\nHigh Plains Trudgery\nWebsite of the Weekend\nBilly Wilder\'s \"Death Mills\"\n September 9, 2010\nKathy Kelly\nIndefensible Drones\nEllen Brown\nHow to Reverse a Deflation\nAnthony DiMaggio\nPeace Process Déjà Vu\nGeorge Bisharat\nIntolerance at Jerusalem\'s Museum of Tolerance\nClifton Ross\nPolls, Damned Polls and the Truth About Venezuela\nGraham Usher\nGaza: a Castle in the Sand\nMichael Winship\nThe Rest Should be Silence\nPaul Buchheit\nDear Tea Partiers, Let\'s Get Mad Together\nWebsite of the Day\nCreepier Than Thou\n September 8, 2010\nFranklin Lamb\nMunir\'s Story\nJamie Stern-Weiner\nThe Punishment of Gaza: an Interview with Gideon Levy\n Dean Baker\nBernanke\'s Trifecta of Errors\nJohn Ross\n\"Viva Mexico! Let\'s Go Kill Some Gachupines!\"\nRussell Mokhiber\nSingle Payer Later\nBill Quigley\nRepublic of Fear\nMargaret Kimberley\nShow Me Your Papers, New York!\nBilly Wharton\nRe-Thinking the Local\nWalter M. Brasch\nWhy the Quaker State Leads the Nation in Animal Cruelty\n Stephen Lendman Militarizing Space: America\'s Grand Strategy\n Website of the DayColombian Tribes Face Extinction\n September 7, 2010\nMike Whitney\nEuropean Banks Still on the Brink\nDean Baker\nIncompetents at the IMF\nRussell Mokhiber\nThe Case Against Corporate Responsibility\nUri Avnery\nDamage Control\nTom Turnipseed\nThe Myth of the Founding Fathers\nStanley Heller\nWashing Away Labor\'s War Stain\nN. D. Jayaprakash\nThe Crime of Union Carbide\nFatemeh Keshavarz\nBehind the Scenes of the 2009 Iranian Elections\nSherwood Ross\nLosing the Base\nRich Gibson\nWhy Have School?\nWebsite of the Day\nReality TV Iraqi-Style\nSeptember 6, 2010\nLinn Washington\nThe Misery of Mass Unemployment\n Gareth Porter\nTurning Iraq Into a \"Good War\"\nClancy Sigal\nLabor Day: It\'s No Picnic\nLawrence Davidson\nWikileaks and Shield Laws\nSarah Lazare\nAnother School Year, Another War Year\nDavid Macaray\nVictory for the Carwasheros\nWindy Cooler\nWhen We Come to Bury Caesar\nDavid Michael Green\nWhy the Right is Winning\nFaith Simon /\nCal Winslow\nThe Kaiser Permanente Elections and the Fight for Democracy\nBen Terrall\nCall of the Grisly\nWebsite of the Day\nThe Top 10 Myths of Pop Psychology\n September 3 - 5, 2010\nAlexander Cockburn\nObama\'s Ridiculous Mid-East Summit\n Michael Hudson\nDoes Our Economy Really Have to Run on Fraud?\n Christopher Brauchli\nWelfare and Warrantless Searches\nWinslow T. Wheeler\nThe Surge in Defense Spending: What Did the Pentagon Do With That Extra Trillion Dollars?\n Mike Whitney\nHigh Frequency Chicanery\nWalden Bello\nThe Political Consequences of Stagnation\nGeorge Bisharat\nTerms of Coexistence\nMark Weisbrot\nThe Stimulus Complex\nConn Hallinan\nA Uniquely Dangerous Border\nJoshua Frank\nOne More Reason to Boycott Nike\nRamzy Baroud\nBehind the Israeli Wall\nRalph Nader\nLabor Day in a Time of Recession\nSherwood Ross\nWhy the Recession is a Depression for America\'s Seniors\nFarzana Versey Lynched in Pakistan: a Sensational Media\'s Sensational Victims\n Rev. William E. Alberts\nThe Fire This Time\nRon Jacobs\nOwning the Game\nJonathan W. Martin\nSturdy Walls, Collapsing Job Market\nRannie Amiri Monarchy v. Democracy\nJohn Cox\nChronicle of a Hate Crime Foretold\nJulie Hilden\nLitigation-Free Zones?\nThomas Mountain\nThe CIA to UNICEF: Big Aid Has a Very Dirty Secret\nJim Goodman\nThe Value of Labor\nVictor Grossman\n\"The Muslims Are Coming!\"\nJohn Grant\nLooking for a Straight Answer\nJohn Stanton\nExit McFate\nJack Bradigan Spula Restoring the Gulf the Right Way\nCharles R. Larson\nAlgeria, on the Edge\nKim Nicolini\nMeth and Myth in the Ozarks\nDavid Yearsley\nSting and Strings\nPoets\' Basement\nThree by Gary Corseri\nWebsite of the Weekend\n The Wilderness Downtown\n September 2, 2010\nDean Baker\nBurning Down the House\nJoanne Mariner\nTargeted Killings Go to Court\nMohamed Waked\nThe Politics of Power Cuts in Egypt\nChristopher Ketcham\nThe Rise of a Green Tea Party\nDave Lindorff\nWhen Markets Fail\nMargaret Kimberly\nPrison Rape, America\'s Torture\nSaleh Al-Naami\nNo Signs of Hope\nAshley Smith\nTalking Peace on Israel\'s Terms: an Interview with Naseer Aruri\n Website of the Day\nDylan & The Band: \"I Ain\'t Got No Home\"\nSeptember 1, 2010\nPaul Craig Roberts\nDeath By Globalism\n Bill Quigley /\nLaura Raymond\nAnother False Ending\nWilliam Blum\nThings Which Don\'t Go Away\nJonathan Cook\nBedouin Land Fight\nNorman Solomon\nA Speech for Endless War\nFirmin DeBrabander\nFrom Mexico to Baltimore: Dying on Our Doorstep\n Michael Donnelly\nSome Fight Back\nMark Weisbrot\nDrawing the Wrong Lessons From Germany\'s Recovery\nRoberto Rodriguez\nRunning for Justice\nAdam Federman\nThe Persecution of Rod Coronado\nWebsite of the DayReasons Not to Raise the Retirement Age\n August 31, 2010\nPatrick Cockburn\nWhat is the US Legacy in Iraq?\n James Abourezk\nGive Me That Old Time Racism\nMike Whitney\nThe Backward Slide Into Recession\nGareth Porter\nTaliban Morale\nJeffrey Blankfort\nMahmoud Abbas: Double Agent\nStewart J. Lawrence\nUtah\'s New Immigration Law\nPaul Larudee\nIsrael\'s Vision Problem\nRobert Jensen\nGlenn Beck\'s Redemption Song\nAyesha Ijaz Khan\nCoping With the Flood\nMark Kastel /\n Will Fantle\nThe Food Safety Shell Game\nAugust 30, 2010\nLaura Carlsen\nDrug War on the Poor\nIsmael Hossein-Zadeh\nRace to the Bottom: Putting the Brakes on Neoliberal Economics\nDean Baker\nA Pointless Waste of Money\nIshmael Reed\nWatermill at Gdansk\nRussell Mokhiber\nHow Factory Farms Make You Sick\nRalph Nader\nKnowing and Doing\nNeve Gordon\nAn Assault on Israeli Academic Freedom\nRamzy Baroud\nRebranding Iraq\nDamien Millet, Sophie Perchellet and Eric Toussaint\nPakistan:\nFloods and Debt\nBen Pleasants\nMy Hawai\'i: Driving Lessons on the Big Island\nWebsite of the Day\n\"Hang the Tree-Hugging Bastards!\"\nAugust 27-29, 2010\nAlexander Cockburn\nCounterPunch Diary\nThank you, Glenn Beck!\n Paul Craig Roberts\nThe Nazification of the United States\nTariq Ali\nFloods for Pakistan; Floods of Money for its Leader\nRannie Amiri\nThe Stalled Voyage of St. Mariam\nMike Whitney\nThe GOP\'s Midterm Strategy: Make Sure Obama Fails\nMissy Comley Beattie\nThe Terrorists Have Won\nEdward Lewis\nInterviewing Michael Neumann\nShamir and Bennett\nAssange: The Amazing Adventures of Captain Neo in Blonde Land\nTom Mountain\nThe Pirates of Puntland: A Tale of Somali Pirates, Ethiopia and the USA\nP. Sainath\nHow Maharashtra Ended Famine\nBenjamin Dangl\nPachamama and Progress: Conflicting Visions for Latin America\'s Future\nDavid Macaray\nA Union Fights for its Economic Life\nChristopher Brauchli\nThe Petulant Prince of Blackwater\nJon Mitchell\nPostcard from... Futenma\nJulia Nissen\nBirthright Citizenship, \"Anchor Babies\" and the 14th Amendment\nCharles R. Larson\nThe Garbage of War Elias Khoury\'s White Masks\nDavid Yearsley\nOn the Road to Skaneateles\n Website of the Day\nPlayingforChange.com\nAugust 26, 2010\nDean Baker\nThe Odious Alan Simpson\nGregory Harms\nIt\'s Not About Religion\nYves Engler\nPrivatizing the Occupaton:\nthe Mercenaries and the NGOs\nGeorge Wuerthner\nOf Wolves and Welfare Ranchers\nSaul Landau\nDeath and Taxes\nLaura Carlsen\nUribe\'s Parting Shot\nBilly Wharton\nBadgers, Buses and Trains: Why We Need a National Rail System\n Ron Jacobs\nFeminism Makes Another Curtain Call?