Jeff Bader
- Email:
- Registered on: 06/24/2010
- Last connection: 12/12/2012
- Velocity Services (Reporter, 11/28/2012)
- Redis plugin (Contributor, 10/03/2014)
- Servoy-Stuff Tutorials (Reporter, 06/28/2010)
- VelocityReport Plugin (Reporter, 06/24/2010)
- SmartDoc Plugin (Reporter, 06/26/2010)
- 10:06 PM VelocityReport Plugin Defect #606 (Closed): Unstored calculations don't resolve with $record.get()
- It appears that unstored calculations might not be accessible by $record.get.
In developer, if a client is not sta...
- 10:39 PM VelocityReport Plugin Feature #558 (Closed): DefaultNumberFormat and DefaultDateFormat
- Access to i18n's locale-aware getters for default number and date formats would be nice for use by $number and $date ...
- 09:33 PM Servoy JasperReports Plugin Feature #232: Support for Monitoring Fill and Export Progress
- Further work is necessary on this (quite a lot actually), and an updated patch will be created shortly (I hope), howe...
- 02:25 PM Servoy JasperReports Plugin Feature #232 (Feedback): Support for Monitoring Fill and Export Progress
- 02:25 PM Servoy JasperReports Plugin Feature #232 (Closed): Support for Monitoring Fill and Export Progress
- With the included patch, the JasperReports plugin may now monitor the progress of both (or either) the filling and ex...
- 06:20 PM Servoy JasperReports Plugin Defect #177: Jasper viewer fails in webclient
- Unfortunately the Jasper plugin's pushing of files via webclient doesn't work as well as the file plugin does (they s...
- 06:10 PM Servoy Treeview Bean Defect #206 (Resolved): Anchoring in WC
- Please see:
This component suffers f...
- 08:19 PM DnDFile Bean Defect #170 (New): onDrop action not called
- If the drop target bean is shown in a tabpanel or split pane, the onDrop action will not fire.
Plugin uses IClient...
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