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Welcome to the Servoy JasperReports Plugin Wiki.
Here you will find useful information about the plugin description and usage.

Feel free to use the links below to navigate to the plugin's wiki pages.

Plugin versions release notes

The release notes for plugin versions 3.1.x and up:

NOTE: For the beta 3 and beta 4 downloadable plugin files we have only included the main engine files. In order to install/use the plugin, we advise the downloading of a former dropin version (recommended: one of the beta 2 dropins) and just replace the servoy_jasperreports jar file of that beta with the latest servoy_jasperreports.jar file (which is beta 4 at the time of this wiki edit).

Plugin, Servoy, iReport Version Guidelines

For compatibility with Servoy 5.2.x, please use Servoy JasperReports plugin version 3.3.x. Plugin version 3.3.x is based on the JaperReports engine version 4.0.0 and so the recommended version of iReport to use is 4.0.0 (to keep the JaspeReports engine version used by iReport in sync with the main JasperReports engine used by the plugin).

Version 4.0.0 of the plugin is compatible with Servoy 6.0.x and up. Plugin version 4.0.0 is based on the 4.6.0 version of the JasperReports engine; the recommended version of iReport to be used is 4.6.0. The 4.0.0 version of the Servoy JasperReports plugin will require at least Java 1.6 (due to JasperReports requirements).

Version 5.0.0 of the plugin is compatible with Servoy 6.x and up and based on the 5.5.1 version of JasperReports (currently).


Written documentation for the plugin.

Project guidlines

Here are a few guidlines for contributing to the plugin:

Other resources

Notes on using other related resources, such as iReports:

Former plugin versions

In order to access former versions of the plugin (mainly versions below 3.1.x), please refer to the former plugin project site (here).

Tips and tricks

  • In case you experience slow report generation when running from Tomcat, take a look in its server.xml configuration file,
    and look for <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener" />. If you have this listener, you
    need to disable its url cache protection, by changing it to <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener" urlCacheProtection="false"/>.
    Be aware that by doing so, you may have problems redeploying your applications, because of jar resource files locks, and may end up needing re-start the server to deploy a new
    version of you application ( To avoid the resource locks you may try to check 'Set antiResourceLocking to true' during war export from Servoy Developer )

Test, use and enjoy!