\nDante Castro Arrasco\nThe Persecution of Lori Berenson\nJohn Grant\nThe Curse of the Muslim Seed\nWebsite of the Day\nSorry Friend\n August 25, 2010\nDedrick Muhammad\nGlenn Beck\'s March on Washington\n\"Palin and I will Fulfill King\'s Dream\"\nStewart Lawrence\nThe Mosque and the Muslim Vote\nMike Whitney\nThe Housing Holocaust\nJudith Bello\nHitchens: Bomb Iran Now\nMichael Marqusee\nSwaziland\'s $200 Million Dollar Despot\nJohn Ross\nThe Barrenderos of Mexico City\nBen Hillier\nHuge Electoral Surge for Australia\'s Greens, but is Sell-Out Close Behind?\nJeff Taylor\nA Little Book with a Big Plan\nAugust 23 / 24, 2010\nAnne McClintock\nCP Special Report: Slow Violence in the Gulf and the BP Coverups\nMike Whitney\nRecovery Summer Hits the Rocks\nGareth Porter\nAn Army of Contractors\nWajahat Ali\nThe Muslim Obama\nMartha Rosenberg\nThe Man Behind the Egg Scandal\nDean Baker\nFannie and Freddie: Live Public or Die\nJonathan Cook\nSmuggling Palestinians\nJohn V. Whitbeck Direct Negotiations: Consequences for Failure?\n Stanley Heller\nHow Would You Spend a Trillion Dollars?\nAnthony DiMaggio\nA Culture of Corruption\nRalph Nader\nThe Political Microcosm of Bell, CA\nPatrick Bond\nThe Great Rift in South Africa\nPeter Gelderloos\nThe Decline of Resistance from the Red Scare to the War on Terror\nJohn V. Walsh Countdown to Zero or War on Iran?\n Website of the Day\nRound Houses\n August 20 - 22, 2010\nAlexander Cockburn\nThis is What Success Looks Like\nLinn Washington, Jr.\nThe Lady Who Cried \"Nigger!\"\nMike Whitney\nThe Economy is in Big Trouble\nGary Leupp\nHurt Feelings and the Ground Zero Mosque: a Chronology of a Bizarre Controversy\nDean Baker\nWhacking the Middle Class\nRannie Amiri\nLebanon Braces for a Turbulent Fall\nJeffrey St. Clair\nParadoxical River: Down the Hanford Reach (Part 3)\n Marshall Auerback\nThe Myth of \"Credibility Markets\"\nRon Jacobs\nMidnight on the Flotilla\nRamzy Baroud\nTrapped at Ground Zero\nChristopher Brauchli\nThe Case of Omar Khadr\nElizabeth Streb\nHow to Become an Extreme Action Hero\nJoshua Frank\nMean Gov. Dean: Democratic Hypocrisy on the Mosque\n Jonathan Cook\nThe Secrets in Israel\'s Archives\nTom Sauer\nPie in the Sky:\nthe Persistence of Missile Defense\nDavid Macaray\nEat Pray Love Strike\nRev. William E. Alberts\nCamouflage on the Home Front\nMissy Beattie\nA Kind of Barbarism\nLawrence Davidson\nEden\'s Photoshoot:\na Case of Decency Deficit\nMark Weisbrot\nLugar\'s Strategic Leak\nMargaret Kimberley\nIsrael, Big Money and Obama\nDavid Rosen\nThe Tyranny of False Consciousness\nWajahat Ali\nThe Power of Storytelling\n Julie Hilden\nThe Facebook Defamation Case\nPhil Rockstroh\nThe Deus ex Machina Presidency: a Fantasy\nMarjorie Cohn\nCalifornia, Human Rights and the UN\nCharles R. Larson\nSweden\'s Sexual Dystopia\nPaul Krassner\nThe Secret Murder of Ruben Salazar\nDavid Yearsley\nThe Smells and Sounds of Coco and Igor\nPoets\' Basement\nO\'Hayer, Orloski and Davies\nAugust 19, 2010\nDanny Glover /\nSaul Landau\nVisiting Gerardo\nEllen Brown\nA Homeowners\' Rebellion\nNeve Gordon\nIsraeli Loyalty Oaths\nMartha Rosenberg\nElizabeth Gilbert\'s Strange Spiritual Journey\nDave Lindorff\nThe Mosque Saga\nMichael Nagler\nAfghanistan and the Future of the Empire\nDr. Susan Block\nOur Promiscuous Prehistory\nAnthony Papa\nThe End of Prison-Based Gerrymandering in New York\nWebsite of the Day\nWhat Lurks at the Margins for Indigenous People\n August 18, 2010\nVicente Navarro\nOn Soccer and Bullfighting\nPaul Craig Roberts\nDeceptive Economic Statistics\nAlan Nasser\nThe Neoliberal Attack on Social Security\nAnthony DiMaggio\nDemocrats Go GOP on Tax Cuts\nMike Whitney\nWhy Iran\'s Jews are Better Off Than Gaza\'s Palestinians\nShamus Cooke\nA Permanent Housing Collapse?\nFarzana Versey\nThe Israeli Images\nFranklin Lamb\nA 15-Minute Sop for Refugees\nSheldon Richman\nThe Ugly Truth\nTom Thompson\nWe Need NASCAR for Politicians\nSong of the Day\nJump You Fu-kers!: a Ballad for Wall Street\n September 22, 2010\n\"Risk Free\" Warfare?\n When Machines Kill\n By JOANNE MARINER\n What does it mean for a machine to \"decide\" to kill someone?\nI\'m in Berlin, attending an interdisciplinary expert workshop on robotic weapons, where this question has come up. My job was to brief the participants about international legal standards relevant to assessing governments\' reliance on unmanned weapons systems, such as armed drones.\nThe main purpose of the workshop is to discuss the possible need for new international standards to address weaponized robots and drones. Such standards might regulate the development, proliferation, and use of unmanned weapons systems, or even ban robotic weapons that are deemed \"autonomous.\"\nThe workshop is timely. The international trend toward warfare using unmanned weapons systems has accelerated rapidly over the past decade.\nGovernment reliance on armed drones, in particular, has expanded dramatically. The most high-profile use of unmanned aerial vehicles is by the United States in Pakistan, where the Obama administration has carried out hundreds of drone attacks against suspected terrorists over the past year and a half. But the US is far from the only country that uses drones: Israel has a highly-developed drone program, and the UK has employed drones to kill so-called \"high-value targets\" in Afghanistan.\nAt present, more than 40 countries have access to drone technology, and a sizeable number of them, including Israel, the UK, Russia, Turkey, China, India, Iran, and France, either have equipped or are seeking to equip their drones with laser-guided missiles.\nAnd drones seem to be just the beginning. Unmanned ground vehicles—robots with evocative names like the Crusher, the Raptor, and the Guardian—may also be equipped with weapons in the future. Already, South Korea has employed armed robotic sentries to protect its northern border.\n\"Risk-Free\" Warfare?\nSo what ethical and legal concerns are raised by this increasing reliance on robotic weapons systems?\nA number of participants at this workshop have alluded to the worrying possibility that \"risk-free\" warfare – military actions that are \"risk-free\" in the sense of not causing troop casualties – has a dark side. By eliminating a key disincentive to war, it may make war more attractive, and thus more likely to occur. Of course, any truly game-changing weapons technology alters the balance of military power in a potentially destabilizing way, by giving the country that controls the new technology a decisive advantage over its adversaries.\nBut there is a deeper, less consequentialist argument that seems compelling to many participants here. It is set out in the founding mission statement of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control, the group that convened this workshop: \"machines should not be allowed to make the decision to kill people.