


Servoy JasperReports Plugin v3.1.0 Beta 4 notes

We are giving a few notes regarding the plugin's version 3.1.0 beta 4 release.

Resource Usage

There are a few changes which make the plugin usage of font extensions and images easier and more effective.

For font extensions, in the case of exporting to popular export formats (except 'view' and 'print') from the plugin, it is needed (as with the previous beta - beta 3 - of the plugin) to have the font extension jar and the indicated spring - beans and core - jar files in the /plugins/servoy_jasperreports directory. But it is no longer needed to modify the JNLP. In the case of exporting (or using) the 'view' or 'print' export formats, the change to the JNLP is needed as indicated in previous release notes for beta 3.

In the case of images being integrated in the report and using the extra directories property of the plugin: when exporting to all formats (except 'view'/'print'), mark the image isLazy property in the jrxml file as true, the image expression value should be just the name of the image and just make sure the resource is available in the extra directory/directories specified. In the case of using images (available in the extra directories) and exporting to 'view'/'print', please use an xml code template as follows:

<imageExpression class="java.awt.Image">

That is the imageExpression class should be of type image and it's value should be obtained by using the plugin code method loadImage. Please note that you do not have to specify the image full path, just it's name.

Also, exporting is always done server-side as of this plugin beta version. This was done in order to make client resource loading from the server (in the foundset based reports scenario) possible without having to modify the jnlp code. It is just needed to have the resources in the right place (font extensions in the /plugins/servoy_jasperreports directory, images in the extra directories specified). This is possible for exporting to all popular formats available with the plugin, except 'view'/'print' usage.

Other fixes and issues

  • sample code improvements * warning about plugin directory not set * minor bugs and fixes


  • issue 35 : Jasper Viewer save contributors