


Servoy JasperReports Plugin v3.1.0 Beta 3 release notes

The 3rd beta for version 3.1.0 of the plugin is available as a single jar file download in the Files section, which should replace the beta 2 jar file in the /application_server/plugins directory of your Servoy installation directory.

This beta contains fixes for the font extension usage issue, addressed both in Smart Client and in Web Client.

In what follows, we are giving details regarding the usage of font extension jars and the plugin.

The users of the Basic and ChartNScript versions of the plugin should do to the following:
- first a font extension jar can be exported using iReport, via the Tools->Options->Fonts.
- secondly the exported font extension jar should be copied in the /plugins/servoy_jasperreports folder.
- thirdly, from your JasperReports Project lib folder (you need v.3.7.1 for the current version of our plugin) copy the spring-beans and spring-core jars into the /plugins/servoy_jasperreports folder; if you do not have the JasperReports project, along with its libs, please refer to and download version 3.7.1.
- fourthly, you need to modify your servoy_jasperreports.jar.jnlp file accordingly to the changes done above; simply add the following lines to the jnlp file:

<jar href="/plugins/servoy_jasperreports/spring-beans-2.5.5.jar" download="lazy"/>
<jar href="/plugins/servoy_jasperreports/spring-core-2.5.5.jar" download="lazy"/>
<jar href="/plugins/servoy_jasperreports/font_extension.jar" download="lazy"/>

The users of the Advanced version of the plugin should pay attention to the following:
- when configuring the plugin, simply uncomment the spring-core and spring-beans entries from the file and then build the plugin
- then, copy the font extension jar file to the /plugins/servoy_jasperreports folder and add a corresponding entry for this in the servoy_jasperreports.jar.jnlp file, as described above.