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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
1594 Code Signer Feature Parked Normal Sign a WAR file 10/23/2024 06:42 PM Actions
1585 Direct SQL Defect New Normal Does not work with v2022 02/06/2023 03:41 PM Actions
1582 PdfSignature Plugin Defect New Normal PDF signing error org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1UTCTime incompatible with org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Set 04/13/2022 05:08 PM Actions
1568 COM Plugin Defect New High Error with Java 14 in jacob-1.16-M1-x64.dll 04/18/2020 05:49 PM Actions
1540 Servoy JasperReports Plugin Defect New High OUTPUT_FORMAT.PDF is ignoring formatted text in the report Gabi Boros 11/13/2019 10:14 AM Actions
1493 VelocityReport Plugin Defect Parked High PrintReport Bug 03/09/2023 11:29 PM velocity Actions
1481 Servoy JasperReports Plugin Defect New Normal QR code error showing report in Servoy 01/23/2019 10:40 AM Actions
1479 Google2 Defect New Normal When using the plugin in the smart-client the smart-client's on MacOSX can't start. " Can not connect to server data service" 01/04/2019 03:28 PM Actions
1364 COM Plugin Defect New Normal Executing a function with an integer parameter appears to evaluate to a floating number 08/28/2018 02:26 PM Actions
1357 PDF Pro Plugin Feature New Normal Export PDF as TXT 08/09/2018 05:22 PM Actions
1319 Servoy JasperReports Plugin Defect New Normal Save XML file in Servoy Smart Client not work with JasperReport plugin 04/03/2018 03:37 PM Actions
1314 OAuth Plugin Feature New Normal OAuth 2.0 for Google Apps 03/16/2018 03:53 PM Actions
1313 OAuth Plugin Feature New Normal OAuth 2.0 for Windows Active Directory 03/16/2018 03:52 PM Actions
1291 IT2BE Cryptor Plugin Feature New Normal HMAC MD5 (keyed md5 hash) 01/13/2018 01:08 AM Actions
1286 Web Client Utils Patch New Normal Added missing plugins.WebClientUtils.addGlobalJsReference 12/23/2017 04:39 PM Actions
1284 Web Client Utils Feature New Normal missing plugins.WebClientUtils.addGlobalJsReference 12/22/2017 09:13 AM Actions
1268 JSListPicker module Feature New Normal Support for in-memory found sets as datasource Robert Ivens 04/07/2020 10:22 AM Actions
1261 Alternative CSS for webclient Defect New High Servoy 8 compatibility. 10/26/2017 07:51 PM Actions
1245 Servoy JasperReports Plugin Defect New Normal Overridden i18n values are not reflected in reports 08/04/2017 11:21 AM Actions
1244 Servoy JasperReports Plugin Defect New Normal Style template cannot be found in "directories.jasper.extra" folder 07/26/2017 10:34 AM Actions
1240 VelocityReport Plugin Defect Parked Normal Fonts not rendered in PDF in Servoy 8 server deployment Patrick Talbot 02/28/2019 10:01 PM Actions
1209 DnDFile Bean Defect Parked Normal DndFile bean does not work on Mac in SmartClient with Java 8 Alexander Stefan 10/27/2017 08:28 PM Actions
1206 VelocityReport Plugin Defect Parked Normal Printing in A4 Armin Schöttner 02/28/2019 10:00 PM velocity Actions
1196 Servoy JasperReports Plugin Defect New Normal Error Jasper Report PDF Output 03/08/2017 05:03 PM Actions
1175 Servoy JasperReports Plugin Defect New Normal Servoy Barcode Jasper 6.2.0 01/30/2017 02:48 PM Actions
(1-25/147) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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