\"\nThe notion of robots making lethal choices is chilling; it smacks of the Terminator. But what does it mean for machines to \"decide\" to kill?\nRemote Control vs. Autonomous Robotic Decisionmaking\nThe statement that someone was killed by a bullet does not attribute intent to the bullet, or imply that the bullet is morally or legally culpable. When someone in Pakistan is killed by an unmanned drone, the same is true: The decision to fire the deadly missile is made remotely, by someone sitting at a computer monitor in Langley, Virginia. Though that person is far from the site of the killing, remote sensors and video technology ensure that he is aware of the consequences of his actions. The locus of decisionmaking and responsibility remains human.\nBut participants at this workshop in Berlin have a different scenario in mind. Given rapid advances in hardware and computer technologies, as well as the military\'s obvious eagerness to reduce the need for human input, there is a perceptible long-term trend toward combat robots and drones that are, in military parlance, \"fully autonomous.\" Not only would such unmanned vehicles move about in an autonomous way, without direct human input, they might be empowered to make autonomous targeting decisions.\nA recent US Air Force strategy paper, describing the military\'s long-range plans for unmanned aircraft systems, lauded the trend toward these autonomous systems. \"Technologies to perform auto air refueling, automated maintenance, automatic target engagement, hypersonic flight, and swarming would drive changes across the [entire military spectrum],\" it explained enthusiastically. \"The end result would be a revolution in the roles of humans in air warfare.\"\nProfessor Noel Sharkey, one of the organizers of the present workshop, agrees that the change would be fundamental, but sees the impact differently. He warns: \"we are sleepwalking into a brave new world where robots decide who, where and when to kill.\"\n Algorithms or Autonomous Choices?\nI don\'t think I quite see the situation either way. Although the military may label these robotic weapons system \"autonomous,\" they would not actually be autonomous in any meaningful way: They would have no free will and would not make discretionary choices.\nWhile complex robots and drones may not have much, or any, human input at the operational stage, their responses to visual and other stimuli are pre-determined through a series of programs and algorithms. Their human control is non-simultaneous, and may, for that reason, be more plagued with errors and miscalculations, but this does not mean that the robots themselves are \"deciding\" anything. Nor does it in any way shift the locus of decisionmaking authority and responsibility away from the humans and onto the robots.\nI still differ from the military, however, on the question of whether such quasi-autonomous weapons systems should be granted targeting powers. My hesitance doesn\'t reflect a fear of machines\' \"decisions\"; it just reflects a skepticism regarding whether, even a few decades in the future, machines can be counted on to have the sophisticated sensory and processing skills necessary to distinguish civilians from combatants, and to comply in other necessary ways with the laws of war.\nJoanne Mariner is a human-rights lawyer based in New York and Paris.\n WORDS THAT STICK\n?\nNow Available from CounterPunch Books!\nWasting Libby:\n the True Story of How the WR Grace Corporation Left a Montana Town to Die (and Got Away With It)\nBy Andrea Peacock\nIntroduction by Jeff Bridges\nHow the Economy\n Was Lost\nBy Paul Craig Roberts\nYellowstone Drift:\nFloating the Past\nin Real Time\nby John Holt\nIntroduction by Doug Peacock\n Born Under a Bad Sky:\nNotes from the Dark Side\nof the Earth\nBy Jeffrey St. Clair\nWaiting for\n Lightning\n to Strike:\nThe Fundamentals\n of Black Politics\n Kevin Alexander Gray\n Click Here to Buy!\n \"The Case Against\nIsrael\"\nMichael\nNeumann\'s Devastating Rebuttal of Alan Dershowitz\nClick Here to Buy!\nRED STATE REBELS:\nTales of Grassroots Resistance from the Heartland\nEdited by\nJeffrey St. Clair\nand Joshua Frank\nHow the Press Led\n the US into War\nBuy End Times Now!\nThe Secret\nLanguage\n of the Crossroads:\nHOW THE IRISH\n INVENTED SLANG\nBy Daniel CassidyWINNER\nOF THE\n AMERICAN BOOK AWARD!\nClick Here to Buy!\nThe Inside Story of the Shannon Five\'s Smashing Victory Over the\nBush War Machine\nBy Harry Browne\n Saul Landau\'s\nBush and Botox World\nwith a Foreword by Gore Vidal\nClick Here to Order!\nGrand Theft Pentagon\nHow They Made a Killing on the War on Terrorism\n Spell Albuquerque:\n Memoir of a\n \"Difficult Student\"\n By Tennessee Reed\n \"Powerful and shocking ..\n see this film\"\n-- Joseph Stiglitz on American Casino\n The Occupation\nby Patrick Cockburn\nHumanitarian Imperialism\nBy Jean Bricmont\n CITY BEAUTIFUL\nBy Tennessee Reed','Alexander Cockburn, Jeffrey St. Clair','home\n/ subscribe\n/ donate\n/ books\n/ t-shirts / search\n/ links / feedback\n/ events / faq\nSPECIAL INVESTIGATION\nCounterPunch Print Edition Exclusive!\nBody Parts, Biopiracy and Israel\'s National Forensic Institute\n Nancy Scheper-Hughes’ extraordinary report in our latest, subscriber-only newsletter on the tissue, skin, bone and organ harvesting conducted at Israel’s National Forensic Institute at Abu Kabir, outside Tel Aviv. Learn about the disturbing questions raised by Rachel Corrie’s irregula...','http://www.counterpunch.org/mariner09222010.html','text/html','html',79526,'ISO-8859-1',NULL,'Joanne Mariner: When Machines Kill',NULL,'000045.html','/robotlaw/publications/1000',NULL,'politics, CIA, environment, CounterPunch, Alexander Cockburn, Jeffrey St. Clair',NULL,NULL,0,NULL),(46,61,'2011-01-26 19:43:31','2011-01-26','11:43:25','2011-01-26 11:43:25','jcarlos','2011-01-26','11:43:32','2011-01-26 11:43:32','jcarlos','Home\nAbout\nCopyright\nGuest Blogging Guidelines\nThe official blog of AFCEA International and SIGNAL Magazine\nContract Awards\nEvents\nEvent Coverage\nFeatured Event Coverage\nRecent Events\nFeatures\nApp-titude\nHomefront Help\nIncoming\nInternet Works\nNews Briefs\nSIGNAL Extras\nGuest Blogs\nLetters to the Editor\nSIGNAL Magazine\nSIGNAL Says\nGeneral\nTopics\nAcquisition\nCareer Progressions\nCyberspace\nHomeland Security\nIntelligence\nSmall Business\nSocial Media\nSTEM Education\nWhat\'s New\nAFCEA News\nWebinars\nBattlefield Robotics: A New “Leash” on Unmanned Life\nPosted by Beverly T. Schaeffer on 9/13/10 • Categorized as SIGNAL Magazine\nIt’s nice when Fido obeys commands, but isn’t it even better when he instinctively anticipates those directives? Apply this concept to unmanned systems—robotics to be exact—and the warfighter has a more foolproof companion by his side on the battlefield.\nThat’s the idea driving the U.S. Army Research Laboratory’s Robotics Collaborative Technology Alliance (CTA) to advance the state of the art in unmanned technologies and move them more quickly into theater. Robots will eschew remote-control guidance, relying on programming that gives them autonomy via artificial intelligence.