


Feature #253

wrap #parse in a $plugin.parse to allow passing of parameters

Added by Patrick Ruhsert about 13 years ago. Updated about 13 years ago.

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I have the following situation: I want to print a report on a record that has related data from several different tables. I have managed to create a simple list layout that dynamically creates rows and cells on the dataproviders I provider. The logic is basically this

#foreach($record in $foundset)
#foreach($field in $dataproviders)

in the example above, $dataproviders is a dataset with the names of the dataproviders I want (among other things).

Now back to my report. I would like to pass an array of relation names along with the dataproviders for each relation to my report and iterate over the relations. Then, with #parse I could use ONE list template for the related details, no matter what relation that is. Currently, I don't see how I can do that. If, however, I could pass parameters to the #parse (for example the related foundset and the dataproviders I want), then I would only need two simple HTML files. Now, I think, I need to create a list HTML for every relation I want to include.

Would that be possible?




Updated by Patrick Talbot about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

#parse include files share the same context as the main template.
But each variable that is set at the moment of the #parse include is going to be available to the sub template.

Now what you could do is have an array of objects with relation name + dataproviders.
Say something like:

var relations = [];
relations.push( { related: 'relation_to_whatever', providers: ['field1', 'field2', 'field3'] } );
relations.push( { related: 'relation_to_another', providers: ['another1', 'another2'] } );

Then in the main template iterate on this array of objects, setting a unique object to that relation object:

#foreach($record in $foundset)
    #foreach($relation in $relations)

Inside the sub report, you should then be able use:

#foreach($provider in $relation.providers)
    $!record[$related][$provider] or $!record.get($related).get($provider)

I haven't tested it but this logic should give you the result you're looking for...
If this is not working for you, please feel free to reopen the issue.


Updated by Patrick Ruhsert about 13 years ago

Oh yes! Excellent. Wasn't aware of the fact that the parsing is done with the whole context at hand. Doing my subreport like this and it works like a charm! Thanks for the pointer.

<table cellspacing="0">
#foreach($key in $relation.i18n_keys)
#foreach($relatedRecord in $record[$relation.relation_name])
<tr class="$alternator">
#foreach($relatedField in $relation.dataproviders)

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