How to register¶
To register for an account, click on the Register link at the top right of screen.
You will be asked to fill a form with basic information.
All fields are required:- Login: choose the login you want to use to access the site (no spaces or special characters allowed)
- Password: choose a password you want to use (4 characters minimum - this password will be stored in clear text to be able to synchronize with SVN access should you require it later).
- Confirmation: type your password again to confirm
- First Name, Last Name: confirm your identity
- Email: a valid email address. You will have the option of not displaying it in your My account page
- Language: choose the language for the administration menus and functions
Upon submittal, an email will be send to the ServoyForge administrators who will manually validate your account.
We have administrators in the European and North American timezones so please be patient if it is the middle of the night for us! ;-)
You will automatically receive a confirmation email as soon as your account is operational.
From then on, you will be able to submit issues, manage your own My page with your 'watched' items, and post on the forums in all the public projects.
Every project with a SVN repository is accessible to all in read-only mode.
Check the URL to use in the Repository page of the project you are interested in: it usually is svn://{project_name}
- Reporter: this level can have issues associate to it, it can report feedback to the issues, attach patch to issues, edit the wiki pages, comment on news and in the forums amongst other things.
- Contributor: this level has write access to the SVN repository and has the right to close/resolve issues, create wiki pages and news, etc.
If you want to create you own project (i.e. be a Project Leader and manage your own team), you can do so too.
See the How to create a project page.
For any help on the various options of the site and how to use them click on the Help link on top of the screen, this will lead you to the Redmine Help page - ServoyForge is build on the Redmine Open Source platform.