Welcome to the Servoy Crystal Reports plugin wiki page.
Here you will find information about the plugin and usage.
Plugin version release notes¶
Crystal Reports Plugin version 1.0.0
Plugin Requirements¶
1. Servoy 7.x or higher
2. Java 1.7 or Higher
3. SAP Crystal Reports (JRC) Java Reporting Component libraries
Download plugin jar file
Place in application_server/plugins/ directory
Download external dependencies
3rd-party libraries need to be downloaded and extracted to /application_server/plugins/crystal_reports folder
Download sample solution
Import sample solution into servoy developer
Download sample report
Take note of the file location of the sample report as you will need to identify it using the directory.crystal.report setting
Example Solution¶
Once you have installed the sample solution and test report you can verify that you have the correct setup.
The test report should be placed in a folder on the development machine or app server machine.
Take note of the location as next, you will need to set the directory.crystal.report property on the server plugins page
i.e. localhost:8080/servoy-admin/plugin-settings
Launch the sample solution in a debug client and click the report button. The sample report should print to PDF and show in the default browser.
Reference Documentation¶