\nIn this month’s issue of SIGNAL Magazine, Technology Editor George I. Seffers goes for a walk down technology lane in his article, “Robots Hunt for New Role as Man’s Best Friend on Battlefield.” Once the advances reach the field, soldiers and robots will collaborate as partners, with shared situational awareness, understanding and common ground.\nThis involves the mutual ability to understand soldiers’ intent and then execute that intent. The key, CTA researchers say, is programming in the ability to “perceive.”\nIt’s a daunting challenge to make machines do things that come naturally to humans and animals, like shifting their gait when going from flat to hilly terrain, climbing stairs or intuitively understanding other team members’ needs. Leading the pack in this area has been CTA member Boston Dynamics, which developed BigDog, the famed heavy-duty, four-legged robot beast that mimics canine movements. DARPA is funding Boston Dynamics to leverage BigDog technology into the Legged Squad Support System, which is expected to carry up to 400 pounds of gear and enough fuel for longer-term missions.\nBelieve it or not, soldiers have come to trust existing robotic systems, because they’ve already seen them in action—detecting, removing and safely detonating WMDs. Without requiring remote-controlled micromanagement, robots will perform even more intricate tasks and continue to remove humans that much further from harm’s way. This bodes well for continued research, development and fielding of these autonomous beings.\nThe notion of robots as trusted companions on the battlefield is no longer limited to the scope of science fiction or TV adventure. With the U.S. Army’s Robotics Collaborative Technology Alliance and its members forging ahead on autonomous technologies, warfighters may just very well have their own “Lassie” to save the day. What more can be done to enhance robotic artificial intelligence to benefit the troops? Share you ideas here.\nTagged as: artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, Collaborative Technology Alliance, Robotics, unmanned systems, US Army Research Lab\n Leave a Response\nCancel Reply\nName (\nrequired )\nEmail (\nrequired )\nWebsite\nSponsors\nMore From This Category\nInternetWorks: The Help Files\nThin Is “In” for Client-Server Computing\nHelp a Veteran–Offer a Job\nBetter Eyes in Sky, Ears to Ground for Afghanistan\nInformation-Gathering Needs Intensify in Afghanistan\n“Just” Semantics? 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Adam blogs about Fiscal Localism and Universal Banking over at One Is Not Enough\nComputers Are Taking Over Wall Street\nWho wouldn’t give up their social security for a safe and commodious robot like Rosie Jetson? She beeps and boops about the living room, swivels around furniture, does the dishes, takes phone calls, and even makes pathetic attempts to contain George’s shenanigans.\nYou might ask, What does such a robot have to do with your social security? Well, imagine if Rosie unbolted her bonnet, abandoned her space-age domicile, and wheeled off to the trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange? Would we feel as safe and happy about Rosie buying and selling the securities that back our retirements, mortgages, and jobs as we did about her doing the laundry? In many ways, Rosie has already been liberated, and started calling the shots in the market.\nThe publication Advanced Trading estimates that an astounding 73% of equity trading (by volume) is now performed by automated programs, and a market research company, the Tabb Group, estimates that program trading profits amounted to over $21 billion in 2008.\nLook Out! Rosie Is Running The Trading Floor\nRosie Derivativater\nComputerized, algorithmic trading, also known as high-frequency trading (HFT) or ‘algo’ trading, was a long shot fifteen years ago, but now is a hot commodity on Wall street.\nDigital trading kicked off in the 70’s when the New York Stock Exchange put into place its first electronic, real-time trading system. Since then, small dynamic IT trading companies develop and prove their hardware and software performance on the fringe before being absorbed by more mainstream banks and hedge funds. Peter Van Kleef, the CEO of Lakeside Capital Market Services who specializes in electronic trading tools and custom software development and a speaker at the HIFREQ TRADING conference describes the shambling path of this sector’s growth in an interview with Highfrequencytradingreview.com\nHow it works:\nBefore Rosie Jetson starts her new career, she needs to be reprogrammed. As an algo robot, she will be doing one of two jobs.\nOne job of HFT robots is making markets more efficient by maximizing participation and minimizing entrance fees (spreads) for flesh-bag traders. This is called “market making” and is unarguably a “good thing”. The markets, such as the New York Stock Exchange, Nasdaq, etc, provide incentives to banks that want to ‘make a market’ on something. Sometimes they offer a “rebate” to market makers for the volume of trades they make. HFT traders take advantage (in a good way) of these rebates to launch markets that were prohibitively expensive without them. Market making actions are real financial progress and truly grease the skids of capitalism.\nThe second way HFT is used is not as innocent or transparent as market making. Algo trading is also used to simply buy low and sell high. This is called “flow” or “proprietary” trading depending of if an institution is risking someone else’s or its own money. No one knows how much of this money is driven by robots, but current events back up the rumors that say there is more than meets the optical sensor with robots in the market right now.\nUnlike billionaire traders like Warren Buffet or George Soros who use (more or less) Fundamental Analysis to trade–they examining the real growth of productive goods, changes in values, and the moment to moment feelings and intuitions of the market–Rosie is reprogrammed to follow the principles of Technical Analysis.\nHer programmer trains her to use prices and financial statistics to predict future price movements. Rosie employs these tools the same way any human trader would employ Rosie, but she can do it quicker and without suffering the nuisance of feelings and hunches. By running her algorithms and trading thousands of times faster than a human can, Rosie beats the crowd of flesh-bag traders every time.\nHAL-aburton\nThe flash crash on May 6th, 2010 is one current event that supports speculations that robots are playing an even larger role than has yet been reported.\nOn May 6th of 2010 the DOW lost around 1000 points (around 10% of its value) and regained them in under fifteen minutes. Theories of human error dissolved as fast as android skin in acid. As the machines came under scrutiny it came as an epiphany for those on Mainstreet that computers today plan and execute the majority of trades on the open market. Since May regulators have been bearing down on these computer enhanced trading methods, and are due to release full reports some time in September 2010.