


Servoy JasperReports Plugin v.5.0.0 Alpha2 - Release Notes

We are pleased to announce that a new version of the Servoy JasperReports Plugin, version 5.0.0 alpha 2, is ready and available for download. The current version of the plugin has been upgraded to the a newer version of the JasperReports engine (therefore upgraded since the previous alpha 1). It is based on the 5.6.0 version of the JasperReports engine.
It should be used with JasperSoft Studio 5.6.0.

Please note a change corresponding to the usage of additional configuration properties of reports (as seen here). The new way relies on the usage of configuration properties as defined in the Configuration Reference). The way to use such parameters is as follows:
var params = new Object();
params[""] = "Test Title";
params["EXPORTER_PARAMETER:net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.metadata.title"] = "Test Author";
var r = plugins.jasperPluginRMI.runReport("server_name","someReport.jrxml","output/report/path/someReport.pdf",OUTPUT_FORMAT.PDF,params);

(therefore not using the Exporter deprecated classes attribute names)

Moreover, as has been anticipated in the past months, another important feature of this new version is the long awaited XML/CSV support ( functioanlity of Danny Richardson. It has been now integrated. As of this feature, a new way of working with data-sources has been implemented, along with the default functionality.

Also a new report merging functionality is in. The report merge functionality is currently available only in the Web Client. Refer to the plugin sample documentation for details on this and the XML/CSV feature.

Please note that for the new (XML/CSV) functionality, the ‘xalan’ library is required and has been added in the default library set.

Most importantly, many big “thank you”s to Danny for this feature!

In the end, please note the following library changes (additions):
  • serializer is needed for barcode exporting
  • xalan is now needed for the new csv/xml datasource feature

The corresponding builds are available in the files section.
It is compatible with the latest 4.x version of the viewer bean.

Have fun testing and please provide feedback!
