



You will find the latest plugin package in the Files section along with a test Solr server instance.


  • Unzip the somewhere on your hard disk.
    Launch the start.bat script (or type "java -jar start.jar" in the command line)
  • Unzip the archive on your hard disk
  • Copy the dndfiles.jar located in /SmartDoc/beans into your $Servoy$/application_server/beans folder (this is used by the sample solution).
  • Copy the smartdoc.jar and smartdoc folder located in /SmartDoc/plugins into your $Servoy/application_server/plugins folder

Note that all jars are signed if you want to try it on a server with Smart client(s) launched from Web Start.

You will need to define a datasource named 'smart_doc' in Servoy prior to importing the SmartDocTest.servoy sample solution.
For your convenience, a smart_doc.sql MySQL dump is also available in the /SmartDoc/ distribution folder.

Import the SmartDocTest.servoy solution in Servoy 5.x

Open the server admin, in the 'Server Plugins' page, locate the SmartDoc properties.
You will need to set:
  • smartDocPlugin.saveToFolder to the location where you want the files to be saved (Servoy must have write access to this folder)
  • smartDocPlugin.solrServerURL: for the test Solr instance you have started, set this URL to 'http://localhost:8983/solr'
  • smartDocPlugin.renamingScheme: you will know more about the renaming scheme in the docs, but for now you can use '{0,number,000000}.{4}'
  • smartDocPlugin.servoyURL: the external URL of your Servoy server, for a developer instance, default will be 'http://localhost:8080/'
  • smartDocPlugin.useSolr: a boolean to indicate whether to attempt inserting the parsed content and data into the Solr server (default to false)
  • smarDocPlugin.storeOnServer: a boolean to indicate whether to store files on the server (default to true)

Once set the plugin server properties, restart Servoy.

Give a try to the sample solution. Each script in there is heavily commented and should give you a good idea of the capabilities of the plugin.

Read about the methods and parameters available.