\nIn the face of criticism traders, economists, and exchanges are touting the “Rosie” view of the future of algorithmic trading. They say that ever more sophisticated programs could lead to hyper-efficient markets. Theoretically program trading could pave the way to a market with less risk, more jobs, and more prosperity for everyone. They say the programs help to bring about stable interest rates, stable prices, and all-around economic growth.\nObservers like Delaware Senator Edward Kaufman who want to investigate and perhaps regulate high-frequency trading worry that computers could be giving a few people an unfair advantage. However, no one is considering the obvious danger that someday soon, a tranquil 16-bit voice will speak out over the New York Stock Exchange and say—I’m sorry traders . . . I’m afraid I can’t do that . . . .\n[opening image credit: rednuht - flickr]\nRelated Posts:\nWall Street Computers Read The News Before Trading\nTrading Stocks at the Speed of Light - Computers Own Finance, Next the World\nA Robot Stole My Job: Automation in the Recession\nTengion IPO Unspectacular - What Do Investors Want?\nPrint on Your Wall With The Muralizer\nTags: algo, computerized trading, stocks\nShare\nhttp://joey1058.wordpress.com Joey1058\nThe article only mentions Wall Street. Lets not forget about the other countries that run their own stock exchanges as well. How many of those are automated? And more importantly, how many of those bots are exchanging globally? I suspect the shift in trading no longer considers the unpredictability of the machines, but rather the unpredictability of the humans.\nhttp://www.technologybyday.com/i-bank-or-when-computers-take-over-wall-street-singularity-hub/ Technology By Day » I, Bank (or When Computers Take Over Wall Street) | Singularity Hub\n[...] post: I, Bank (or When Computers Take Over Wall Street) | Singularity Hub Tags: braus-adam, fiscal, fiscal-localism, guest-post, over-at-http, universal, universal-banking [...]\nAntondairi\nThis a very shallow view of HFT, and the critiques are those of someone not very knowledgeable.\nFirst there is no distinction in real life between “good” HF traders and “evil” HF traders, as every body is trading for his own account, and thus its proprietary. Both of them are proprietary and both are risking someone else’s money. In practice the lines are blurred when someone is doing HF trading.\nFirst the analysis of the crash on May 6 is simplistic. Believe me humans make more mistakes than machines. A machine broke on May 6 and caused the crash. It was a hardware fault, not software. Humans on the other hand make software mistakes. They cause crashes because they behave wrongly and incoherently. Just look at the whole financial crises that started with the sub prime crisis. There was no computers there…\nJeremy\n“Observers like Delaware Senator Edward Kaufman who want to investigate and perhaps regulate high-frequency trading worry that computers could be giving a few people an unfair advantage. ”\nSo, open source ftw?\nThis does have some possibly interesting outcomes. When the algorithms reach the point where there is next-to-no-risk and are available general public, then there is no longer any reason for anyone not to invest. And so then everyone gets at least a little piece of the pie. I’ve always come from the school of thought that capitalism, when functioning properly, tends toward socialism (especially in the era of automation). So here we go : a certain “guaranteed income” minus the oppressive government regime.\nhttp://www.ambitionmag.com/2010/09/iris-scanning-set-to-secure-city-in-mexico-then-the-world-video/ Iris Scanning Set To Secure City in Mexico, Then the World (video) | AMbition Magazine\n[...] Original Article [...]\nhttp://www.forextradingbank.com/?p=779 When Computers Take Over Wall Street\n[...] For the rest of the story Click Here [...]\nNipergoonsky\nCurrency, interest, written language, communications, and machines. The situation the market is in right now with flash crashes caused by hft in my opinion is because of the lack of adopters.\nIts called a free market for a reason if you can do it better, faster and have the tools to make to destroy your competition then why not do it?\nhttp://singularityhub.com/2010/12/02/trading-stocks-at-the-speed-of-light-computers-own-finance-next-the-world/ Trading Stocks at the Speed of Light – Computers Own Finance, Next the World | Singularity Hub\n[...] We’ve put the stock market in the hands of computers, and only now is the public starting to u… When you picture institutions like the New York Stock Exchange, stop imagining a group of uptight men yelling prices at each other in a crowded room. That’s so 20th century. Now, the great majority of all trades are done by computers, and they can make deals faster, more often, and on smaller margins than humans can. This has lead to the rise in high frequency and low latency trading – why wait for the million dollar deal when you can make a million penny deals each second. More than 70% of our trading (by volume) already involves these computer-enabled high frequency sales, and in this brave new world being able to act a millisecond faster than the competition can mean hundreds of millions of dollars in profit each year. Wissner-Gross and Freer’s paper, Relativistic Statistical Arbitrage, deals with the fallout of these split second trades. [...]\nhttp://www.ambitionmag.com/2010/12/trading-stocks-at-the-speed-of-light-%e2%80%93-computers-own-finance-next-the-world/ Trading Stocks at the Speed of Light – Computers Own Finance, Next the World | AMbition Magazine\n[...] We’ve put the stock market in the hands of computers, and only now is the public starting to under… When you picture institutions like the New York Stock Exchange, stop imagining a group of uptight men yelling prices at each other in a crowded room. That’s so 20th century. Now, the great majority of all trades are done by computers, and they can make deals faster, more often, and on smaller margins than humans can. This has lead to the rise in high frequency and low latency trading – why wait for the million dollar deal when you can make a million penny deals each second. More than 70% of our trading (by volume) already involves these computer-enabled high frequency sales, and in this brave new world being able to act a millisecond faster than the competition can mean hundreds of millions of dollars in profit each year. Wissner-Gross and Freer’s paper, Relativistic Statistical Arbitrage, deals with the fallout of these split second trades. [...]