

Marc Boegem

  • Email:
  • Registered on: 07/05/2010
  • Last connection: 06/18/2024





08:23 PM VelocityReport Plugin Feature #1592 (Closed): Conflicting itext.jar and openpdf.jar (fork of itext) in Servoy 2024.3.x and above
Not really a feature request, but neither a defect or patch:
In v2024.3.0, Servoy ships openpdf.jar which is a for...
Marc Boegem


01:15 PM OpenAPI plugin Defect #1590 (Resolved): Servoy Jackson libs
In recent versions of Servoy (at least 2023.3 and higher), Servoy ships a default set of Jackson libs (plugins/Jackso... Marc Boegem


04:45 PM DnDOutlook Bean Feature #784 (Resolved): support for DnD *.eml files
In the meantime, you've added the possibility to save the msg file, which makes this request obsolete. Marc Boegem
04:38 PM VelocityReport Plugin Defect #856 (Resolved): href="javascript:xxxxx()" function call is triggered twice
We're viewing a report on a jPanel component.
Certain links need to trigger a function on the form where this jPanel...
Marc Boegem


09:25 AM Servoy JasperReports Plugin Defect #783: docx output not working
Added 2 screenshots which clarifies things (I hope) Marc Boegem


04:26 PM VelocityReport Plugin Defect #823: Velocity plugin causing other Servoy clients in same thread to receive wrong datatypes
This doesn't seem completely solved.
Results are way better, but datatypes seem to be altered after PUT requests to t...
Marc Boegem


09:48 PM VelocityReport Plugin Defect #823 (Closed): Velocity plugin causing other Servoy clients in same thread to receive wrong datatypes
As reported previously, the velocity plugin is still causing other Servoy clients in the same Java thread to receive ... Marc Boegem


01:24 PM Servoy Treeview Bean Defect #788: Error on initialization on MacOSX/Java 7 when running from server
This is not only on server, but also in developer.
Point here is that it just doesn't work in Java 7.
Since devel...
Marc Boegem


03:26 PM Code Signer Defect #803 (Closed): tsa url is offline, causing code signer application to crash when trying to sign with timestamping enabled
Currently the tsa url is offline, causing code signer application to crash when trying to sign with timestamping enab... Marc Boegem


01:35 AM Code Signer Defect #786 (Closed): Signing on Mac doesn't apply manifest properties
When using the Code Signer on Mac, it will sign the jars with the certificate but it doesn't apply manifest propertie... Marc Boegem

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