\nhttp://singularityhub.com/2011/01/03/wall-street-computers-read-the-news-before-trading/ Wall Street Computers Read The News Before Trading | Singularity Hub\n[...] Computer-dependent trading is a growing sector of our financial markets. We’ve already discussed how companies are using automated systems to perform thousands of microtransactions every second, making millions a year on razor thin margins. That trend is only going to increase in the future with fortunes to be won and lost at the speed of light. The rapid collection, analysis, and leveraging of information will be a key ingredient in successful trading firms. Companies that can best understand how to turn the written word into actionable information are going to make a killing. And they’ll do it by looking at everything from The Wall Street Journal to The Huffington Post to your Aunt Beth’s blog about her investment club. [...]\nblog comments powered by Disqus\nSingularity Hub on Facebook\n Topics\nArtificial Intelligence\nBionic Body\nBrain\nComputing\nGadgets\nGenetics\nLongevity\nMedical\nNanotechnology\nRobots\nSingularity\nStem Cells\nVirtual Reality\nBlogroll\nBrain Stimulant\nFuturismic\nGeekPress\nNanotechnology Now\nNanowerk\nNested Universe\nNext Big Future\nOn Singularity\nPlastic Pals\nScienceroll\nSIAI Blog\nThe Scitech Journal\nwww.kurzweilai.net\nMost Tweeted Stories\nTweetbomb - A Tweet To Shake The World\nA Review Of The Best Robots Of 2009\nThe Next Generation in Human Computer Interfaces\nThe Power of Twitter Accounts With Massive Followers - Or Lack Thereof\nCopyright 2011. Singularity Hub. 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It goes about its task by first determining the shape and size of the room to be swept and how dirty it is. It then roves around to suck up any dust and returns to its recharging unit all by itself.\nAccording to iRobot\'s website, more than 4 million of the robots have been sold in 40 countries. Roomba\'s distributor said that more than 100,000 units had been sold in Japan alone as of 2009 since its local debut in 2004. The robot is priced between ¥48,800 and ¥79,800.\nAngle said the company has seen substantial growth in Japan, although he couldn\'t confirm local sales figures since iRobot doesn\'t break down the Japanese market as a segment.\nIRobot also produces military robots, including one named the PackBot, which is used to help disable bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan. Angle said some 3,500 of these robots are \"saving lives every day.\"\nAngle sees his next great chance coming in the health care market, where Japan\'s aging population will make it the world\'s biggest.\n\"People are getting older. . . We need robots to care for our parents\" to extend the period where they can live independently at home, Angle said.\nShare\n|\nWe welcome your opinions. Click to send a message to the editor.\nThe Japan Times\n(C) All rights reserved\nArticle 8 of 8 in Business news\nReady to expand your horizons and study in Japan?\nHere\'s your resource for locating the educational institutions and curriculum best suited to you and your goals.\nReal Estate Guide\nFind apartment and homes that best suit your lifestyle, income and time frame in Japan.\nAbout us |\nWork for us |\nContact us |\nPrivacy policy |\nLink policy |\nRegistration FAQ\nAdvertise in japantimes.co.jp.\nThis site has been optimized for modern browsers. 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Well, there was that one.\nA driver rear ended a Google Car while it was stopped at a red light, according to The New York Times piece that broke the story. While a technician sits behind the wheel, it’s the car’s programming that does most of the driving with only occasional human adjustments, as needed.\nThere are many potential benefits from cars that drive themselves, such as tuning the engine to coast as efficiently possible, increasing the capacity of existing roads and the unassailable fact that machines don’t get tired, they don’t get drunk and they don’t get distracted. But they’re still machines. Even a reliability rate of 99.99 percent means that an accident is bound to happen at some point. And this means that somebody’s gonna get sued.\nWhether it is a Google Car or one of the driverless vehicles currently being developed by scientists at universities and labs around the country, an autonomous vehicle on a crowded street is heading right into a legal minefield. If a driver or pedestrian is injured or killed by a poorly functioning Google Car, who will be at fault?\n“The question becomes, who is the ‘driver’ in a driverless car situation?” says attorney Scott Lovernick.\nLovernick is the San Francisco-based founder of Bicycle Defender, a personal injury law firm that provides aggressive representation for injured bicyclists. Lovernick is registered with the Bar Association of California and New York and has been practicing personal injury law for the past eight years.\n“My understanding is that in Google’s driverless vehicles, there is still a person who can intervene and override the automated system much like in a cruise-control situation,” says Lovernick. “Ultimately, the question becomes what could that person have done to step in to take control? If there the person stepped in, would that have avoided the accident?”\n“The California legislature never contemplated driverless vehicles when drafting the current laws. The California Vehicle specifically refers to “persons” or “drivers” of vehicles. For example, section 21950(a) states: ‘The driver [emphasis of the speaker] of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within any marked crosswalk or within any unmarked crosswalk at an intersection. If you or I were driving a car and violated this section, liability would fall on us.”\nThe Google Car is far not the first driverless vehicle to carry passengers. But its likely to be the first where existing laws must be reinterpreted.\nPod Cars of PRT are driverless cars that carry passengers along a designated track\nFor years, personal rapid transit (PRT), aka podcars, have been operating in a variety of cities and different conditions. Detroit, Miami, Jacksonville, FL and Irving, TX ahave PRT systems and so does West Virginia University. At London’s Heathrow Airport, a PRT system also began to operate recently.\nWhat makes the Google Car different is the expectation that it will be driven in a variety of road conditions, instead of a separated track. But is there any software that can handle all the possible outcomes a real road could present?\n“I think most people can’t compensate for all dangerous situations out there,” says programmer Zed Shaw.\nDuring his graduate research into user interfaces, Shaw says he saw examples of driverless car technology stretching back as far as 2002, possibly earlier. However, the professors with whom he spoke said that no insurance companies would touch the vehicles for fear of being hounded by lawyers.\nBut even drivers with decades behind the wheel still get into collisions. There would be no need for an insurance industry if this weren’t the case.\n“The thing I’d be worried about is the fail safes against network failure, sensor failure and bugs,” says Shaw. “That’s the real danger.”\nWhere do you point the finger when the fail safes fail?\n“I assume — without knowing — that the cars would come with fairly specific instructions about when it is appropriate to use the automatic mode versus manual mode,” says Bill Childs, a professor at the Western New England College School of Law and co-editor of the TortsProf blog. “Obviously, that would make a difference in finding liability. I further expect that the software would be designed to record when the vehicle was operated by a person versus the machine,” says Childs.\n“Certainly the manufacturer could be held liable, just as other product manufacturers are held liable, if they create a defective product.”\nHowever, does one assign ultimate liability in such a situation? Is it the fault of the automaker or the software programmer who puts his product in someone else’s car?\nWhile Google recently got into the business of making its own smartphone, the Nexus One–albeit through a contract with Taiwan’s HTC–manufacturing cars is a big leap and one the software company is unlikely to undertake. Instead, based on its research, Google is likely to be a technology provider, licensing its software tools to OEMS that integrate the product into their vehicles. Could Toyota turn around and sue Google when something bad happens?\n“Absolutely,” says Lovernick. “Under a contribution and/or indemnity claim a defendant can sue other parties for all or part of the amount they are responsible. Accidents involving “driverless cars” will certainly open manufacturers up to an array of products liability suits in ways that they would likely not with a human behind the wheel and in control.\nAnd what if the driver claims he or she was not driving the car when it hit someone?\n“Legally speaking, a court doesn’t prove liability, it’s up to the plaintiff to carry his/her burden of proof,” says Lovernick. “That said, to determine who/what was responsible for an accident, we can only look to the laws as written. As in the vehicle code, we would have to determine who the driver is. The legislature didn’t contemplate driverless vehicles when it wrote these code sections. We would need them provide guidance or have a court interpret the statute to include the car’s operator to include the software.”\nSo before you rush out to put down a deposit on a Google car, make sure you talk to your lawyer. Google already has theirs.\nChikodi Chima is co-editor of AltTransport. Follow him on Twitter @chikodi.\nFollow AltTransport on Twitter @alttransport.\nTags:\nattorney, Bicycle Defender, burden of proof, California legislature, Google, Google Car, heathrow airport, htc, nexus one, personal injury lawyer, personal liability, personal rapid transit, pod cars, prt, Scott Lovernick, smartphone, toyota, toyota prius, traffic accident, Zed Shaw\n« VIDEO Graphic English PSA Illustrates the Dangers of Texting While Driving\nWill We Ever Have HSR?, Toyota’s Sugarcane Interiors, Tesla’s $60 Million Deal »\nRelated Stories\nComments are hidden for your protection. Click here to show them.\nRayHuron2008\nHaving you seen i,Robot? Robots can’t kill people….\nhttp://www.abovethelaw.com/ Elie Mystal\nI always knew one day computer crashes would lead to actual crashes and death.\nGuest\nMeh. We were promised jetpacks. I want my jetpack.\nhttp://www.4chan.org/ Pacific Reporter\nWho’s liable when the MCP sends a Recognizer to kill you?\nhttp://tron.wikia.com/wiki/MCP\nAnonymous\nI think too much is being made of the liability issues, with part of the mistake being the assumption that these driverless cars will be purchased en masse by the general public. Personal automobiles sit idle in parking lots 95% of the time, so why would it make sense to buy a car that can drive itself and let it sit in a parking lot like a regular car?\nTaxis are the obvious market for driverless vehicles since they can share the cost of the vehicle between dozens of people, without the cost of paying for a driver’s salary like a regular cab. If you assume an annual cost of operating one such vehicle at $25,000, with 350 days in operation, taxi companies would only need to make $71 a day to make a profit. Operating 14 hours of day, with four rides per hour, the overhead would only be about $1.25 per ride. Essentially such taxis could provide door to door valet service for the price of public transit.\nI highly doubt that any driverless taxis will be allowed in any major city before the laws on the books are thoroughly revised to dictate who is liable for what (and that day won’t happen before the public gets more comfortable with the technology). I assume that liability of any accidents caused by driverless vehicles will fall to either the taxi company or the manufacturer…and that the insurance companies or judges will decide who is to blame, depending on the circumstances. I think a good analogy might be elevators. Accidents are few and far between, and judges determine whether the manufacterer or those charged with operating/maintaining them are at fault.\nAnonymous\nI should also mention that some people (Randy O’Toole of the CATO Institute) are looking at driverless taxis as a reason for cities NOT to invest in public transportation systems (particularly rail), as they believe driverless taxis will make them obsolete.\nWhy it is understandable to see how this could be, I think the rationale displays a lack of understanding of how transportation works. The problem with driverless taxis replacing public transportation is peak hour traffic flows. If traffic flows were balanced throughout the day driverless taxis could efficiently handle everyone, but in reality there are peak hour flows in the morning and afternoon that would require 3-5 times as many driverless taxis than an average flow rate.\nWhat is more likely to happen is that during peak traffic hours driverless taxi companies will charge much higher rates (due to higher demand) and the majority of commuters will take public transit. Then during non-peak hours most people will take the driverless taxis.\nOuroborus\nGiven that machines are more predictable than humans and accidents are primarily a result of unpredictability, in a car accident between a machine driver and a human driver, the human is most likely to be at fault.\nI foresee a day when owning an automated car means a lower (or no) insurance premium and driving manually is a privilege reserved for those with sufficient disposable income.\nblog comments powered by Disqus\nSign up to get AltTransport in your inbox.\nEmail Address\nMore subscription options …\n Twitter\nRSS\nThe AltTransport Community\nAltTransport is dedicated to giving you the latest news and the smartest analysis of the shift towards smarter and more efficient modes of transportation. We can’t do that without a community—and that means we need your help.\nAre you a carbon-conscious commuter who has a smart or interesting way of getting to work every day and would like to be featured? 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Harder to notice was that the person at the wheel was not actually driving.\n Smarter Than You Think\nArticles in this series are examining the recent advances in artificial intelligence and robotics and their potential impact on society.\nPrevious Articles in the Series »\nMultimedia\nGraphic\nAutonomous Driving\nRelated\nSmarter Than You Think: Guided by Computers and Sensors, a Smooth Ride at 60 Miles Per Hour\n(October 10, 2010)\nRSS Feed\nGet Science News From The New York Times »\nEnlarge This Image\nRamin Rahimian for The New York Times\nA self-driving car developed and outfitted by Google, with device on roof, cruising along recently on Highway 101 in Mountain View, Calif.\nThe car is a project of Google, which has been working in secret but in plain view on vehicles that can drive themselves, using artificial-intelligence software that can sense anything near the car and mimic the decisions made by a human driver.\nWith someone behind the wheel to take control if something goes awry and a technician in the passenger seat to monitor the navigation system, seven test cars have driven 1,000 miles without human intervention and more than 140,000 miles with only occasional human control. One even drove itself down Lombard Street in San Francisco, one of the steepest and curviest streets in the nation. The only accident, engineers said, was when one Google car was rear-ended while stopped at a traffic light.\nAutonomous cars are years from mass production, but technologists who have long dreamed of them believe that they can transform society as profoundly as the Internet has.\nRobot drivers react faster than humans, have 360-degree perception and do not get distracted, sleepy or intoxicated, the engineers argue. They speak in terms of lives saved and injuries avoided — more than 37,000 people died in car accidents in the United States in 2008. The engineers say the technology could double the capacity of roads by allowing cars to drive more safely while closer together. Because the robot cars would eventually be less likely to crash, they could be built lighter, reducing fuel consumption. But of course, to be truly safer, the cars must be far more reliable than, say, today’s personal computers, which crash on occasion and are frequently infected.\nThe Google research program using artificial intelligence to revolutionize the automobile is proof that the company’s ambitions reach beyond the search engine business. The program is also a departure from the mainstream of innovation in Silicon Valley, which has veered toward social networks and Hollywood-style digital media.\nDuring a half-hour drive beginning on Google’s campus 35 miles south of San Francisco last Wednesday, a Prius equipped with a variety of sensors and following a route programmed into the GPS navigation system nimbly accelerated in the entrance lane and merged into fast-moving traffic on Highway 101, the freeway through Silicon Valley.\nIt drove at the speed limit, which it knew because the limit for every road is included in its database, and left the freeway several exits later. The device atop the car produced a detailed map of the environment.\nThe car then drove in city traffic through Mountain View, stopping for lights and stop signs, as well as making announcements like “approaching a crosswalk” (to warn the human at the wheel) or “turn ahead” in a pleasant female voice. This same pleasant voice would, engineers said, alert the driver if a master control system detected anything amiss with the various sensors.\nThe car can be programmed for different driving personalities — from cautious, in which it is more likely to yield to another car, to aggressive, where it is more likely to go first.\nChristopher Urmson, a Carnegie Mellon University robotics scientist, was behind the wheel but not using it. To gain control of the car he has to do one of three things: hit a red button near his right hand, touch the brake or turn the steering wheel. He did so twice, once when a bicyclist ran a red light and again when a car in front stopped and began to back into a parking space. But the car seemed likely to have prevented an accident itself.\nWhen he returned to automated “cruise” mode, the car gave a little “whir” meant to evoke going into warp drive on “Star Trek,” and Dr. Urmson was able to rest his hands by his sides or gesticulate when talking to a passenger in the back seat. He said the cars did attract attention, but people seem to think they are just the next generation of the Street View cars that Google uses to take photographs and collect data for its maps.\nThe project is the brainchild of Sebastian Thrun, the 43-year-old director of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, a Google engineer and the co-inventor of the Street View mapping service.\nIn 2005, he led a team of Stanford students and faculty members in designing the Stanley robot car, winning the second Grand Challenge of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, a $2 million Pentagon prize for driving autonomously over 132 miles in the desert.\nBesides the team of 15 engineers working on the current project, Google hired more than a dozen people, each with a spotless driving record, to sit in the driver’s seat, paying $15 an hour or more. Google is using six Priuses and an Audi TT in the project.\nThe Google researchers said the company did not yet have a clear plan to create a business from the experiments. Dr. Thrun is known as a passionate promoter of the potential to use robotic vehicles to make highways safer and lower the nation’s energy costs. It is a commitment shared by Larry Page, Google’s co-founder, according to several people familiar with the project.\n 1\n 2\nNext Page »\nA version of this article appeared in print on October 10, 2010, on page A1 of the New York edition.\ncomments\nSign In to E-Mail\nPrint\nSingle Page\nReprints\nThe Times & the Bay Area - now at 50% off when you subscribe for the convenience of home delivery.\nGet Free E-mail Alerts on These Topics\nGoogle Inc\nArtificial Intelligence\nRobots\nAutomobiles\nMOST POPULAR\nE-Mailed\nBlogged\nSearched\nViewed\nNonfiction: Nabokov Theory on Butterfly Evolution Is Vindicated\nPersonal Health: Long and Short of Calcium and Vitamin D\nFinancial Crisis Was Avoidable, Inquiry Finds\nThe Minimalist: The Minimalist Makes His Exit\nAs Doctors Age, Worries About Their Ability Grow\nU.S. Home Prices Slump Again, Hitting New Lows\nLack of Sex Among Grapes Tangles a Family Vine\nDoes College Make You Smarter?\nThe Long Pull of Noodle Making\nDiner\'s Journal: The Minimalist Chooses 25 of His Favorites\nGo to Complete List »\nDeadly Blast Strikes in Moscow\'s Main Airport\nObama\'s Second State of the Union\nFinancial Meltdown Was \'Avoidable,\' Inquiry Concludes\nEgypt Braces for Anti-Government Protests\nBush White House Broke Elections Law, Report Says\nObama to Propose Extending Partial Freeze on Domestic Spending\nU.S. Embassy Bomber Receives a Life Sentence\nHezbollah-Backed Leader to Form Government in Lebanon\nEgypt, Lebanon and Tunisia Scramble U.S. Policies\nSway of N.R.A. 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